Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.

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Ford Puma Sync 3 problems with iOS 18
Good afternoon since I’ve installed ios 18 on me iphone 15 pro I have problems using Apple car play with my Ford Puma with Sync 3. More in detail, problems with audio commands, selecting audio track, bluetooth, etc.. Are you aware about it? Thanks a lot Regards Alberto
Oct ’24
VideoPlayer crashes in Xcode Preview for macOS app
I think I have the simplest possible Mac app trying to see if I can have VideoPlayer work in an Xcode Preview. It works in an iOS app project. In a Mac app project it builds and runs. But if I preview in Xcode it crashes. The diagnostic says: | [Remote] Unknown Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. XPC error received on message reply handler | | BSServiceConnectionErrorDomain (3): | ==NSLocalizedFailureReason: XPC error received on message reply handler | ==BSErrorCodeDescription: OperationFailed The code I'm using is the exact code from the VideoPlayer documentation page. See this link. Any ideas about this XPC error, and how to work around? I'm using Xcode 16.0 on macOS 14.6.1
Oct ’24
Can Logic Pro load an Audio Unit v3 in-process?
After investing more than a week into getting a bunch of audio unit projects converted into app + appex + framework, they all are now correctly loaded in-process in the demo host app that is part of Xcode's template. However, Logic Pro adamantly refuses to load them in-process. Does Logic Pro simply not do that ever, or is there some hint or configuration my plugins need to provide to enable that? If it is unsupported, will it be supported in some future version of Logic? The entire point of investing that week was performance, which is moot if it is impossible to test the impact of loading in-process in a real-world usage scenario.
Oct ’24
Connect DSLR Camera issues By Using ImageCaptureCore Framework
Hi Apple Engineer, My App is using ImageCapture Framwork to connect DSLR Camera, Before iOS 18 this method is effective,but When I upgraded my iPhone and iPad, found my app can`t connect DSLR Camera, open Setting -> Privacy & Security -> Files and Folders permission, can‘t found my app, I swear it worked before iOS 18. I find other developers have the same problem. https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756960 . https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/765768. I also found a process for reproducing this problem in ios 18, Do reset all settings. Can you help me with this problem? Or tell me how to use the API properly.Look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.
Oct ’24
anyone have issues loading Photos in Europe (Germany, Netherlands)?
We have a new photo sharing app (https://photodare.ca). We've had no issues with photos loading in North America and Caribbean, but so far 2 users (Germany, Netherlands) are saying they can't load photos even though they've proven they have permissions for photos enabled. I can't reproduce this in Canada. Anyone know about other permissions we need to setup for european countries, or is anyone in GDPR countries willing to try this for us? They were on 17.6.1. Thanks either way
Oct ’24
Error on connect AudioEngin with AudioPlayerNoded with AVAudioPCMFormatInt16
Hi community, I'm trying to setup an AVAudioFormat with AVAudioPCMFormatInt16. But, i've an error : AVAEInternal.h:125 [AUInterface.mm:539:SetFormat: ([[busArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)element] setFormat:format error:&nsErr])] returned false, error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10868 "(null)" If i understand the error code 10868, the format is not correct. But, how i can use PCM Int16 format ? Here is my method : - (void)setupAudioDecoder:(double)sampleRate audioChannels:(double)audioChannels { if (self.isRunning) { return; } self.audioEngine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init]; self.audioPlayerNode = [[AVAudioPlayerNode alloc] init]; [self.audioEngine attachNode:self.audioPlayerNode]; AVAudioChannelCount channelCount = (AVAudioChannelCount)audioChannels; self.audioFormat = [[AVAudioFormat alloc] initWithCommonFormat:AVAudioPCMFormatInt16 sampleRate:sampleRate channels:channelCount interleaved:YES]; NSLog(@"Audio Format: %@", self.audioFormat); NSLog(@"Audio Player Node: %@", self.audioPlayerNode); NSLog(@"Audio Engine: %@", self.audioEngine); // Error on this line [self.audioEngine connect:self.audioPlayerNode to:self.audioEngine.mainMixerNode format:self.audioFormat]; /**NSError *error = nil; if (![self.audioEngine startAndReturnError:&error]) { NSLog(@"Erreur lors de l'initialisation du moteur audio: %@", error); return; } [self.audioPlayerNode play]; self.isRunning = YES;*/ } Also, i see the audioEngine seem not running ? Audio Engine: ________ GraphDescription ________ AVAudioEngineGraph 0x600003d55fe0: initialized = 0, running = 0, number of nodes = 1 Anyone have already use this format with AVAudioFormat ? Thank you !
Oct ’24
Missing for a decade, full quality + remote control
Is anyone developing a way for users to control an iOS or PadOS device playing Apple Music to a DAC via USB to amp from another iOS or PadOS device wirelessly? Specifically, full control. Not Accessibility, not to Apple TV, not HomePods, not firmware downgraded Airport Expresses to a DAC or other hacks mentioned for the past decade this “connect” like feature has been desired by audiophiles seeking exclusive mode on a device with that (iOS/PadOS) but — control it while sitting on a couch or in a wheel chair across the room. Exclusive mode being the key feature iOS and PadOS offer that is desired with full or nearly full Apple Music control.
Oct ’24
Task { for await update in LockedCameraCaptureManager.shared.sessionContentUpdates { switch update { case .initial(let urls): print("frank: init \(urls)") await MainActor.run { let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 30)) label.text = "frank test" label.textColor = .black UIViewController.getTop().view.addSubview(label) } case .added(let url): print("frank: add \(url)") case .removed(let url): print("frank: removed \(url)") default: break } } } why 'case .initial(let urls)': never never be executed? Can some one provide a sample code?
Oct ’24
Heic format image incompatibility issue
I am a developer working on iOS apps. In the demo, I planned to replace the local images with Heic format instead of PNG format, but the actual test results showed abnormalities on this device, while the other test devices displayed normally Heic images are converted by the built-in image conversion function on Mac. I tested multiple Heic images, but none of them were displayed and the image information returned nil,,but PNG images can be displayed normally. device information:
Oct ’24
Optimizing YOLOv8 for Real-Time Object Detection in a Specific Screen Area
I’m working on real-time object detection using YOLOv8, but I only need to detect objects in approximately 40% of the screen area. Is it possible to limit the captureOut method to focus solely on that specific region of the screen? If this isn’t feasible, I’m considering an approach where the full-screen pixel buffer is captured and then cropped to the target area before running detection. However, I’m concerned about how this might affect real-time performance. I’d appreciate any insights on how to maintain real-time performance or suggestions for better alternatives. Thank you!
Oct ’24
GPS Coordinates with Photos
I am currently developing an application that requires access to GPS coordinates from photos on iOS. However, with the recent update to iOS 18 beta, I have encountered a challenge: I can only view photos within maps, and I am unable to access the GPS coordinates directly. Could you please provide guidance on how to enable or retrieve GPS coordinates from photos in the current iOS 18 beta version? Any insights or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance!
Oct ’24
Green Line Appears in Thumbnails in Photos but Not in Actual Photo
Hello, I’ve encountered an issue where a green line appears only in the thumbnail view of an image in the iPhone photo gallery. The green line is not present in the actual image itself. Here are some additional details: • The issue occurs only when saving the image as a JPEG. When saved as PNG, the green line does not appear. • The green line also shows up when using the PHAsset method requestImage(for:targetSize:). Depending on the targetSize, the resulting image may contain the green line. • Interestingly, this issue does not appear on iPhone Xs Max running iOS 15.2.1. However, the green line does appear on iPhone 15 Pro Max running iOS 18.0.1 when viewing the same image. I have attached the problematic image for your reference. Following images are the screen captures that shows the issue occurring on my iPhone. iPhone 15 pro max (iOS 18.0.1) iPhone Xs Max (iOS 15.2.1 ) Could this be related to a display or gallery app issue on iOS? Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Oct ’24
Why VTPixelTransferSession is mark available above iOS16 on XCode 16
xcode 16: VT_EXPORT void VT_EXPORT OSStatus VTPixelTransferSessionCreate( CM_NULLABLE CFAllocatorRef allocator, CM_RETURNS_RETAINED_PARAMETER CM_NULLABLE VTPixelTransferSessionRef * CM_NONNULL pixelTransferSessionOut) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(16.0), tvos(16.0), visionos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos); xcode 15: VT_EXPORT OSStatus VTPixelTransferSessionCreate( CM_NULLABLE CFAllocatorRef allocator, CM_RETURNS_RETAINED_PARAMETER CM_NULLABLE VTPixelTransferSessionRef * CM_NONNULL pixelTransferSessionOut) VT_AVAILABLE_STARTING(10_8);
Oct ’24
How to Load Stereoscopic Video Using AVFoundation?
I’m currently working on an iOS project that involves loading and playing stereoscopic/spatial videos. I’m using the AVFoundation framework, specifically AVURLAsset, but I’m having trouble determining how to correctly load and handle stereoscopic videos. I would like to know: Any guidance or code snippets would be greatly appreciated, I´m not understanding pretty well the apple developer videos... Thank you in advance for your help! Best, Lau
Oct ’24
Add to Shared Photo Library with PhotoKit
I'm using PhotoKit in macOS to add photos to the user's library. Experimenting with Shared Photo Library, it seems that these new photos always end up in the Personal Library, not the Shared Library. I'd like to get them into the Shared Photo Library somehow. Is this possible? Things I've considered: A variation/option for PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAsset: doesn't seem to exist A property of PHAsset: can't find anything A special PHAssetCollection that I could add to: again, doesn't seem to exist
Oct ’24
Airplay and Screen Mirroring
I cannot mirror or extend my screen from mac mini m2 to iPad 10 gen. Whenever I click on "mirror or extend screen" my external display for mac refreshes after showing "no signal" and comes back on meanwhile my iPad locks out and screen mirror or extending is unsuccessful. But I can mirror my iPad screen to mac mini m2. Earlier everything was working, suddenly it is not working
Oct ’24
How to observe AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession devices property?
At Apple Developer documentation, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturedevice/discoverysession you can find the sentence You can also key-value observe this property to monitor changes to the list of available devices. But how to use it? I tried it with the code above and tested on my MacBook with EarPods. When I disconnect the EarPods, nothing was happened. MacBook Air M2 macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 Xcode 16.0 import Foundation import AVFoundation let discovery_session = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession.init(deviceTypes: [.microphone], mediaType: .audio, position: .unspecified) let devices = discovery_session.devices for device in devices { print(device.localizedName) } let device = devices[0] let observer = Observer() discovery_session.addObserver(observer, forKeyPath: "devices", options: [.new, .old], context: nil) let input = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device) let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "queue") var output = AVCaptureAudioDataOutput() let delegate = OutputDelegate() output.setSampleBufferDelegate(delegate, queue: queue) var session = AVCaptureSession() session.beginConfiguration() session.addInput(input) session.addOutput(output) session.commitConfiguration() session.startRunning() let group = DispatchGroup() let q = DispatchQueue(label: "", attributes: .concurrent) q.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem() { sleep(10) session.stopRunning() }) _ = group.wait(timeout: .distantFuture) class Observer: NSObject { override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { print("Change") if keyPath == "devices" { if let newDevices = change?[.newKey] as? [AVCaptureDevice] { print("New devices: \(newDevices.map { $0.localizedName })") } if let oldDevices = change?[.oldKey] as? [AVCaptureDevice] { print("Old devices: \(oldDevices.map { $0.localizedName })") } } } } class OutputDelegate : NSObject, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate { func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) { print("Output") } }
Oct ’24