




Stands not detected
I have FB12696743 open since July 21, 2023 and this happened again today. I get home at approx 10 mins after the hour, walk appox 50 ft across my yard, up 5 steps into my house, let the dog out and pace on my deck watching the dog, go back in the house walk around the kitchen while preparing dinner. A total of about 200 ft. I sit down about 35 past the hour and start to eat and at 10 mins to the next our and I get the reminder to stand. On the other side I wake up at 5 mins to hour. Walk 8 steps to the bathroom and successfully achieve the stand for that hour. WHY!?!?!? 😁🤣
Oct ’24
Watch not detecting stands
During WatchOS 10 dev betas and now into 11 dev betas, I am still seeing were stands are not being detected. What I do not know is if the steps are detected. But here is the situation. Today: I was going on some wiring outside and in the basement. I was clearly up and moving around for over an hour. I can see on my camera's I went outside at 15:50, came back in at 16:18. Then went to my basement and was working down there from 16:19 until 16:30. After that cleaned up my mess. So I was up and down stairs and without a doubt standing. At 16:50 I got the reminder to stand. Other cases: 1: I get home from work about XX:10 . I have to walk about 50 ft from my garage to my house, up stairs, take the dog out, make dinner, and finally get my chair to eat and at XX:50 I get the reminder. 2: I'm at work, I'm going to get lunch and I have to walk pretty far and again at XX:50 I get the reminder. This is very rare, but it has happened. Now, in a odd twist. I get up in the morning at XX:50, I have 10 steps to the bathroom, and I manage to get that hourly stand.
Jul ’24
AccessibilityUIServer has microphone locked
Just installed iOS 18 Beta 3. I am seeing my AccessibilityUIServer using the microphone and this is causing no notification sounds, inability to use Siri by voice and volume is grayed out. If I start to play anything with sound AccessibilityUIServer releases the microphone and I am able to use the app. Calls still work since AccessibilityUIServer will release and the phone will ring. Feed back ID is FB14241838.
Jul ’24
Bluetooth Connectivity Issues
Since 17.4 Dev Beta 2, I have been having Bluetooth issues. I had hoped it would have cleared up but even in 17.4.1 it continues. Airpod and Echo Auto are the only 2 audio devices I have. The audio will become chopping, rubber band or sound robotic and sometime completely disconnect. While driving it will occur on both audio devices. Sometimes I'm stopped at red light and the issue occurs. The phone is less than 3 feet from the device at all times. I have read forums and removed and readded the devices but that did not help. I really do not want to have to reset my phone since my 2FA apps do not recover in a restore. Anyone have any suggestions?
Mar ’24
Focus Modes on Watch
I have had issue with sleep focus on my watch 8 since late in the iOS 16/ WatchOS 9 betas. I opened a feedback in Oct 2023 when 10.1 betas. When sleep focus is on the watch shows it's active and did not alert but it still works like normal. It used to go dark and I could tap the screen to see the time and press the crown to exit from that mode to use it. I wish this would be fixed. I'm tried of having to use theater mode with I go do bed. The light of the watch is
Feb ’24
Watch OS Sleep Focus
I have noticed since later 9.x betas that sleep focus no long switches the watch to just a clock. In the past, when sleep focus is turned on, my screen would go blank and if I tapped the screen the time would appear. if I held the crown in, it would "unlock" from time display only and allow me to use my watch. Since this has started I have posted in the feedback app starting in 10.1. Now I have to set my watch into Theater mode every night so that the screen is off and not lighting up the room. After each new beta release I update my feedback. Any idea if anyone has seen my feedback?
Jan ’24