Understand the role of drivers in bridging the gap between software and hardware, ensuring smooth hardware functionality.

Drivers Documentation






DriverKit USB Transport to support multiple devices with different Vendor IDs
I have two different USB devices with different vendor IDs I would like to connect to. I submitted two separate requests for the com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.usb entitlement for each vendor ID. However I am noticing the provisioning profile only has one of the vendor IDs. How do I submit a request for the USB Transport entitlement to support more than one vendor ID? I'm new to writing a DriverKit driver, so is this even possible?
Oct ’24
How to get my extension’s process ID of the dext for debugging with lldb
I've asked this question in Stackoverflow, but no response, so I ask for help in here. I follow this guide Debugging and testing system extensions, and try to debug my dext code. In the Attach the debugger to your system extension, it said After your system extension launches, run the ps command-line tool and note your extension’s process ID. This is the current output for my dext status % systemextensionsctl list 1 extension(s) --- com.apple.system_extension.driver_extension enabled active teamID bundleID (version) name [state] * * K3TDMD9Y6B com.accusys.scsidriver (1.0/1) com.accusys.scsidriver [activated enabled] and I used the ps command but nothing happen, I can not get my extension’s process ID. ps aux | grep com.accusys.scsidriver or ps -ef | grep com.accusys.scsidriver How to do that? Any suggestion is appreciated.
Dec ’24
The curious case of the "IOKit Driver" Xcode target.
Firstly, I realise that Kexts are deprecated. And for my needs, user-space IOKit from an application might be more than I’ll ever need, but I can’t help ensuring I’ve got all my ducks in a row while I’m designing an app. I noticed in the above Kext deprecation notice that it’s more about specific APIs that are deprecated rather than the kext mechanism itself (no mention of IOKit kernel APIs there). Along with the fact that a reboot would be required and various other policy changes. While reading up on System Extensions and the various newer tools, DriverKit, Endpoint Security etc, I’ve noticed there’s no mention of this “IOKit Driver” target/deliverable in the Xcode template chooser. It looks like, from the requirements, that DriverKit is aimed at hardware manufacturers, with a need to request the DriverKit entitlement for development. With respect to Apple’s internal Kext deprecation roadmap, how safe is it to build a product that relies on using an IOKit Driver and are there any requirements similar to DriverKit? Would a developer need to request an entitlement? If I developed an app using user-space IOKit and, for illustration purposes let’s say I also included an IOKit Driver in the app bundle. If I used the IOKit API, including header file constants only (no digging around in the IORegistryExplorer for non-public keys), as Apple intends them to be used, would this fall foul of any App Store rules that anyone is aware of? Put another way, would making use of an IOKit Driver disqualify my app from being distributed via the App Store, similar to an Endpoint Security extension? As an aside, there are a lot of API in the ES Framework that could be used to build apps that have nothing to do with Endpoint Security. File system related apps for example. It’s a shame there isn’t an enhanced middle ground between FSEvents and Endpoint Security framework.
Dec ’24
LaCie 2big Dock 20TB Hard Drive "Unreadable Volume" macOS Sequioa 15.2 Beta
Hi there, My M1 MacBook Pro recently automatically updated to macOS Sequoia 15.2 Beta, and since then, my LaCie 2big Dock 20TB Hard Drive has not been reading and has been giving me 'Unreadable Volumes'. My LaCie is only a month old and has not moved from its location since I set it up. I have 'run' First Aid on the drive on Disk Utility and it checks out. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and is there a workaround to get it functioning properly again?
Dec ’24
MacBook peripherals malfunction after allowed Driver Extensions
Hi, I’m developing my own Pcie Ethernet driverkit. My Pcie Ethernet card connect on Razor Core X and connect to MacBook via thunderbolt 3. The Problem: Click Driver application and send activate system extension request, then go to System setting -> Privacy & Security, in Extension section ->click “allow” , the peripherals malfunction immediately after "allow" clicked and type in the password.I can't control all peripherals devices like touchpad, keyboard and all of thunderbolt ports. However, it can regain functionality after plugging and unplugging the device. results I expected: User approve Driver Extensions enable and all peripherals work normally and Ethernet Card works. Has anyone encountered this problem? maybe something wrong in "OSSystemExtensionRequestDelegate" but I have no idea how to fix it Please Help. My Xcode version is Version 15.3 (15E204a). Thanks
Nov ’24
Use IOKit to access usb in MacOS
Hi, I am trying to develop MacOS application which will be connecting to USB devices and should be available in AppStore. So it must be Sandbox and probably I've to use permission com.apple.security.device.usb. I've following requirements: I need to detect USB devices with file system I need to have ability to upload & download files from this device I need to read device serial number I wonder if I can use IOKit for this and it will be compliant with AppStore rules or not?
Nov ’24
How to get access of Admin Submission/Completion queues for NVMe devices from any driver or user space application to submit Admin command ?
Few user space applications are available in market for example xnvme, but does not have any interaction with Admin Submission/Completion queues. Also IOCTLs are not very prominent . Is there any ways to get access to the native NVMe Mac driver source code? Thanks, hopefully we will get some positive response here.
Jan ’24
USB Vendor-specific request for Carplay
I'm tryng to develop a software that can connect an iPhone to a HMI Box in order to use CarPlay and test an app for CarPlay. Since the starting point is to ask the device, i.e. the iPhone, if it supports CarPlay, I have to write a USB Vendor-Specific Request that the accessory send to know for this capability. I would like to know what are the specific parameters to include in the control transfer request from accessory to device, especially: bRequest, wValue, wIndex. I've studied the whole Accessory Interface Specification Carplay Addendum, but i couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance for your support.
Nov ’24
Drivers are not visible in iOS 18 Public beta
Hello team, I am using USBDriverKit and Driverkit framework in my application for communication of USB device. After updating my iPad OS to 18 public beta, I am unable to get option to enable drivers in my setting page of my application. However, I am able to see that options in developer beta version of iPad OS 18. Can anyone guide me, how should I proceed further as I am unable to use my USB devices.
Sep ’24
USB-C Accessory with iOS 18
Hello, We have noted that our USB-C accessory now supplies power and data after a role-switch when it previously would initialize with supplying power to the iOS device, then move to just transferring data to the iOS device after a role-switch. The charging+data behavior is only seen when the accessory is connected to a USB-C based iOS device running iOS 18. Are there some updates in iOS 18 that would cause this behavior? We noted that the expected case occurs with USB-C devices running on the earlier versions (iOS 17 and below).
Nov ’24
DriverKit - IOUSBHostDevice::SetProperties
I am trying to add a few properties to an IOUSBHostDevice but the SetProperties is returning kIOReturnUnsupported. The reason I am trying to modify the IOUSBHostDevice's properties is so we can support a MacBook Air SuperDrive when it is attached to our docking station devices. The MacBook Air SuperDrive needs a high powered port to run and this driver will help the OS realize that our dock can support it. I see that the documentation for SetProperties says: The default implementation of this method returns kIOReturnUnsupported. You can override this method and use it to modify the set of properties and values as needed. The changes you make apply only to the current service. Do I need to override IOUSBHostDevice? This is my current Start implementation (you can also see if in the Xcode project): kern_return_t IMPL(MyUserUSBHostDriver, Start) { kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess; OSDictionary * prop = NULL; OSDictionary * mergeProperties = NULL; bool success = true; os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "> %s", __FUNCTION__); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = Start(provider, SUPERDISPATCH); __Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ivars->host = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHostDevice, provider); __Require_Action(NULL != ivars->host, Exit, ret = kIOReturnNoDevice); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = ivars->host->Open(this, 0, 0); __Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = CopyProperties(&prop); __Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit); __Require_Action(NULL != prop, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); mergeProperties = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, prop->getObject("IOProviderMergeProperties")); mergeProperties->retain(); __Require_Action(NULL != mergeProperties, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); OSSafeReleaseNULL(prop); ret = ivars->host->CopyProperties(&prop); __Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit); __Require_Action(NULL != prop, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s : %s", "USB Product Name", ((OSString *) prop->getObject("USB Product Name"))->getCStringNoCopy()); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s : %s", "USB Vendor Name", ((OSString *) prop->getObject("USB Vendor Name"))->getCStringNoCopy()); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); success = prop->merge(mergeProperties); __Require_Action(success, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ret = ivars->host->SetProperties(prop); // this is no working __Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit); Exit: OSSafeReleaseNULL(mergeProperties); OSSafeReleaseNULL(prop); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "err ref %d", kIOReturnUnsupported); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "< %s %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); return ret; }
Nov ’24
Neither macOS 14.7 "Standard" 'AppleUserHIDEventDriver' Matching Driver Nor Custom HIDDriverKit Driver 'IOUserHIDEventService::dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent' API Work for a HID-standard Digitizer Touch Pad Device
I have been working on a multi-platform multi-touch HID-standard digitizer clickpad device. The device uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as its connectivity transport and advertises HID over GATT. To date, I have the device working successfully on Windows 11 as a multi-touch, gesture-capable click pad with no custom driver or app on Windows. However, I have been having difficulty getting macOS to recognize and react to it as a HID-standard multi-touch click pad digitizer with either the standard Apple HID driver (AppleUserHIDEventDriver) or with a custom-coded driver extension (DEXT) modeled, based on the DTS stylus example and looking at the IOHIDFamily open source driver(s). The trackpad works with full-gesture support on Windows 11 and the descriptors seem to be compliant with the R23 Accessory Guidelines document, §15. With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID mouse descriptors, the device works fine on macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" as a relative pointer device with scroll wheel capability (two finger swipe generates a HID scroll report) and a single button. With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID digitizer click/touch pad descriptors (those same descriptors used successfully on Windows 11), the device does nothing. No button, no cursor, no gestures, nothing. Looking at ioreg -filtb, all of the key/value pairs for the driver match look correct. Because, even with the Apple open source IOHIDFamily drivers noted above, we could get little visibility into what might be going wrong, I wrote a custom DriverKit/HIDDriverKit driver extension (DEXT) (as noted above, based on the DTS HID stylus example and the open source IOHIDEventDriver. With that custom driver, I can get a single button click from the click pad to work by dispatching button events to dispatchRelativePointerEvent; however, when parsing, processing, and dispatching HID digitizer touch finger (that is, transducer) events via IOUserHIDEventService::dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent, nothing happens. If I log with: % sudo log stream --info --debug --predicate '(subsystem == "com.apple.iohid")' either using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, we can see that our input events are tickling the IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter HID event filter, so we know HID events are getting from the device into the macOS HID stack. This was further confirmed with the DTS Bluetooth PacketLogger app. Based on these events flowing in and hitting IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter, using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, clicks or click pad activity will either wake the display or system from sleep and activity will keep the display or system from going to sleep. In short, whether with the stock driver or our custom driver, HID input reports come in over Bluetooth and get processed successfully; however, nothing happens—no pointer movement or gesture recognition. STEPS TO REPRODUCE For the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver: Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu. Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu. Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface. Nothing happens. For the our custom driver: Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu. Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu. Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface. Clicks are correctly registered. With transducer movement, regardless of the number of fingers, nothing happens.
Nov ’24
PrintCenter disappeared when printing with AirPrint on iOS18.1
Environment iPad:10th iOS:18.1 Printer:EPSON PX-S730 Problem In iOS18.1, When printing with AirPrint, PrintCenter is no longer displayed on AppSwitcher. In iOS17, PrintCenter was displayed on AppSwitcher. Question Is this a specification change? I would like to know if there is a way to check PrintCenter on AppSwitcher in the same way as iOS17. Ref No information after iOS18.1 update. https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/109349 There is no mention of AirPrint updates in the AppleDeveloper release notes. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-18-release-notes https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-18_1-release-notes
Nov ’24
MacOS input buffer size over 1020 bytes
Hello Currently, we are developing an application that collects measurement data from devices via USB port but we have some problems regarding input buffer size that might reduce the reading speed. The data size is quite big (~1.5 million bytes). For every read action, the app will check the available size in the input buffer by command: ioctl(serialPort.hHandle, FIONREAD, readBuffSize) Then that size will be passed as the desired size for the read command. Between read actions, there will be a short sleep (1 - 3 ms). Please confirm some points below: Regardless of the size of the measure data, the available size will only be up to 1020 bytes, is it expected? Is the above size OS defined or driver defined? Could we increase it? As we checked, there were some missing bytes between the measure data and the actual read data. Is there any chance that the data in the input buffer be overwritten while the read thread is in sleep? Any recommended technique that can increase reading speed while still maintaining the integrity of the data? Tested OS: Sonoma 14.5
Nov ’24
Update 18.0 to 18.1 CarPlay
Since updating to 18.0 & 18.1 I’ve have issues with CarPlay connected via usb, phone calls specifically where people would say I sound distant and robotic distortion. Tried other vehicles same issue new usb same issue, tried all recommendations with no success some one who refused to update theirs worked well without any issues I’m currently facing. Any suggestions or there gonna be an update that addresses this issue ?
Nov ’24
InputStream and OutputStream from EASession is not ready for use if accessory was connected when app is not launched
Hi everyone. I have an iOS application for work with an MFi-certified device connected to the iPhone via USB-C. When I launch the app and attach the device, I can create an EASession and use the InputStream and OutputStream as usual. But if I attach the device before launching the app I can't use the InputStream and OutputStream, because the hasBytesAvailable and hasSpaceAvailable properties are always false. The NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable and NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable events will never be triggered. After I re-attach the device, the streams open fine and I can interact with the device. What can be wrong with the case of attaching the device before the app launches?
Oct ’24