Still don't understand why no one is clarifying about this Apple Video
At the end of this video, there's an incomplete tutorial about connecting a USDZ with mesh and Skeleton structure to the hand tracking system. No example project is linked, and no one is giving the community any clarification. Please can you help us to understand how to proceed?
RSS for tagIntegrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.
Hi folks, I’m new to Vision Pro stack, still trying to learn all the nuances. Here is a problem I can’t seem to find an answer.
I placed entity A( a small .02 radius sphere) inside entity B( size:.1 box). Both entities have HoverEffectComponent, and both inputcomponent is set to .direct. Entity A is NOT a child of Entity B. When I direct touch Entity B, I noticed that Entity A’s hover effect is fired as well. This only happens if Entity A‘s position is inside Entity B. The gesture that is only targeted at Entity A doesn’t work either. I double checked Entity A collider which sits inside entity B collider, my direct touch shouldn’t have trigger its hove effect. Having one collider inside another seems to produce unpredictable behavior? Thanks in advance 🙏🙏🙏
Context: I’m trying to create an invisible bound around Entity A, so when my hand approaches the bound to grab Entity A, a nice spotlight hover effect would fire first on the bound before hand reaching entity A.
I was looking back into downloading the Tracking geographic locations in AR sample app from
Unfortunately the Download links to the .zip of the DisplayingAPointCloudUsingSceneDepth sample project.
The exact same issue occurs when trying to download the sample code from
Wondering if those links are deliberately broken because of possible deprecations.
Thanks to any Apple Engineer willing to look into that.
We've been working for months now on an App for the Vision Pro.
(it's been great btw!)
We already have an App in the App Store for iOS, and have been migrating our platform from the Microsoft Hololens 2 to the AVP:
We require the Main Camera access and already have gotten the Enterprise.license for development purposes.
Unfortunately, we cannot publish our Business App (which uses an Enterprise API) under the same Name/Bundle ID as our iOS App because it would conflict with our current Distribution Method.
We arrived at the conclusion that we need a new Enterprise.license under a different Bundle ID to create a new App for the Business Store.
Has anyone been in the same boat as us, and tried to publish to the Business Store while already having an App in the Public App Store under the same name?
We applied to get another license for distribution under another name (with "Pro" at the end), but it's been stuck in limbo for over a month now (probably because the new bundle ID doesn't have any track record).
Anyhow, thanks for any help, we're open to suggestions as to how to proceed!
I was watching the Developer videos, and there was mention that RealityView handles persistent world data differently and also automatically for us.
I am having an issue finding the material I need to get up to speed on that.
In ARKit, I was able to place a model with the world data and recall that .map data. It even stored a reference image for the scene to help match the world data.
I'm looking for the information on how to implement and work with those same features with RealityView, as it seems to be better/automatically integrated?
I need help being pointed in the right direction. Sample code would be amazing.
Hello All,
I'm desperate to found a solution and I need your help please.
I've create a simple cube in Vision OS. I can get it by hand (close my hand on it) and move it pretty where I want. But, I would like to throw it (exemple like a basket ball). Not push it, I want to have it in hand and throw it away of me with a velocity and direction = my hand move (and finger opened to release it).
Please put me on the wait to do that.
Cheers and thanks
When I'm looking at the RoomAnchor documentation I can see the planeAnchorIDs property.
My question: How I can get an array of PlaneAnchor with planeAnchorIDs?
A code example would be greatly appreciated.
I use ARKit to build an app, scan rooms to collect the spatial data of objects and re-construct the 3D scene.
the problem is I found the depth map values captured in ARFrame significantly deviate from the real distances, even nonlinearly, for the distances below 1.5m, values are basically correct, but beyond 1.5m, they are smaller than real values. for example read 1.9m from the generated depthmap.tiff, but real distance is 3 meters.
below is my code of generating tiff file to record depth map data:
Generated TIFF file (captured from ARKit):
as shown above, the maximum distance is around 1.9m, but real distance to that wall is more than 3 meters, and also you can see, the depth map picture captured in ARKit is quite blurry, particularly at far distance (> 2.0m), almost smeared out.
Generated TIFF file (captured from AVFoundation):
In comparison, the depth map captured from traditional AVFoundation and with the same hardware device is much clear, the values seem not in meter unit though.
since iOS 15 I've repeatedly noticed the console warning »ARSessionDelegate is retaining X ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped« even for rather simple projects using RealityKit and ARKit. Could someone from the ARKit team please elaborate what causes this warning and what can be done to avoid it?
If I remember correctly I didn't even assign an ARSessionDelegate.
Thank you!
We’re using the enterprise API for spatial barcode/QR code scanning in the Vision Pro app, but we often get invalid values for the barcode anchor from the API, leading to jittery barcode positions in the UI. The code we’re using is attached below.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import ARKit
import Combine
struct ImmersiveView: View {
@State private var arkitSession = ARKitSession()
@State private var root = Entity()
@State private var fadeCompleteSubscriptions: Set = []
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
.task {
// Check if barcode detection is supported; otherwise handle this case.
guard BarcodeDetectionProvider.isSupported else { return }
// Specify the symbologies you want to detect.
let barcodeDetection = BarcodeDetectionProvider(symbologies: [.code128, .qr, .upce, .ean13, .ean8])
do {
try await arkitSession.requestAuthorization(for: [.worldSensing])
try await[barcodeDetection])
print("Barcode scanning started")
for await update in barcodeDetection.anchorUpdates where update.event == .added {
let anchor = update.anchor
// Play an animation to indicate the system detected a barcode.
playAnimation(for: anchor)
// Use the anchor's decoded contents and symbology to take action.
Payload: \(anchor.payloadString ?? "")
Symbology: \(anchor.symbology)
} catch {
// Handle the error.
// Define this function in ImmersiveView.
func playAnimation(for anchor: BarcodeAnchor) {
guard let scene = root.scene else { return }
// Create a plane sized to match the barcode.
let extent = anchor.extent
let entity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generatePlane(width: extent.x, depth: extent.z), materials: [UnlitMaterial(color: .green)])
entity.components.set(OpacityComponent(opacity: 0))
// Position the plane over the barcode.
entity.transform = Transform(matrix: anchor.originFromAnchorTransform)
// Fade the plane in and out.
do {
let duration = 0.5
let fadeIn = try AnimationResource.generate(with: FromToByAnimation<Float>(
from: 0,
to: 1.0,
duration: duration,
isAdditive: true,
bindTarget: .opacity)
let fadeOut = try AnimationResource.generate(with: FromToByAnimation<Float>(
from: 1.0,
to: 0,
duration: duration,
isAdditive: true,
bindTarget: .opacity))
let fadeAnimation = try AnimationResource.sequence(with: [fadeIn, fadeOut])
_ = scene.subscribe(to: AnimationEvents.PlaybackCompleted.self, on: entity, { _ in
// Remove the plane after the animation completes.
}).store(in: &fadeCompleteSubscriptions)
} catch {
I can add a WorldAnchor to a WorldTrackingProvider. The next time I start my app, the WorldAnchor is added back, and then is immediately removed:
dataProviderStateChanged(dataProviders: [WorldTrackingProvider(0x0000000300bc8370, state: running)], newState: running, error: nil)
AnchorUpdate(event: added, timestamp: 43025.248134708, anchor: WorldAnchor(id: C0A1AE95-F156-45F5-9030-895CAABF16E9, isTracked: true, originFromAnchorTransform: <translation=(0.048458 0.000108 -0.317565) rotation=(0.00° 15.44° -0.00°)>))
AnchorUpdate(event: removed, timestamp: 43025.348131208, anchor: WorldAnchor(id: C0A1AE95-F156-45F5-9030-895CAABF16E9, isTracked: false, originFromAnchorTransform: <translation=(0.000000 0.000000 0.000000) rotation=(-0.00° 0.00° 0.00°)>))
It always leaves me with zero anchors in .allAnchors...the ARKitSession is still active at this point
I'm trying to implement a prototype to render virtual objects in a mixed immersive space on the camer frames captured by CameraFrameProvider.
Here are what I have done:
Get camera's instrinsics from frame.primarySample.parameters.intrinsics
Get camera's extrinsics from frame.primarySample.parameters.extrinsics
Get the device anchor by worldTrackingProvider.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: CACurrentMediaTime())
Setup a RealityKit.RealityRenderer to render virtual objects on the captured camera frames
let realityRenderer = try RealityKit.RealityRenderer()
realityRenderer.cameraSettings.colorBackground = .outputTexture()
let cameraEntity = PerspectiveCamera()
// see
let cameraTransform = deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform * extrinsics.inverse
cameraEntity.setTransformMatrix(cameraTransform, relativeTo: nil) = 0.01 = 100 = .horizontal
// manually calculated based on camera intrinsics = 105
realityRenderer.activeCamera = cameraEntity
Virtual objects, which should be seen in the camera frames, are clipped out by the camera transform.
If I use deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform as the camera transform, virtual objects can be rendered on camera frames at wrong positions (I think it is because the camera extrinsics isn't used to adjust the camera to the correct position).
My question is how to use the camera extrinsic matrix for this purpose?
Does the camera extrinsics point to a similar orientation of the device anchor with some minor rotation and postion change? Here is an extrinsics from a camera frame. It seems that the direction of Y-axis and Z-axis are flipped by the extrinsics. So the camera is point to a wrong direction.
simd_float4x4([[0.9914258, 0.012555369, -0.13006608, 0.0], // X-axis
[-0.0009778949, -0.9946325, -0.10346654, 0.0], // Y-axis
[-0.13066702, 0.10270659, -0.98609203, 0.0], // Z-axis
[0.024519, -0.019568002, -0.058280986, 1.0]]) // translation
Vision OS
Development environment: Xcode 16.2, macOS 15.2
Run-time configuration: visionOS 2.3 (On Real Device, Not simulator)
Please someone confirm I'm not crazy and this issue is actually out of my control.
Spent hours trying to fix my app and running profiles because thought it was an issue related to my apps performance. Finally considered chance it was issue with API itself and made sample app to isolate problem, and it still existed in it. The issue is when a model entity moves around in a full space that was launched when the system environment immersion was turned up before opening it, the entities looks very choppy as they move around. If you take off the headset while still in the space, and put it back on, this fixes it and then they move smoothly as they should. In addition, you can also leave the space, and then turn the system environment immersion all the way down before launching the full space again, this will also make the entity moves smoothly as it should. If you launch a mixed immersion style instead of a full immersion style, this issue never arrises. The issue only arrises if you launch the space with either a full style, or progressive style, while the system immersion level is turned on.
Open my test project, its a small, modified vision os project template that shows it clearly.
create immersive space with either full or progressive immersion style.
setup a entity in kinematic mode, apply a velocity to it to make it pass over your head when the space appears.
if you opened the space while the Apple Vision Pros system environment was turned up, the entity will look choppy.
if you take the headset off while in the same space, and put it back on, it will fix the issue and it will look smooth.
alternatively if you open the space with the system immersion environment all the way down, you will also not run into the issue. Again, issue also does not happen if space launched is in mixed style.
Subject: Combining ARKit Face Tracking with High-Resolution AVCapture and Perspective Rendering on Front Camera
Hello Apple Developer Community,
We’re developing an application using the front camera that requires both real-time ARKit face tracking/guidance and the capture of high-resolution still images via AVCaptureSession. Our goal is to leverage ARKit’s depth and face data to render a captured image from another perspective post-capture, maintaining high image quality.
Our Approach:
Real-Time ARKit Guidance:
Utilize ARKit (e.g., ARFaceTrackingConfiguration) for continuous face tracking, depth, and scene understanding to guide the user in real time.
High-Resolution Capture Transition:
At the moment of capture, we plan to pause the ARKit session and switch to an AVCaptureSession to take a high-resolution image.
We assume that for a front-facing image, the subject’s face is directly front-on, and the relative pose between the face and camera remains the same during the transition. The only variation we expect is a change in distance.
Our intention is to minimize the delay between the last ARKit frame and the high-res capture to maintain temporal consistency, assuming that aside from distance, the face-camera relative pose remains unchanged.
Post-Processing Perspective Rendering:
Using the last ARKit face data (depth, pose, and landmarks) along with the high-resolution 2D image, we aim to render the scene from another perspective.
We want to correct the perspective of the 2D image using SceneKit or RealityKit, leveraging the collected ARKit scene information to achieve a natural, high-quality rendering from a different viewpoint.
The rendering should match the quality of a normally captured high-resolution image, adjusting for the difference in distance while using the stored ARKit data to correct perspective.
Our Questions:
Session Transition Best Practices:
What are the recommended best practices to seamlessly pause ARKit and switch to a high-resolution AVCapture session on the front camera
How can we minimize user movement or other issues during this brief transition, given our assumption that the face-camera pose remains largely consistent except for distance changes?
Data Integration for Perspective Rendering:
How can we effectively integrate stored ARKit face, depth, and pose data with the high-res image to perform accurate perspective correction or rendering from another viewpoint?
Given that we assume the relative pose is constant except for distance, are there strategies or APIs to leverage this assumption for simplifying the perspective transformation?
Perspective Correction with SceneKit/RealityKit:
What techniques or workflows using SceneKit or RealityKit are recommended for correcting the perspective of a captured 2D image based on ARKit scene data?
How can we use these frameworks to render the high-resolution image from an alternative perspective, while maintaining image quality and fidelity?
4. Pitfalls and Guidelines:
What common pitfalls should we be aware of when combining ARKit tracking data with high-res capture and post-processing for perspective rendering?
Are there performance considerations, recommended thresholds for acceptable temporal consistency, or validation techniques to ensure the ARKit data remains applicable at the moment of high-res capture?
We appreciate any advice, sample code references, or documentation pointers that could assist us in implementing this workflow effectively.
Thank you!
I have recently started testing ARKit on an iPhone 16 Pro and I have noticed that the AutoFocus reaction on this device is much slower than other devices. For example, if I point the camera to a close object AutoFocus takes 4-5 seconds to stabilize, the focal length is adjusted very very slowly. In some cases (although this is rare) AutoFocus seems almost stuck and requires a bit of device movement to trigger.
This is quite problematic when using some ARKit features like Image and Object detection as the detection algorithms struggle with out-of-focus images.
This problem is limited to ARKit. AutoFocus is significantly more responsive when the standard AVFoundation Camera API is used.
This behavior is easy to reproduce with any of the ARKit samples like
Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
After upgrading to Xcode 16 my app, which utilizes imported project files from my iPad's Reality Composer app, now has two issues that I have found so far. I am using an ARView as a UIViewRepresentable with SwiftUI. (Prior to upgading to Xcode 16 everything worked well.)
First, there are now several duplicate rcp_export.usdz resources in the "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase section. Even though each file is in a separate folder with a unique UUID, it was causing a compile error saying there are duplicate files. I was able to open the RC project folder and delete the older rcp_project versions which now allows the app to compile. I mention it as it may or may not be related to the second issue.
Second, Xcode isn't generating the project code for rcproject, so when I call the RCProject.loadSceneAsync function I am getting an error that says "Cannot find 'RCProject' in scope"
I'm working on creating a panorama view in AVP. When I got to this line of code Xcode says that "Type 'Entity' does not conform to protocol 'View'":
private var realityView: RealityView!
as well as this line, with the same error message:
private func setupPanoramaScene(for content: RealityView.Content)
What should I put as a argument for reality view? It doesn't work without arguments either.
I have been digging through the docs and the developer videos, and I have noticed a mention to RealityView having som potential limitations with anchors and world tracking. However, I haven’t been able to locate my answers.
Does anyone know (or point me to) if RealityView supports everything ARView does, and if not what are the difference?
I was fooling around with RealityView today with a simple plane anchor, and the stability of that anchor didn’t seem to be as steady as I recall ARView being In the past on iPhone.
I’m trying to determine if I should be rolling over into RealityView or stay with ARView on this little educational project. I would imagine the answer is to go RealityView, but I want to make sure I’m not setting myself up for failure based on any current limitations For anchors and world data.
Hello Apple Team,
I am working on a RealityKit project for iOS, where I need to place a 3D asset far away from the camera (approximately 15 to 30 meters).
When enabling people occlusion, the 3D asset gets clipped when moved far away.
Is it possible to enable people occlusion for assets at close range (less than 10 meters) while disabling it for assets farther away to prevent clipping?
I understand that it is possible to switch configurations at runtime. However, I would like to place assets both close to and far from the camera simultaneously.
Thank you for your help!
Kind regards
In the WWDC session titled "Deep dive into volumes and immersive spaces", the developers discussed adding a Spatial Tracking Session and an Anchor Entity to detect the floor. They then glossed over some important details. They added a spatial tap gesture to let the user place content relative to the floor anchor, but they left a lot of information.
coordinateSpace: .immersiveSpace
.onEnded { value in
handleTapOnFloor(value: value)
My understanding is that an entity has to have input and collision components for gestures like this to work. How can we add a collision to an AnchorEntity when we don't know its size or shape?
I've been trying for days to understand what is happening here and I just don't get it. It is even more frustrating that the example project that Apple released does not contain any of these features.
I would like to be able
Detect the floor plane
Get the position/transform of the floor plane
Add a collider to the floor plane
Enable collisions and physics on the floor plane
Enable gestures on the floor plane
It seems to me that the Anchor Entity is placed as an entirely arbitrary position. It has absolutely no relationship to the rectangle with the floor label that I can see in the Xcode visualization. It is just a point, not a plane or rect that I can use.
I've tried manually calculating the collision shape after the anchor is detected, but nothing that I have tried works. I can't tap on the floor with gestures. I can't drop entities onto the floor. I can't seem to do ANYTHING at all with this floor anchor other than place entity at the totally arbitrary location somewhere on the floor.
Is there anyway at all with Spatial Tracking Session and Anchor Entity to get the actual plane that was detected?
struct FloorExample: View {
@State var trackingSession: SpatialTrackingSession = SpatialTrackingSession()
@State var subject: Entity?
@State var floor: AnchorEntity?
var body: some View {
RealityView { content, attachments in
let session = SpatialTrackingSession()
let configuration = SpatialTrackingSession.Configuration(tracking: [.plane])
_ = await
self.trackingSession = session
let floorAnchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: SIMD2(x: 0.1, y: 0.1)))
floorAnchor.anchoring.physicsSimulation = .none = "FloorAnchorEntity"
floorAnchor.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: .init()))
self.floor = floorAnchor
// This is just here to let me see where visinoOS decided to "place" the floor anchor.
let floorPlaced = ModelEntity(
mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.1),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .black, isMetallic: false)])
if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "AnchorLabsFloor", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
if let subject = scene.findEntity(named: "StepSphereRed") {
self.subject = subject
// I can see when the anchor is added
_ = content.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.AnchoredStateChanged.self) { event in
event.anchor.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) // this doesn't seem to work
print("**anchor changed** \(event)")
print("**anchor** \(event.anchor)")
// place the reset button near the user
if let panel = attachments.entity(for: "Panel") {
panel.position = [0, 1, -0.5]
} update: { content, attachments in
} attachments: {
Attachment(id: "Panel", {
Button(action: {
print("**button pressed**")
if let subject = self.subject {
subject.position = [-0.5, 1.5, -1.5]
// Remove the physics body and assign a new one - hack to remove momentum
if let physics = subject.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] {
}, label: {
Text("Reset Sphere")