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Notarization is the process of scanning Developer ID-signed software for malicious components before distribution outside of the Mac App Store.

Notarization Documentation






Irrelevant Notarization Error: "Team is not yet configured for notarization"
I've been getting a notarization error for about a month and it's not resolved. (Case ID: 102252824962) The error message I received is as I wrote in the title: "Team is not yet configured for notarization". when I contact the support team by phone, they say that this error message is not correct and that there is no problem with my individual account. When i contacted the support team by phone, their only answer is that "Your case has been escalated to the engineers, and they’re working on it." By the way, the support team never even responds to my email support requests. The application I wrote is very very small and simple, I don't understand why it is taking so long to be analyzed and why the support team can't give any explanation?
Apr ’24
Mac App Notarization processing In Progress for over 16 hours?
I started the notarization process last night with the following command xcrun notarytool submit --wait --keychain-profile "Developer ID Application: ..." --verbose Open\ When I check its status, it still shows as it's in progress over 16 hours later xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile "Developer ID Application: ..." Successfully received submission history. history -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-04-09T03:49:07.620Z id: 8fcf8111-c18c-4941-acb6-f447d86735a2 name: Open status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2024-04-09T03:23:58.816Z id: 93461030-f230-4225-b9f2-5d9472904858 name: Open status: In Progress Does anyone know what might be going wrong? My .zip file is available here: Thanks!
Apr ’24
DMG is stapled & notarized yet user cannot open in Finder
Hey all. I "Archived" my XCode application, notarized through XCode, exported the .app and used a program create-dmg to generate a DMG for me. I then notarized this using the xcrun notarytool submit Lyric\ Fever\ 1.7.dmg --keychain-profile "notarytoolProfile" command as well as xcrun stapler staple Lyric\ Fever\ 1.7.dmg, both of which passed. Running syspolicy_check distribution also passes. So does xcrun stapler validate. This dmg still fails when testing using spctl. spctl -a -t open -vvv --context context:primary-signature Lyric\ Fever\ 1.7.dmg generates the following error: Lyric Fever 1.7.dmg: rejected origin=Apple Development: Avi Wadhwa (#######) Furthermore, I uploaded this dmg to github and redownloaded it. This newly downloaded dmg does not open in finder, prompting the "unidentifier developer, malware" message. Yet xcrun stapler validate passes, and so does syspolicy_check distribution. I know as per Eskimo's previous posts that this is not the ideal way to test notarization (and setting a macOS vm is the best method), but if I cannot download my own dmg from GitHub then something is clearly wrong.
Apr ’24
Notarization seems to succeed but installer has issues
It seems like something changed in the notarization in the last few days. I'm running the same build script that creates and notarize a DMG that contains a PKG with 4 plugins. Everything is signed correctly. No error anywhere in the notarization process. Checking the status of the notarization, I get this: Status: success Status Code: 0 Status Message: Package Approved Stapling returns this: The staple and validate action worked! Yet, if I check the PKG inside with this command: spctl -a -vvv -t install I get this output: .pkg: rejected source=Unnotarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Installer: My Company This project was perfectly working a few weeks ago, and we have not changed a thing. Checking the notarization log, the only issue I see is this: "issues": [ { "severity": "warning", "code": null, "path": "Archive.dmg/Installer.pkg", "message": "This archive is corrupt, and cannot be unpacked for analysis.", "docUrl": null, "architecture": null } ] But this warning is also present in past DMG/PKG thatare notarized and work as they should. Another difference from previous logs is that I can only see one item in ticketContents, which is the DMG, while previously I could see two, both the DMG and the PKG.
Jan ’22
Generic Xcode Archive issue
I'm trying to notarize an Objective-C app I've written in Xcode 15. However, when I archive the app, it is listed as a "Generic Xcode Archive" instead of an "app archive", so it can't be validated/distributed. I've tried following all the steps in this article: My skip_install is set to NO. My app's dependencies don't show up under "Targets" so I couldn't check the skip_install setting for them. My linked libraries don't use a headers build phase. My install_path is set to $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR). Why am I not getting an "app archive"?
Apr ’24
What files all need to be codesign'ed?
I have recently upgraded to macOS 14 and Xcode 15. I gather codesign --deep no longer works. Do I have to explicitly codesign every file in my .app? There are several hundreds of them. Also, I am able to successfully codesign my executable (, but when I upload for Notarization, it fails with "The signature of the binary is invalid.", identifying the executable specifically. This used to work fine. Why is it failing now?
Apr ’24
xcrun notarytool history returns status 500 internal error
The notarytool service seems to be down, but "Developer ID Notarization Service" is green in the system-status. If I try to submit a DMG for notorization or even just try to get the history it gives this response: Error: internalError(statusCode: Optional(500), strData: nil, jsonData: Optional(["errors": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x60000331d020>( { code = "UNEXPECTED_ERROR"; detail = "<null>"; id = 7S3TTC4N54UMTGOEMVREFQPSNE; links = "<null>"; status = 500; title = "Uncaught server exception"; } ) , "statusCode": 500])) Please try again at a later time. Everything worked a couple weeks ago
Apr ’24
Notarizing loadable bundles
We have developed an application in which we have a main application and there are several loadable bundles which are loaded from within the main application. We archive the main application and generate the .app file. When we run the app, everything works fine and it loads the bundles. But when notarise the main application, it stops loading the bundles. We think we will need to notarise the bundles as well but not able to find the ways to do it. Any help will be very appreciated.
Mar ’24
Do I have to have Two Factor authentication on my Apple Dev account to install my .DMG? I'm getting error #1000
I am bundling my app in a .dmg that I made. I signed it, notarized it and stapled it. When I install it on a friends Mac, I get the error message," This error may occur if something went wrong when authenticating using Sign in with Apple Error Code 1000 for Sign in with Apple refers to an unknown error that occurred authenticating your Apple ID. Please make sure that you have Two-Factor authentication enabled for your Apple ID. Is this because his Apple ID has not got two factor enabled, or because my Dev account does not? I read somewhere that two factor must be enabled for latest versions of Macs, but again, is this my Apple Dev ID, or their's?
Mar ’24
Notarization via Notarytool is stuck "In Progress"
I seems like a pretty common issue but i'll make a post about it specifically for what i'm seeing. Its my first time notarizing an app so maybe its something in my config, but i'm not seeing any errors. For simplicity I cloned, built and signed the sample Electron Forge app following the steps on "Getting Started". The build zip is 90MB so its not that large. My production application will be DMG, but even that is stuck (Maybe because the zips before it are currently stuck) Trying to manually notarize via notarytool just hangs. I used xcrun notarytool submit <Package> --keychain-profile "NotaryProfile" --wait Running xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile "NotaryProfile" outputs the following. createdDate: 2023-09-06T14:49:59.810Z id: 838c0903-d136-4241-be98-174152a7e3cf name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2023-09-06T14:31:08.880Z id: 1ce6ef46-8b09-4b20-9f61-81292b2dcbb9 name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2023-09-06T14:10:23.726Z id: 71bc9206-036e-46c7-aadf-6bfaa4097743 name: status: In Progress -------------------------------------------------- createdDate: 2023-09-06T13:54:35.527Z id: 7c7fd365-1f08-48c6-a314-3a1809019f9c name: status: In Progress Its been about 7 hours since my first attempt. I tried to pull logs by calling xcrun notarytool log --keychain-profile "NotaryProfile" aa6e9df3-ef62-4058-8bcc-683f015b412a but it seems like non exist yet. Submission log is not yet available or submissionId does not exist id: aa6e9df3-ef62-4058-8bcc-683f015b412a Not sure whats going on, but its pretty far off from the time estimate of 5 - 45 minutes. Any help is appreciated. NotaryTool version is 1.0.0 (28)
Sep ’23
Notarisation Resources
IMPORTANT altool is deprecated for the purposes of notarisation and will stop working on 1 Nov 2023 [1]. If you’re currently notarising with altool, switch to notarytool now. For specific advice on how to do this, see TN3147 Migrating to the latest notarization tool. General: DevForums tag: Notarization WWDC 2018 Session 702 Your Apps and the Future of macOS Security WWDC 2019 Session 703 All About Notarization WWDC 2021 Session 10261 Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps WWDC 2022 Session 10109 What’s new in notarization for Mac apps — Amongst other things, this introduced the Notary REST API Notarizing macOS Software Before Distribution documentation Customizing the Notarization Workflow documentation Resolving Common Notarization Issues documentation Notary REST API documentation TN3147 Migrating to the latest notarization tool technote Fetching the Notary Log DevForums post Q&A with the Mac notary service team Developer > News post Notarisation and the macOS 10.9 SDK DevForums post Testing a Notarised Product DevForums post Notarisation Fundamentals DevForums post The Pros and Cons of Stapling DevForums post Many notarisation issues are actually code signing or trusted execution issue. For more on those topics, see Code Signing Resources and Trusted Execution Resources. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" [1] See Apple notary service update.
Jun ’22
Notarization Timing Out
I'm trying to notarize an Objective-C app I've written in Xcode 15. I've mostly been following this guide: I got the Developer ID Application and Developer ID Installer certificates from Apple developer. I made sure hardened runtime was on in Xcode and chose Developer ID Application under the signing settings before archiving and exporting. After setting up my notarytool profile, I used "xcrun notarytool submit" to submit for notarization. This first attempt went over 24 hours and still said "In Progress" so I cancelled it. For my second attempt I built an installer pkg for my app signed with my Developer ID Installer certificate. I submitted this for notarization with "xcrun notarytool submit" and after over 24 hours of "in progress' it returned "the request timed out". What am I doing wrong in the sign/notarize process?
Mar ’24
Notary Submission rejected without reason
I tried to submit my app via the Notary Service with this command: xcrun notarytool submit "${DMG_DIR}/${DMG_NAME}" --key "${APP_STORE_API_KEY}" --key-id "${KEY}" --issuer "${ISSUER}" --verbose and I called the API to get the status of the submission, and it said it was rejected without any meta data. I did codesign the app with this command: codesign --force --timestamp --deep --sign "Developer ID Application: MY_NAME" "${DMG_DIR}/${DMG_NAME}" Verify it with this command: codesign -vvv --deep --strict "${DMG_DIR}/${DMG_NAME}" The verification response: /Users/runner/work/1/a/cli/osx-x64/{DMGFILE}.dmg: valid on disk /Users/runner/work/1/a/cli/osx-x64/{DMGFILE}.dmg: satisfies its Designated Requirement Verify the timestamp with this command and response: Executable=/Users/runner/work/1/a/cli/osx-x64/{DMGFILE}.dmg Identifier={IDENTIFIER} Format=disk image CodeDirectory v=20200 size=297 flags=0x0(none) hashes=1+6 location=embedded Signature size=8975 Authority=Developer ID Application: MY_NAME Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=Feb 14, 2024 at 7:40:35 PM Info.plist=not bound TeamIdentifier=TEAM_ID Sealed Resources=none Internal requirements count=1 size=172 I wonder if I missed any steps. Thank you for the help.
Feb ’24
Gatekeeper blocks my app for some minutes after download
I am working on an open source app. I have been testing the package installer, and something unexpected is happening: the .pkg won't run on my test machine and will instead show a banner saying " can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software"; nevertheless, if I wait some minutes, the installer will run just fine! After reading through many of ekimo's posts, I assumed it may have something to do with stapler. I was not stapling my .dmg originally, so that's something I may be missing (my app is installed by a .pkg inside a .dmg). Nevertheless, the computer where I am testing the app has internet connection, meaning stapler should not even come into play. Regardless, I decided to staple my .dmg. Running xcrun stapler staple -v myApp.dmg after notarizing produces this result: builder ~ % xcrun stapler staple -v /Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg Processing: /Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg Properties are { NSURLIsDirectoryKey = 0; NSURLIsPackageKey = 0; NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = 0; NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey = "Disk Image"; NSURLTypeIdentifierKey = ""; "_NSURLIsApplicationKey" = 0; } Creating synthetic cdHash for unsigned disk image, myApp.dmg. Humanity must endure. Signing information is { cdhashes = ( {length = 20, bytes = 0xdd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c} ); "cdhashes-full" = { 2 = {length = 32, bytes = 0xdd018313 b1c574a4 03f01dcc c96c2170 ... 918d33f3 d5a74dc3 }; }; cms = {length = 0, bytes = 0x}; "digest-algorithm" = 2; "digest-algorithms" = ( 2 ); flags = 2; format = "disk image"; identifier = ADHOC; "main-executable" = "file:///Users/builder/Data/HEAD/installation/Packages/myApp.dmg"; source = "explicit detached"; unique = {length = 20, bytes = 0xdd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c}; } Stored Codesign length: 12 number of blobs: 0 Total Length: 12 Found blobs: 0 JSON Data is { records = ( { recordName = "2/2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c"; } ); } Headers: { "Content-Type" = "application/json"; } Domain is Response is <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600003b85ba0> { URL: } { Status Code: 200, Headers { Connection = ( "keep-alive" ); "Content-Encoding" = ( gzip ); "Content-Type" = ( "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ); Date = ( "Mon, 26 Feb 2024 15:34:15 GMT" ); Server = ( "AppleHttpServer/78689afb4479" ); "Strict-Transport-Security" = ( "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;" ); "Transfer-Encoding" = ( Identity ); Via = ( ",631194250daa17e24277dea86cf30319:59e17ac665e1de7388b8f4e69e92e383:defra2" ); "X-Apple-CloudKit-Version" = ( "1.0" ); "X-Apple-Edge-Response-Time" = ( 99 ); "X-Apple-Request-UUID" = ( "9fc0fe2d-49fd-4e74-b718-660c56edb3bb" ); "X-Responding-Instance" = ( "ckdatabasews:16306401:st42p63ic-ztfb05112901:8807:2409B432:afc827b7b1ebf24829e9c4856d4b69205f23804f" ); "access-control-expose-headers" = ( "X-Apple-Request-UUID,X-Responding-Instance,Via" ); "x-apple-user-partition" = ( 63 ); } } Size of data is 165 JSON Response is: { records = ( { reason = "Record not found"; recordName = "2/2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c"; serverErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND"; } ); } CloudKit query for myApp.dmg (2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/dd018313b1c574a403f01dccc96c21705987d76c The staple and validate action failed! Error 65 What does this show? Thank you.
Feb ’24
Verifiably signed app becomes unsigned once downloaded from Steam
Hello! I'm dealing with a strange code signing issue which is preventing me from distributing a game through Steam. I'm able to sign and notarise the app in Xcode without any issues. I can verify that the app and all frameworks in /Contents/Frameworks/ are signed, and Gatekeeper allows the app to run without complaining. $ spctl --assess -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: Ruairi Dorrity (3F97UA4BF8) $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --prepared:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ --validated:/Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement However, if I zip the app and upload it to Steam, the app that the Steam client downloads is blocked by Gatekeeper ("damaged and can't be opened") and re-running the above commands shows that the code signing seal has been broken somehow on the downloaded app: $ spctl --assess -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ cannot find code object on disk $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all In subcomponent: /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ The second command can be re-run, showing a seemingly random framework from /Contents/Frameworks/ each time e.g. $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all In subcomponent: /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ Further investigation shows that these frameworks are now unsigned, when they were signed before uploading and downloading: $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ code object is not signed at all ... $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement $ codesign --verify -vvv ~/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ valid on disk /Users/ruairi/Temp/CodeSigningTest/ satisfies its Designated Requirement I'm stumped as to what's happening here. Is is possible that the app is being modified being the scenes by Steam, which breaks the code signing? This seems unfathomable because it would surely break code signing on every Mac game on Steam, but I really can't understand what else would be going on. I'm sure I need to expand my knowledge on code signing; any pointers, suggestions or assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Feb ’24
Mac App Launch error after Mac codesign with --options runtime
hi, team, we used the py2app to build the mac app, the app works well before the codesign. But when I codesign it with the --options runtime the app can't startup. with the below error: /petoi-mac-app/Petoi\ Desktop\\ Desktop\ App ; exit; Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Petoi Desktop", line 147, in <module> _setup_ctypes() File "/petoi-mac-app/Petoi Desktop", line 140, in _setup_ctypes from ctypes.macholib import dyld File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 551, in <module> File "ctypes/__init__.pyc", line 273, in _reset_cache MemoryError 2024-02-21 19:57:09.168 Petoi Desktop App[93968:1375266] Launch error 2024-02-21 19:57:09.168 Petoi Desktop App[93968:1375266] Launch error See the py2app website for debugging launch issues But if I removed the --options runtime I got the Notarizing Error below. { "severity": "error", "code": null, "path": "PetoiDesktopInstaller.pkg/PetoiDesktopInstaller.pkg Contents/Payload/Applications/Petoi Desktop Desktop App", "message": "The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled.", "docUrl": "", "architecture": "x86_64" } I am looking forward to your insightful reply.
Feb ’24
Error "Launch failed." after code signing with entitlements
Hello, I'm running into an issue when code signing my .app file on macOS. After introducing the --entitlements flag, I'm encountering an error that prevents the app from launching: Error Messages: App UI: "Cannot open the file" Terminal (using open The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x60000216d620 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=153 "Unknown error: 153" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed}}} Troubleshooting Details: Without code signing, the app launches and permission pop-ups function correctly (the file tauri generates). With code signing (but without --entitlements), the app launches but there are no permission pop-ups. All scenarios (without signing, with signing, with signing + --entitlements) all have Info.plist in the /Contents of the .app file Notarizing and stapling works fine when I do not include the --entitlements flag when signing. Code for signing with entitlements: codesign --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: ()" --options=runtime --entitlements ./src-tauri/Info.plist "${APP_FILE}" Specifications MacBook Air, M2, 16GB macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 Xcode 15.2 (Build version 15C500b)
Feb ’24
Notarytool webhook validation
In the developer documentation Customizing the notarization workflow it states that the notarytool supports a --webhook flag. When the notarization is complete the Apple notarization server will send the following webhook payload to the webserver that I configured. { "payload": "{\"completed_time\":\"2024-02-13T17:24:37.911Z\",\"event\":\"processing-complete\",\"start_time\":\"2024-02-13T17:24:02.743Z\",\"submission_id\":\"<submission-id>\",\"team_id\":\"<team-id>\"}", "signature": "<signature>", "cert_chain": "<base64-certchain>" } My question is how can I validate that this Webhook is coming from Apple? In that same developer documentation it states the various IP addresses that the stapler requires access too but those are not the same addresses that the notarytool webhook results are coming from. Presumably I should be able to use the signature to validate that the request is coming from Apple, however I have been unable to find any documentation about this webhook flag at all beyond the documentation stating that it exists.
Feb ’24