missing package product

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Collaboration Preview Image and Title for CKShare When Collaborating With CloudKit
I recently updated our CloudKit collaboration invite codebase to use the new UIActivityController and NSItemProvider invitation as described in Apple's documentation. We previously used UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:), which is since deprecated. We have all of the previous functionality in place: we successfully create a CKShare, send the invite out, engage the share, and collaborate. However, we cannot get the Messages CKShare preview to use our custom image and title (henceforth referred to as “collaboration metadata”). Previously, while using UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:) to commence the share invite, the collaboration metadata successfully displayed in the Messages conversation. Now, we have a generic icon of our app and “Shared with App-Name title, leading to a loss of contextual integrity for the invite flow. My question: How do we make the collaboration metadata appear in the Messages conversation? Here is our code for creating the UIActivityControll
PreviewApplication open Spatial Video issue
Hi, I have a Spatial Video that I am trying to load in a visionOS app with PreviewApplication API let url = URL(string: https://mauiman.azureedge.net/videos/SpatialJourney/watermelon_cat.MOV) let item = PreviewItem(url: url!) _ = PreviewApplication.open(items: [item]) When I run the application, I am getting the following error. Did I miss anything? QLUbiquitousItemFetcher: could not create sandbox wrapper. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 couldn't issue sandbox extension com.apple.quicklook.readonly for '/videos/SpatialJourney/watermelon_cat.MOV': No such file or directory UserInfo={NSDescription=couldn't issue sandbox extension com.apple.quicklook.readonly for '/videos/SpatialJourney/watermelon_cat.MOV': No such file or directory} #PreviewItem The screen shows up as: Putting the spatial video locally, I get the following error: let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: watermelon_cat.MOV) let item = PreviewItem(url: url) _ = PreviewApplication.open(items: [item]) Error getting the size of file(w
Reply to Collapsing NavigationStack When NavigationSplitView is Backgrounded on iPadOS 17.x
Thank you for the quick reply. I'm still seeing the buggy behavior on my side. Here are the steps I'm taking: Open sample project in Xcode 15.4. Run on simulator for iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) with iOS 17.5. Use sidebar to select color. Use detail view to select shape. Make note of detail view title (Color + Shape) and presence of < Shapes back button in top left of detail view. Put app into background (e.g., press ⇧⌘H, or use the simulator's Home button). Wait 2–5 seconds. Bring app back into foreground. Note that app detail view's title has changed (Shapes) and back button is missing. Let me know if those steps work for you. I appreciate your advice regarding NavigationSplitView and its (very helpful) automatic adaptation for compact screens. That was actually my first choice. I ran into trouble, however, when trying to add .searchable() with its own NavigationStack to the root-level sidebar section of NavigationSplitView. It seems that NavigationStack isn't something that SwiftUI wants in that part
Reply to DisplayRepresentation.Image and custom SF Symbol
That seems worthy of a bug report. Can you take a moment to file a report, and include a small test project with your asset configuration and the code snippet you shared here? Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference. If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why? As an alternative approach, you can either extract the image out to a standard image in your asset catalog (rather than a customized symbol asset in the asset catalog), or using the systemName: family of initializers on DisplayRepresentation.Image to get the symbol from the system, though you will lose the customizations by doing so. — Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer
How to view USB descriptors?
I am developing a USB UVC product and we are seeing poor performance on VLC. We are streaming 16 bit 1080p60 Uncompressed video but VLC says the codec is 32 bit RV32 Uncompressed with a frame rate of 0.0000033. Something is obviously wrong and I want to view the USB descriptors on my Mac to verify what the Mac is seeing the USB device is capable of. How can I do this? Looking online I found an IORegistryExplorer application but that doesnt seem to give me the full descriptors of the connected USB device, just some metadata about the connection. Any help finding the descriptor would be appreciated.
Reply to iPhone 14 freezes and crashes
You haven't said which version of iOS you updated to. Besides, these are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are not where Apple's actual developers chat about product issues. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.
Contents of Swift dictionaries and arrays being lost
Just when I think I am finally starting to understand Swift I come across a gotcha like the following: I have two object, a swiftui display and one of data to be displayed. Ok, sounds easy. The data is read out of a JSON file so I have a set of arrays and dictionaries. The data is valid when read, it is definitely there, but when I go to display it, its gone. Just vanished. Wasted about a day on this so far, and I’ve seen it before, the inability to pass out of an object an array or dictionary with contents intact. If I create an array var, and not let the system do it, contents are preserved. So, in the data object I’ll have something like this: struct DataObject{ var item: [String:Any] item=JSONData serialized out of memory, and may have say, 12 fields } In my SwiftUI module I have: var item=dataObject.item dataObject.item now has 0 fields. I can allocate and initialize a dictionary in DataObject and those elements come through fine. So it seems like the stuff being serialized from JSON is being deleted out
Apple pay web authentication failed (SSL connection)
I have setup the server settings TLS, HTTPS I have performed the following steps but not working for me: 1. I have validated my domain 2. Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using keychain. It created public and private key in MAC keychain 3. Uploaded CSR (from point 2) to apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate. It gave me merchant_id.cer 4. Generated .p12 with merchant_id.cer, public and private key using keychain Now I am using this .p12 to create the ApplePaySession (paymentSession) using server side code in C# but getting error from apple side. Exception: The SSL connection could not be established Inner Exception: Authentication failed, The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized at System.Net.SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle Sample Code: var request = new MerchantSessionRequest() { DisplayName = StoreName, Initiative = web, InitiativeContext = applepaypoc.xxxxxx.com, MerchantIdentifier = merchant.com.xxxxxx.applepaypoc, }; string certPath = Path.Combine(Directory.Get
Reply to Apple pay web authentication failed (SSL connection)
Hi @rk25, You wrote: Now I am using this .p12 to create the ApplePaySession (paymentSession) using server side code in C# but getting error from apple side. Exception: The SSL connection could not be established Inner Exception: Authentication failed, The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized at System.Net.SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle This is not an Apple error, but is likely due to your C# environment not having access to either the public or private key for the certificate. I'd suggest researching how to resolve that inner exception on your system platform, then applying that knowledge to the Apple Pay certificates. Additionally, we have the following resources that may help you diagnose issues in your Apple Pay implementation: Apple Pay Merchant Integration Guide Configuring Your Environment Setting Up Your Server TN3173: Troubleshooting issues with your Apple Pay merchant identifier configuration TN3174: Diagnosing issues with the Apple Pay payment sheet on your website
Specifying Item Spacing in UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration
Currently, I am using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout to achieve the following list layout with spacing: We were thinking of trying out UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration due to its ability to support swipe actions. We would like to specify the spacing between each item. However, I do not find a way to specify item spacing in UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration. Does UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration not support item spacing, or have I missed something? Thanks.
Reply to Subscription State Persistence with new StoreKit SwiftUI API
@Skylark this seems to be the case. I’ve spent almost a week trying dozens of variations to detect subscription cancel from AppStore or other device in order to manage subscription state persistence — without success. The challenge is due to the fact that StoreKit does not send a separate transaction when a subscription is cancelled but instead updates the subscription transaction record to expired. From my reading you are supposed to be able to detect this through the absence of a particular product in CurrentEntitlements, but I cannot figure out how to do this. This is such a common use case that I believe I might be over complicating something that is already handled by the StoreKit API. Any thoughts on how others are handling subscription cancels is appreciated.
Reply to Apple pay - determine active card
Hi @Raj_Jayaraj23, The applePayCapabilities API is the preferred method. It has the beta flag because its implementation details are subject to change between now and the public release of iOS 18 and Safari 18. For more information on its expected usage during the beta period, please see Using the Apple Pay JS SDK for iOS 18. Because getting developer feedback during the beta period is crucial to resolve unexpected issues in the future, please consider the following: Use the beta URL to test the new methods and their implementation against your test environments. This also provides the benefit of testing against third-party web browsers as well. If you're content with your existing implementation in production, and want to support Apple Pay on third-party web browsers when iOS 18 is publicly released, use the new methods to your production environments, and use the production URL. This will continue to work only in Safari, but will support third-party web browsers at a later date. I
Apple pay - determine active card
The documentation states canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard is deprecated but will continue to work on Safari browsers. The suggested method to use applePayCapabilities is in Beta. This is confusing for a developer! which method should be used. I do not want to use a 'Beta' version in a Production environment. On the other hand, I also don't want to use a method which is deprecated. Any help or guidance would be welcome. Thank you
Jun ’24
Reply to SwiftData - error: Error: Persistent History (2) has to be truncated due to the following entities being removed: ( A )
If this error occurs, any saved data will be lost. For example, if you save data in A and open B, an error will occur and the data in A will be deleted. It doesn't seem to be a problem, but it would be a problem if the data disappeared. This is because it is used for data persistence purposes. Yeah, that's again because the container at step 3 doesn't know model A at all, given that you use only model B as the container schema. Is there any reason why you create a model container with only model A at step 1 and only model B at step 3? Given that you would retain the data, it seems to me that you'd create the container with both model A and B at both step 1 and 3: let container = try? ModelContainer(for: A.self, B.self) If you do need to change the schema at some point (by removing model A in this example), consider creating a migration plan (SchemaMigrationPlan) and using it to create a model container so that the existing data is migrated to the new schema. Best, —— Ziqiao Chen  Worldwide Developer
Reply to How can I access Model3D entity to set shader material effects
@richoncode There's no supported way for you to access the entity from a Model3D with the APIs currently available. If you'd like us to consider adding the necessary functionality, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant. Once you file the request, please post the FB number here. If you're not familiar with how to file enhancement requests, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?. That said and as you alluded to, you can use a RealityView with a ModelEntity, but you will lose some of the functionality of Model3D. For example you can't use ResolvedModel3D resizable(_:), but you can achieve a similar effect using a RealityView and GeometryReader3D. If you have a specific use case and can't find a way to achieve it, create a new post with the question, reply with the link and I'll help you.