Interaction Design

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Create engaging ways for users to interact with your software.

Posts under Interaction Design tag

8 Posts
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What is the secret to good UI?
Hello, I’m an aspiring full stack dev and I’m just wondering how the heck you get good UI AND UX. I’m currently moodboarding and seeing how things look in FigJam and then taking that and coding in Swift. I am struggling and my sanity is hanging on by a string 😂. So tell me, how do you get good UI and UX?
Zoom in
Hii apple! What about zooming with 2 fingers without making a screenshot to zoom it!! I will love to make a pattent about it!!! Everywhere we ad on the iphone should we zoom in with 2 fingers!!! love to hear from ya
How to interact during the Transition process?(wwdc24 UIKit consultation)
Recently I tried to apply a custom transition to a custom contextMenu. However, I want to make sure that during the transition process (which is not over yet), my contextMenu elements such as buttons can be tapped. But I tried a lot of things without success. I know you have a lot of experience, so I would like to ask you about how to implement the transition and be able to interact before it is over. I know that a UIView can be tapped during animation, but I haven't tried the button in a UIView. I've been trying to transition ViewControllers. For example, in a transition from fromViewController to toViewController, I wanted to be able to tap on a tableView in toViewController during the transition, but I was frustrated and found it very difficult to implement. I would like to ask you about the possibilities of interaction during the Viewcontrollers transition. (PS: In Github Issues, I uploaded a GIF example of the plus button on the left of the input box in iMessage. After tapping the plus button, you can tap the "Apple Cash" button before the transition is finished.) Your advice would be incredibly valuable to me. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. [GithubLink]
Jun ’24
4.3.0 Design Spam
Hello, I've a team for developing game in my small company. And we've developed an Obstacle game in Unity from scratch. every single UI, logic & even sound is implemented by our own developers and musicians. It means, every single element is proprietory of our own. I suggest you folks to try out the game in Android playstore by searching the game name as "Cherry Blossom Hills Obstacle" . But once I submitted the same game in iOS App store, the reviewers continously saying, it's a 4.3.0 Design Spam without any to the point feedback basically :( Could you anyone help me resolving this issue? A definitive but even single help/suggestion would be highly appreciated. Regards, Md. Rezoanul Alam.
Feb ’24
User Age
Hello! I need advice. According to Apple's guidelines, is it permissible to ask users during the initial app launch, through an OnBoarding screen (example in the screenshot), if they are older than 16 when the Age Rating on the App Store is set to 9+? I want to determine if the user from Europe and the UK has reached the age of consent in order to display or not display the GDPR consent form to them. Thanks!
Dec ’23
Full Screen Cover and iPhone Orientation
Currently, there seems to be an all or nothing approach to supporting rotation on iPhone. Either every screen in your UI supports rotation, or none of them do. For a some apps however, that approach won't work. They have a number of screens that don't adapt well to a super letterboxed screen size, and a number of others that would benefit from the additional screen space. Previous discussion on this issue recommends the use of size classes, but this advice fails to recognise that some use cases simply aren't suited to being super letterboxed. Apple's own UI design is tacit acknowledgement of this: For example, the main UI of the Camera app stays fixed in the portrait orientation in the shooting mode, but presents a rotatable modal to review photos and videos. Even Springboard, the home screen of the iPhone, remains locked in the portrait orientation whilst allowing an app to be presented in landscape. Social media and news apps are another example: generally anchored around a portrait newsfeed that doesn't adapt well to extreme letterboxing, but surfacing rich media such as images, videos, charts and other interactive elements that could use the flexibility of landscape presentation. (News app, looking at you.) Is it time to re-visit the rotation characteristics of the phone vs. tablet idioms? Is this all-or-nothing approach to rotation serving the platform well? Regardless, app designers at Apple and elsewhere are creating apps that use this hybrid approach to rotation. And as things stand today, SwiftUI makes it very difficult. A rough equivalent can be made using a ZStack and observing the device orientation, but this requires hiding the status bar and provides no way to honor a user's portrait lock settings. The only other option, as far as I can tell, is building the app using UIKit view controllers, to thread through supportedInterfaceOrientations hooks. Personally, what I'd love to see is a new presentationInterfaceOrientations(_:) hook on View, that allows a fullScreenCover presentation to be specified as supporting an alternative orientation set. This could be iPhone only, and should serve the majority of use cases. However, in the meantime, it would be great to know if there's a technique that can get the UIKit behavior in a SwiftUI app that doesn't require rewriting the entire container view hierachy in UIKit.
Oct ’23
View like the camera app
Hello all, I would like to understand how to create a SwiftUI View like the official camera app. When the device orientation changes, the view is not animating, and the buttons just rotate (4:3, 1x...). The camera app view is compose by flash and live buttons, camera preview, config buttons, and big button to shot the photo. In portrait, it is from top to bottom, in landscape, from left to right. Also, when the last pictures view is shown, it is adapted to the current orientation, like if the camera preview view was rendered in the same device orientation. Ideas? Thanks!
Oct ’23