We are attempting to update our app to use the PTT framework, as it has been made clear that this will be required in a future iOS version as opposed to using the Unrestricted VoIP entitlement we are using for several features of our app.
However, the behavior of this framework poses some problems with implementing our app's functionality:
It is not possible to programmatically join a channel when the app is not in the foreground. This hinders our ability to implement the Automatically activate radio stream feature of our app, which allows users who have opted into this feature to immediately begin hearing live PTT audio from their agency following an incident alert. Having the app constantly "joined to a channel" and using the restoration delegate could potentially work, however this is not ideal as this would result in the PTT UI needing to be displayed at all times, even when no radio stream is activated.
We have a "Text to Speech" option that, when enabled, reads out the content of an incident alert after the alert sound has played. This currently happens by triggering an AVSpeechSynthesizer in the PushKit incoming push callback. It may be possible to render TTS audio on the fly in a Notification Service Extension and assign it as the notification's sound, if that is possible this is less of a problem.
We also use the PushKit callback to, again if the user has enabled it, activate a "Shake to Respond" feature, allowing a short period of time after receiving an incident alert in which the user can shake their device to indicate that they are responding to the incident. There does not appear to be any way to have the level of background execution required to implement this using an NSE, and this is of course beyond the scope of the PTT framework.
What options do we have to be able to continue to provide this functionality, without risk of it being disabled in a future iOS version?
RSS for tagLearn about the technical aspects of notification delivery on device, including notification types, priorities, and notification center management.
Hello Everyone,
I have some questions regarding the Apple notification alert update received in October 2024 for the APNs server certificate update.
We are using Azure Notification Hub to receive push notifications. I confirmed with the Azure team, and they have already implemented the required changes. However, push notifications are still not working in the sandbox environment.
Could you please provide any insights on this?
Hello Everyone,
We have some doubts regarding the apple notification alert update received in Oct 2024 for APNS server certificate update.
Does this change is already live for sandbox environment?
As we have checked on sandbox environment without changing any certificate its working and we are able to get push notification.
Does that means our system does not need any change for production as well?
If required where we should add https://www.sectigo.com/knowledge-base/detail/Sectigo-Intermediate-Certificates/kA01N000000rfBO. This certificate.
For FYI we are using python library called django-push-notifications which internally call to the APNS server for push notifications.
The app will be wake up from killed status by silent notification or not?
This is a question for years, from my test. It will wake up.
Here the wake up means it will call the "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method. But we can not see the app in the "recent apps" list after switching home-screen up.
So any Apple dev can give me a detailed explain for this?
I am encountering an issue with maintaining socket connections in iOS applications that need to remain active while in background mode.
I am developing an application that requires maintaining an active socket connection in the background to receive real-time data. However, I've noticed that the socket connection is terminated as soon as the app enters background mode, which affects the intended functionality of my app.
I understand that there are restrictions on background activities in iOS to preserve battery life and system resources. However, I would like to know what approach Apple recommends for handling this type of requirement. Are there specific APIs or configurations I should consider to ensure the socket remains active in the background?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance or resources you could provide. I am eager to ensure that my app complies with Apple's guidelines and delivers the best possible experience for users.
Hi there,
I’m currently working on an app designed for doctors to respond to life-threatening situations in hospitals. The goal is for critical alerts to trigger an alarm, regardless of whether the app is in the foreground or background. The critical alerts entitlement is already set up, but there’s a limitation: I can only attach a 30-second audio file to the notification, as I can’t run code to loop the sound when the app is swiped away.
Does anyone have suggestions on how I might approach this problem?
Thanks so much in advance!
@App Store Commerce Engineer hi, have you already implement something for handle server notification if user buy non consumable purchases product, how my server should know if user boutght something ?
We are struggling with the lack of information provided by Apple re: Apple Push Notification service server certificate update
We want help from other developers on HOW TO: make sure that both old and new server certificates are included in the Trust Store
Exactly HOW is this done?
What is the Trust store and how is it accessed?
Is this done for our account once OR for each for the apps utilising APNs?
Can anyone assist?
Development environment: Other: .net MAUI with vscode
Run-time configuration: iOS 18.1.1
APNS notifications of apns-push-type pushtotalk sometimes stop arriving after switching networks.
We have created a simple app which can be used to deminstrate this issue. When you launch the app it displays the APNS token which you can then use fromn the Apple Push Console to manually send it PTT push notifications.
On an iPhone SE (we havn't been able to reproduce on our iPhone 11)
Start the APP to register for the APNS push notifications
Turn off the WiFi wait for 5 seconds
Attempt a push to the app manually using the Push Notifications Console (this should fail, which is fine)
Turn on Cellular and wait for it to connect
Attempt to push to the app manually using the Push Notifications Console
-> This fails, and all attempts to send an pushtotalk push notifications fail until the we switch network again.
Send a push while offline before connecting to the new network seems to make it happen more often but hard to tell for sure.
The results of the failed push in the console look like this:
Delivery LogLast updated: 30/01/25, 16:45:06 GMT+13 Refresh
30 Jan 2025, 16:45:03.661 GMT+13
received by APNS Server
30 Jan 2025, 16:45:03.662 GMT+13
discarded as device was offline
The device is actually very much online.
Switching networks again oftern makes things come right. But it doesn't seem to come right by itself.
We can't respond to network changes and do anything as the whole point of using push-to-talk push notifications is to wake up the app when in the background to answer a call, this means we are not running and therefore cannot respond to network changes to try to work arround this issue.
iOS has a feature that suppresses or limits the display of push notifications when multiple notifications are sent in quick succession (often referred to as rate limiting or filtering). Specifically, how many notifications within what timeframe might trigger such suppression?
I'm having trouble displaying the Apple Wallet pass logo on iOS 18 when a notification occurs. It works on iOS 17 but not on iOS 18 (tested on versions 18.1 and 18.3).
I ensured the Wallet pass icon sizes are correct:
icon.png → 29×29
icon@ 2x.png → 58×58
icon@ 3x.png → 87×87
Has Apple changed any requirements for displaying Wallet pass logos in iOS 18?
Are there new size, format, or metadata constraints?
Is it possible to display a live activity on the lock-screen without a dynamic island? Or at least without expanding the dynamic island more than just for a small icon?
struct SomeWidgetLiveActivity: Widget {
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
ActivityConfiguration(for: SomeAttributes.self) { context in
} dynamicIsland: { context in
DynamicIsland {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) {
// Seems to be mandatory, any way around it?
} compactLeading: {
} compactTrailing: {
} minimal: {
I couldn't quite find a way.
Thank you
Do we need this new certificate "SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate" if we are using token based authentication with APNs? We are signing the JWT with the private Auth key?
Or is the new certificate needed on top of this?
We are doing something like this:
Dictionary<string, object> payload = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "iss", teamId }, // Apple Developer Team ID
{ "iat", unixTimestamp } // Issued-at time
Dictionary<string, object> header = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "alg", "ES256" },
{ "kid", keyId } // Key ID from Apple Developer portal
string token = JWT.Encode(payload, privateKey, JwsAlgorithm.ES256, header);
Hello ,
We are trying MDM APNs push using following command
curl.exe -X POST --http2 -k -v --cert PushCert.pem --cacert cacert.pem https://api.push.apple.com/3/device/9BFDFB46D48159D16E5DC80391B765EE99524CF294BB4BF9FB5AEA7A5F3FFD79 -d "{"mdm":"84F0C145-5963-4F06-9D11-DFBDB45802D5"}" -H "apns-topic: com.apple.mgmt.External.c217c1bf-ad51-42a9-9108-2e92ef705b2a" -H "apns-push-type: mdm"
The command process correctly there is no error but device doesn't receive the Apns push.
At the same time the older device recives the Apns push but newer device not.
What can be the cause,how to debug this issue.
While click on notification tray I do not want to open my ticket.
I am developing an app where the primary feature is to notify users.
To deliver notifications more effectively, I am considering using PushKit and CallKit.
Would it be acceptable under the guidelines to use PushKit and CallKit as an optional feature for an AI agent to notify users via a phone call?
I'm working with a deeplink I have to implement to my app. The deeplink is working because in some cases i will explain later the method is being executed. So when I tap the deeplink with a deeplink-tester-web I detect if the url is which I want and, if it's the case, i post a notification to NotificationCenter with a string parameter I need.
Case 1. I tap the deeplink when the view controller with the addObserver method is at the background with the app itself. It works (the only case)
Case 2. The app is closed so the deeplink opens the app directly in that view controller (the method is no being called event if the notification is there) Why?
Case 3. The app is at the background but in another screen. When I tap the deeplink and, after returning to the app, travel to my viewController the method is not called when the ViewController becomes visible. Why?
I've not seen anything in the documentation that can help me and i cannot access to the array of observers because the API does not allow that
Thanks. Any help will be appreciate.
When the deeplink is tapped the app delegate method that manages universal links call to this code when the url is a specific one
@objc func handleRecommendedOffer(offerId: String) {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .deeplinkRecommendedOfferNotification, object: nil, userInfo: ["offerId": offerId])
In my viewcontroller viewDidLoad (i've tried also viewWillAppear too):
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(goToDetail(notification:)), name: .deeplinkRecommendedOfferNotification, object: nil)
@objc private func goToDetail(notification: Notification) {
if let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let offerId = userInfo["offerId"] as? String {
getOfferViewModel.getOfferDetail(id: offerId)
hi i'm testing the new certificate. I'm using the p12 certificate and without doing anything, the sandbox can still be functioned.
I assume the new certificate has already been installed in the default path by linux. so I execute
openssl s_client -connect -servername api.sandbox.push.apple.com -verifyCAfile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt -showcerts
and i received
depth=2 C = GB, ST = Greater Manchester, L = Salford, O = Comodo CA Limited, CN = AAA Certificate Services
verify return:1
depth=1 CN = Apple Public Server RSA CA 12 - G1, O = Apple Inc., ST = California, C = US
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, O = Apple Inc., CN = api.development.push.apple.com
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=California/O=Apple Inc./CN=api.development.push.apple.com
i:/CN=Apple Public Server RSA CA 12 - G1/O=Apple Inc./ST=California/C=US
so the server indeed has the certificate, is this correct?
I'm working on an IOS app using capacitor. I'm trying to receive push notifications on my downloaded app from testflight. I tried with FCM and it's working on my android app but not on ios and the logs show no error.
This is how I retreive the FCM token:
const fcmToken = await FCM.getToken()
fcm_token: fcmToken.token,
device: platform
Then I have a job on my backend to send the push notifications:
def perform
fcm = FCM.new(
NotificationSubscription.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |subscription|
response = fcm.send_v1({
token: subscription.fcm_token,
notification: {
title: 'Un nouveau signal a été publié',
body: 'Un nouveau signal a été publié, cliquez ici pour le voir'
android: {
priority: 'high'
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
# alert: {
# title: 'Un nouveau signal a été publié',
# body: 'Un nouveau signal a été publié, cliquez ici pour le voir'
# },
sound: 'default'
headers: {
"apns-priority": "10",
"apns-push-type": "alert"
if response[:status_code] == 200
Rails.logger.info "Notification sent successfully to #{subscription.id} on device #{subscription.device}"
Rails.logger.error "Failed to send notification to #{subscription.id} body: #{response[:body]}"
# subscription.destroy
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error "Error while sending notification to #{subscription.device}: #{e.message}"
and the logs show that it's successful but i dont receive the notification. When I test from firebase console I receive the push notification on both ios and android capacitor apps. I also added this in the apple delegate:
Messaging.messaging().apnsToken = deviceToken
Messaging.messaging().token(completion: { (token, error) in
if let error = error {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .capacitorDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotifications, object: error)
} else if let token = token {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .capacitorDidRegisterForRemoteNotifications, object: token)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .capacitorDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotifications, object: error)
I also tried using apns tokens and ther apnotic gem:
console.log('APNs Token:', token.value)
if (platform === 'ios') {
apns_token: token.value,
device: platform
}).then(() => {
displaySnackbar(`APNs token: ${token.value}`, 'success')
# Create the APNs connection outside the loop
connection = Apnotic::Connection.new(
auth_method: :token,
cert_path: StringIO.new(Rails.application.credentials.apns_key_path),
key_id: Rails.application.credentials.apn_key_id,
team_id: Rails.application.credentials.apple_team_id
NotificationSubscription.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |subscription|
if subscription.device == 'ios'
# Create the notification for the current device token
notification = Apnotic::Notification.new(subscription.apns_token)
notification.alert = "Un nouveau signal a été publié"
notification.topic = Rails.application.credentials.apple_bundle_id
# Prepare and send the push
push = connection.prepare_push(notification)
push.on(:response) do |response|
if response.ok?
Rails.logger.info "Notification sent successfully to #{subscription.id} on device #{subscription.device}"
Rails.logger.error "Failed to send notification to #{subscription.id} body: #{response.status} - #{response.body}"
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error "Error while sending notification to #{subscription.device}: #{e.message}"
connection.join(timeout: 5)
but i have a bad token error:
Failed to send notification to 223 body: 400 - {"reason"=>"BadDeviceToken"}
I, [2025-01-23T02:23:59.013407 #104] INFO -- : [ActiveJob] [ApnsNotificationJob]
I checked my aps entitlement env and its production, have all the certificates, keys.. so I dont understand why i can receive push notifications from firebase console but not from my app
I'm having an issue on my standalone watchOS app where the settings to adjust notifications does not appear anywhere on the iPhone or the Watch. I have successfully requested notifications access from the user and have successfully displayed a local notification to them. However, if the user ever decides to revoke my notification access (or if they deny originally and want to change), the settings pane for notifications does not appear anywhere.
I've looked in the following places:
On the watch in Settings > Notifications, however it looks like you can no longer edit per app notification settings directly on the watch (none of the installed apps on my watch appear in here). The only options are settings like "tap to show full notification" and "announce notifications" which affect all notifications (Why not? Especially for apps that don't have a iPhone companion app?).
On the iPhone in the Watch app (the app you set up your watch in), in Watch > Notification. My app does not appear anywhere in there.
On the iPhone in the iPhone Settings app, in Settings > Notifications. My app does not appear anywhere in there.
On the iPhone in the iPhone Settings app, in Settings > Apps. My app does not appear anywhere in there
I've tried:
Adding capabilities in Signing & Capabilities for Push Notification, Time-Sensitive Notifications and Communication Notifications
Building the app for release instead of debug
My app also requires location access and has successfully appeared in the settings pane directly on the watch in Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services, however notification settings do not appear anywhere.
I have created a stripped down test app to try and that also does not work. This test code successfully asks the user for permission and (from a button in ContentView), successfully schedules a notification and displays it to the user when they're not in the app. Here's the code for my NotificationManager:
import UserNotifications
class NotificationManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
static let shared = NotificationManager()
@Published var hasAuthorisation = false
private override init() {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
func requestAuthorisation() {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound]) { authorised, error in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let error = error {
print("Error requesting notifications: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.hasAuthorisation = authorised
func scheduleNotification(title: String, body: String, timeInterval: TimeInterval) {
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.title = title
content.body = body
content.sound = .default
let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: timeInterval, repeats: false)
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: UUID().uuidString, content: content, trigger: trigger)
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error scheduling notification: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Notification scheduled successfully.")
This issue has persisted across two iPhones (recently upgraded) and the watch was wiped when connecting to the new iPhone.
Am I missing some code? Am I missing some flag I need to set in my project somewhere? Please can someone with an Apple Watch try this code in a standalone watchOS app and see if the notifications pane appears anywhere for them? I've contacted Apple DTS, but they're taking a while to respond.