Messages for Business

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Messages for Business is a service that allows your organization to communicate directly with your customers using the Messages app.

Posts under Messages for Business tag

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VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
App crash happens. Not sure about the reason. Could you please help me with this? Attached the complete crash log in a file Incident Identifier: 845F6892-F0C9-4090-9690-802CB9CA51B0 Hardware Model: iPhone11,8 Process: Asset [3649] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2433DB3D-1B7C-41E3-917B-A92FFFED95EC/ Identifier: Version: 1.3.84 (20240416) AppStoreTools: 15E204 AppVariant: 1:iPhone11,8:15 Beta: YES Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: [420] Date/Time: 2024-05-14 08:29:23.7648 -0700 Launch Time: 2024-05-14 08:28:50.8616 -0700 OS Version: iPhone OS 15.6.1 (19G82) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 4.04.02 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY Triggered by Thread: 3 Kernel Triage: VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
May ’24
How does dep know the mdm server url?
I'm currently trying to develop an MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution and have encountered some issues: I've set up an MDM server, let's assume the URL is mdm.***.com. I've also registered with Apple Business Manager and assigned the MDM server. Using iOS's Configurator, I added an iPhone device to the Business Manager. After the initial addition, it prompts to erase the iPhone. After restarting, the iPhone interacts with the MDM server and completes registration. Now, here comes the question: When I was assigning the MDM server in step two, I didn't provide the MDM server's URL, I just uploaded a public key. After erasing the iPhone in step three, how does it know the URL of the MDM server?
Mar ’24
Help Identifying Hidden Bundle ID in Logs for MDM Whitelist Configuration
I've encountered an issue while reviewing logs from my device and hope someone here can shed some light on it. In the process of diagnosing an application behavior, I noticed that some entries in my logs are marked as , specifically next to bundle IDs, which makes it challenging to understand which app or process is involved. Here are the relevant log entries: Feb 21 17:40:53 vCw-2 suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[30399] <Notice>: SGDSuggestManager: realtimeSuggestionsForMailOrMessageWithHash: : <private> Feb 21 17:40:53 vCw-2 suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[30399] <Notice>: SGDSuggestManager: realtimeSuggestionsForMailOrMessageWithHash: <private>: results: (null) Feb 21 17:40:53 vCw-2 suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[30399] <Notice>: SGDSuggestManager: realtimeSuggestionsForMailOrMessageWithHash: : <private> Feb 21 17:40:53 vCw-2 suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[30399] <Notice>: SGDSuggestManager: starting dissection. The identification of this hidden bundle ID is essential for allowing the specific iMessage Business Chat feature to function as intended in our MDM-managed devices. Does anyone have insights into why the bundle ID might be hidden or how to uncover it? Are there tools or methods available that could help me identify this bundle ID for MDM whitelist configuration purposes? I appreciate any guidance or recommendations you can provide. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Feb ’24
Confusion between whether to use iOS message APIs, messages for business APIs, or APIs from 3rd party like Telnyx/Twilio/LoopMessage etc
I am trying to build a project. The service it provides is that it allows businesses to create configurable messages to send to users over iMessages, and receive their response and businesses can also set what response to send to each type of user response, receive payments and so on. It basically removes the headache of coding an automated chat based service for businesses by giving them a configurable platform where they can create such a service using simple UI.I'm not sure which APIs (iMessages APIs, Messages for Business APIs, or 3rd Party APIs) I have to use for my case. Now I looked up how something like this is possible. One thing I found was apple message for businesses APIs, as per my understanding of it, businesses can communicate using MSPs. But what I don't get is, are the businesses creating their own automated chat experience and MSP is just something that provides IT support as a security? Something like [Ntiva] has me guessing that line of thinking, but the documentation says MSP is supposed to provide messaging APIs, I don't see that on Ntiva. So if the MSP is supposed to provide APIs, then would my project be an MSP? I also checked out apple's iMessages APIs to send iMesssages, but as per my understanding, it can only be used if an extension is created by the developer and then downloaded by the user to add the specific chat automation, that is obviously not how businesses do it. Then I also found these 3rd party APIs that can send blue iMessages, like [loop message], [send blue] or [Telnyx]. So is my understanding that my project architecture should be an application that takes configuration from businesses, generates the respective messsage and then use Telnyx APIs to send those messages, receive their responses, make a response to it and use Telnyx APIs again and so on, correct? If so, what is the whole deal with messages for business thing? Is using third party APIs like loop message or telnyx a way to bypass those MSPs and stuff, or are these 3rd party party APIs taking care of the whole message for business and MSP stuff on their end and just provide us with the end APIs? I would really love to understand how this works, thank you so much
Dec ’23
messages-auth:// schema is not working
We are following the step listed in the documentation below to redirect the authentication request to messages-auth://?status=success However on both iOS and macOS (latest versions) messages-auth:// is not a recognised endpoint to open the messages app again. For example messages:// is working to open the messages app.
Nov ’23
How to
Hi! In Apple Pay for iMessage, users can initiate an Apple Pay payment on iMessage. Once the user authorizes the payment, my endpoint receives the Apple Pay Token from Apple- this has the user's encrypted payment details. This is where i would need to integrate with a payment processor to accept the payment. Well, I am having trouble figuring out how to process this token payment. According to this link, Stripe and other authorized payment processors are supposed to fully handle this token on their own? From my understanding I would simply be forwarding the apple pay token to Stripe. Unfortunately, stripe isn't accepting the payment token as valid and i am not sure why as i couldn't find documentation from apple nor stripe on how to process this (If anyone can point me to them, please let me know). I tried using the Stripe python package and passing in the token as the 'source' for ".charge" but it doesn't work as stripe doesn't understand. Anyways, where am I going wrong here nothing else is working and I am not sure what I should do? Do i need to do something to de-encrypt the apple pay token, I am not even sure if I'd have the regulatory approval to do this. If anyone can point me to the correct Apple docs on integration instructions, I would appreciate it! P.S This is not for apple pay web or js integration.
Nov ’23
Need a clarification
I currently have four apps available for the general public on the App Store. However, our company is now looking to publish applications specifically for our employees. To achieve this, we need to create a new Business Manager account with Apple. Alternatively, if we already have an enterprise account, we would like to confirm whether the Business Manager feature is available within the same account.
Nov ’23
How to preview AppClip via Message without recipient adding sender as contact
Hi there! We're working on building an AppClip, and would like to promote it by sending it via SMS message to our users. We'll be sending these SMS messages via Twillio, using an approved Toll Free phone number. We have just found out here ( that the recipients of AppClip URL have to have the sender saved in contact in order to see the preview of AppClip on iMessage (a photo with "open" button) and open AppClip directly from iMessage (as opposed to be led to our website where they can click another button to open the AppClip). That pretty much defeats the purpose of this AppClip, since most users, who wouldn't have saved our marketing number as contact, would receive a text message with an URL string and no image - suspicious looking. Would anyone know: Is there any way we could promote AppClip via marketing SMS messages, that would lead to a smoother user experience? Would a 10DLC number (instead of Toll Free phone number) help? Would Apple Messages for Business ( be able send AppClip previews and direct open, without recipients having to save the sender as a contact? Thank you! Liz
Aug ’23
Quick Reply payload giving error
When trying to trigger Quick reply payload, Apple is returning 400 response without any info what is missing. I have followed the documentation given so cannot find what attribute is missing. Can anyone help share a working payload for: Quick reply Payload 2.Agent-To-User Typing Payload I was using "sourceId": "{{source-id}}", "destinationId": "{{urn-id}}", "v": 1, "type": "interactive", "id": "49384592-0742-481b-b072-a8b66e4336a1", "interactiveData": { "bid": "", "data": { "mspVersion": "1.0", "requestIdentifier": "aae65b3f-9e5d-4ac8-a99a-4708d841524f", "quick-reply": { "summaryText": " What can I help you with?", "items": [ { "identifier": "1", "title": "Watch our video" }, { "identifier": "2", "title": "Watch video" } ] } }, "receivedMessage": { "style": "large", "subtitle": "Farm fresh to you", "title": "Select Produce", "imageIdentifier": "101" }, "replyMessage": { "style": "small", "title": "this is title", "subtitle": "Subtitle to be displayed under title", "imageIdentifier": "2" } } }
Jul ’23
Apple do not received refund from my bank and not answer to requests
Hello everyone, Back on March 2023, Apple made the payout to our Wise bank account, however by some internal reason we decided to return this payment back to Apple and send it to another bank account and this was the biggest mistake I've ever made So, when Wise received funds we clicked on "cancel" and send it back to the sender. We expected that funds would return to Apple within 3-4 working days, but more than 5 months passed and Apple still can't find this money. And the weirdest thing is that Apple does not answer my emails. Does anyone know what to do in this case? What I've already tried: Write to Apple email support inside of the Apple dev account (more than 50 emails are sent and no reply) Called Apple global phone support (they can't help) Called Apple UK finance support (after several questions about my money and where are they the representative simply dropped the phone (Can't share how I was shocked didn't expect that this is possible when your working with Apple)) Wrote an email to Wise (and they gave all confirmations that they refunded money back to the sender) Wrote an email to db (the bank that Apple is using)(But they answered that they are not going to help) Long story short Apple do not want to send me my 57k EUR because they can't and do not want to find them... For Apple representatives that want to help please reply to email - Payments and Financial Reports (89JF8QQ45W); Case-ID: 1998672
Jul ’23