I want to know are depth map and RGB image are perfectly aligned(do both have the same principle point)? If yes then how the depth- map is created.
The depth map on iphone12 has 256x192 resolution as opposed to an RGB image (1920x1440). I am interested in exact pixel-wise depth. Is it possible to get the raw depth map of 1920x1440 resolution ?
How is the depth-map is created at 256 x 192 resolution? Behind the scenes does the pipeline captures it at 1920 x1440 resolution and then resize it to 256x192?
I have so many questions as there are no intrinsic, extrinsic, and calibration data given regarding the lidar.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone can explain the steps from a computer-vision perspective.
Many Thanks
RSS for tagIntegrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.
since iOS 15 I've repeatedly noticed the console warning »ARSessionDelegate is retaining X ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped« even for rather simple projects using RealityKit and ARKit. Could someone from the ARKit team please elaborate what causes this warning and what can be done to avoid it?
If I remember correctly I didn't even assign an ARSessionDelegate.
Thank you!
I'm creating a custom scanning solution for iOS and using RealityKit Object Capture PhotogrammetrySession API to build a 3D model. I'm finding the data I'm sending to it is ignoring the depth and not building the model to scale. The documentation is a little light on how to format the depth so I'm wondering if someone could take a look at some example files I send to the PhotogrammetrySession. Would you be able to tell me what I'm not doing correctly?
Thank you!
I am having trouble calculating accurate distances in the real world using the camera's returned intrinsic matrix and pixel coordinates/depths captured from the iPhone's LiDAR. For example, in the image below, I set a mug 0.5m from the phone. The mug is 8.5cm wide. The intrinsic matrix returned from the phone's AVCameraCalibrationData class has focalx = 1464.9269, focaly = 1464.9269, cx = 960.94916, and cy = 686.3547. Selecting the two pixel locations denoted in the image below, I calculated each one's xyz coordinates using the formula:
x = d * (u - cx) / focalx
y = d * (v - cy) / focaly
z = d
Where I get depth from the appropriate pixel in the depth map - I've verified that both depths were 0.5m. I then calculate the distance between the two points to get the mug width. This gives me a calculated width of 0.0357, or 3.5 cm, instead of the 8.5cm I was expecting. What could be accounting for this discrepancy?
Thank you so much for your help!
I have a arobject files that's already tested and working perfectly in Reality Composer as an anchor. But for whatever reason when I try them both as AR Resource group in my asset or even loading it directly from the url it always fails (returns nil) I've double check all the file/group names and they seems fine and I couldn't find the error, just always nil.
This is my code :
var referenceObject: ARReferenceObject?
if let referenceObjects = ARReferenceObject.referenceObjects(inGroupNamed: "TestAR", bundle: Bundle.main) {
referenceObject = referenceObjects[referenceObjects.startIndex]
if let referenceObject = referenceObject{
delegate.didFinishScan(referenceObject, false)
}else {
do {
if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Dragonball1", withExtension: "arobject") {
referenceObject = try ARReferenceObject(archiveURL: url)
} catch let myError{
let error = myError as NSError
print("try \(error.code)")
Any idea? Thanks
I'd like to capture the room with materials obtained through the camera while scanning with RoomPlan.
Is there any way to capture room surface material and render the object while capturing the room geometry using RoomPlan?
hi I am not sure what is going on...
I have been working on this model for a while on reality composer, and had no problem testing it that way...it always worked out perfectly.
So I imported the file into a brand new Xcode project... I created a new ARApp, and used SwiftUI.
I actually did it twice ...
And tested the version apple has with the box. In Apple's version, the app appears but the whole part where it tries to detect planes didn't show up. So I am confused.
I found a question that mentions the error messages I am getting but I am not sure how to get around it?
// ContentView.swift
// AppToTest-02-14-23
// Created by M on 2/14/23.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
return ARViewContainer().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
// Load the "Box" scene from the "Experience" Reality File
//let boxAnchor = try! Experience.loadBox()
let anchor = try! MyAppToTest.loadFirstScene()
// Add the box anchor to the scene
return arView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}
struct ContentView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
This is what I get at the bottom
2023-02-14 17:14:53.630477-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2023-02-14 17:14:53.631192-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] Metal API Validation Enabled
2023-02-14 17:14:54.531766-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [AssetTypes] Registering library (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreRE.framework/default.metallib) that already exists in shader manager. Library will be overwritten.
2023-02-14 17:14:54.716866-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/suFeatheringCreateMergedOcclusionMask.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.743580-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arKitPassthrough.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.744961-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/drPostAndComposition.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.745988-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arSegmentationComposite.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.747245-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute0.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.748750-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute1.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.749140-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute2.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.761189-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute3.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.761611-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute4.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.761983-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute5.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.762604-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute6.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.763575-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Assets] Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/arInPlacePostProcessCombinedPermute7.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle
2023-02-14 17:14:54.764859-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Foundation.Serialization] Json Parse Error line 18: Json Deserialization; unknown member 'EnableARProbes' - skipping.
2023-02-14 17:14:54.764902-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] [Foundation.Serialization] Json Parse Error line 20: Json Deserialization; unknown member 'EnableGuidedFilterOcclusion' - skipping.
2023-02-14 17:14:55.531748-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534559-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534633-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534680-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534733-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534777-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534825-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534871-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:55.534955-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307215] throwing -10878
2023-02-14 17:14:56.207438-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307383] [Technique] ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x1149cd900>: World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [2]
2023-02-14 17:17:15.741931-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1307414] [Technique] ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x1149cd900>: World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [1]
2023-02-14 17:22:07.075990-0500 AppToTest-02-14-23[21446:1308137] [Technique] ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x1149cd900>: World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [1]
I’d like to use ARKit world tracking and display both the back camera feed and the front camera feeds, using the front feed as as a PIP. This would work great for an internet streaming use case.
However, it’s impossible. As soon as ARKit is told to use one mode, the camera for the other side freezes/doesn’t work. This page also says you have to pick one camera to show: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arkit_in_ios/choosing_which_camera_feed_to_augment?language=objc
A question to the developers: why is this limitation in-place? Are there any work-arounds for the use case of ARKit world tracking + displaying the back camera feed + displaying the front camera feed as an overlay?
It’s possible to do this with plain camera initialization without ARKit. (There’s an official example.) With ARKit, it no longer works.
It’s strange that I cannot access the front feed via one of the other frameworks, but I guess that ARKit blocks that.
Seeing a flurry of these in Xcode 15 Beta 8 while debugging an ARKit app
<<<< AVPointCloudData >>>> Fig assert: "_dataBuffer" at bail (AVPointCloudData.m:217) - (err=0)
We are attempting to update the texture on a node. The code below works correctly when we use a color, but it encounters issues when we attempt to use an image. The image is available in the bundle, and it image correctly in other parts of our application. This texture is being applied to both the floor and the wall. Please assist us with this issue."
for obj in Floor_grp[0].childNodes {
let node = obj.flattenedClone()
node.transform = obj.transform
let imageMaterial = SCNMaterial()
node.geometry?.materials = [imageMaterial]
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.brown
How do we author a Reality File like the ones under Examples with animations at https://developer.apple.com/augmented-reality/quick-look/
For example, "The Hab" : https://developer.apple.com/augmented-reality/quick-look/models/hab/hab_en.reality
Tapping on various buttons in this experience triggers various complex animations. I don't see any way to accomplish this in Reality Composer.
And I don't see any way to export/compile to a "reality file" from within Xcode.
How can I use multiple animations within a single GLTF file?
How can I set up multiple "tap target" on a single object, where each one triggers a different action?
How do we author something similar? What tools do we use?
I'm developing a 3D scanner works on a iPad(6th gen, 12-inch).
Photogrammetry with ObjectCaptureSession was successful, but other trials are not.
I've tried Photogrammetry with URL inputs, these are pictures from AVCapturePhoto.
It is strange... if metadata is not replaced, photogrammetry would be finished but it seems to be no depthData or gravity info were used. (depth and gravity is separated files). but if metadata is injected, this trial are fails.
and this time i tried to Photogrammetry with PhotogrammetrySamples sequence and it also failed.
the settings are:
camera: back Lidar camera,
image format: kCVPicelFormatType_32BGRA(failed with crash) or hevc(just failed) image
depth format: kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat32 or kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat32
photoSetting: isDepthDataDeliveryEnabled = true, isDepthDataFiltered = false, embeded = true
I wonder iPad supports Photogrammetry with PhotogrammetrySamples
I've already tested some sample codes provided by apple:
What should I do to make Photogrammetry successful?
Hi. I want to make iOS app that when use camera AR, it can show someplace around me have annotations. ARGeoAnchor something but I don't have any idea. Can anyone give me some keywords? I can use Mapkit to search but don't know how to map it in AR.
What are the limitations and capabilities of visionOS? I cannot find answers to the questions I have.
Let's say you have some USDZ files stored in a cloud service, there are so many of them that the app would be huge if you put them in assets. You want to fetch the one you are interested in and show it while an app is running. Is it possible to load USDZ files at runtime from the network?
Is there a limit to how many objects can be visible at once? Let's say I am in an open space, with no walls. I want to place 100 3D objects somewhere in space. Is it possible? What if I placed 500, 1000?
Is there a way to save the anchor point of the object? I want to open the app again and have an object in the same place I left it. I would like to arrange my space and have objects always in the same spots.
How does the OS behave if objects are in different rooms? Is it possible to walk around, visit different rooms, and have objects anchored there? Would it behave like real objects?
Is it possible to color a plane? Let's say there is a wall and it's black. I want this wall to be orange. Is it possible?
When i call queryDeviceAnchor in my Billboard system I get transform updates but I'm unsure how to process them (similar to the Diorama sample app).
Is it a bug that I recieve these updates? The documentation says that ARKit data is only provided in a full space so I would expect this not to work at all.
But if this is the case, why am I getting deviceAnchor values in this situation?
I am new to visionOS development, just slowly figuring out the difference in immersion styles to figure out how I want my app to behave.
It seems that when you use a progressive immersive space the minimum immersion level (set via the digital crown) is not 0? Meaning, there is no way to go from mixed to full by using the Digital Crown. Even when I try to set it to 0 (such as in the Destination Video sample), it pops back up to around 30-40%, and I always see the background. Is this expected behavior, or are there some settings that allow me to change this minimum immersion level?
Further, in the video 'Meet ARKit for spatial computing', it is stated that to get access to ARKit tracking data you must use a 'Full Space', not the 'Shared Space'. This wording is confusing to me. Is an ImmersiveSpace set to the .mixed (or .progressive) immersion style still a 'Full Space' (because it isn't in the shared space, with other apps)? OR, is ARKit only available in an ImmersiveSpace with the .full immersion style? Just feels like maybe 'full' is being used in two different ways here...
Thanks in advance,
I am running a modified RoomPllan app in my test environment I get two ARSessions active, sometimes more. It appears that the first one is created by Scene Kit because it is related go ARSCNView. Who controls that and what gets processed through it? I noticed that I get a lot of Session Interruptions from Sensor Failure when I am doing World Tracking and the first one happens almost immediately.
When I get the room capture delegates fired up I start getting images to the delegate via a second session that is collecting images. How do I tell which session is the scene kit session and which one is the RoomCapture session on thee fly when it comes through the delegate? Is there a difference in the object desciptor that I can use as a differentiator? Relying on the Address of the ARSession buffer being different is okay if you get your timing right. It wasn't clear from any of the documentation that there would be TWO or more AR Sessions delivering data through the delegates. The books on the use of ARKIT are not much help in determining the partition of responsibilities between the origins. The buffer arrivals at the functions supported by the delegates do not have a clear delineation of what function is delivered through which delegate discernible from the highly fragmented documentation provided by the Developer document library. Can someone give me some guidance here? Are there sources for CLEAR documentation of what is delivered via which delegate for the various interfaces?
I see example code converting the results of a SpatialTap to a SIMD3 location. For example, from WWDC session Meet ARKit for spatial computing:
let location3D = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .global, to: .scene)
What I really want is a simd_float4x4 that includes orientation of the surface that the tap gesture/cast collided with?
My goal is to place an object with its Y-axis along the normal of the surface that was tapped.
For example, in the referenced WWDC session, they create a CollisionComponent from the MeshAnchor data. If that mesh data is covering a curved couch cushion, I would like the normal from that curved cushion (i.e., the closest triangle approximating it).
Is this possible?
My planned fallback is to only use planes for collision surfaces for tap gestures, extract the tap gesture value's entity (which I am hoping is the plane), and grab its transform for the orientation information.
I am hoping Apple has a simple function call that is more general than my fallback approach.
Hello. I'm developing the app using ARKit and RealityKit. The purpose of the app is to scan the apartment and put furniture next to the walls. It works good, but if AR session takes more than 3 mins at some point app is crashed. According to crash report it's not something related to my code. I'm attaching crash report (company data is hidden). Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.