App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






App both rejected and still under review at the same time
There seems to be a very odd situation here. I submitted my app for review and yesterday it was rejected and the reason given. I fixed the problem, resubmitted and that has resulted today in it being rejected again, but no reason given, no contact made and Review Status is still "under review". It's clearly now been marked rejected once more, but I can take no action because it's still under review and no reason has been given. I don't see how it can still be under review and newly rejected at the same time? Seems to be a glitch. Has anyone else ever come across this?
Jan ’24
App review taking over 7 Weeks for approval
Hi, is there any one who has been waiting for their app approval for over 7 weeks now? I have been going back and forth with these approvers and even escalated multiple times but always get same answer "Thank you for your continued patience, we are looking into your app will let you know once it has been approved". On the other hand google has approved 3 different versions. Its so frustrating that we are dependant upon them to make our app reachable to customers. They literally do not care if the company is losing money because of the wait. Is there anything I can do or someone I can reach to know the status of my app?
Jan ’24
App Review, No placeholder images, Ipad screenshots
Hey! Just had 2 quick questions on App review as apple support was not able to provide me an answer my app was rejected due to the app using placeholder images when Foursquare API does not provide images for a specific restaurant, has anyone faced this issue? What did you do to solve it? Should I just remove the placeholder image? Is there an option to turn on that says your app is not optimized for ipad or is that compulsory Thank you!
Jan ’24
App regularly getting rejected and then approved after appeal
Hi all, my mac app uses the "" entitlement. Originally the process was that one is allowed to use such an entitlement as long as one filed a bug to request a scripting target that would allow one to move away from it. Now, my app has been approved for years with that entitlement, but every 5th time or so I submit an update, my app gets rejected because I allegedly shouldn't use that entitlement. I then ask for clarification, repeating the statement about why i am using it, and then the app gets silently approved. Is there a better way to handle this? It is super annoying that every couple of updates I get this random delay and have to dispute stuff just to get my update through. The note for the entitlement already describes why I am using it, but it seems that some reviewers just ignore it and then, upon me repeating that note, the app gets approved... I would also be fine getting an official statement that Apple doesn't support my use of the entitlement anymore and I could communicate to my customers that this is why the feature will disappear in the app store version, but since my updates eventually get approved, the issue seems to be with the particular reviewer... Any ideas how to fix this? Thank you.
Jan ’24
4.3 - Design - Spam: Rejected
I have made an application with the main function to enter birth dates and export information based on the Mayan calendar in Japan. I explained to the reviewer about the Mayan calendar. And I still get a rejection from the reviewer: "Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam" It took me a lot of time to make this app. How do I pass this assessment? Everyone helped me with it. Thank you.
Jan ’24
Concerns about collecting app operation logs and Apple's app review reject
I am an ios app developer and have been receiving reports of issues with my app from users. In order to resolve these issues, I want to collect logs of the app's operation. However, I am concerned that this might lead to rejection during Apple's app review process. I wonder if collecting purely app operation logs without any personal information could still be a reason for rejection?
Jan ’24
Clarification on Guideline 3.1.1 and App Rejection. Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
Hello Apple Developer Community, I recently received a rejection notice citing Guideline 3.1.1 related to in-app purchases for my app. My app allows users to have a wallet, which they fund externally, and use the balance to make purchases such as airtime, data, and other items within the app. They do not receive any code within the app, the client account is credited. I am seeking clarification on how this specific feature violates the guidelines, especially considering that bill payment apps with similar functionalities are available on the App Store. Could there be any missing information in my metadata or any specific adjustments needed to align with Apple's policies? Your guidance on resolving this matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Jan ’24
Invalid Binary
I uploaded my app on AppStore but it gives warning like below in Xcode Archives. This bundle is invalid. The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions. I have uploaded it for review on AppStore but it was rejected and shows "Invalid Binary" error on AppStore and didn't get any more detail about it. I already tried by adding UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities and NSCameraUsageDescription in info.plist Any help for this is appreciated.
Jan ’24
Guideline 5.1.1 (ix) requirements
While checking our application, we received the following message: We found in our review that your app does not meet all of our requirements for apps that offer highly regulated services or handle sensitive user data. Specifically: The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual. Can we use this clause to switch our membership to an individual entrepreneur, or is only an LLC or CJSC required?
Jan ’24
Clarity on why account creation would be disallowed
Hello. A group I work with received a rejection notice that we are having trouble understanding: Your app includes an account registration feature for businesses and organizations, which is considered access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app. Can someone point us at a section in the app store guidelines or any other communication from Apple that will help us understand the rules around account creation? Account creation is only mentioned twice in the apps store guidelines, once to say that we must support account delation is we support account creation (we do), and the only other mention is under remote desktop apps which does not apply to us. The is an app used by businesses. There is a very meaningful free version that many many businesses sign up for and use on a daily basis for many years. There are no solicitations or disabled features in the app to ask free users to start paying. In a non-opinionated way, I would by default think that Apple does want high quality, free apps for businesses available on the App Store, and it seems reasonable that businesses want to have an account to save the business data they are capturing. So I am thinking this is probably a misunderstanding, but I am trying to make sure we understand the rules and are operating within them in letter and spirit before we challenge the rejection. Thank you in advance.
Feb ’24
Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats. Submission Rejected
I'm looking for a little help understanding what Apple considers a "copycat". I've been trying to get my app on the store for over a week but I fear that no matter what I do it will continue to be rejected. :( Hello, The issues we previously identified still need your attention. If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats Your app or its metadata appears to contain misleading content. Specifically, your app includes content that resembles ‘******’ without the necessary authorization. Next Steps You may attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in App Store Connect. Alternatively, please remove the third-party content from your app and its metadata.
Feb ’24
Acceptable level of obfuscation for App Review
New member here, please be gentle :) I am getting ready for App Review for my first iOS app, and I am curious if ANY level of obfuscation is allowed? Say I had a drone controller App, I might have something like this: struct Drone{ var name : String var forwardVelocity : Double var lateralVelocity : Double var verticalVelocity : Double var receivedSignalStrength : Int var rssThreshhold : Int var gpsCoordinates : Data func reverseCourse(){ //do a 180 //... } } func onUpdateReceivedSignalStength(drone:Drone){ if drone.receivedSignalStrength < drone.rssThreshhold{ drone.reverseCourse() } } But I don't really want to make it easy for someone to pull the strings from the binaries and try and copy my work. I realize it's pretty much inevitable, but it seems sensible to protect my IP as much as I can. Is something like this acceptable? struct D{ //obfuscated Drone var parameter1 : String //name var parameter2 : Double //forwardVelocity var parameter3 : Double //lateralVelocity var parameter4 : Double //verticalVelocity var parameter5 : Int //receivedSignalStength var parameter6 : Int //rssThreshhold var parameter7 : Data //gpsCoordinates func funcSeven(){ //do a 180 //... } } func funcSix(d:D){ //check if signal strength requires a course reversal if d.parameter5 < d.parameter6{ // signal strength less than threshhold d.funcSeven() //reverse course } } The comments make it clear what the similarly-named parameters are doing, and what the functions do. I fully understand that something like the below is a no-no, just writing it made my eyes bleed: struct DDF{ var SXR : String var KYV : Double var GTC : Double var DKY : Double var ENY : Int var WKN : Int var DJV : Data func BDO(){ //do a 180 //... } } func PUL(KHY:DDF){ if KHY.ENY < KHY.WKN{ KHY.BDO() } } Is there any level of IP protection through obscurity that is acceptable? I realize that the more genericized the variable and function names are, the harder it is to debug, but that might be an acceptable trade-off against IP protection. To be clear, my app isn't anything to do with drones, this was just a vehicle to ask the question with. My code isn't currently at all obfuscated, everything is in clear terms, but I am wondering if I could/should obfuscate the critical parts before App Review and release? The reason for my concern is that a key feature of the app is something very novel, and I have filed a patent application for it. The patent (if granted) won't be granted for 18-24 months, so anything I can do to protect the IP seems like the right thing to do. As a complete newcomer to releasing Apps, I have no experience at all, so I would be grateful for any help/steers from those that do have experience in trying to protect their IP while not making life difficult for the App Review team. Thanks in advance! 6502A
Feb ’24
App Updates on App Store , i need uninstall app to update
I am a developer. I have this problem that I released v2.0 to a newly developed app. I had v1.0 on my iPhone 11. When I update to the new version, it doesn't show the new changes in v2.0. But if I uninstall the v1.0 app and reinstall the app, the v2.0 app is installed. How can I update it to see the new version changes without uninstalling/reinstalling? I really need your help! I really need your help, has anyone had this problem?
Feb ’24
Reviewer cannot connect to server of the IOS app.
Hi we tried submitting our app , but the reviewer keeps rejecting the app multiple times stating that "your app was still loading indefinitely after we had tapped on the “LOGIN” button" after this we have inspected on our backend, we found that there were no request on our server. My testers didn't run into errors when testing our app with Testflight. Below is the URL of my server It should give response as : "Hello World !" I have been rejected multiple times,I wonder if anyone has same experience and the way to resolve it. Thank you.
Feb ’24
App rejected after removing app tracking transparency framework
Our new app version is being rejected because it has Device ID checked in privacy, but the new version of the app no longer has tracking function. When I try to remove user tracking from privacy, the following message appears "Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. To update this information on your app's product page, you must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect." We no longer has the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription on binary/build. I've already sent several resources to apple informing the situation but they keep rejecting with the same message: "Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements We noticed your app's binary contains references to App Tracking Transparency, but you have indicated you do not intend to ask users for permission to track at this time. Since App Tracking Transparency is only intended to be used by apps requesting authorization to track, it would be appropriate to disable App Tracking Transparency before resubmitting your app for review. Next Steps To resolve this issue, remove any App Tracking Transparency-related keys in your app's info.plist and from localized string files. In addition to removing these keys, you may also choose to fully remove other references to the AppTrackingTransparency framework from your app. If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information." I am not able to update my app. Any suggestions?
Feb ’24
Our app is stuck in review for a long time and it has crucial updates
Hello, our app has been stuck for a long time in review. We have contacted app review team multiple times, even requested to fast track our review and it got accepted. This update is crucial as we have an event in few days and we need the update to be ready then. App review team only replied with general stuff and didn't help explain why.. This is the case number I have raised with the app review team: 102230986237 Apple id: 6444034060 Hopefully someone here can help..
Feb ’24