missing package product

42,954 results found






Xcode fails to start Loading a plug-in failed.
Using the Apple Store, I installed Xcode 12.0. However instead of starting, the application displays a small window with a yellow triangle ! stating that the plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled. I trashed Xcode and emptied the trash can and reinstalled, same issue. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Carl
Sep ’20
Info.plist entry for watch-only app on non-exempt encryption?
I am developing a watch only app, and want to get rid of confirming compliance to non-exempt encryption every time I upload a new build App Store Connect for testing. With a regular iOS app, I can set the App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption key of the Info.plist file of the iOS target to 'No', and that handles this for me. I am trying to do the same with my watch-only app, but it has no effect. I have tried adding it to both the WatchKit extension's and the watch app's 'Info.plist' respectively. It is rejected by App Store Connect when uploading, if the key is added to the App target. It is, however, accepted when the key is added to the WatchKit extension. I still need to explicitly confirm compliance in App Store Connect to make the app available for testing though, so it seem to have no effect. I feel like I am missing something obvious. Any advice or thoughts?
Jul ’20
Reply to Auto-renewing Subscription Updates not Arriving
*** UPDATE *** Not sure I made it clear previously but I'm developing a Freemium update to a previously paid Mac App. The discussion below relates to StoreKit testing in Xcode. After a week of experimenting I'm now in possession of more facts, and have a clearer idea of how to express what I'm looking for. I contacted Apple with a TSI and was told that the forums were the way to go, and an Apple engineer would look at this post, so here goes. I've distilled the purchase/subscription situation into the diagram below. The boxes are a simplified notion of state, and the arrows connecting them are in effect state transitions, caused by the labelled events. Some of the content is empirical, gleaned from experimenting. I want to be able to receive timely notifications in my app, of each event occurrence, so I can write rigorous (reactive) code to capture my business logic. To attempt to achieve this I'm listening for two things: Transaction changes, via Transaction.updates() Subscription status changes, via Product
Reply to Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
Thank you so much, Quinn! I genuinely owe you for how often you unblock my from complicated issues :) I agree that it would be best to let Xcode do the heavy lifting, and perhaps I will investigate that in the future - for now, since I already have a build pipeline set up for OpenSSL and Curl, I went with your suggestion of looking at what Xcode does and making a similar structure. I can confirm that once I defined the module map within the platform-specific frameworks I can now use the libraries in Swift, both a Swift framework and a Swift package.
Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
I want to build a Swift library package that uses modified build of OpenSSL and Curl. I have already statically compiled both and verified I can use them in an Objective-C framework on my target platform (iOS & iOS Simulator). I'm using XCFramework files that contain the static library binaries and headers: openssl.xcframework/ ios-arm64/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl Info.plist I'm not sure how I'm supposed to set up my Swift package to import these libraries. I can use .systemLibrary but that seems to use the embedded copies of libssl and libcurl on my system, and I can't figure out how to use the path: parameter to that. I also tried using a .binaryTarget pointing to the XCFramework files, but that didn't seem to work as there is no module generated and I'm not sure how to make one myself. At a basic high level, this is what I'm trying to accomplish: where libcrypto & libssl come from the provided op
Reply to Inquiry Regarding File Scan Permissions for Anti-Malware Feature Implementation
The Full Disk Access authorization exists to facilitate the sort of thing you're describing. It disable the user privacy protection that's blocking access above. You can find the Full Disk Access setting in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy. If I configure a LaunchDaemon using “SMAppService”, will the LaunchDaemon also share the “Full Disk Access” permission of the main app? Two answers to that: Yes. Part of the reason this API exists is that keeping the all of the app components inside the app bundle makes it easier to ensure that TCC permission can be correctly inherited, including FDA. Qualified but. Bugs are always possible, particularly with components that are executing outside the standard execution flow (like a LaunchDaemon running as root). If your app relies on FDA, then you should also consider how you'll handle access failures in a clean/graceful way. Keep in mind that there are many reasons access can fail (for example, Endpoint Security extensions or system external permis
Folder-level search option in Notes app
Hello Apple team, I would like to request a feature to include a search option within each folder in the Notes app, both on MacBook and iPhone. Currently, the global search function searches all notes, which can be overwhelming when dealing with a large number of notes (I have over 700+ notes). A folder-level search option would allow users to quickly find specific notes within a designated folder, making organization and retrieval more efficient. This feature would be a valuable addition to the Notes app, and I believe it would benefit many users who rely on the app for note-taking and organization. Thank you for considering my request! Additionally, you can also mention the benefits of this feature, such as: Improved note organization and management Enhanced productivity and time-saving Better user experience and satisfaction By providing clear and concise feedback, you can help Apple understand the value of this feature and consider implementing it in future updates.
Reply to Music displaying in Apple Watch SE
Break this down a little for us: What is auto launch? And where are you turning it off? Where is music being displayed on your Watch, and when? Why would turning off something called auto launch stop Music being displayed somewhere on a Watch? These two things don't seem related. Also... These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are NOT where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.
Transaction fails with ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 in production
Suddenly in-app purchases of already productive IAPs are failing in the production with the error code: NSUnderlyingError=0x283b42e20 {Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 找不到此项目。 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=找不到此项目。}}} Environment: Production OS Version:iOS 15.6.1 I confirm that there have been no prohibited sales areas for the product I want to know What does Code 3504 represent? Where can I find documentation related to error codes?
Apr ’23
Reply to How much does it cost to develop an app like Airbnb?
If you want to know the cost of building an app like Airbnb then there are multiple factors involved like features that you want to include, size of the app, complexity, technology involved, and a lot more. But remember that building an app requires a careful approach and if you try to do it by yourself then you may not only lose your customers but hamper your business reputation in the long run. Speaking of the cost of a dedicated mobile app development company like EitBiz, it may start from $5000 and can go up to $50,000. But don’t just blindly choose, ensure you go through their portfolio here: https://www.eitbiz.com/portfolio and make a decision. Furthermore, you can even visit their website to learn more about their mobile app development services.
Multiple async lets crash the app
Usage of multiple async lets crashes the app in a nondeterministic fashion. We are experiencing this crash in production, but it is rare. 0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b89b4 swift_task_create_commonImpl(unsigned long, swift::TaskOptionRecord*, swift::TargetMetadata const*, void (swift::AsyncContext* swift_async_context) swiftasynccall*, void*, unsigned long) + 384 1 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b6970 swift_asyncLet_begin + 36 We managed to isolate the issue, and we submitted a technical incident (Case-ID: 8007727). However, we were completely ignored, and referred to the developer forums. To reproduce the bug you need to run the code on a physical device and under instruments (we used swift concurrency). This bug is present on iOS 17 and 18, Xcode 15.1, 15.4 and 16 beta, swift 5 and 6, including strict concurrency. Here's the code for Swift 6 / Xcode 16 / strict concurrency: (I wanted to attach the project but for some reason I am unable to) typealias VoidHandler = () -> Void enum Fetchin