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iPhone X restart
"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2024-06-01 14:21:43.00 +0400","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.7.4 (20H240)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"2D658 A3E-807D-4239-A262-1560CDB5A77F"} { "build" : "iPhone OS 16.7.4 (20H240)", "product" : "iPhone10,6", "socId" : "8015", "socRevision" : "11", "incident" : "2D658A3E-807D-4239-A262-1560CDB5A77F", "crashReporterKey" : "b9deae4c29b808d36d6d04c34edc95561cd25808", "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Tue Nov 7 21:41:17 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.142.1.702.91/RELEASE_ARM64_T8015", "date" : "2024-06-01 14:21:43.37 +0400", "panicString" : "panic(cpu 2 caller 0xfffffff01d52a4fc): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from thermalmonitord\nservice returned not alive with context : is_alive_func returned unhealthy : current 7fffffffeff, mask 67fffffffff, expected 67fffffffff. SD: 0 BC: 0 RC: 0 BS: 0, Missing sensor(s): TP0Z \nservice: backboardd, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 17, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: SpringBoard, total successful checkins in 176 seconds: 15, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: mediaserverd, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 17, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: logd, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: thermalmonitord, no successful checkins in 225 seconds\nservice: runningboardd, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: wifid, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago\nservice: configd, total successful checkins in 225 seconds: 18, last successful checkin: 0 seco\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0x6\nOS release type: User\nOS version: 20H240\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Tue Nov 7 21:41:17 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.142.1.702.91/RELEASE_ARM64_T8015\nKernelCache UUID: 52E07559182379151E59E4DE1C565312\nKernel UUID: C5429369-571A-3EAE-9CFB-8985A9637045\nBoot session UUID: 2D658A3E-807D-4239-A262-1560CDB5A77F\niBoot version: iBoot-8422.142.2.700.1\nsecure boot?: YES\nroots installed: 0\nPaniclog version: 14\nKernel slide: 0x0000000016954000\nKernel text base: 0xfffffff01d958000\nmach_absolute_time: 0x142240dd9\nEpoch Time: sec usec\n Boot : 0x665adb4d 0x00079646\n Sleep : 0x665af29e 0x00084228\n Wake : 0x665af60f 0x0008bd33\n Calendar: 0x665af616 0x0000b21a\n\nZone info:\n Zone map: 0xffffffdc007dc000 - 0xffffffe20
Swift MultiDatePicker doesn't detect dates that have been saved previously and then loaded in from firebase.
Hey, currently working on my first SwiftUI app in college and would appreciate any help. I have an issue where when dates are loaded from firebase into the "selectedDates" array of my MultiDatePicker, the onChange function does not recognize dates that are already in the "selectedDates" array, instead re-adding them to the array. I.e. if I have loaded July 19th into the multidatePicker, it displays on the calendar, but clicking July 19th on the multidatepicker calendar view doesn't remove it from the "selectedDates" array. This is the code for the view: VStack { MultiDatePicker("Select dates", selection: $selectedDates) .padding() .onChange(of: selectedDates) { oldValue, newValue in saveDates(dates: selectedDates) } List(savedDates, id: \.self) { date in Text("\(date, formatter: dateFormatter)") } .listStyle(.plain) } .onAppear { loadSavedDates() } Where selectedDates is a state variable: @State var selectedDates: Set<DateComponents> = [] If nothing is on Firebase, the selection and deselection of dates happens fine, but if I am loading dates from firebase then the multidatepicker doesn't detect de-selection of dates. Here's my code for loading the dates from firebase: func loadSavedDates() { let db = Firestore.firestore() let uid = try! AuthenticationManager.shared.getAuthenticatedUser().uid print("User ID: \(uid)") print( db.collection("spaces") .document(spaceId) .collection("dates") .document( .getDocument {document, error in if let document = document { if let dateStrings =[uid] as? [String] { let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium self.savedDates = dateStrings.compactMap { $0) }.sorted(). let calendar = Calendar.current self.selectedDates = Set( { calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: $0) }). for component in selectedDates { print(component.isValidDate) } } } else { print("Document does not exist") } } As you can see, I believe I am setting the selectedDates array correctly with datecomponents. Is there a problem with my code or is there just no way to pass dates from Firebase into multidatepicker?
Hello everyone, I am currently trying to implement and test the latest SwiftUI changes with Xcode 16 Beta 3. Now I wanted to create, like in FreeForm, that I have a grid in the detail column with tiles in a NavigationSplitView. If you now press on the tile, a DetailView (in my code its an EmptyView) should open with the zoom effect and in fullscreen so that the NavigationSplitView disappears and the NavigationBar is no longer there. In FreeForm the desired effect is when you create a new board. any tips or hints? struct CanvasGrid: View { @Namespace var namespace; var body: some View { if let project = project { if viewMode == .grid { ScrollView{ LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 10) { ForEach(sortedCanvases) { canvas in NavigationLink { EmptyView() .navigationTransition( .zoom(sourceID:, in: namespace) ) } label: { CanvasTile(canvas: canvas) } .matchedTransitionSource(id:, in: namespace) } } .searchable(text: $searchText) .navigationTitle( } } #Preview { NavigationStack{ CanvasGrid(project: SampleData.shared.project) } } ...... struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List(selection: $selectedProject) { ForEach(projects, id: \.self) { project in HStack { NavigationLink(, value: project) Spacer() Button(action: { showingEditSheet.toggle() }) { Image(systemName: "pencil") .foregroundColor(.blue) } .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle()) } } } } detail: { NavigationStack(path: $path) { CanvasGrid(project:selectedProject).padding(.leading, 10) } } .navigationSplitViewStyle(.balanced) .onAppear() { selectedProject = projects.first } } ...... } #Preview { ContentView() .modelContainer(SampleData.shared.modelContainer) }
Uses PPD file to set default value on Print Dialog
As my understanding, PPD file can be used to set default value on Print Dialog I want to set a default value base on a condition on Print Dialog by modifying PPD file. Is it possible? Example: There are 2 checkboxs: A, B and popuplist includes AA, BB When A is checked, default value of popuplist is AA When B is checked, default value of popuplist is BB
How to hide a folder or an app on iPhone 15 without using 3rd party apps?
How do I hide a folder (containing several apps) or hide an app without downloading 3rd party apps? I am envisioning a scenario where I am forced to hand over the phone to someone and unlock it, but beyond that I don't want them to know where I bank/brokerage etc. My current Apple Pay is only linked to one credit card and the email associated with my Apple ID is a random gmail which I do not use for my primary communications, or to conduct my personal medical, financial affairs. I do have apps on the iPhone for my bank and brokerage and I wish to hide these so that even if someone forces me to unlock my iPhone all they see is my credit card and I am not forced to part with more information based on the apps they see on my phone.
Apple Pencil 2nd generation
I am suffering an issue with my 45 day old Apple Pencil 2nd Gen. The double tap feature to change between pen and eraser stops working after few minutes of usage even though the battery of the Apple Pencil remains 100%. I have to connect it back to my iPad for 10-15 minutes for it to work but it stops working again after few minutes. Can anyone help me fix this issue?