Discuss Spatial Computing on Apple Platforms.






Avatars for spatial
Hello friends! I am looking into a use case where I want to add an animated avatars into a RealityView. I am looking to use a third party package but have not found any that have good iOS or visionOS support. Has anyone come across a package for this that I could look into?
Jun ’24
How to track gaze?
My visionOS app was rejected for not supporting gaze-and-pinch features, but as far as I can tell there is no way to track the users eye movements in visionOS. (The intended means of interaction for my app is an extended gamepad.) I am able to detect pinch but can't find any way to detect where the user is looking. ARFaceAnchor and lookAtPoint appear to not be available in visionOS. So how do we go about doing this? For context, I am porting a metal game to vision OS from iOS.
Jun ’24
Inputs Functionality in VisionOS 2.0?
Inputs Updates to inputs on Apple Vision Pro let you decide if you want the user’s hands to appear in front of or behind the digital content. Trying to understand why this is being introduced? Why would one corrupt the spatial experience by forcing your hands to appear in front of or behind digital content? Won't this be confusing to users? i.e., it should be a natural mixed reality experience where occlusion occurs when needed. if your "physical hand" is in front of a virtual obj, then it remains visible... and likewise, if you move it behind, then it disappears (not a semi-transparent view of your hand through the model).
Jun ’24
Vision OS - How to detect when digital crown is PRESSED in an immersive space?
Have a bug I'm trying to resolve on an app review through the store. The basic flow is this: User presses a button and enters a fully immersive space While in the the fully immersive space, user presses the digital crown button to exit fully immersive mode and return to shared space (Note: this is not rotating the digital crown to control immersion level) At this point I need an event or onchange (or similar) to know when a user is in immersive mode so I can reset a flag I've been manually setting to track whether or not the user is currently viewing an immersive space. I have an onchange watching the scenePhase changes and printing to console the old/new values however this is never triggered. Seems like it might be an edge case but curious if there's another way to detect whether or not a user is in an immersive scene.
May ’24
Align a virtual copy of a real object with the real one
Hi, We are currently trying to implement very simple test application using Vision Pro. We display a virtual copy of an object (based on CAD data) and then we try to align the real object with the virtual one. It seems to be impossible! You can align them to a certain degree but if you walk around the object to control the alignment it seems the reality us warping and wobbling for almost 2 cm. Is there any way to fix this?
Jun ’24
DestinationVideo -- MV-HEVC Files
In the code example provided there is a bool in the Video object to set a video as 3D: /// A Boolean value that indicates whether the video contains 3D content. let is3D: Bool I have a hosted spatial video that I know works correctly on the AVP player. When I point the Videos.json file to the this URL and set is3D=true my 3D video doesn't show up and I get the follow error: iPVC/1-0 Received playback error: [Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11850 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The server is not correctly configured., NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped, NSUnderlyingError=0x30227c510 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12939 "byte range length mismatch - should be length 2 is length 2434" UserInfo={NSDescription=byte range length mismatch - should be length 2 is length 2434, NSURL=https: <omitted for post> }}}] Can anyone tell me what might be going on? The error is telling me my server is not configured correctly. For context, I'm using a google drive to deliver dynamic images/videos using: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id= <file ID> And the above works great for my images and 2d videos. Is there something I need to do specifically when delivering MV-HEVC videos?
Jun ’24
Entering full immersion without grab bar and close icon
I'd like to enter a fully immersive scene without the grab bar and close icon. The full immersion app that comes with Xcode doesn't exit the immersion state when "x" is hit, but all the grab etc disappears - if I could only do that programmatically! I've tried conditionally removing the View that launches the ImmersiveSpace, but the WindowGroup seems to be the thing that puts out the UI I'm trying to hide... WindowGroup { if(gameState.immersiveSpaceOpened){ ContentView() .environmentObject(gameState) } }
Jun ’24
Bluetooth keyboard events in fully immersive Vision Pro app?
I'm writing a Vision Pro app that's fully immersive and rendered using Metal. Occasionally, some users of this app would benefit from being able to use a physical keyboard (or other accessory like a game controller). It seems very straightforward to capture and handle spatial gesture events, but I cannot find an interface that allows the detection, capture, or handling of keyboard events in any of the objects associated with fully immersive metal rendering: CompositorServices, LayerRenderer, and its associated .frame, .drawable, and .drawable.view don't seem to have any accessory awareness. Can you help me handle a keyboard event?
May ’24
Apple Vision Pro no longer run destination
I am developing an iPhone app, but I've been targeting the AVP, as well. In fact, since I got the AVP, I've mainly be building and running my app on it. This morning, I had an upgrade to Xcode 15.4 (15F31d). Ever since I have not been able to see my AVP as a run destination. It does show up in the device list, although there are no provisioning files on it for some reason. But I can't target it for building. I've tried unpairing and turning developer mode off and on. Has anyone else seen this problem after upgrading Xcode? Any help is appreciated.
May ’24
Issues while adding VisionOS support to pre existing IOS App that uses swift UI and cocoapods
I am attempting to integrate VisionOS support into my existing iOS app, which utilizes Swift UI and CocoaPods. However, upon adding VisionOS as a supported platform and attempting to run the app, I encounter two errors: "'jot/jot.h' file not found" at "/Users/xxxxxx/Desktop/IOS_DEVELOPMENT/iOS/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx-Bridging-Header.h:17:9". "Failed to emit precompiled header" at "/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxxxxx-bnhvaxypgfhmvqgklzjdnxxbrdhu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/xxxxxxxxx-Bridging-Header-swift_6TTOG1OAZB5F-clang_21TRHDW14EDOZ.pch" for bridging header "/Users/xxxxxxxx/Desktop/IOS_DEVELOPMENT/iOS/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-Bridging-Header.h". I'm seeking assistance with resolving these errors. Below is my Podfile configuration: source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '15.0' target 'xxxxxxxxxx' do use_frameworks! pod 'RealmSwift' pod 'JGProgressHUD' pod 'BadgeLabel' pod 'jot' pod 'MaterialComponents/Chips' pod 'GoogleMaps' pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics' pod 'Firebase/Analytics' # Firebase pod for Google Analytics # Add pods for any other desired Firebase products # https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup#available-pods end post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '15.0' end end end Any assistance in resolving these errors would be greatly appreciated.
Apr ’24