Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.






Shared Web Credentials usage when creating a Message Filter App Extension
Feedback on Documentation Page for Message Filter App Extension Documentation: Creating a Message Filter App Extension Hello, I am writing to provide feedback on the documentation for creating a message filter app extension. We followed the instructions on the page, particularly the section regarding setting up shared credentials. The instructions state: "Then, you must set up shared credentials as described in Shared Web Credentials, substituting messagefilter for webcredentials throughout the steps. Lastly, you must specify the domains in your Info.plist file, which should look similar to the dictionary shown below." However, when we tried to implement this, we encountered the following error while attempting to save credentials via the SecAddSharedWebCredential function from the message filter extension: Error Code=3 "<connection: 0x12e0d4500> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 4294967295, asid = 4294967295 }: Connection invalid - failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=<connection: 0x12e0d4500> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 0, asid = 4294967295}: Connection invalid - failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction} The specific call we did: func SecAddSharedWebCredential( _ fqdn: CFString, _ account: CFString, _ password: CFString?, _ completionHandler: @escaping (CFError?) -> Void ) This error seems related to sandbox restrictions. The documentation does not provide enough information on how to properly set up the environment or what additional configurations might be needed to avoid such sandbox restrictions. More detailed guidance on configuring sandbox permissions and any additional steps required for setting up shared credentials in a message filter extension context would be highly beneficial. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to any updates or clarifications you can provide to improve the implementation.
Passkey autofill doesn't require biometric or code to autofill
"ASCredentialProviderViewController" class was implemented in my password manager to autofill password for the app clients. I've added passkey support recently but biometric/code authentication is not asked by the system when the user tries to sign in with a passkey thanks to "provideCredentialWithoutUserInteraction(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest)". For passwords: extensionContext.completeRequest(withSelectedCredential: ASPasswordCredential(), completionHandler: nil) -> Does trigger biometric/code authentication For passkeys: extensionContext.completeAssertionRequest(using: ASPasskeyAssertionCredential()) -> Does NOT trigger biometric/code authentication => Why authentication is managed by the system for password but not for passkeys ? And how to fix that?
“App” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." When updating application
I have two Mac Catalyst C# MAUI apps. First is main application, second is updater. My updater works like that: it downloads ZIP-archive of .app of main application from server, and extracts it to directory where app is placed(folder in user directory, with two .apps of updater and main one), overwriting files. When I want launch application, I have error "App” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." . Although I can permit app opening in Settings, it occurs after every update, so it can be annoying to user. Also, both apps are signed, and there is app identifier of updater in NSUpdateSecurePolicy in Info.plist of main app. What can I do with this? How can I update my app without any warnings? Thanks a lot in advance for answer!
Issue with privileged Auth mechanisms macOS
I am trying to develop a custom plugin. Below is my auth plugin plist. However, the mechanism marked as privileged is not being triggered by macOS. If I remove the privilege, it gets called. Any pointers on this? TestPlugin:MyLogin and TestPlugin:MyUser,privileged are my custom plugins. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>class</key> <string>evaluate-mechanisms</string> <key>comment</key> <string>Login mechanism based rule. Not for general use, yet.</string> <key>created</key> <real>728811899.153513</real> <key>mechanisms</key> <array> <string>builtin:prelogin</string> <string>TestPlugin:MyLogin</string> <string>TestPlugin:MyUser,privileged</string> <string>builtin:login-begin</string> <string>builtin:reset-password,privileged</string> <string>loginwindow:FDESupport,privileged</string> <string>builtin:forward-login,privileged</string> <string>builtin:auto-login,privileged</string> <string>builtin:authenticate,privileged</string> <string>PKINITMechanism:auth,privileged</string> <string>builtin:login-success</string> <string>loginwindow:success</string> <string>HomeDirMechanism:login,privileged</string> <string>HomeDirMechanism:status</string> <string>MCXMechanism:login</string> <string>CryptoTokenKit:login</string> <string>PSSOAuthPlugin:login-auth</string> <string>loginwindow:done</string> </array> <key>modified</key> <real>740052960.218761</real> <key>shared</key> <true/> <key>tries</key> <integer>10000</integer> <key>version</key> <integer>10</integer> </dict> </plist>
App Group Not working as intended after updating to macOS 15 beta.
I have an app (currently not released on App Store) which runs on both iOS and macOS. The app has widgets for both iOS and macOS which uses user preference (set in app) into account while showing data. Before upgrading to macOS 15 (until Sonoma) widgets were working fine and app was launching correctly, but after upgrading to macOS 15 Sequoia, every time I launch the app it give popup saying '“Kontest” would like to access data from other apps. Keeping app data separate makes it easier to manage your privacy and security.' and also widgets do not get user preferences and throw the same type of error on Console application when using logging. My App group for both iOS and macOS is ''. I am calling it as 'UserDefaults(suiteName: Constants.userDefaultsGroupID)!.bool(forKey: "shouldFetchAllEventsFromCalendar")'. Can anyone tell, what am I doing wrong here?
What is the reason behind the apple rejects our App from the review which includes FMDB.framework where non of the required reason apis are used
Below is the GitHub link for the FMDB.framework contains privacyinfo.xcprivacy file provided as per the apple documentation were used in our App I have reviewed the feedback, but I need additional clarification to fully understand the issue. Could you please provide more specific details or examples regarding the following points: We are using FMDB framework version 2.7.11 in our app available at The version 4.0.0 submitted had the privacy file packaged as part of SQLCipher.bundle which resides under the FMDB framework. This was rejection with the same reason mentioned above. As a result, as part of Version 5.0.0 we have copied the privacy from the said bundle and placed it directly under the FMDB framework folder. This is rejected as well with the same reason again. Is there a concern because of empty values for the privacy keys? The GitHub source at with the said version 2.7.11 does not use any APIs of concern listed at As a result, the provider may not have provided the values for the keys.
Location Purpose String Not Updating
Hello - I am trying to add a more descriptive Location Purpose String for submitting my app to the store. I previously had a placeholder, generic string for testing. I have updated my info.plist file, but the old string is still appearing. I have 1) deleted the app from simulator device and rebuilt 2) tried pushing the version to TestFlight 3) Deleted and replaced the values in the info.plist, none of which have resolved this issue. What am I missing here?
Customise text for Secure Enclave authentications
Hello, I am writing a macOS CLI application that holds cryptocurrency funds and uses Secure Enclave for security. I intend to create APIs so that other applications can create transactions from user's wallet in a secure way for the user. I am using P256 curve and authenticating a transaction involves making a signature for a hash of transaction data. Currently, this is how the authentication box looks like: However, this does not display any information about the transaction. If user is using my application, then I could display the information in the terminal. However, if some other CLI app wants to create transactions for the user, printing information in the terminal is insecure since a malicious app could override what is being printed. I see a rich authentication UI in apple apps. I wonder if there is a way to write UI for such applications. I would like to display some transaction information in the box instead of just "myapp needs to authenticate to continue". It would be great if there is a way to customize that text / add more text to it.
In somecases it´s not possible to use generated CriptoTokenKit
I am using the CryptoTokenKit functionality to be able to perform validations on web pages that use digital certificates to ensure the user's identity, using the digital certificates included in the Spanish national electronic identity document. I manage to use it correctly in most cases, but sometimes I get an error when trying to retrieve the previously created token. This error is fixed by restarting the phone. I had create the Feedback Assistant with number FB14095789.
Display links to website's privacy policy and terms of service in AppleSignIn modal
I'm using Apple Sign In in the JS app and I got a requirement to display some notes with links to privacy policy and terms of service inside the Apple modal, so users don't have to accept them after finishing authentication in the modal. Is there a way to add something like that? I have implemented Apple Sign In using this doc:
passkey attestation blob in registration response
Hello, Is it correct that right now when any passkey-provider prepares the passkey registration ceremony response with attestation, iOS strips off the attestation before handing over response-assertion to the client. Does this stripping off of attestation have to do anything with the BS and BE flags that are populated by passkey-provider ? Meaning, is it correct statement that iOS removes the attestation blob from the response if the BE and BS flags are set to zero ??
Provide certificate chain during TLS
We are using the Network framework to open TLS listener on the network and set options this way: configure_tls = ^(nw_protocol_options_t tls_options) { sec_protocol_options_t sec_options = nw_tls_copy_sec_protocol_options(tls_options); sec_identity_t sec_identity=sec_identity_create(identity); sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(sec_options, sec_identity); sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version(sec_options, tls_protocol_version_TLSv12); sec_options=nil; }; This works fine; however, the listener's TLS negotiation only returns the certificate, not the trust chain. We have a requirement from a government agency to return the trust chain: "In addition to the certificate itself, you should provide a “chain” of intermediate certificates that give the connecting browser or client enough information to connect the certificate to a trusted root certificate. Failing to provide intermediates could prevent various browsers and clients from successfully connecting to your service, especially mobile browsers and non-browser clients (such as cURL, and tools based on libcurl). Some browsers will cache intermediates from a previous connection or attempt to automatically download missing intermediates that are presented in a certificate’s Authority Information Access ( extension, and so it can be easy to miss this problem during initial configuration. Though most browsers have an option to inspect the certificates on a site, they vary in whether they show the exact certificates the server presented or a chain as reconstructed through the fetching of an intermediate listed in the AIA extension. In general: You do not need to serve the trusted root that the certificate chains to. The client will compare the chain to a local root store, so serving the root will only waste bytes and slow the connection. You do need to serve any intermediate certificates that connect your web server certificate to the trusted root. Doing so removes the potential for problems caused by the variation in how clients facilitate trust verification." Is there a way to provide the chain of trust in the TLS options? I could not find any way to do this.
Migration of users after an app has been transferred to a new organization
Our company was re-formed under a new name. Rather than rename the organization on the App Store, we were advised by support to create a new organization and then transfer the app to that organization, which we have done. Our app implements Apple Authentication. We did not not migrate the users of the app (as instructed here: Is it possible to now migrate the users, after the app has been transferred? Our attempt to get an authorization token with scope "user.migration" results in HTTP error 400 with body: "invalid_client".
How to install a client certificate on an iPad without converting it to a .p12 file
I want to introduce client certificate authentication for communication between the iPad and the server. Since it is not possible to install a client certificate on the iPad using a p12 file, I am considering another method. I would like to know how to install the client certificate and private key issued by the certificate authority on the iPad without converting it to a p12 file. What are the different ways to do this?
Enabling Developer Mode
I am trying to enable developer mode on my iPhone 12 mini, yet I cannot find the option in settings. I cannot use Xcode to enable it as I do not have a Mac device, so I was wondering if there is a way to enable it using windows.