Submit your tvOS apps to the App Store

Build with Xcode
Deliver great experiences by seamlessly integrating with the latest advancements on Apple platforms. Build your apps using the latest version of Xcode, which includes Apple platform SDKs. All libraries and frameworks used in tvOS apps must be built for tvOS, including any third-party libraries. Make sure your tvOS apps don’t link against frameworks or libraries built for iOS.
All tvOS apps uploaded to App Store Connect must be built with a minimum of Xcode 15 and the tvOS 17 SDK. Starting April 2025, all tvOS apps uploaded to App Store Connect must be built with the tvOS 18 SDK.

Integrate new features
Take advantage of the exciting new APIs and capabilities in the latest SDK for tvOS, so you can deliver even better experiences to your users.

Game controllers
Let users play your game using more of their favorite PlayStation and Xbox controllers, including Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 and the Xbox Adaptive Controller. Accept input from additional types of devices, like a touchpad, a keyboard, or a mouse. Access additional device attributes, such as battery level, haptics, and light.
Multiuser games
With multiuser support for gaming, your game can switch dynamically between users and use both Game Center and iCloud to keep track of multiple players’ individual game levels, leaderboards, and invitations.
On-demand resources
Your submission may contain up to 4GB in the main bundle and up to 20GB of on-demand resources. To enable smaller app bundles, faster downloads, and more app content for your tvOS app, use on-demand resources to request content hosted on the App Store that's separate from your main app bundle.

Test your apps
Make sure your apps work as expected on the latest release by testing in the Xcode simulator and on devices.
Beta testing with TestFlight
Before finalizing your app for release, get valuable feedback with beta testing to make sure it’s ready for your users. Upload your apps to App Store Connect and use TestFlight to install and test them on an Apple TV.
Universal purchase
Let users enjoy your app and in-app purchases on all Apple platforms with only one purchase. To offer universal purchase, create your app for each platform using a single app record or add platforms to your existing app record in App Store Connect. Then upload your apps using a single bundle ID in Xcode.
For more information, view the universal purchase support page.

Update your product page and submit
App name
Searching by app name is a key way users find apps on the App Store for Apple TV. Search is incremental, so users see results each time they type a letter. Keep your tvOS app name short to help users quickly find what they’re looking for. If your tvOS app uses the same app ID as your iOS app, the apps will share one name. If your tvOS app uses a separate app ID, you’ll need to create a new name. Don't include the phrases Apple TV, tvOS, or ATV in your app name. Apple TV is a trademark and should always be written in English, even when it appears within text of another language.
App icon
Layered images are required to support the parallax effect that creates the sense of depth and vitality for icons on Apple TV. For guidance on creating app icons and specifications, view the Human Interface Guidelines.
Your tvOS app has its own app description. Use the description to explain the ways in which the app is optimized for a large screen and how the app leverages the features of the Apple TV Remote to create an immersive, intuitive experience.
Your tvOS app has its own unique set of keywords, with a limit of 100 characters. Maximize the number of words that fit in this character limit by avoiding terms such as TV, television, and app. Don’t use the phrases Apple TV, tvOS, or ATV. Apple TV is a trademark and should always be written in English, even when it appears within text of another language. For more information on writing effective keywords, view Creating your product page.
You can upload up to 10 screenshots of your tvOS app. Take advantage of all 10 to fully highlight your app’s features. For compatibility with the new Apple TV 4K, App Store Connect supports screenshots that are 3840 by 2160 pixels, as well as 1920 by 1080 pixels. For details on uploading screenshots, view App Store Connect Help.
App previews
App previews demonstrate the features, functionality, and user interface of your app or game in a short video that users can watch by selecting the preview button on an app’s product page. Each preview can be up to 30 seconds long and appears in all regions where your app is available.
App privacy details
Enter all necessary information about your app’s privacy practices, including the practices of third-party partners whose code you integrate into your app, in App Store Connect. These details inform the app privacy label on your App Store product page and are required to submit new apps and app updates to the App Store.
Learn about providing app privacy details
App Review
Learn about the review process, view the App Review Guidelines, and receive advice on how to avoid common issues before you submit.