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"Authentication service is unavailable."
Urgent Assistance Needed: Issue Logging into Apple Developer Enterprise Account via Visual Studio 2022 - "Authentication service is unavailable." Dear Apple Support Team, I am encountering an issue while attempting to log into my Apple Developer Enterprise account through Visual Studio 2022. The process consistently fails with the error message: "Authentication service is unavailable." Here are the steps I followed: Open Visual Studio 2022. Navigate to Tools -> Options -> Apple Developer Account -> Add Account -> Select Enterprise Account. Attempt to log in using my Apple Developer ID and password. Despite multiple attempts, I continue to face the error: "Authentication service is unavailable." This issue occurs on both Windows and Mac environments, with the same results. However, I am able to log into my Apple Developer account via the browser, and the Apple service status portal shows no outages. As this issue is impacting our ability to deliver to our customers, I kindly request your prompt assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to your quick response. Best regards, KanTime Dev Team Windows Machine Mac Machine
Oct ’24
This is a testing thread to try attaching crash report that was unable to be attached few days earlier when I tried to create a new thread. This test is requested by Apple DTS to help isolating the issue. For more context: Crash report: crash-log-iOS-17.crash
Mar ’24
Tips on writing forums posts
Thanks so much for contributing to Apple Developer Forums. We'd love to help you get an answer, but we need a little bit more information from you first. Here's some tips on what to add to your post in order to help us help you. Provide context to your post Did you provide enough context of when and how this issue is occurring? Things like platform and Xcode version and language can go a long way. Posting items like the version can also help you to remember to test on the latest software. If it's a bug that you're noticing, it may have been fixed in a recent update. Avoid stating that you're using the "current version" since these change quickly. Example to improve on: Current iOS, Swift Better example: iOS 17.5, Swift (UIKit) Best example: iOS 12 - iOS 17.5, Swift (UIKit), Xcode 15.4 Specific questions to answer: What platform are you targeting? And what version of that platform? What version of Xcode are you using? What version of the OS are you testing on? Add test code Check that it's as easy as possible for someone to reproduce your issue. If you've asked a question along the lines of: "Why isn't ##INSERT_ACTION_HERE## working?", test code can go a long way. If you're posting a link to a project, be sure that it's a newly created project created from one of Xcode's templates that's stripped down to the bare minimum amount of code and files needed to reproduce the issue. Remove any third-party dependencies to focus your project completely on Apple's APIs. See Creating a Test Project for more details. If you're posting a code snippet, make sure you've posted enough context so that someone helping you can copy the code into their own project without having to read between the lines on the rest of your project. Also, make use of the Code Block button, which inserts triple backquote delimiters, for code snippets or logs. Example of code block formatting. Give a thorough description Don't forget to add a detailed description to your post. If you only posted code, or have a minimal description, please add some details to describe your issue and, if applicable, steps needed to reproduce it and what you've tried. Specific questions to answer: What specific API are you using? What are the exact steps you took? If nothing failed, what results did you see? And what were you expecting? If you filed a bug, what was the bug number? What else have you tried? Describe any errors If you're seeing an error message, post the exact wording or a screenshot. If it results in a crash, attach the crash logs to your post. Specific questions to answer: If something failed, what are the symptoms of that failure? If an API returned an error, what was that error? Re-read the post Come back to your post as if you'd never seen it before. Pretend you're going to answer it and think about what it may be missing, even if it wasn't mentioned in the above list. Any of this information, the more the better, is helpful to someone reading your post for the first time. A detailed description goes a long way in getting more detailed answers. These tips should result in some more helpful answers from us and the developer community! Revision History 2024-05-29 Initial version.
May ’24
Upvoting own post dilemma.
Users can upvote their own posts, yet they don't by default upon posting them. Reddit, for comparison, continues to allow users to remove their own-post upvotes, but upvotes them for the user by default. Other forums like Stack Overflow disallow own-post upvoting. This forum has the worst of both worlds, for users can gain an algorithmic advantage by upvoting their own. It might seem like a minor issue, because it is. But it's an issue in my eyes regardless.
Jul ’23
"Sensitive language" errors
I'm trying to ask a (presumably) straight-forward question regarding some of the new features that were announced at WWDC. However, the website won't let me post, claiming my question "contains sensitive language", and asks me to revise it. Is it ok to ask questions about new features announced at WWDC or is this off limits? Is anybody else experiencing something like this? I'm confused about what could be wrong with my message.
Jun ’24
A new message 'Answered by forumsContributor in' with a link to nowhere
I see this message for the first time: It is inserted in the OP ( but the link leads to nowhere (just the general page of the forum). In … what ?!? So I wonder what is the meaning of the message, its intent and use ? Or is it just a forum bug ? PS: surprisingly, this post appears in Forums general page (, but not in forums feedback ( PS2: it appears, but after all the pinned messages which are older. Really confusing… I posted a bug report on this: Jun 23, 2024 at 9:29 PM – FB14024970
Jun ’24
unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Developer" XXXX
I have recently been added as an apple developer in an organization by our main developer. On my mac, within keychain access, I have two certificates, one under my name and one under the company name. Both are not trusted. I am not sure what steps I need to perform to get those certificates to be trusted. I suspect that maybe my account does not have the privileges required regarding generating trusted certificates despite me being a developer in the organization. I get the error mentioned in the title when trying to deploy my app on a real device for testing which I am convinced is tied to the fact that my certificates on my target machine are not trusted. All the solutions that I have read online have failed me and its quite impossible for me to proceed forward at this point without any assistance.
Jul ’24
Irrelevant automatically generated answers on the forum
I've recently seen answers to posts that are apparently automatically generated but signed as App Store Connect Engineer. In several cases the answer is misinterpreting the OP. Here is an example: The OP was really a developer question. Not related to a consumer feature. Is it really an automatic answer (which would be a bad trend for the forums IMHO)?
Jun ’24
Privacy Solution for Apps in iOS (Please Read)
Hear me out, developers at Apple! You've done an amazing job with privacy so far. The introduction of ContactAccess and the Contact Access Button this year is truly an amazing work of art. Well done. However, all the way back to the first iPhone I got in 2007, I wished Apple would make API's available to access the users installed apps (in a privacy way). This would (further) open up apps in the category of App Managers and App Launchers. Back in the early days the trick was to use deep link, but that was also awkward, since you needed to know the deeplink upfront and the apps needed to support it. Not ideal. It also had a side effect that Apple noticed, that evil party's used it to scan your device to know which apps you had installed and create a profile from that. Apple fixed that by using LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Now you have to tell the App upfront which apps you will be calling (up to 50), or use Universal Link to be freed from this limitation again. Again not ideal. Why not turn it around and let the user decide? User central. Imagine an App Launcher app. There is a button in the launcher app where you as a user can click on to add an app. It calls an api available from Apple to launch a privacy shielded sheet with the apps the user got installed on its device. These are not exposed to the launcher app. When the user clicks on the installed app (or apps) it likes to add, the launcher app will get identifiers to launch the app. That's it. This would be limited access, perhaps the api could also expose full access, so permission could be granted once and the app will get all identifiers available. The choice will be up to the user. One step further, but this would be more nice-to-have, is the ability to access meta data of the app, such as icon, title, last launched, app size, etc. This way App Launchers can make decisions such as putting the most recent launched app in front or App Managers can use this to decide which apps you are not using and can advise to remove them to clean up space. Love to hear everyone's opinion. So let it be the start of the discussion.
Jun ’24
What’s New with Apple Developer Forums
The Apple Developer Forums have been redesigned for WWDC24 to help developers connect with Apple experts, engineers, and each other to find answers and get advice. Curious on what’s changed? Here’s some insight into what's different: Hello Homepage, Hello Topics Content across forums has been reorganized into topics and subtopics, supported by tags. Doing this helps you hone in on specific areas of interest while also connecting the resources, tools, and content that are most closely related. We hope the new format simplifies your forums experience, and allows you to easily locate the information and guidance you need. Not into topics? Not a worry: we’ve kept the all-forums-posts view open just for you - on the “Latest” tab. The RSS subscribe feature remains as well - allowing users to pipe a particular forums topic, subtopic, or tag area directly into feeds. Fresh look, fresh features Forums have also been redesigned to simplify how information is presented, lighten the cognitive load, and improve visual cues to allow you to scan and sort posts quickly with helpful information. UI changes include: Structure and layout improvements that condense the way information is presented on screen to improve readability Improved visual cueing for posts with clearer Apple Recommended Responses and/or Accepted Answer icons and placement Threads now have a highly visible “Boosts” count which allows forums participants to enhance visibility of the post. New thread navigation floats along the side of a post while to keeping the “watch” and “reply” buttons always accessible and right on screen Backed by Apple Experts One of the biggest changes to the Apple Developer Forums is one you can’t see – yet. Behind the scenes is a robust set of tools supporting Apple teams who are here every day to answer your questions in more efficient ways. Apple Developer Relations and Apple engineering are joining forces to field your questions and work to solve your technical issues. You’ll have access to an expanded knowledge base and enjoy quick response times — so you can get back to creating and enhancing your app or game. Wish there was a feature or improvement on Developer Forums? We welcome feedback and feature requests. Welcome to the all new Developer Forums; we’re all in, and hope you’ll be too ✨
May ’24