iCloud Drive

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iCloud Drive safely stores any kind of file so it can be accessed in iCloud-enabled apps on iPhone, iPad, Mac, or PC.

Posts under iCloud Drive tag

53 Posts
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FIFinderSync not working in iCloud Drive on Sonoma
When setting up a Finder Sync Extension, even when just using the minimal template given by the File → New → Target → macOS ones provided in Xcode, the right-click menu does not show up within iCloud Drive, while toolbar buttons always work. Outside iCloud Drive multiple extensions show up when right-clicking on Finder's background. When right-clicking inside iCloud Drive (here my synced Desktop folder), they do not show up. Before macOS Sonoma this worked perfectly for me, but it broke beginning with the first beta. No Finder extension from any app (such as the Keka one) work anymore. I have seen it discussed that not more than one Finder extension can be active in a directory, but that is not true as can be seen in the first screenshot. Q: How can I circumvent this issue?
Jun ’24
iPadOS17.8 beta not syncing our app
We use a test iPad to test new versions of our app as well as checking new (beta) versions of iPadOS. Our app - Rendezvous Appointment Book -uses iCloud to sync between the iPad and iPhone. So, when an entry is made on either the iPad or iPhone the entry is automatically synced to the other device(s). So, a user can make a client appointment on one device and it syncs to another iPad or iPhone logged into the same iCloud account. This has worked smoothly for years. But, the latest beta version - 17.8 caused a syncing issue where all the existing data that is stored on the same iCloud account did not sync. We have seen this before. Recently, starting with iPadOS/iOS 16.3 syncing failed for a number of users just on their iPads. The data stored on iCloud disappeared, but the iPhone did sync with iCloud. About 30 users could not get their data to sync at all , but the vast majority did sync. Some users who experienced the problem were able to sync by deleting the app and reinstalling it from the App Store, as per our recovery instructions. Then when version 16.4 was released all syncing worked as well as 16.5 and 16.6 which have worked perfectly. When 17 beta was released we tested again for proper syncing, but ran into the same issue with version 17.3 beta - no sync again. But 17.6 beta did sync. Now, in testing this last Thursday with 17.8 beta the same issue reappeared on our test iPad. We contacted Apple Developer support but have yet to get any resolution (and we are worried that when Apple releases 17 on Sep 11 the syncing issue might still rear its ugly head). Has anyone seen this happen? BTW all other iCloud syncing worked correctly, e.g. Photos, backups, etc.
Jan ’24
Missing Desktop and Documents and Error 8072
Yesterday 8/31/23 around 2:00 pm I deleted documents from my iPhone - apparently I wasn't paying attention and it was deleted from iCloud Drive. I later was on my MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.5 and my desktop and folders are gone... I logged into iCloud and there is nothing under recently deleted. When I try to right click anywhere on the desktop I get The operation can't be completed a unexpected error occurred - error 8072. When I go into finder I try to click desktop or documents I get- The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “Documents” can’t be found. The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “Desktop” can’t be found. I have gone into finder setting check - unchecked everything that I could from reading threads. I have started in safe mode I have run disk utility I logged out go Apple ID and back in... When I try to check the desktop and documents folder in settings it turns on and off quickly. I can turn it on through Settings general - storage. I am very frustrated and upset I did not ever choose permanently delete. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks - Kim
Sep ’23
All of my iCloud Data is Gone
I was testing out iOS 17 Beta 5 with Advanced Data Protection turned on. I wanted to downgrade to iOS 16 for improved stability; however, once I downgraded all of my iCloud data was gone (~100GB) and about 10+ years of digital accumulation poof. Yes, I'm on the correct iCloud account. Yes, I'm logged in. Yes, I've checked iCloud.com as well as my device. Yes, I went back to iOS 17 Beta 5 to see if my backup would show up but there is no data and no backup anywhere else. I was discussing with apple tech support for over an hour and they were unable to assist. Just checking if anyone else might have suggestions on other things to try.
Aug ’23
Access all files in UIDocumentPickerController while picking folder
Hello, I need to get all files (recursively) from an iCloud Drive folder. So I use UIDocumentPickerController with UTType.folder. Then I use FileManager to get all files from the picked folder, but when I try to access it with startAccessingSecurityScopedResource it return false. It's work perfectly if I dont get files by FileManager but directly by the UIDocumentPickerController when configured for multiple files selection. How can I access to all files from a picked directory with permission granted ? Is it at least possible ? Thanks
Aug ’23
iCloud stuck on upload when sharing folders
Hello people, I am currently experiencing a lot of disruption for the uploading of my files to the iCloud Drive. I have a folder that I share with some of my colleagues that contain some lectures notes and such, and I have two devices, a MacOS on the new Sonoma 14.0 Beta and an iPad on the 16.6 iPadOS. Recently the files started getting stuck upon upload and I think this started happening when I started sharing the folders with other people over iCloud. I went through the internet multiple times to see if someone is having this problem and I willingly ran sudo killall bird hoping it would fix my issue, but sadly it didn't. Would appreciate any support on this, I am aware this might have a potential relation with the Beta MacOS.
Oct ’23
Xcode (14 & 15 beta) not responding when creating a new project
I'm trying to use the Xcode 15.0 beta on macOS 13.4 (22F66) on a MacBook Pro 16" (2019) but whenever I try to start a new project, Xcode becomes unresponsive – seemingly indefinitely. In Activity Monitor I see "Open and Save Panel Service (Xcode) (Not Responding)": Even if I try to use Xcode 14.3.1 now I get the same problem. I've tried to resolve this by removing all Xcode-related files as well as the Xcode command line tools and reinstalling them but to no avail. I'd appreciate any and all help in how to fix this. EDIT: I have since found out that if I force-quit the bird process, Xcode will react again. But the bird process will start up and shoot to the top of the % CPU l column in Activity Monitor again almost instantly. It appears to be iCloud-related but I don't know what's causing it to take up so much CPU resources and make Xcode unresponsive, and how I can fix this.
Sep ’23
fileImporter download progress from files in iCloud Drive
I'm using fileImporter for a Mac app. If I open a file from iCloud Drive that isn't already downloaded, I need to start the download before I can read the contents of the file. I found that I can download the file by using NSFileCoordinator or FileManager.default.startDownloadingUbiquitousItem. These APIs will begin the download, but I have no updates on the progress or if the file has been downloaded. I've tried to use NSMetadataQuery with no luck. Is there a way, either with fileImporter in SwiftUI or an AppKit API that I can receive updates for when a remote file has been downloaded, or do I need to prompt the users to download the file themselves before importing into my app?
Oct ’23
Error accepting CKShare
Hello,I am creating a new app that uses CKShare. I am able to create the CKShare and send it by email using UICloudSharingController.When the receiver of the invite tries to accept the share, there is an error message"Couldn't open "Title"You need a newer version of "App" to open this, but the required version couldn't be found in the App StoreMy app has not been published to app store yet. How do I resolve this error? I am using a development build with two apple id's to test ckshare.Thanks!
Aug ’23
ckSession instead of ckWebAuthToken
Hello.I am starting working with theCloudKit Web ServicesI am reading the documentation here:https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/CloutKitWebServicesReference/SettingUpWebServices/SettingUpWebServices.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015240-CH24-SW1I am trying to receive Getting the Web Authentication TokenAfter successfully login I am getting this jsonObject appInfo:Object AdditionalSalt:"cec2731125ded8d34cbd3702e0c360b8b7b534fa04dbb2f0ea150b524b7739e5"AppDiscoverable:"false"AppId:"0"AppName:"iCloud.jovan.PhotoWebApp"ContainerEnvironment:"development"ContainerId:"iCloud.jovan.PhotoWebApp"DeveloperName:"UNKNOWN_DEVELOPER"LogoURL:""__proto__:ObjectckSession:"48__24__AZLhIol7ffB34oNYrGP54rWKY5MiVdO+2+85oIiWPuKoK/KJ7r9cNivNwYd03iX/aDW6KL4wuAOVJZ0dAShqhT9ZhoUuW9ZZNPPQ7tzTcBNJ/itQI/uulkBi/51Rpijv/5ZypUYD9yGP3dyXQgDVlGSK8tUPHigigN7nO91DGkM1kaT11lXFBBCHlvZr0DX4tp1cxZ9/P/Q=__eyJYLUFQUExFLVdFQkFVVEgtUENTLUNsb3Vka2l0IjoiUVhCd2JEb3hPZ0VpWXd2Q0QyYmdCVWZrblo1cmp3dnl3Wjg1cHF1dTdLaFZPMThnMEx1bDhLeWRhMHR5SkhyUkZwT0JycEVicXNXWGhqUk9XbTlyd2pkZzB6K3JvZktOIiwiWC1BUFBMRS1XRUJBVVRILVBDUy1TaGFyaW5nIjoiUVhCd2JEb3hPZ0ZyZzEyZGNZSGk4WWRKYU0yK1pFMFRKaytrdTBBMmNZTG8vaUJPRlV1cEtKT3ExS1YvYjlBaldCeklwQTR5N2FUbXNrMDhCWjRsYVRoeWRTaSt3eE9PIn0="isICDP:falsepcsDeleted:falsepermissions:Array[1] 0:Object ask:falsename:"discoverability"__proto__:Objectlength:1__proto__:Array[0]status:0But, as per documentation I should receive the ckWebAuthToken instead of ckSessionCould you please help me? Looks like documenttion is incorrect or i do something wrong...How to get the ckWebAuthToken or how to use this ckSession for requesting the web services?
Jul ’23
iCloud container Mac App Question About Moving Files: Is a File Coordinator Necessary?
In NSFileManager there is this method to move files to and from iCloud:- (BOOL)setUbiquitous:(BOOL)flag itemAtURL:(NSURL *)url destinationURL:(NSURL *)destinationURL error:(NSError **)errorOutAll the samples and information I'm able to find seem to be related to using NSDocument, which my app isn't using. I have a little view in my app that allows users to move an image out from the iCloud container and into a local directory. It seems that simply using NSFileManager moveItemAtURL:toURL:error: works fine both to move a file in and out of the iCloud container on OS X without wrapping everything in a file coordinator block. Is it still necessary to use a file coordinator to move files out of iCloud on the Mac. When I put a file in the iCloud container, the system automatically starts uploading it..even though I'm not using a file coordinator...and my related file presenter still is detecting a change.Both methods seem to be working the same, I'm just wondering if I should be using a coordinator because it's a good amount of code I can get rid of if it's not necessary.Thanks.
Sep ’23