I’ve never had a problem with any update before but as soon as I updated to 18.3 update my camera decided to start blurring when it’s in 1x & 2x, I use my camera daily for work and this is unacceptable. I’m wondering if anyone else is having this issue, it’s really frustrating..
Photos & Camera
RSS for tagExplore technical aspects of capturing high-quality photos and videos, including exposure control, focus modes, and RAW capture options.
I'm developing an iOS app using AVFoundation for real-time video capture and object detection.
While implementing torch functionality with camera switching (between Wide and Ultra-Wide lenses), I encountered a critical issue where the camera freezes when toggling the torch while the Ultra-Wide camera is active.
If the torch is ON and I switch from Wide to Ultra-Wide, the camera freezes
If the Ultra-Wide camera is active and I try to turn the torch ON, the camera freezes
The iPhone Camera app allows using the torch while recording video with the Ultra-Wide lens, so this should be possible via AVFoundation as well.
Code snippet
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let isSwitchingToUltraWide = !self.isUsingFisheyeCamera
let cameraType: AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType = isSwitchingToUltraWide ? .builtInUltraWideCamera : .builtInWideAngleCamera
let cameraName = isSwitchingToUltraWide ? "Ultra Wide" : "Wide"
guard let selectedCamera = AVCaptureDevice.default(cameraType, for: .video, position: .back) else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.showAlert(title: "Camera Error", message: "\(cameraName) camera is not available on this device.")
do {
let currentInput = self.videoCapture.captureSession.inputs.first as? AVCaptureDeviceInput
if isSwitchingToUltraWide && self.isFlashlightOn {
if let currentInput = currentInput {
let videoInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: selectedCamera)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let barButton = sender as? UIBarButtonItem {
barButton.title = isSwitchingToUltraWide ? "Wide" : "Ultra Wide"
barButton.tintColor = isSwitchingToUltraWide ? UIColor.systemGreen : UIColor.white
print("Switched to \(cameraName) camera.")
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.showAlert(title: "Camera Error", message: "Failed to switch to \(cameraName) camera: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Expected Behavior
Torch should be able to work when Ultra-Wide is active, just like the iPhone Camera app does.
The camera should not freeze when switching between Wide and Ultra-Wide with the torch ON.
AVCaptureSession should not crash when toggling the torch while Ultra-Wide is active.
Questions & Help Needed
Is this a known issue with AVFoundation?
How does the iPhone Camera app allow using the torch while recording in Ultra-Wide?
What’s the correct way to switch between Wide and Ultra-Wide cameras without freezing when the torch is active?
Device tested: iPhone 13 Pro / iPhone 15 Pro / Iphone 15
iOS Version: iOS 17.3 / iOS 18.0
Xcode Version: 16.2
I am using AVMulti so the user captures two images how can I access those images if there is only one url that stores the captured images for the lockScreenCapture extension ? Plus how can I detect if the user opened the app from the extension to be able to navigate the user to the right screen ?
In my app SexyPeri (https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/id6738291985), I create an album with some pics
Album is called SexyPeri
Now, I wish to redirect the user from my app SexyPeri DIRECTLY to the album SexyPeri
There is no doc about your scheme photos-navigation, or I didn't see it. Some guys retro-engineered it, but I couldn't make this work. photos-navigation://album?name=SexyPeri doesn't work.
So my question is: how can I redirect to the album directly ?
Dear Apple Developer Forum,
I have a question regarding the AVCaptureDevice on iOS. We're trying to capture photos in the best quality possible along with depth data with the highest accuracy possible. We were delighted when we saw AVCaptureDevice could be initialized with the AVMediaType=.depthData which works as expected (depthData is a part of the AVCapturePhoto). When setting to AVMediaType=.video, we still receive depth data (of same quality according to our own internal tests). That confused us.
Mind you, we set the device format and depth format as well:
private func getDeviceFormat() throws -> AVCaptureDevice.Format {
// Ensures high video format and an appropriate color profile.
let format = camera?.formats.first(where: {
$0.isHighPhotoQualitySupported &&
$0.supportedDepthDataFormats.count > 0 &&
$0.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange
// Check and see if it's available.
guard format != nil else {
throw CaptureDeviceError.necessaryFormatNotAvailable
return format!
private func getDepthDataFormat(for format: AVCaptureDevice.Format) throws -> AVCaptureDevice.Format {
// Access the depth format.
let depthDataFormat = format.supportedDepthDataFormats.first(where: {
$0.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32
// Check if it exists
guard depthDataFormat != nil else {
throw CaptureDeviceError.necessaryFormatNotAvailable
// Returns it.
return depthDataFormat!
We're wondering, what steps we can take to ensure the best quality photo, along with the most accurate depth data? What properties are the most important, which have an effect, which don't? Are there any ways we can optimize our current configuration? We find it difficult as there's very limited guides and explanations on the media subtypes, for example kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange. Is it the best? Is it the best for our use case of high quality photo + most accurate depth data?
Important comment: Our App only runs on iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro on the latest iOS versions.
We hope someone with greater knowledge at Apple can help us and guide us on how we can have the photos of best quality and depth data with most accuracy.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards.
How can I implement the same custom CIFilter as a Lightroom Color Grading tool for shadows, midtones, highlights and global areas?
am new to using Swift for a Mac Application. I am trying to control an external UVC-compliant camera focus and other capabilities. However, I'm having trouble with this and don't know where to start. I have downloaded an application from the App Store and it can control the focus and other capabilities.
I've tried IOKit but this seems to be complicated and this does not return any capabilities or control the camera.
I also tried AVfoundation and was able to open the camera, but using the following code did not work for me. as a device.isFocusPointOfInterestSupported returns false and without checking the app crashes.
@IBAction func focusChanged(_ sender: NSSlider) {
do {
guard let device = videoDevice else { return }
try device.lockForConfiguration()
// Check if focus mode and point of interest are supported
if device.isFocusModeSupported(.locked) {
device.focusMode = .locked
if device.isFocusPointOfInterestSupported {
// Map the slider value (0.0 to 1.0) to the focus point's X coordinate
let focusX = CGFloat(sender.doubleValue)
let focusPoint = CGPoint(x: focusX, y: 0.5) // Y coordinate is typically 0.5 (centered vertically)
device.focusPointOfInterest = focusPoint
} else {
print("Focus point of interest is not supported on this device.")
// Log focus settings
print("Focus point: \(device.focusPointOfInterest)")
print("Focus mode: \(device.focusMode.rawValue)")
} catch {
print("Error adjusting focus: \(error)")
Any help or advice is much appreciated.
Hello, I'm wondering how to capture 24MP photos.
I'm currently testing on an iPhone 16 Pro Max. By default, the device's activeFormat supports 24MP (photo dimensions: {4032x3024, 5712x4284}). For the photoOutput, I'm setting the maxPhotoDimensions to videoDevice.activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions.lastObject, and setting MaxPhotoQualityPrioritization to quality.
When capturing, I'm applying the same maxPhotoDimensions and photoQualityPrioritization settings from the photoOutput directly to the AVCapturePhotoSettings.
What could be the issue?
// Objective-C
// setup
[self.photoOutput setMaxPhotoQualityPrioritization:AVCapturePhotoQualityPrioritizationQuality];
CMVideoDimensions maxPhotoDimensions = [(NSValue *)videoDevice.activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions.lastObject CMVideoDimensionsValue];
[self.photoOutput setMaxPhotoDimensions:maxPhotoDimensions];
// capturing
AVCapturePhotoSettings *photoSettings = [AVCapturePhotoSettings photoSettings];
photoSettings.maxPhotoDimensions = self.photoOutput.maxPhotoDimensions;
photoSettings.photoQualityPrioritization = self.photoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization;
[self.photoOutput capturePhotoWithSettings:photoSettings delegate:photoCaptureDelegate];
The documentation for AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator says it is designed to work with any CALayer but it seems like it is designed to work only with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. Can someone confirm it is possible to make it work with other layers such as CAMetalLayer or AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer?
I have added this extension to my app and followed the steps of the documentation but it didn't work. when I press the shortcut from the control center it only open the app and when I put it on the lockScreen it doesn't do anything. I don't know what I am missing
I wanted to ask if I can use Camera Capture Extension with AVMultiCamPiP, because the LockedCameraCaptureUIScene only return in the closure one session and I can't use the same session for both the front and back at the same time
I have an iPad app that I want to run on Apple Silicon macs.
Everything works fine except for VNDocumentCameraViewController. According to the docs this class is available on:
iOS 13.0+ iPadOS 13.0+ Mac Catalyst 13.1+ visionOS 1.0+
yet when I try using it I get Document camera is not available on my Mac Studio running macOS 15.2
Is this expected behaviour?
I'm building a camera app around ARKit. I've created a Lockscreen Capture Extension and added a control to initiate my camera app, but when I launch the extension I see just a black screen with no hints at any errors. Also attaching the debugger to the running process shows no logs.
Im wondering: Is LockedCameraCapture supported with ARView and ARSession?
ARKit was featured in a WWDC video with a camera app use-case, also the introduction of captureHighResolutionFrame(completion:) made me pick it up as an interesting camera app backbone - but if lockscreen capture is not possible with it I have to refactor my codebase.
Based on the iPhone 14 Max camera, implement model recognition and draw a rectangular box around the recognized object. The width and height are calculated using LiDAR and displayed in centimeters on the real-time updated image.
I would like to use macro-mode for the custom camera using AVCaptureDevice in my project. This feature might help to automatically adjust and switch between lenses to get a close up clear image. It looks like this feature is not available and there are no open apis to achieve macro mode from Apple. Is there a way to get this functionality in the custom camera without losing the image quality. Please let me know if this is possible.
Thanks you,
Adil Thamarasseri
I am developing an iOS app with video call functionality and implementing Picture in Picture (PiP) mode for video calls. The issue I am facing is that the camera stops capturing video when the app goes to the background, even though the PiP view is still visible.
I have noticed that some apps, like Telegram, manage to keep the camera working in PiP mode while the app is in the background. How can I achieve this in my app?
Hi! I'm attempting to add purpose string when requesting to access the camera, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Below I've included the alert and the plist.
Hey, I'm building a camera app and I want to use the captured HDRGainMap along side the photo to do some processing with a CIFilter chain. How can this be done? I can't find any documentation any where on this, only on how to access the HDRGainMap from an existing HEIC file, which I have done successfully. For this I'm doing something like the following:
let gainmap = CGImageSourceCopyAuxiliaryDataInfoAtIndex(source, 0, kCGImageAuxiliaryDataTypeHDRGainMap)
let gainDict = NSDictionary(dictionary: gainmap)
let gainData = gainDict[kCGImageAuxiliaryDataInfoData] as? Data
let gainDescription = gainDict[kCGImageAuxiliaryDataInfoDataDescription]
let gainMeta = gainDict[kCGImageAuxiliaryDataInfoMetadata]
However I'm not sure what the approach is with a AVCapturePhoto output from a AVCaptureDevice.
How can I use my RGB Curve points:
let redCurve = [CIVector(x: 0, y: 0), CIVector(x: 0.235, y: 0.152), CIVector(x: 0.5, y: 0.5), CIVector(x: 1, y: 1)]
let greenCurve = [CIVector(x: 0, y: 0), CIVector(x: 0.247, y: 0.196), CIVector(x: 0.5, y: 0.5), CIVector(x: 1, y: 1)]
let blueCurve = [CIVector(x: 0, y: 0), CIVector(x: 0.235, y: 0.184), CIVector(x: 0.466, y: 0.466), CIVector(x: 1, y: 1)]
in colorCurvesFilter which I've found in Apple Docs:
func colorCurves(inputImage: CIImage) -> CIImage {
let colorCurvesEffect = CIFilter.colorCurves()
colorCurvesEffect.inputImage = inputImage
colorCurvesEffect.curvesDomain = CIVector(x: 0, y: 1)
colorCurvesEffect.curvesData = Data(
bytes: [Float32]([
]), count: 36)
colorCurvesEffect.colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
return colorCurvesEffect.outputImage!
Following WWDC 2023 "Support HDR images in your app", I'm trying to save 48-megapixel ProRAWs (taken on an iPhone 14 Pro Max) as HDR HEICs to the Photo Library. After processing the ProRAW file using CIRAWFilter, whether I use CIContext.heif10Representation() or convert to a CGImage, then UIImage, and use UIImage.heicData(), I get photos that behave oddly in the Photo Library. They appear too dark, and visibly brighten when first viewed, but more problematic is that the photos brighten a great deal more when you edit them with the Photos editor. This is the behavior when using the itur_2100_PQ color space, but itur_2100_HLG behaves similarly, except that it gets dramatically darker when edited. This behavior occurs whether CIRAWFilter.extendedDynamicRangeAmount is set to 0.0, or 2.0, or not set at all.
So what am I doing wrong? Here is a minimal iOS app -- well, just the ContentView -- that demonstrates the issue. You also need a .dng ProRAW file included in the project directory named test.dng. I'd love to include such a file, but I can't.
Be prepared for a multi-second wait when you save the photo.
import SwiftUI
import Photos
struct ContentView: View {
let context = CIContext()
let hdrColorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.itur_2100_PQ)!
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 100) {
Button("Save Photo From CGImage/UIImage") {
Button("Save Photo From CIImage") {
//convert RAW with CIRAWFilter to CIImage, then convert to CGImage, then UIImage, then HEIF
private func savePhotoFromUIImage() {
if let ciImage = processRAW(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource:"test", withExtension: "dng")!) {
guard let outputCGImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent, format: .RGB10, colorSpace: hdrColorSpace) else { return }
let uiImage = UIImage(cgImage: outputCGImage)
if let heicData = uiImage.heicData() {
saveHEIFPhotoToLibrary(imageData: heicData)
} else {
print("Failed to convert UIImage to HEIC")
//convert RAW with CIRAWFilter to CIImage, then to HEIF
private func savePhotoDirectFromCIImage() {
if let ciImage = processRAW(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource:"test", withExtension: "dng")!) {
do {
let heif = try context.heif10Representation(of: ciImage, colorSpace: hdrColorSpace)
saveHEIFPhotoToLibrary(imageData: heif)
} catch {
print("Failed to get HEIF representation from CIContext")
private func processRAW(url: URL) -> CIImage? {
guard let coreRawFilter = CIRAWFilter(imageURL: url) else { return nil }
coreRawFilter.extendedDynamicRangeAmount = 2.0 //the issue persists whether this is not set, or set to 0, or set to, say, 2.0
guard let ciImage = coreRawFilter.outputImage else { return nil }
return ciImage
private func saveHEIFPhotoToLibrary(imageData: Data) {
let creationRequest = PHAssetCreationRequest.forAsset()
let options = PHAssetResourceCreationOptions()
creationRequest.addResource(with: .photo, data: imageData, options: options)
}) { success, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error saving photo: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Photo saved.")