Display 3d graphics content on the web in an immersive fashion.

Posts under WebXR tag

14 Posts
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Vision Pro Safari WebXR video playback not working
The Safari version for VisionOS (or spatial computing) supports WebXR, as reported here. I am developing a Web App that intends to leverage WebXR, so I've tested several code samples on the safari browser of the Vision Pro Simulator to understand the level of support for immersive web content. I am currently facing an issue that seems like a bug where video playback stops working when entering an XR session (i.e. going into VR mode) on a 3D web environment (using ThreeJS or similar). There's an example from the Immersive Web Community Group called Stereo Video (https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-samples/stereo-video.html) that lets you easily replicate the issue, the code is available here. It's worth mentioning that video playback has been successfully tested on other VR platforms such as the Meta Quest 2. The issue has been reported in the following forums: https://discourse.threejs.org/t/videotexture-playback-html5-videoelement-apple-vision-pro-simulator-in-vr-mode-not-playing/53374 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=260259
Mar ’24
Vision Pro Safari WebXR track head movement outside XR session
I am developing a web application that leverages WebGL to display 3D content. The app would benefit from tracking headset movement when viewing the 2D page as a Window while wearing Vision Pro. This would ultimately allow me a way to convey the idea of the Window acting as a portal into a virtual environment, as the rendered perspective of the 3D environment would match that of the user wearing the headset. This is a generic request/goal, as it would be applicable to any browser and any 6dof device, but I am interested in knowing if it is currently possible with Vision Pro (and the Simulator) and its version of Safari for "spatial computing". I can track the head movement while in a WebXR XR or "immersive" session, but I would like to be able to track it without going into VR mode. Is this possible? If so, how and using which tools?
Aug ’23
Leaking WebGLRenderer when rerendering on iOS
I have created a react-three-fiber web-app which uses webgl canvas. When the canvas is forced to rerender due to external change, a new canvas context is being created and the previous one is not lost. This leads to safari refresh and crash as the no of active canvas contexts goes beyond the max limit alongwith the memory. This issue is specific to Safari only and (chrome only on iOS). Does Safari have a different garbage collection mechanism and not include webgl context clear automatically? If it doesnt, is there an API to invoke the same?
Nov ’23
WebXR Mixed Reality Supported in Safari Vision OS?
I understand that fully immersive experiences, Quicklook using USDZ, and the newly adopted element tag for 3D objects are all supported in WebXR in Safari on Vision OS. What about Mixed Reality in WebXR? Meaning augmented reality experiences seen using passthrough on the apple vision pro where you can see your environment in combination with the webXR experience. (not fully immersive) Can you run full webXR experiences in passthrough mode? Or just view 3D models.
Dec ’23
WebXR Stereo Texture gamut issue
I am testing WebXR, via BabylonJS, on Vision Pro. Stereo 360 photos are extremely common, and a vital part of my application. However, Safari shows the texture as quite a bit lighter and more contrasty than is correct, almost like the wrong image gamut. This only seems to happen with the stereo domes, the displayed image has correct contrast when non running via WebXR. I'm hoping someone has seen similar and has a workaround, or a tracking bag. Cheers!
Feb ’24
WebXR Microphone Input Issue
Hello, I'm developing a WebXR application in Safari on visionOS. This app uses the microphone input in WebXR. I've noticed that with the microphone permission allowed the audio input doesn't capture. The size of the blob is always 0. I made a small demo here: https://github.com/chrisdubya/avp-threejs-webxr-test I've tried this demo on other WebXR supported HMDs and the audio capture works fine.
Feb ’24
Detect visionOS Safari to not provide mobile orientation features. Comes up as Ipad.
I was wondering if anyone has managed to figure out a way to properly detect visionOS in Safari ? So I dont include device orientation controls when going fullscreen for my VR player features. It comes up as detecting as Ipad and so has ipad functions it cant do. Its asking for orientation permissions it doesn’t need also. I've already got transient-pointer XR input controls working. I’m not sure why they did that other than making life hard for developers I already had to spend days trying to fix my VR Canvas picture in picture hacks and Iphone fullscreen hack as Iphone still doesnt have html fullscreen support for WebGL canvas. those hacks decided to break. desktop safari now needed the canvas video added to dom to get pip working and and now a 100ms delay was needed to get Iphone fullscreen working. https://github.com/danrossi/canvas-pip-fullscreen
Apr ’24
WebXR in WKWebView
Hi, I am creating a native application for the Vision Pro. I am looking to integrate a window with WebXR content that can open an immersive space. I am able to do this from Safari and using a SFSafariViewController, however, I would like to use WKWebView inside my native application to do something similar (as this does not open an additional Safari window before allowing WebXR content). It seems in this current version, the WKWebView does not support WebXR? Is this true or is there any additional preferences that I need to add to enable this in this component.
Apr ’24
WebXR hands pass-through
Hello! Is it possible to turn on hand pass-through (hand cutout, not sure what is the correct name, real hands from the camera) in WebXR when in immersive-vr and hand tracking feature is enabled? I only see my hands when I disable hand tracking feature in WebXR, but then I don't get the joints positions and orientations.
Jun ’24
[WebXR] Support for AR module in VisionOS 2.x
Thank you again for pushing the web forward in VisionOS 2, super exciting! The latest WWDC24 video touched on VR experiences for VisionOS2.0 using WebXR, however there was no mention of passthrough AR experiences. Samples such as this one are not supported: https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-samples/immersive-ar-session.html In Settings > Safari, there is a feature flag for the AR WebXR module, but enabling it did not seem to change anything. Is this the expected behavior at this time? Any developer preview(s) we could try?
Jun ’24