Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.

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PortalComponent invalid
it is my code let portal = Entity() portal.components[ModelComponent.self] = .init(mesh: .generatePlane(width: Float(size.width), height: Float(size.height), cornerRadius: 0.02), materials: [PortalMaterial()]) portal.components[PortalComponent.self] = .init(target: world) portal.components[PortalComponent.self]?.clippingPlane = .init(position: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), normal: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)) portal.components.set(HoverEffectComponent()) I added RealityView to multiple HStacks and implemented the portal effect. I found that the portal effect would cause confusion in the rendering level on some machines, as shown in the figure
MTKView is now available on visionOS but isn't working on visionOS 1.x
Hello! I noticed that after WWDC 24 there was support added for MTKView in visionOS 1.0+. This is great! But when I use an MTKView in anything before visionOS 2.0 it doesn't work and the app ends up crashing. Console error when running on a device that is on visionOS 1.2: Symbol not found: _$s27_CompositorServices_SwiftUI0A5LayerV13configuration8rendererAcA0aE13Configuration_p_ySo019CP_OBJECT_cp_layer_G0CScMYcctcfC Expected in: <EFD973D2-97E1-380B-B89A-13CC3820B7F7> /System/Library/Frameworks/_CompositorServices_SwiftUI.framework/_CompositorServices_SwiftUI Looks like MTKView may be using compositor services under the hood? Any help would be great. Thank you!
Can you limit the area for AR Body Tracking to avoid the mesh from jumping across multiple bodies?
Hello there, I am currently experimenting with the body tracking sample from the AR Foundation Example Project. It works fine, but when there are multiple persons in front of the camera, the mesh jumps randomly from tracked skeleton to tracked skeleton. So I am looking for a way to define a specific area in front of the camera or to implement some other marker (maybe a body pose) to start and stop tracking. I am guessing Pose-Tracking could work. Whenever a body stands in a T-Pose, the Mesh gets applied to that body and then the script stops looking for new skeletons until the original skeleton is lost. Does somebody know which code to look at to achieve this?
Confusion about Reality Composer Pro
Hi I am bit confusing about using Reality Composer Pro work pipeline. Searched many thread and got a reply about Reality Composer Pro. the answer was Reality Composer Pro is only can work with Vision Pro. and I found Reality Composer (not pro) which looks support iPhone app building. but cannot found for download way. So my question is What way is existing for building iPhone AR app? Can someone clearly explain this? please let me know what I missed. thanks
Biānjí qì (Reality composer pro) guānyú IBL zǔjiàn shèzhì wèntí 36 / 5,000 Editor (Reality Composer Pro) about IBL component settings
In the editor (Reality composer pro), I can edit and mount the IBL component in real time, and the preview effect in the editor is normal. When loading the parsed scene using xcode, some models will appear black. I have tried many model formats (usda, usdc, usdz), and the final effect is the same. However, I can create IBL effects through code, and the effect is normal. I suspect that the IBL component exported by the Realitykit parsing editor has a maximum number of material balls.
Anime with TabView
In vision OS, the tab bar of TabView is outside the window by default. If I switch a page without TabView to a page that needs TabView in my program, the tab bar will suddenly appear on the left side of the screen without any animation. I hope it has an animation when it appears (such as easeIn, move). I tried it in Tab. Other animation-related modifiers such as animation are added under View, but there is no animation in the tab bar. Only the view in the tab has an animation effect, but this is not what I want. What I want is that the tab bar outside the window can have animation. What should I do?
How to test an ARKit app in the simulator (without using ARKit features)
We are building an app that uses ARKit occasionally, but not always. We would like to test the non-ARKit parts in the simulator, since it offers more debugging features (e.g. SwiftUI previews or the Thread Sanitizer). However, we can't even build the app for the simulator, since the simulator SDK does not know about certain classes (e.g. "AnchorEntity"). This also means that none of the SwiftUI previews work, even if the views are not using ARKit. What is the best approach to test such an app in the simulator, without using any ARKit features?
Can't Get OrbitAnimation() to work on my project
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM I have an Apple Vision Pro App Store app called Starship SE Corps. I'm trying to add an animation for my app so that the starship entity orbits the Earth entity. I'm trying to use OrbitAnimation as discussed in the WWDC23 session "Build Spatial Experiences with RealityKit" (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10080). However, I can't get the animation to work. STEPS TO REPRODUCE I created a sample test app called "SampleOrbitAnimationApp" to focus in on the code I'm having trouble with. When I build and run my sample test app, the app runs on both the visionOS 1.2 simulator and on my real Apple Vision Pro device running visionOS 1.2. However, my starship entity is static and is not animating/orbiting around my Earth entity. I tried putting my OrbitAnimation code in the RealityView update: closure. Doing that, however causes some property scope errors because the entity I refer to in the OrbitAnimation code is my entity that I create in the RealityView code block...so the update: closure code block can't see the entity property. Trying to make the entity reference more global at the top of the ImmersiveView (so update: closure sees the entity property) causes other parameter issues in the .app file call to the ImmersiveView and in the #Preview call to the ImmersiveView. Maybe that should be expected and I would need to workaround that (but I couldn't find a sensible way to do so). If this is the right approach, I need help on how to resolve this across the project files. I did find some example code online where a developer put the OrbitAnimation code directly in the RealityView code block without having an update: or attachments: closure at all. I tried that approach but also couldn't get that to work. The test sample app tries to target the OrbitAnimation and ImmersiveView code I'm struggling with (i.e. I can't get the starship to move and orbit around the Earth). It uses my same production app Package for Starship and Earth entities, built in Reality Composer Pro. Those entities, included in my sample test app, work fine on my latest production App Store release, so I think they are fine. The issue is how to do the OrbitAnimation code for those entities. I realize new capabilities are coming in visionOS 2, but I would like to make OrbitAnimation work now in my visionOS 1.2 app.
App Environment SkyDome's UV values
I started a visionOS app using Apple's new "App Environment" template, and when I looked at the UV mapping for the half SkyDome, the bottom edge had a UV 'Y' value of 0.318. Naively, I had assumed the bottom edge of a half dome would have a UV 'Y' value of 0.5 (half way up the texture map). Is this the standard UV mapping for half a SkyDome? It has caused some issues when I've applied some HDRIs.
Geometry recognition and measurement from MeshAnchor
FYI. The source code of the FindSurface demo app for Apple Vision Pro (visionOS) is available now. The Swift package of FindSurface™ library is required to build the source code into the demo app. https://github.com/CurvSurf/FindSurface-visionOS After starting the app, the floating panels (below) will appear on your right side, and you will see wireframe meshes that approximately describe your environments. Performing a spatial tap (pinching with your thumb and index finger) with staring at a location on the meshes will invoke FindSurface, with an indicator (blue disk) appearing on the surface you've gazed. Voice commands: “Tap” – Spatial tap (gazing & pinching). Invoke FindSurface. “Tap plane” – Plane selection. “Tap sphere” or “Tap ball” – Sphere selection. “Tap cylinder” – Cylinder selection. “Tap cone” – Cone selection. “Tap torus” or “Tap donut” – Torus selection. “Tap accuracy” or “Tap measurement accuracy” – Accuracy selection. “Tap mean distance”, “Tap average distance”, or “Tap distance” – Avg. Distance selection. “Tap touch radius” or “Tap seed radius” – Touch Radius selection. “Tap Inlier” – “Show inlier points” toggle. “Tap outline” – “Show geometry outline” toggle. “Tap clear” – “Clear Scene” click.
Why is VisionOS Barcode Scanning an Enterprise API?
I'm seeking insight on why the new VisionOS Barcode Scanning API is categorized as an Enterprise API and restricted only for proprietary and in-house apps. I understand Apple's focus on privacy and I can see how this restriction could make sense for other Enterprise APIs like main camera access and passthrough screen capture. Why is barcode scanning restricted from open apps? What makes barcode scanning more of a risk to privacy versus the unrestricted APIs for object tracking, image tracking, or hand tracking?
[Metal Passthrough] upperLimbVisibility not respected in sample code
Hello everyone, Super exciting stuff released this year! I was playing around with the Metal passthrough sample code (see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/compositorservices/interacting_with_virtual_content_blended_with_passthrough) ... and noticed that the upperLimbVisibility set to .automatic does not seem to work and my hand is always on top. How to reproduce: Draw something Position your hand behind the brush stroke Notice that your hands are always rendered on top Taking a GPU frame capture reveals that the depth is correctly written. Xcode: Version 16.0 beta (16A5171c) VisionOS: visionOS 2.0 (22N5252n)
Add a modifier to a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scene
We can add many models in the Reality Composer Pro scene, but when I use RealityView to display and add modifiers in SwiftUI, the modifiers will have Effect, and I don't want to do this. I hope this modifier will be valid for a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scenario. May I ask how to add modifiers to a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scene?
VisionOS Object Capture get entity position
Hello :) As title, I have used RCP with reference objects to capture items in real world. My next step is to detect how close the user finger is that object. I had tried to get the entity's relative position to root but found the position, somehow, is always the same regardless of how and where I move around the camera or the object. The entity has a child transform with a collision component, which is used to detect collision when the finger is closed enough to calculate the distance, but it fails as well... Any help will be appreciated, ty
How to set the world alignment to gravity and heading for Roomplan?
So in the WWDC23 video on the Roomplan enhancement, it says that it is now possible to set a custom ARSession for the RoomCaptureSession. But how do you actually set the config for the custom ARSession? init() { let arConfig = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() arConfig.worldAlignment = .gravityAndHeading arSession = ARSession() roomCaptureView = RoomCaptureView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 42, height: 42), arSession: arSession) sessionConfig = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration() roomCaptureView.captureSession.delegate = self roomCaptureView.delegate = self } However, I keep getting an issue that self is being used in the property access before being initialised. What can I do to fix it?
3D Object Capture not working on iphone 12 pro
The 3D object capture feature doesn’t seem to work on my iphone 12 pro. The circle that is supposed to show up when you begin to begin to move around the object doesnt show up so object capture doesn’t even begin. It says ‘more light..’ or ‘move closer’ but this doesnt happen on my iphone 14 pro. Works perfectly fine on that even with the same lighting. How can this be fixed?