Endpoint Security

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Develop system extensions that enhance user security using Endpoint Security.

Posts under Endpoint Security tag

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Notarized Endpoint app, full disk access, Ventura Intel
I have an app that installs an endpoint system extension, and I have the app notarized. I can install the endpoint system extension and enable Full Disk Access fine on Ventura, Apple Silicon Sonoma, Apple Silicon But I cannot enable Full Disk Access on Ventura, Intel In System Settings, when I try to slide toggle switch on to enable full disk access, the toggle slides right back to off. In previous development versions, I could enable Full Disk Access on the Intel machine. Any idea why I cannot enable Full Disk Access on Ventura/Intel for my endpoint system extension in my notarized app? One additional observation, the name displayed in the Full Disk Access section is different between the Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. On Apple Silicon, only the final part of the Bundle ID is shown in Full Disk Access: endpointagent On Intel, the full Bundle ID is shown: com.MyCompany.MyApp.endpointagent Don't know if it matters, but I thought I'd point that out.
Nov ’23
XPC service and mac application do not connect to each other
I am currently writing an agent for endpoint security. I cannot connect the application and the xpc service. I start the plist with launchctl and then open the application, but it does not connect and the application runs dysfunctionally. I leave the code of the ViewController in the application and the XPCConnection in the xpc service below. Note: I create the XPC service in Xcode like a normal application and write it as a service application with "Application is background only" ViewController.swift func establishConnection() { XPCConnection.shared.connectToDaemon(bundle: Bundle.main, delegate: self) { success in DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in if !success { controlButton.isEnabled = false configMenuStatus(start: false, stop: false) alertWithError(error: "Unable to start monitoring for broken connection with daemon.") } else { Logger(.Info, "Connect to daemon successfully.") } } } } XPCConnection.swift func connectToDaemon(bundle: Bundle, delegate: ClientXPCProtocol, handler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { guard connection == nil else { Logger(.Info, "Client already connected.") handler(true) return } guard getMachServiceName(from: bundle) == ClientBundle else { handler(false) return } let newConnection = NSXPCConnection(machServiceName: DaemonBundle) newConnection.exportedObject = delegate newConnection.exportedInterface = NSXPCInterface(with: ClientXPCProtocol.self) newConnection.remoteObjectInterface = NSXPCInterface(with: DaemonXPCProtocol.self) newConnection.invalidationHandler = { self.connection = nil Logger(.Info, "Daemon disconnected.") handler(false) } newConnection.interruptionHandler = { self.connection = nil Logger(.Error, "Daemon interrupted.") handler(false) } connection = newConnection newConnection.resume() let proxy = newConnection.remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler { error in Logger(.Error, "Failed to connect with error [\(error)]") self.connection?.invalidate() self.connection = nil handler(false) } as? DaemonXPCProtocol proxy!.connectResponse(handler) handler(true) } This is the error photo, the application continues to work First, I checked to see if I had made a mistake in the bundle identifier, but I could not find an error, and then I realized that I had not run the launchd service. Then I ran it, but it did not make any sense. What I am trying to do is to connect and run the network extension and endpoint security with this service, but the xpc service does not connect to each other.
Oct ’23
Performance degradation using Endpoint Security library on Sonoma
Hello community we have been using an Endpoint Security client within a system extension for quite a while now. After some users updated macOS to Sonoma, we got complaints about slower performance when using MS Office on Mac. The product features work as expected, and our system extension is loaded and delivers events. Upon inspection of the log files, we found the following (but not on all machines): [com.apple.TCC:access] Failed to create LSApplicationRecord for file:///Library/SystemExtensions/0062566E-9869-4CC4-A666-F641F5C011CD/com.sophos.endpoint.scanextension.systemextension/: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10811.)' and [com.apple.TCC:access] -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.sophos.endpoint.scanextension, type: 0: 0x7fb63da318c0 at /Library/SystemExtensions/0062566E-9869-4CC4-A666-F641F5C011CD/com.sophos.endpoint.scanextension.systemextension for almost each event delivered. We are using XPC from the system extension to a non-priviliged daemon process to process file content. A feedback has already been filed: FB13174804 An additional code-level support was returnd woithout any explanation. Signing checks of the system extension and the containing app (daemon) on Sonoma turn up without any errros. Any idea, whats going on here? Frank Fenn Sophos Inc.
May ’24
Suspending USB Device
I'm working on a system management tool that should be able to Allow/Deny mass storage and portable devices. In case if it is a USB flash drive I can detect Mount events using Endpoint Security framework. Then using IOServiceGetMatchingServices I can find the actual device that is trying to mount new volume, check if it is an allowed device and Allow or Deny mount. But in case if it is an iPhone/iPad or Android device I can't rely on that solution as they don't mount new volumes but user can copy files to the phone. To cover this case I could respond with Deny for the ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_IOKIT_OPEN event. But at that moment I know nothing about the device, only its class which is the same for a mouse and for iPhone. I can add a notification for adding new USB devices, but then I would need somehow to understand that it is a phone/tablet and disconnect or suspend needed USB Device. How could I disconnect or suspend a USB Device having only io_object_t?
Nov ’23
Unable to delete endpoint and network system extensions
A few weeks ago I had problems with provisioning profiles for some macOS programs, so I deleted/revoked a bunch of certificates and provisioning profiles and started from scratch. (Everything seems to be working for me) Unfortunately, a co-worker had two programs on his machine that were built with the old, test provisioning profiles with the revoked certificates, and it seems this may be preventing him from deleting the system extensions. The apps have been deleted, but that does not delete the system extensions. I installed a new program that programmatically (tries to) uninstall the system extension, but it doesn't seem to work either. When he reboots his computer, macOS pops up a window showing that the extensions may be malware. If he clicks "Show in Finder" and then tries to delete the system extensions from the Finder, he gets the message: The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access some of the items. Is it possible to delete the old system extensions that were installed with the old provisioning profiles? Are there multiple files that need to be deleted (e.g., the system extension and a .plist file somewhere)?
Nov ’23
Check from installing app if Full Disk Access has been enabled?
I have a macOS app that installs an endpoint system extension. After the user clicks "Allow" to allow it to be installed, the user must still scroll up to the "Full Disk Access" section and enable full disk access for the system extension. It is easy for the user to forget to do this. Is there an API (or other easy way) for the installing app to check whether the endpoint system extension has been granted full disk access? I would like to display some big message in the GUI saying "You must enable Full Disk Access" until they do.
Nov ’23
Two esf processes conflict
Here's the scenario: I have two processes on my computer, named A and B. Both processes are monitored by the ESF, and both processes monitor the same ESF events, such as ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_EXEC and ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN. If processes A and B run at the same time, will event conflict occur? In ESF event processing, is there any way to achieve full event listening and keep cpu usage low
Nov ’23
Does an Endpoint Security system-extension requires paid app enabled?
Hello! we are trying to request of a new Entitlment for "com.apple.developer.endpoint-security.client" for our desktop app. Issue is that we are not able to insert the request for an "Unathorized" error, with the mesage below in which seems that we lack some agreements on our account: _Unathorized: If you’re a member of a developer program, make sure your Account Holder has agreed the latest license agreement. _ The only agreements we are curretly missing is the one for "Paid app", wiht bank account informaition and so on. Does anyone know anything about it, if it is mandatory to fill this to proceed with the request? Thanks!
Nov ’23
Endpoint Security Intercept file sending?
The Endpoint Security provides the ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_OPEN event, I can specify that the process intercepts the open specified file es_respond_flags_result(client, msg, 0x0, true);. However, WeChat (the chat app) intercepts the specified file the first time it is sent, and the second time it can be sent successfully, and the peer end can receive the file. I can confirm that es_respond_flags_result(client, msg, 0x0, true); is called. So, which auth event should I use? Thx!
Nov ’23
endpoint security app crash
I have implemented an app to monitor computer events according to ESF framework, but a crash will appear, and the crash content is Time Awake Since Boot: 800000 seconds Time Since Wake: 2594 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY Termination Reason: Namespace ENDPOINTSECURITY, Code 2 I can't find it. Why is this happening. Can you tell me under what circumstances such a crash would occur.
Dec ’23
Hooks with mandatory access control framework
Hello, I've come across information regarding macOS endpoint protection software: It seems Apple no longer allows them to create kernel extensions. It seems that endpoint software should now function with MACF by implementing hooks from userland. Does this mean the Endpoint Security Framework will soon become deprecated? I'm currently searching for a sample source code for MACF hooks, but I haven't found anything in the Apple developer documentation. Thanks
Dec ’23
How to expedite the approval of com.apple.developer.endpoint-security.client entitlement?
I have developed a process monitoring software for internal use in my company using the endpointsecurity API. When I tried to package and distribute it to my colleagues, I found out that I need to apply for the com.apple.developer.endpoint-security.client entitlement from Apple. It has been almost 2 months since I submitted the application, but it hasn't been approved yet. I sought help from customer service, but they haven't provided any useful feedback. I'm hoping to get help from the developer community. How can I expedite the approval of the com.apple.developer.endpoint-security.client entitlement? thanks~
Dec ’23
Memory Overhead Issues with ESF Framework During High Volume of NOTIFY Events
I refer to Google's ESF project code to handle NOTIFY events, but after my notifyQueue is set to QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, the process memory gets larger when a lot of events occur. Is there any way to fix this without affecting performance The code is as follows: notifyQueue = dispatch_queue_create("notify",dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL,QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)); if (msg->action_type == ES_ACTION_TYPE_NOTIFY) { es_message_t *copied_msg = [self copy_message:msg]; if (!copied_msg) { return; } dispatch_async(self->_notifyQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool { [self handle:copied_msg]; [self free_message:copied_msg]; } }); }
Jan ’24
Requesting ESF entitlement not satisfied
We are trying to get access to Endpoint security entitlement for our enterprise app that uses Endpoint Security Extension but after almost 5 month and over 3 requests there is no response from Apple. We kindly asked Apple for entitlement because we have to distribute our application to our customer ASAP. I need some information around this issue. What the reason ? How can I contact support for my requests? Thanks in advance
Dec ’23
EndpointSecurity and events dropping
Hi! There are two fields in ES message: global_seq_num and seq_num, which are described as a continuous number sequence unless the kernel is "dropping events" because "kernel generated more events than the client could handle." https://developer.apple.com/documentation/endpointsecurity/es_message_t/3684979-global_seq_num https://developer.apple.com/documentation/endpointsecurity/es_message_t/3538607-seq_num However, as we all know, system will kill ES client, if the message is not answered in (deadline) time. I've a lot questions about this thing: What the "drop" actually is? The event is not provided to es client from the kernel? What does the "client could handle" means exactly? (I mean, es client will be already killed, if it can't respond to event in deadline) Are the dropped events responded by the system immediately, or they do wait something? Are only auth events could be dropped, or notify too? What is the system resolution for dropped auth events? (allow I guess) What I'm expected to do as a developer with these two fields - should I just log them and hope to find something out later, or can I react somehow during runtime if I met the break in *seq_num sequence?
Jan ’24
Inferring High-Level Semantics from Low-Level Operations
This is a topic that comes up regularly, both in my Day Job™ with DTS and here on DevForums. This situation is a bit subtle, and it’s long past the time I should have written a proper explanation of it. If you have questions or comments, put them in a new thread here on DevForums. To ensure that I see your thread, tag it based on the technology you’re using. For example: If you’re working with Endpoint Security, use the Endpoint Security tag. If you’re building a Network Extension provider, use the Network Extension tag. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com" Inferring High-Level Semantics from Low-Level Operations Apple supports a number of APIs that let you observe low-level operations. For example: An Endpoint Security (ES) client can learn about low-level file system operations, like open and close. A Network Extension (NE) filter provider can learn about outgoing and incoming network packets. Folks using these APIs often want to infer high-level semantics from these low-level operations. For example: An ES client might want to prevent the Finder from copying files to an external drive. An NE filter provider might want to block Safari from fetching specific URLs. While DTS supports these APIs, we don’t support this sort of low-to-high inference. That’s because our goal is to help developers use Apple’s APIs in a sustainable way, and it’s impossible to do this inference in a way that will be binary compatible in the long term. Let me illustrate this with an example. Consider the NE scenario above. It’s easy for an NE packet filter to drop packets being sent to a specific host. However, that approach is very brittle. If something changes in the implementation path from Safari requesting a URL to how that’s rendered as IP packets, your product will break. A great example of such a change is iCloud Private Relay. This isn’t to say that such inference can’t be done at all, just that it’s not possible to do it in a sustainable way. Given that, here’s my advice: Try to work with high-level operations where possible. For example, ES recently added high-level log in and log out notifications, which means you no longer need to infer such events from lower-level ones. If the system doesn’t support the necessary high-level operations, file an enhancement request that describes your requirements. In the meantime, you can have a go at doing this inference yourself, but be aware that DTS can’t support you in that task.
Jan ’24
eslogger's --oslog option issue
I'm trying to log Endpoint Security events to os_log. I'd be grateful if someone could confirm that using the --oslog option with eslogger actually writes event data to the system log. If I monitor with sudo eslogger exec fork exit I see events at the command line, yet if I add the --oslog option, I don't see those events when monitoring the log with sudo log stream --predicate 'subsystem == "com.apple.eslogger"'. Nor do I see them if I filter in the Console app on just the subsystem "com.apple.eslogger". Have I missed out something with my work? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Jan ’24