App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






3.1.5 Cryptocurrencies - Crypto Exchange Licensing
According to the guidelines, 3.1.5 Cryptocurrencies: (iii) Exchanges: Apps may facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered only in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. For a cryptocurrency exchange, what does "appropriate licensing and permissions" exactly mean? Is there a specific definition? Does Apple check for specific licenses for each region, meaning you can have the app live in a region where licensing is not required? Or does Apple require a license to permit an app to be live in any region?
Jan ’23
App rejected after review
Apple app review sent me an e-mail wich said that my App was rejected. I'm publishing my app for the first time so i don't know what to do. They sent me this e-mail: Hello, Thank you for submitting your items for review. We noticed an issue with your submission that requires your attention. Submission ID: 4fadb383-a182-41d6-9fbe-247670c58c30 App Name: Dana in Dzintaru 20 We look forward to working with you to resolve the issues with the following items: App Version 1.0 for iOS Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 16.4. Next Steps Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user. If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented. If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information. Resources Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking. See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users. Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency. Guideline 4.3 - Design We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam. The next submission of this app may require a longer review time. Next Steps Review the Design section of the App Store Review Guidelines. Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review. When creating multiple apps where content is the only varying element, you should offer a single app to deliver differing content to customers. If you would like to offer this content for purchase, it would be appropriate to use the in-app purchase API. Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the customer adds it to their Home screen. Refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide for more information. Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.
Apr ’23
Non-Custodial Cryptocurrency Wallet
Hi everyone, We have submitted a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet and have been working with Apple to have it approved. They have rejected the app based on: Guideline 3.1.5 - Business - Payments - Cryptocurrencies Your app facilitates the transmission of a virtual currency but was not submitted by a corresponding exchange or recognized financial institution. To resolve this issue, please provide documentary evidence demonstrating you have the necessary licenses and permissions to distribute an app with cryptocurrency exchange features in all the locations where your app is currently available. Our response: Our app does not facilitate the transfer of virtual currencies or provide an exchange service. Our app is a non-custodial wallet. We do not store any assets or private keys of users. Our app is just a client (interface) to a decentralized network that helps users generate their own private and public keys and store them on their mobile device. We are not providing any form of regulated service in any jurisdiction. Do we provide an exchange? We don't provide an exchange ourselves. We do have a "buy" button in the app but this links directly to a 3rd party onramp using the Safari browser overlay. If a user wants to do an exchange / buy cryptocurrency they can perform this independently with the regulated onramp. Our app is very similar to other products on the market who also have browser links to 3rd party onramps. Mainly: TrustWallet Spatium Wallet How can we respond to Apple? It would not be feasible to have a legal opinion written by lawyers in X number of jurisdictions. Does anyone have experience with non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets and Apple? Thank you in advance.
May ’23
App Rejection caused by wrong country connection
I am facing multiple App Store rejections like this one: _We are still experiencing the same issue. Specifically, your app content did not load properly. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. _ I have explained them that they see white pages because the app is intended to work only in Belgium, so with every connection outside of Belgium the app would not load the data or the user would not be able to login and connect. After their answer: _Thank you for providing this information. We will continue the review, and we will notify you if there are any further issues._ They answer: _We have started the review of your real-money gambling app, but we were unable to successfully access your app's full features and functionality. In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that grants App Review full access to all features and functionality in your app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. _ providing the same screenshots as before. Clearly they are not using a vpn to Belgium or a connection to it. Every try of me asking which connection are they using if futile as they won't reply directly. The app works properly as I tested on every device. Any advice on how to let them understand that is only a matter of network?
Jul ’23
Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property
Hello, I'm publishing free IOS app with my own name and Individual account. The app use to control my DIY hardware via Bluetooth. I called the App and the Hardware it control with my own name "***". There are no trademark with that name registered. My app has been rejected with the following reply: Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property Your app includes content or features from "***", or is marketed to control external hardware from "***", without the necessary authorization. The inclusion of third-party content within your app, whether retrieved from the internet by the app or embedded in the app, is subject to the terms of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Your app and its contents should not infringe upon the rights of another party. In the event your app infringes another party’s rights, you are responsible for any liability to Apple because of a claim. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in App Store Connect demonstrating authorization/ownership between "***" and "MyName". Once we have reviewed your documentation and confirmed its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app. Alternatively, please remove the third-party content from your app and its metadata. Please help. I don't know how to resolve this problem. How can I prove the "***" name belong to me or just a random name that I named they? Or how can I remove the "***" from my app because it's my App name? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Aug ’23
Uploading an app using - assetFile on macOS
Uploading an IPA using /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter -m upload -assetFile -u -p -v informational -asc_provider method, if an application successfully uploads for the first time and the version of the IPA+1, it will be rejected upon upload. The reason for rejection is: Package Summary: 1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: /Users/****/Desktop/3/app.ipa - Error Messages: Upload is not in processing state, please try again. state: class Build { type: builds id: 873e65d2-7cb2-4acf-868b-7f95c6893784 attributes: class BuildAttributes { version: 1 uploadedDate: 2023-08-01T23:48:33.661-07:00 expirationDate: null expired: null minOsVersion: null lsMinimumSystemVersion: null computedMinMacOsVersion: null iconAssetToken: null
Aug ’23
App review rejected
Hy guys. Some days ago I sent to Apple my first app for review but it was rejected cause of crash. By the way they wrote that they tested my app on iphone13 mini and iPad Air (5th generation) with IOS16.4 but it get crash after the launch. I have an old device (iphone7 IOS15.7) and the app works good without error or crash. Attached this message you can find the crashlog files. Can someone help me to fix this bug? Thanks in advance to everyone. crashlog-00A0051A-EDFE-466F-BEC6-9B52E2FA1280.txt crashlog-8FDC63F5-28AA-484C-A701-0AACAB9E8324.txt crashlog-8007C03A-EAC7-4332-BA03-6272CE245A2C.crash crashlog-EBCB9333-06DB-4C73-A6CF-26FDCB77DA03.txt
Aug ’23
Access to External Mechanisms for Subscriptions - How to Resolve This Issue
Dear Experts, My app is getting rejected by the app store review team specifically due to: "Your app includes an account registration feature for businesses and organizations, which is considered access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app" We have designed an app that solves a problem for businesses and organizations. The business must have the ability to register their new account and enroll in the service through the app. Why would Apple disallow this? My app cannot work if users cannot create an account and enroll. This is very confusing to me. Once users enroll in the app, they must enter credit card information to give access to their employees. Apple will earn revenue when users subscribe. I am confused as to where the issue is. Any advice on how to get around this issue? I see no other way that businesses can subscribe to the app.
Aug ’23
Problem with the guidelines 2.1
Where to find guidelines 2.1 in apple store connect ???? My app is getting rejected with the following message: Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need more information about your business model and your users to help you find the best distribution option for your app. Next Steps Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question. Is your app restricted to users who are part of a single company? This may include users of the company's partners, employees, and contractors. Is your app designed for use by a limited or specific group of companies? If yes, which companies use this app? If not, can any company become a client and utilize this app? What features in the app, if any, are intended for use by the general public? How do users obtain an account? Is there any paid content in the app and if so who pays for it? For example, do users pay for opening an account or using certain features in the app?
Aug ’23
Can SAAS-developed template apps pass the review and be published?
I am representing a service provider specializing in Saas tool development. We package customized application versions for different clients to meet their unique requirements. However, the code similarity among each version of the application could be as high as 99%, with the main differences lying in branding and client-specific settings. Thus, I inquire if there are any related policies in the App Store that limit our way of developing and submitting applications? If so, could you please provide some solutions or recommended best practices? We highly value the individual needs of each client, and our aim is always to provide the best quality service while complying with the App Store policies.
Aug ’23
Really weird App rejected message
Hello All, We submitted an app for review and we got the following message . We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. This is our first account and first app. Its a simple job search app with no third party APIs, no ads, no payment services ,no tracking , nothing at all. Its a simple job post and search app. Initially we got rejected stating they could not login to review the app (went back and forth for almost 2 months) and they finally said we can login now we are rejecting as you need to make a small correction on alerts on the app. We did that and then got the above rejection message. We have delayed our launch significantly because of the review process. Some posts are saying to submit for review again. Does that really help? Any insight into this will help us. P.S : Called Apple and there is no outcome from that. Thanks
Aug ’23
作成したアプリをApple Storeに公開する際のヘッダーの設定方法について
Apple Storeで公開したいのですが、WindowsのPCでヘッダー画像を設定する方法がわかりません。 コンテンツとしては添付画像の画面でヘッダー画像を設定したいのですが、設定方法を調べたところXcodeでのアップロード方法しか出てきません。 Xcode が Mac ではしか使用できないため、Windows の PC でのヘッダー画像の設定方法を逆に考えましたらご教示いただければ幸いです。 →あるいは Windows ではアップロードできない場合はその旨をご教示いただけますと幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ※Apple Developer Program サポートにお問い合わせいただいたところ明確な回答をいただけず、こちらから聞いてほしいと高く評価していただいた形です。
Aug ’23
Submission Rejected, Apple Reviewer Thinks I'm Copying My Own Game
Hi there, I am a solo game developer. I released my game Space Menace on Steam on November 12, 2022. Now I'm trying to publish it on the Apple App Store. I recently submitted my game to the App Store. On August 16, my game was rejected and I received a message that my game used a trademark term or popular app name "Space Menace", and I am copying an existing game. I asked for more details about the violation of these guidelines. On August 20, I received a response that my game included content from the Space Menace game. But I am the developer of the game Space Menace on Steam and other websites. How do I prove that I am the owner and developer of this game on Steam? Today, I send them screenshots of my Steam game page where they can see the word "admin" in the upper right corner. I don't want to receive another answer after 4-5 days and again they reject it without explaining exactly what they want as proof. That's why I'm asking here for help. Has anyone ever had a similar situation. This is the message for guideline violation: "Regarding 4.1, your app includes content that resembles Space Menace without the necessary authorization. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to demonstrate your relationship with any third-party brand owners represented in your app."
Aug ’23
"In review" for 4 months
Hello! I realize that mostly other developers are communicating here, however, it's worth trying... Apple ID of our app is 1636352042. We have not been able to release an update for 4 months now. The last update was on April 26. We are constantly facing very long moderation times (weeks, sometimes over a month). Before that there were a few problems on our side - they are fixed now. However, we are still in "In review" status for weeks. The longest uninterrupted wait to test just one version lasted over a month. And in the end we still couldn't stand it and uploaded a new version with corrections in the hope of accelerated moderation. The latest update attempt has been in this status for 6 days. The previous version was in review for more than 2 weeks. We submitted a new version 6 days ago, with some fixes, hoping to guess what the problem is and pass moderation faster. However, we still haven't received any moderation response. We also can't get a call from support for several months - the robot immediately drops our call after connecting to an operator. Or they do not call us at all. I can't even send a written request to Apple Developer support ( anymore. After clicking on "Submit" the button just stops being active and nothing happens. More than 100.000 users use our app on iOS. These are not random people, they are loyal customers of our local brand. We receive a huge amount of negative feedback due to lack of updates, we can't fix even the most critical bugs. While everything is fine on Android. Please step in and help us deal with this, we don't know what to do anymore.
Aug ’23