Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

General Documentation






How to Handle Refund Notifications V1?
Received 'REFUND' notification from server for 'App Store Server Notification V1'. Among the 'responseBodyV1' properties, the 'original_transaction_id' value and Should I find and process transactions that match 'unified_receipt' > 'latest_receipt_info' > 'original_transaction_id'? Sometimes there are no transactions in the history of 'latest_receipt_info' that match 'original_transaction_id'.
Dec ’23
GreyScale Model
I want to connect with teams creating and programming tools for platforms for Apple inc developers where they creating models, textures, Riggings, and Animating the model and then I also want to in connect with teams providing a dedicated servicing by live controlling for Lending the Pages and E-drafting the functionality of Operating Systems RUN on Macintosh Platform for Apple Inc. I want them to add me in their group or team as student, I learn more. Thank you Mr. Tanbeer Singh Brar [Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
Dec ’23
App rejected as spam because using same proprietary engine
I recently submitted an app to the App Store which was rejected as spam (Section 4.3). After speaking to an Apple rep, I learned the reason. The app is based on a propietary cross-platform engine which I have been developing for several years. We are not using any third-party software or 'app templates'. A couple of years ago my son and I collaborated on another project - I did the coding using the same engine, but he did the design and content creation. He published it under his own developer account. We worked together on the new app as well. They are both educational apps. The older one is used for learning algebra, and the new one for memorising language vocabulary. They do not look the same and have completely different content. But App's search engines have detected commonality in the code, because much of the underlying engine is the same, and because we are using different developer accounts, has rejected the latest as spam. I wondered if anyone else had encountered this kind of issue, and if there is a way round it? Surely many different developers use common engines (eg Unity) and their apps don't get detected as spam? If I decided to publish my engine as open source on Github, would every developer that used it get rejected as spam? There must be some way to avoid this problem.
Dec ’23
App Tracking Transparency, app rejection
Hello, I'm using the Flutter app_tracking_transparency plugin. Encounter a problem when the reviewer doesn't see the App Tracking Transparency request. All test devices work as expected (running on iOS 17.2). I've made some code changes according to this closed thread - But still rejection. Next, I've added analytics, and see when the reviewer opens the app, the status of ATT is almost instantly set to «decline». This usually happens when a user disables tracking permission in device settings. Is there any chance that the reviewer disabled it?
Dec ’23
After replying to app review rejection do your re-submit
Hi, I feel like there's been some miscomunnication with the app review team. I have been replying to the rejection and re-submitting and my comments don't seem to be read and I get the same rejection parroted out with not much clue about which action I really need to take as it's quite vague. Does the App Review team reply to the rejection without me having to re-submit? Maybe I'm just not being patient enough or I'm using the submission process wrong.
Dec ’23
Associating App Clips to Apple Map Location
Question: Does anyone have experience or documentation on how to get an App Clip to show on Apple Maps for a location? What I've tried: I have tried to associate my App Clip with an Apple Maps location. We are working with a physical restaurant that has an Apple Maps location, our full app is listed there but not the App Clip. I've gone through the steps of setting up the Advanced App Clip Experience and giving it the location we want it associated with, and have gone through Apple Business Connect and done all the setup there to get the full app to show with the location, but the app clip still does not show. I've contacted Apple Support and they gave me the criteria of "The App Clip is hosted within the app" and "The app is associated to the same physical location". When asking for clarification with the first criteria they said they could help and closed the chat.
Dec ’23
App store update check url changed after releasing to production
I have deployed an app on the app store and it got approved. There is a force update feature implemented and it is redirecting to a different link. We then found out that apple provides the correct URL only after doing a production deployment and we had to do a newer deployment with the corrected URL. Will the app update URL be changed be changed again in the future?
Dec ’23
Simple tricks to bypass the review team
Hundreds of fake applications on the appstore: using simple tricks to bypass the review team. These applications include some APIs. When submitting these APIs are turned off so the application looks valid and when the application passes review these APIs are enabled. These APIs check so that if the user is qualified (for example, the IP address is from Vietnam), the application will be updated to illegal content (unlicensed real-money gambling games). Using this simple trick helps these applications easily pass the review team's censorship even if they are reviewed multiple times (because only IP addresses from Vietnam will allow the API to work). Another dangerous thing is that these applications are often made as games for children to easily be approved and last a long time on the appstore like some examples below.
Dec ’23
My first App in App Store - cannot be found
Hello everyone, I have launched my first app in the App Store and I am very happy about it. Unfortunately, you can't find it if you search for the app. The app can be found via the link, or if you search for my name as the developer. But not if you search for the name. Can anyone help me find out what the problem is? Also, the language displayed in the App Store is English. In my developer account, I have set the app information to German everywhere. Why is the English language still displayed? What other settings do I need to change? I would be grateful for any tips (I'm not sure whether I can simply post the link to the app here)
Jan ’24
Inquiry about App Store Lookup API Support
I am reaching out to inquire about the current status of the iTunes Lookup API and whether it is officially supported for checking app versions on the App Store. I have checked the existing documentation, but there seems to be ambiguity regarding the use of the iTunes Lookup API for version checking. Could you please clarify if Apple supports this API for such purposes or if there are alternative methods you recommend? "\(bundleID)" Additionally, if there have been any recent updates or changes in policies regarding version checking, we would greatly appreciate being directed to the relevant documentation or resources.
Jan ’24
App for demo purposes
Hi, We are providing a white labeled app which is customized as per customer requirements. One of the major requirements is for sales guys to have a demo application which can be provided to leads with a link or QR code or something. This way prospective customers can install the demo app on their device and try it out and signup. Since its a demo application it was rejected as a public app store citing app completeness. Tried to submit as unlisted app distribution and it was rejected as well. Is there any way to cater for such a scenario? Since our sales guys are going to tradeshows etc and having customers try out the application apple business manager etc may not work for the scenario. Any help is greatly appreciated
Jan ’24
App Store Commission for Developers
We are planning to release an app on the App Store. I have a few questions about the commission that Apple demands from Developers. When I discount an app subscription, is the 30% commission calculated from the full price or the discounted price (i.e. from what a user will actually pay)? Where are these numbers written down? I cannot seem to find an agreement from Apple where these 30% percent are actively mentioned. Just answers from forums, nothing official.
Jan ’24