Image I/O

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Read and write most image file formats, manage color, access image metadata using Image I/O.

Posts under Image I/O tag

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[macOS Sonoma] screencapture CLI no longer includes DPI information
Using the screencapture CLI on macOS Sonoma 14.0 (23A344) results in a 72dpi image file, no matter if it was captured on a retina display or not. For example, using screencapture -i ~/Desktop/test.png in Terminal lets me create a selective screenshot, but the resulting file does not contain any DPI metadata (checked using mdls ~/Desktop/test.png), nor does the image itself have the correct DPI information (should be 144, but it's always 72; checked using I noticed a (new?) flag option, -r, for which the documentation states: -r Do not add screen dpi meta data to captured file. Is that flag somehow automatically set? Setting it myself makes no difference and obviously results in a no-dpi-in-metadata and wrong-dpi-in-image file. The only two ways I got the correct DPI information in a resulting image file was using the default options (forced by -p): screencapture -i -p, and by making the capture go to the clipboard screencapture -i -c. Sadly, I can't use those in my case. Feedback filed: FB13208235 I'd appreciate any pointers, Matthias
Feb ’24
PNG Compression - ImageIO
Hello All, I am trying to compress PNG image by applying PNG Filters like(Sub, Up, Average, Paeth), I am applying filers using property kCGImagePropertyPNGCompressionFilter but there is no change seen in resultant images after trying any of the filter. What is the issue here can someone help me with this. Do I have compress image data after applying filter? If yes how to do that? Here is my source code CGImageDestinationRef outImageDestRef = NULL; long keyCounter = kzero; CFStringRef dstImageFormatStrRef = NULL; CFMutableDataRef destDataRef = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,0); Handle srcHndl = //source image handle; ImageTypes srcImageType = //'JPEG', 'PNGf, etct; CGImageRef inImageRef = CreateCGImageFromHandle(srcHndl,srcImageType); if(inImageRef) { CFTypeRef keys[4] = {nil}; CFTypeRef values[4] = {nil}; dstImageFormatStrRef = CFSTR("public.png"); long png_filter = IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_SUB; //IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_SUB, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_UP, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_AVG, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_PAETH .. it is one of this at a time keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyPNGCompressionFilter; values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&png_filter); keyCounter++; outImageDestRef = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData(destDataRef, dstImageFormatStrRef, 1, NULL); if(outImageDestRef) { // keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyDPIWidth; // values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&Resolution); // keyCounter++; // // keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyDPIHeight; // values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&Resolution); // keyCounter++; CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL,keys,values,keyCounter,&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CGImageDestinationAddImage(outImageDestRef,inImageRef, options); CFRelease(options); status = CGImageDestinationFinalize(outImageDestRef); if(status == true) { UInt8 *destImagePtr = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(destDataRef); destSize = CFDataGetLength(destDataRef); //using destImagePtr after this ... } CFRelease(outImageDestRef); } for(long cnt = kzero; cnt < keyCounter; cnt++) if(values[cnt]) CFRelease(values[cnt]); if(inImageRef) CGImageRelease(inImageRef); }
Sep ’23
Memory increasing when changing image background
struct ContentView: View { @State var listOfImages: [String] = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"] @State var counter = 0 var body: some View { VStack { Button(action: { counter += 1 }, label: { Text("Next Image") }) } .background(Image(listOfImages[counter])) .padding() } } When I click on the button, counter increases and the next image is displayed as the background. The memory usage of the app increases as each image changes. Is there anyway to maintain a steady memory use?
Sep ’23
HDR Image capture/conversion
Hello! After recent talk on the WWDC2023 about HDR support and finding this documentation page on Applying Apple HDR effect on photos, I became very interested in the HDR Gain Map format. From documentation page it is clear how we can restore original HDR from SDR and Gain Map representation, but my question is - how from HDR we can convert back to the SDR + Gain Map representation? As I understand right know, conversion from HDR to SDR + Gain Map includes two steps: Tone mapping of HDR for getting correct SDR When we have both HDR and SDR, from equation in the documentation page we can calculate Gain Map Am I correct? If so, what tone mapping algorithm for HDR -> SDR conversion is used right know? Can't find any information about this in the internet:( Would be very grateful for your response!
Sep ’23
Photos App: Re-indexing of edited photos
I would like to use a third-party app to edit the metadata of a photo to change its Caption and then be able to search in the Photos app to find that image with the edited caption. I have managed to do this by duplicating the photo with the edited metadata. The Photos app recognizes it as a new photo and indexes it with the new caption, making it searchable. However, when editing the photo in-place, the Photos app will not re-index the photo, therefore it will not be searchable. Is there a way to edit photos in-place and have them searchable with the new metadata?
Sep ’23
The most advanced spyware in the world
I have been researching and enduring the most unbelievable attack you have ever heard of. You won't believe me. AT&T doesn't. Apple doesn't. They have not bothered to even take a look. I have multiple screen videos and screenshots that prove that when my phone was stolen, damaged, then returned, it was infected with a very resilient virus of some sort, so that it has been cloned and is duplicated on a MAC. Now the WiFi network I use is likely the jumping off point, but I am not familiar with this level of invasion. I have restored the phone but I have not deleted the E-Sim. And I always restored from a backup. Well once. I did not and still no change. I am not a neophyte, and while I have limited knowledge of the apple code, swift or Xcode or whatever, I do have some coding knowledge from other platforms. One thing I do know though is my iPhone. I bought the first one in 2007 and watched the keynote announcing the App Store on the first iPhone. I know when it is operating as it should. For instance, whenever I reset my google password which is often, or I just look through the google account at devices, this iPhone 14 {Plus running iOS 17 is always listed as a MAC OS X from another region. Sometimes I can see this phone on there as well but it is never the (device I am using). Also, I have screen videos of very strange errors, like certain options will be shut off. Like right now I cannot turn on voice assist. During the damage when it was stolen, the Face ID was damaged. Just now it suddenly got brighter and it does that often almost as often as the volume suddenly going up. My contacts are constantly deleted and that is not because of switching accounts. As this has been occurring four over 4 months now, I have tirelessly investigated every explanation for the errors. I know it is a mac connected to the same WiFi because occasionally the font will change in size and small part of text will be highlighted and it is much smaller than the display of the phone. Everytime I login to Apple ID the password has been changed and this is with 2FA on. Also I just checked yesterday to see, on the AT&T website, and my number in just one day has (5Text messages listed that I did not get. My roommates seem to know things about me I haven't told them. At&T sent me a bill for a different number without a phone connected to it. I use an ESim. I have endless more details and screenshots and I cannot seem to get a response from apple, but my belongings have been stolen, my identity stolen, and my sanity also taken away. You begin to question reality, but just going over my body of evidence is enough to show I have something going on. I want to report this to someone but I would like to maybe get some info on how I could be sure, what is happening? MY Crash reports show interesting stuff. I am actually going to check and make sure the imei numbers in those reports match the device. But please help . This is like super high tech invisible terrorizing spyware and it will be worse for the next person. I mean when I unlock my phone it is never opened to the app I closed it on. NEVER. Email
Sep ’23
ios17 beta UIImage encoding error
In iOS 17 beta3 and later versions, it has been observed that encoding using UIImagePNGRepresentation, manually using CGImageDestinationFinalize for encoding, or using the new UIImageHEICRepresentation, all result in color shifting issues for the corresponding images. The original data can be downloaded from*RxJIQ60ntZMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVR1AQ/original. Could you please help investigate the cause of this issue?
Aug ’23
Optimizing loading lots of small images in iOS App - My attempt
In my iOS app, I need to load and display lots of small images like icons and thumbnails. This was causing slow loading and high memory usage issues. I tried optimizing by encoding the images to Base64 strings and embedding them directly in code. Here's a Swift code snippet to demonstrate: let imageData = UIImage(named:"image.png")!.pngData()! let base64String = imageData.base64EncodedString() let imgBase64 = "data:image/png;base64,\(base64String)" let image = UIImage(data: Data(base64Encoded: imgBase64)!) This improved the app's performance - loading speed increased by 2x and memory usage decreased by 30%. Way better than loading individual image files! Curious to know if anyone else has tried Base64 image loading? Are there other optimization techniques you'd recommend? I'm interested to learn more approaches to smooth image loading in iOS apps. Btw, this blog post gave me the idea to try Base64 encoding for faster image loading. Recommend checking it out for more techniques!
Aug ’23
Loading NSImage from icns file takes very long for Visual Studio Code icon
I am trying to load an app icon from an icns file. I am using the following code: guard let url = NSWorkspace.shared.urlForApplication(withBundleIdentifier: "") else { return nil } let icon = NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFile: url.path) This seems to work very fine for all apps that I tested. All of them? No. Loading the icon for Visual Studio Code takes 4-5 seconds. Are there any other, faster methods? I also tried to use NSImage(contentsOfFile: url.path) which also takes very long. I have uploaded the icns file here: How can this behavior be explained?
Aug ’23
how to produce image with semanticSegmentationSkyMatteImage information on iOS?
I'm trying to create a sky mask on pictures taken from my iPhone. I've seen in the documentation that CoreImage support semantic segmentation for Sky among other type for person (skin, hair etc...) For now, I didn't found the proper workflow to use it. First, I watched I understood that images must be captured with the segmentation with this kind of code: photoSettings.enabledSemanticSegmentationMatteTypes = self.photoOutput.availableSemanticSegmentationMatteTypes photoSettings.embedsSemanticSegmentationMattesInPhoto = true I capture the image on my iPhone, save it as HEIC format then later, I try to load the matte like that : let skyMatte = CIImage(contentsOf: imageURL, options: [.auxiliarySemanticSegmentationSkyMatte: true]) Unfortunately, self.photoOutput.availableSemanticSegmentationMatteTypes always give me a list of types for person only and never a types Sky. Anyway, the AVSemanticSegmentationMatte.MatteType is just [Hair, Skin, Teeth, Glasses] ... No Sky !!! So, How am I supposed to use semanticSegmentationSkyMatteImage ?!? Is there any simple workaround ?
Aug ’23
Save texture as Tiff
I'm trying to save metal textures in a lossless compressed format. I've tried png and tiff, but I run into the same problem: the pixel data changes after save and load when we have transparency. Here is the code I use to save a Tiff: import ImageIO import UIKit import Metal import MobileCoreServices extension MTLTexture { func saveAsLosslessTIFF(url: URL) throws { guard let context = CIContext() else { return } guard let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearSRGB) else { return } guard let ciImage = CIImage(mtlTexture: self, options: [.colorSpace : colorSpace]) else { return } guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent) else { return } // create a dictionary with TIFF compression options let tiffCompression_LZW = 5 let options: [String: Any] = [ kCGImagePropertyTIFFCompression as String: tiffCompression_LZW, kCGImagePropertyDepth as String: depth, kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth as String: width, kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight as String: height, ] let fileDestination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, kUTTypeTIFF, 1, nil) guard let destination = fileDestination else { throw RuntimeError("Unable to create image destination.") } CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, cgImage, options as CFDictionary) if !CGImageDestinationFinalize(destination) { throw RuntimeError("Unable to save image to destination.") } } } I can then load the texture like this: func loadTexture(url:URL) throws -> MTLTexture { let usage = MTLTextureUsage(rawValue: MTLTextureUsage.renderTarget.rawValue | MTLTextureUsage.shaderRead.rawValue | MTLTextureUsage.shaderWrite.rawValue) return try loader.newTexture(URL:url,options:[MTKTextureLoader.Option.textureUsage:usage.rawValue,MTKTextureLoader.Option.origin:MTKTextureLoader.Origin.flippedVertically.rawValue]) } After saving and then loading the texture again, I want to get back the exact same texture. And I do, if there is no transparency. Transparent pixels, however, are transformed in a way that I don't understand. Here is an example pixel: [120, 145, 195, 170] -> [144, 174, 234, 170] My first guess would be that something is trying to undo a pre-multiplied alpha that never happened. But the numbers don't seem to work out. For example, if that were the case I'd expect 120 to go to (120 * 255) / 170 = 180 , not 144. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Aug ’23
Image not visible in SwiftUI project
Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue with my SwiftUI project, and I would appreciate some help in resolving it. The problem is that one of the images in my project is not visible when I use it in my code. Here are the details of the issue: I have for example two images, "AIOx2.png" and "AIOx3.png", both of which are placed in the "Assets.xcassets" folder of my Xcode project. When I use "AIOx3.png" in my SwiftUI code (e.g., replacing Image("AIOx2") with Image("AIOx3")), the image is visible on the preview canvas and simulator. However, when I use "AIOx2.png" in the same way, the image is not visible on the preview canvas or the simulator. I have verified that the file "AIOx2.png" is correctly named and is in the same location as "AIOx3.png" in the "Assets.xcassets" folder. There are no error messages or warnings related to the image in the Xcode console. I have tried several troubleshooting steps, such as cleaning and build, restarting Xcode, re-downloading and re-adding the image to the project, but the issue persists. Is there anything specific that I might be missing or any other suggestions for troubleshooting this problem? I would be grateful for any guidance or insights into resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards, Adam
Jul ’23
Strange chinese character next to the iPhone folder name and different format of images
I was wondering if anyone has same problem. When i plug the iphone to my windows laptop the folders in iphone showing a chinese word next to the folder name. Also images format having different type of word and when i copy them to the windows, it doesn't recognize them as images. I have already erase the iphone and when plug again, same issue is there. Please refer attached two pics. I'm running IOS 17 public beta.
Aug ’23
[Metal] 9072 by 12096 iosurface is too large for GPU
I take a picture using the iPhone's camera. The taken resolution is 3024.0 x 4032. I then have to apply a watermark to this image. After a bunch of trial and error, the method I decided to use was taking a snapshot of a watermark UIView, and drawing that over the image, like so: // Create the watermarked photo. let result: UIImage=UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: image.size).image(actions: { _ in   image.draw(in: .init(origin: .zero, size: image.size))   let watermark: Watermark = .init(     size: image.size,     scaleFactor: image.size.smallest / self.frame.size.smallest   )   watermark.drawHierarchy(in: .init(origin: .zero, size: image.size), afterScreenUpdates: true) }) Then with the final image — because the client wanted it to have a filename as well when viewed from within the Photos app and exported from it, and also with much trial and error — I save it to a file in a temporary directory. I then save it to the user's Photo library using that file. The difference as compared to saving the image directly vs saving it from the file is that when saved from the file the filename is used as the filename within the Photos app; and in the other case it's just a default photo name generated by Apple. The problem is that in the image saving code I'm getting the following error: [Metal] 9072 by 12096 iosurface is too large for GPU And when I view the saved photo it's basically just a completely black image. This problem only started when I changed the AVCaptureSession preset to .photo. Before then there was no errors. Now, the worst problem is that the app just completely crashes on drawing of the watermark view in the first place. When using .photo the resolution is significantly higher, so the image size is larger, so the watermark size has to be commensurately larger as well. iOS appears to be okay with the size of the watermark UIView. However, when I try to draw it over the image the app crashes with this message from Xcode: So there's that problem. But I figured that could be resolved by taking a more manual approach to the drawing of the watermark then using a UIView snapshot. So it's not the most pressing problem. What is, is that even after the drawing code is commented out, I still get the iosurface is too large error. Here's the code that saves the image to the file and then to the Photos library: extension UIImage {   /// Save us with the given name to the user's photo album.   /// - Parameters:   ///  - filename: The filename to be used for the saved photo. Behavior is undefined if the filename contain characters other than what is represented by this regular expression [A-Za-z0-9-_]. A decimal point for the file extension is permitted.   ///  - location: A GPS location to save with the photo.   fileprivate func save(_ filename: String, _ location: Optional&lt;Coordinates&gt;) throws {           // Create a path to a temporary directory. Adding filenames to the Photos app form of images is accomplished by first creating an image file on the file system, saving the photo using the URL to that file, and then deleting that file on the file system.     //   A documented way of adding filenames to photos saved to Photos was never found.     // Furthermore, we save everything to a `tmp` directory as if we just tried deleting individual photos after they were saved, and the deletion failed, it would be a little more tricky setting up logic to ensure that the undeleted files are eventually     // cleaned up. But by using a `tmp` directory, we can save all temporary photos to it, and delete the entire directory following each taken picture.     guard       let tmpUrl: URL=try {         guard let documentsDirUrl=NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first else {           throw GeneralError("Failed to create URL to documents directory.")         }         let url: Optional&lt;URL&gt; = .init(string: documentsDirUrl + "/tmp/")         return url       }()     else {       throw GeneralError("Failed to create URL to temporary directory.")     }           // A path to the image file.     let filePath: String=try {               // Reduce the likelihood of photos taken in quick succession from overwriting each other.       let collisionResistantPath: String="\(tmpUrl.path(percentEncoded: false))\(UUID())/"               // Make sure all directories required by the path exist before trying to write to it.       try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: collisionResistantPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)               // Done.       return collisionResistantPath + filename     }()     // Create `CFURL` analogue of file path.     guard let cfPath: CFURL=CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nil, filePath as CFString, CFURLPathStyle.cfurlposixPathStyle, false) else {       throw GeneralError("Failed to create `CFURL` analogue of file path.")     }           // Create image destination object.     //     // You can change your exif type here.     //   This is a note from original author. Not quite exactly sure what they mean by it. Link in method documentation can be used to refer back to the original context.     guard let destination=CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(cfPath, UTType.jpeg.identifier as CFString, 1, nil) else {       throw GeneralError("Failed to create `CGImageDestination` from file url.")     }           // Metadata properties.     let properties: CFDictionary={               // Place your metadata here.       // Keep in mind that metadata follows a standard. You can not use custom property names here.       let tiffProperties: Dictionary&lt;String, Any&gt;=[:]               return [         kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String: tiffProperties       ] as CFDictionary     }()           // Create image file.     guard let cgImage=self.cgImage else {       throw GeneralError("Failed to retrieve `CGImage` analogue of `UIImage`.")     }     CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, cgImage, properties)     CGImageDestinationFinalize(destination)             // Save to the photo library.     PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({       guard let creationRequest: PHAssetChangeRequest = .creationRequestForAssetFromImage(atFileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)) else {         return       }       // Add metadata to the photo.       creationRequest.creationDate = .init()       if let location=location {         creationRequest.location = .init(latitude: location.latitude, longitude: location.longitude)       }     }, completionHandler: { _, _ in       try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: tmpUrl.absoluteString)     })   } } If anyone can provide some insight as to what's causing the iosurface is too large error and what can be done to resolve it, that'd be awesome.
Feb ’24
Suppress CoreGraphics or Image I/O Console Messages
I'm using CoreGraphics and Image I/O in a MacOS command-line tool. My program works fine, but after the first drawing to a bitmap context there are messages output to the console like the following: 2022-12-20 16:33:47.824937-0500 RandomImageGenerator[4436:90170] Metal API Validation Enabled AVEBridge Info: AVEEncoder_CreateInstance: Received CreateInstance (from VT) AVEBridge Info: connectHandler: Device connected (0x000000010030b520)Assert - (remoteService != NULL) - f: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/43362d89-619c-11ed-a949-7ef33c48bc85/Library/Caches/ l: 291 AVE XPC Error: could not find remote service Assert - (err == noErr) - f: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/43362d89-619c-11ed-a949-7ef33c48bc85/Library/Caches/ l: 1961 AVE ERROR: XPC failed AVEBridge Info: stopUserClient: IOServiceClose was successful. AVEBridge Error: AVEEncoder_CreateInstance: returning err = -12908 These messages get in the way of my own console output. How do I stop these messages from being displayed? This post on StackOverflow ( does not appear to be relevant to this issue.
Aug ’23
Swift: Save image with file name using PHPhotoLibrary and PHAssetCreationRequest
I  am trying to save an image to the user's photo library using PHPhotoLibrary and set the image file name at the time of saving suing the code below. This is working the first time, but if I then try to save the same image again with a different file name, it saves with the same file name as before. Is there something I need to add to let the system know to save a new version of the image with a new file name? Thank you PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges ({ let assetType:PHAssetResourceType = .photo let request:PHAssetCreationRequest = .forAsset() let createOptions:PHAssetResourceCreationOptions = PHAssetResourceCreationOptions() createOptions.originalFilename = "\(fileName)" request.addResource(with: assetType, data: image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1)!, options: createOptions) }, completionHandler: { success, error in if success == true && error == nil { print("Success saving image") } else { print("Error saving image: \(error!.localizedDescription)") } })
Aug ’23