Xcode Previews

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Create an app UI and configure almost everything your users see using Xcode Previews.

Posts under Xcode Previews tag

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Is it possible to create relationships between objects in previews?
Is it possible to create one-to-many relationships between optional objects in SwiftData Xcode Previews? The below code I call from #Preview crashes the canvas on the post.authors?.append(tempAuthors.randomElement()!) when I try to append an array to an optional array. I can append the previewAuthors array to the authors array in the simulator or on device, but it crashes in Preview. My running theory is it has something to do with being in memory since this works on device, but I'm not sure that I missed something super obvious. static func previews(_ count: Int) -> [Post] { let previewAuthors = [Author(name: "..."), Author(name: "...")] var posts: [Post] = [] for i in 0..<count { let post = Post(title: "Title \(i)") post.authors?.append(previewAuthors.randomElement()!) posts.append(post) } return posts }
Oct ’23
Xcode 15 - Preview Crashes with error log but works when parent view is Pinned
Hello I am in need of help to try and understand what is going on with XCode and Previews when using Swift Data. I have the following path: View 1 (Calandar Screen) -> Passes Model -> View 2 (Details Screen) I have a situation where when working on View 2 it will not run in Preview mode when the Pin is not selected. However if I pin View 1 and then go to work on View 2 preview works fine. Now I am guessing that this might have something to do with Swift Data and by having View 1 open it generates the Model to be passed but I might be wrong? I am also struggling to understand and read the error log that excode generates. I have Preview setup in View 2 as follows #Preview { DiaryReadView(diaryModel: DiaryModel()) .environmentObject(NavigationStateManager()) .modelContainer(for: [DiaryModel.self], inMemory: true) } Error Log ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Incident Identifier: 5C8FAD15-959E-4E0A-AFF4-55A739D54110 CrashReporter Key: CC891733-97EE-34E0-EDB7-394B181A2623 Hardware Model: iMac20,1 Process: Diary [36381] Path: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/78258A6C-0145-4E82-ACCD-1F0539F2148A/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/970BD3F5-925F-47BD-A214-7F7B0226A04F/Diary.app/Diary Identifier: OR-1 Version: 1.0 (1) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd_sim [29471] Coalition: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.78258A6C-0145-4E82-ACCD-1F0539F2148A [78195] Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [48509] Date/Time: 2023-10-24 10:55:15.3444 +0100 Launch Time: 2023-10-24 10:55:14.7909 +0100 OS Version: macOS 14.0 (23A344) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (SIGILL) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: SIGNAL 4 Illegal instruction: 4 Terminating Process: exc handler [36381] Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libswiftCore.dylib 0x7ff814aa36f2 0x7ff814a76000 + 186098 1 SwiftData 0x7ff84952f7dd 0x7ff849514000 + 112605 2 SwiftData 0x7ff8495b1746 0x7ff849514000 + 644934 3 SwiftData 0x7ff8495b64c9 0x7ff849514000 + 664777 4 SwiftData 0x7ff84956f726 0x7ff849514000 + 374566 5 Diary 0x10a4e9635 DiaryModel.init() + 357 (@__swiftmacro_5Diary0A5Model0B0fMm_.swift:2) 6 Diary 0x10a4e94c2 DiaryModel.__allocating_init() + 34 7 DiaryReadView.1.preview-thunk.dylib 0x10bf15533 closure #1 in static $s025Diary_PreviewReplacement_A10ReadView_133_E76E9AE78936AC4C16C3EA33E995B161Ll0B0fMf_15PreviewRegistryfMu_.makePreview() + 51 (@__swiftmacro_025Diary_PreviewReplacement_A10ReadView_133_E76E9AE78936AC4C16C3EA33E995B161Ll0B0fMf_.swift:9) 8 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac7f386 0x10ac41000 + 254854 9 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac8025d 0x10ac41000 + 258653 10 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x7ff85b04c76c 0x7ff85b03b000 + 71532 11 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac7f0e5 0x10ac41000 + 254181 12 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac83108 0x10ac41000 + 270600 13 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac83c1c 0x10ac41000 + 273436 14 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac70a0d 0x10ac41000 + 195085 15 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac7387a 0x10ac41000 + 206970 16 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac5a630 0x10ac41000 + 103984 17 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac5aaf4 0x10ac41000 + 105204 18 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac753f0 0x10ac41000 + 214000 19 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac493f3 0x10ac41000 + 33779 20 PreviewsInjection 0x10ac48a85 0x10ac41000 + 31365 21 PreviewsFoundation 0x10b741df9 0x10b6a1000 + 658937 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff800156a90 0x7ff800155000 + 6800 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff800157d3a 0x7ff800155000 + 11578 24 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff800166ac0 0x7ff800155000 + 72384 25 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff800166526 0x7ff800155000 + 70950 26 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8003f5850 0x7ff800368000 + 579664 27 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8003f018b 0x7ff800368000 + 557451 28 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8003ef409 0x7ff800368000 + 553993 29 GraphicsServices 0x7ff80fcdd187 0x7ff80fcda000 + 12679 30 UIKitCore 0x7ff805b703a2 0x7ff804b95000 + 16626594 31 UIKitCore 0x7ff805b74e10 0x7ff804b95000 + 16645648 32 SwiftUI 0x7ff84a61077e 0x7ff8495ce000 + 17049470 33 SwiftUI 0x7ff84a610637 0x7ff8495ce000 + 17049143 34 SwiftUI 0x7ff84a2bcaa5 0x7ff8495ce000 + 13560485 35 Diary 0x10a4ffade static DiaryApp.$main() + 30 36 Diary 0x10a500099 main + 9 (DiaryApp.swift:12) 37 dyld_sim 0x10ab023ee start_sim + 10 38 dyld 0x10cd9c3a6 0x10cd96000 + 25510
Oct ’23
Is there any way to speed up SwiftUI Previews?
We have a fairly large app with dozens of dependencies. SwiftUI Previews take ages to build, even though they are only using a fraction of our code. I managed to speed them up a bit by disabling most of my custom build phases. But they are still super slow due to how long it takes to build things like Firebase. Anyone have any ideas here? Is there a way to ensure that previews are only compiling the files that they need to work?
Oct ’23
Failed to build the scheme no such module in Preview WatchOS
Hi, I am getting an error in the preview section for the watchOS application. But it works when I build it. I get the like following errors in Preview. How can I solve it? no such module 'QuartzCore' Compile RoundedCorners.swift (arm64): /Users/msy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-gkorwbacqzvxvgcmrpdkaxfxnnmu/SourcePackages/checkouts/lottie-ios/Sources/Private/CoreAnimation/Animations/CAAnimation+TimingConfiguration.swift:4:8: error: no such module 'QuartzCore' import QuartzCore ^ Compile Shape.swift (arm64): /Users/msy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-gkorwbacqzvxvgcmrpdkaxfxnnmu/SourcePackages/checkouts/lottie-ios/Sources/Private/CoreAnimation/Animations/CAAnimation+TimingConfiguration.swift:4:8: error: no such module 'QuartzCore' import QuartzCore ^ Compile LottieAnimationView.swift (arm64): /Users/msy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-gkorwbacqzvxvgcmrpdkaxfxnnmu/SourcePackages/checkouts/lottie-ios/Sources/Private/CoreAnimation/Animations/CAAnimation+TimingConfiguration.swift:4:8: error: no such module 'QuartzCore' import QuartzCore ^ Copy FirebaseAnalyticsSwift.swiftmodule (arm64): error: /Users/msy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-gkorwbacqzvxvgcmrpdkaxfxnnmu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/TestApp Mobil Watch App/Intermediates.noindex/Firebase.build/Debug-watchsimulator/FirebaseAnalyticsSwift.build/Objects-normal/arm64/FirebaseAnalyticsSwift.swiftmodule: No such file or directory (in target 'FirebaseAnalyticsSwift' from project 'Firebase')
Oct ’23
Xcode Preview keeps crashing
Ich bin neu bei Xcode und habe einen Fehler gemacht, bei dem ich nicht weiß, wie ich ihn beheben soll. Das war mein Code zuerst: #Preview { AddLektionView().modelContainer(for: Lektion.self) } und dann habe ich bemerkt, dass er so aussehen sollte: #Preview { AddLektionView().modelContainer(for: Lektion.self, inMemory: true) } Nun stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass die Preview die Daten auf Dauer gespeichert hat und ich beim ändern vom Aufbau der Daten, die gespeichert werden sollen, einen Fehler erhalte, da die neue App eine veraltete Datenstruktur von SwiftData lädt, was der App nicht passt. Daraufhin erhalte ich dann einen Fehler, dass die Daten wegen der unbekannten neuen Variable nicht geladen werden können. Wie kann ich die, von SwiftData geladenen Daten entfernen, sodass die Preview (Canvas) wieder funktioniert? (Eine Neuinstallation von Xcode habe ich schon probiert) Ich danke für jede Hilfe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Tobias
Nov ’23
SwiftUI preview : PropertyListError: Property list missing value for required key "binaryType"
Hello, SwiftUI previews are not working in my project : when I try to display the preview in Xcode, I got this error : And if I click on the help icon, here is the complete error message : RemoteHumanReadableError: Invalid preview service message on ServiceHub channel ================================== | RemoteHumanReadableError | | PropertyListError: Property list missing value for required key ”binaryType” | Property list: ["agentRole": previews, "environment": { | "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator"; | "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator"; | "OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE" = YES; | "PACKAGE_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_URL" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphoneos"; | "SQLITE_ENABLE_THREAD_ASSERTIONS" = 1; | "XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS" = 1; | "__XCODE_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR_PATHS" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator"; | "__XPC_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator"; | "__XPC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/alexandrecools/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-gqsbendjcwgnvygdhqcoqqznoijh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/PreviewTesting/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator"; | }, "__unique_service_message_identifier": 4, "deviceEnvironment": { | "SIMULATOR_CAPABILITIES" = "/Applications/Xcode 14.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/DeviceTypes/iPhone 14 Pro Max.simdevicetype/Contents/Resources/capabilities.plist"; | "SIMULATOR_DEVICE_NAME" = iPhone4Simulator; | "SIMULATOR_LEGACY_ASSET_SUFFIX" = iphone; | "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_HEIGHT" = 2796; | "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_PITCH" = "460.000000"; | "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_SCALE" = "3.000000"; | "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_WIDTH" = 1290; | "SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER" = "iPhone15,3"; | "SIMULATOR_PRODUCT_CLASS" = D74; | }, "agentIdentifier": { | bundleID = "com.apple.dt.XCPreviewAgent"; | discriminant = bundleID; | }, "displaySize": { | height = 932; | width = 430; | }, "deviceIdentifier": com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-14-Pro-Max, "processType": application, "arguments": <__NSArray0 0x1b9e04f48>( | | ) | , "workspaceID": E4CEE565-58C6-4EB5-94F1-7A9F48791515, "deviceType": simulated, "payloadUsedAgentIdentifier": 1, "frameBufferMaskPath": /Applications/Xcode 14.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/DeviceTypes/iPhone 14 Pro Max.simdevicetype/Contents/Resources/framebuffer.pdf, "displayScale": 3, "bundleID": com.apple.dt.XCPreviewAgent] ================================== | MessageSendFailure: Message send failure for <ServiceMessage 4: relaunch> Is there anyone who already encountered this error message? Or maybe anyone who have any idea how to solve it? Thanks, Alexandre
Nov ’23
SwiftUI Preview not rendering
Hi, I am trying to use SwiftUI in my project where I was using UIKit only, until now. The problem is that Preview in Xcode is not working even for very simple View with Text("Hello World"). Code is correct and project is possible to build and run. Even when I try to select real device (real iPhone) I can see Preview in my device. But preview in simulator is not working. Can someone help me with this? I am attaching diagnostic from Xcode and file from ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ Thanks for help xcode_preview.txt findmylocated-2023-11-08-133122.ips.txt
Jan ’24
Xcode Previews break when using ScrollViewProxy + Preferences
I'm working on a horizontally scrollable header view. I'd like to implement the following behavior: when users tap on the left/rightmost header items, the header would scroll so they become fully visible. I am using a custom PreferenceKey to report the selected index: struct SelectedTabPreference: PreferenceKey { static var defaultValue: Int = 0 static func reduce(value: inout Int, nextValue: () -> Int) {} } Then in my view, I wrap my content inside a ScrollViewReader to scroll to the selected header: struct ContentView: View { let tabs: [DrawerTab] @State private var selectedIndex: Int = 0 var body: some View { ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) { TopTabView(options: tabs, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex) .padding(32) .background(Color.clear.preference(key: SelectedTabPreference.self, value: selectedIndex)) } .onPreferenceChange(SelectedTabPreference.self) { value in let firstTabSelected = value == 0 let lastTabSelected = value == tabs.count - 1 guard firstTabSelected || lastTabSelected else { return } withAnimation { let anchor: UnitPoint = firstTabSelected ? UnitPoint(x: 0.1, y: 0) : UnitPoint(x: 0.9, y: 0) scrollProxy.scrollTo(tabs[value], anchor: anchor) } } } } } This works well when I run the app, but the Xcode Preview only shows a white screen. In fact, if I include this view as a subview in other views, their previews also break. The Preview only returns to life if I remove the programmatic scrolling: scrollProxy.scrollTo(tabs[value], anchor: anchor) I'm pretty sure this has to do with the ScrollViewProxy as my other Preference-based layouts work with Previews, but I don't know how to resolve the issue. Xcode Previews are an integral part of my workflow, and I'd like to avoid losing them if there's a chance.
Nov ’23
swiftUI code preview fatally crashing.
Hello! Being a beginner in creating and editing views using swiftUI, I am unsure of the current situation that I am presently in, and would be grateful for any advice or suggestions for the below problem. For some context, I have recently begun exploring the "Capturing depth using the LiDAR camera" Documentation using AVFoundation and intend to change its ContentView file which is currently written in swiftUI. The problem: I am unable to preview the SwiftUI code. When I try to resume the Preview Pane on the right
Dec ’23
Getting Preview Crashed with the Red X
I am getting Preview Crash. If I remove line 30 below. then the Preview Crash does not occur. I have Restarted XCode, I have done a Project Clean, Then did a project rebuild. I have also Created a new Project from scratch Named the project Debug, Add one new View File named MaskBootCamp once I select MaskBootCamp The Preview willl Crash with an Circle with a Red X in the center With Preview Crashed. If I remove line 22 all is resolved and no exception occurs Is this a Swift Bug or some error in the coding? Excepition Report listed below the code. report Below: ** MaskBootCamp .swift ** import SwiftUI struct MaskBootCamp: View { @State var rating: Int = 0 var body: some View { ZStack{ starsView .overlay(overlayView.mask(starsView)) } } private var overlayView: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in ZStack(alignment: .leading) { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.yellow) .frame(width: CGFloat(rating) / 5 * geometry.size.width) } //allowsHitTesting(false) } } private var starsView: some View { HStack{ ForEach(1..&lt;6) {index in Image(systemName: "star.fill") .font(.largeTitle) .foregroundColor(.gray) .onTapGesture { rating = index } } } } } #Preview { MaskBootCamp() }
Dec ’23
All of a sudden Xcode says "Use of unknown directive #Preview" in SwiftUI
I work on my project on two computers. One of them is older and stuck at Xcode 13. My project targets iOS 15+. Previously I was able to bounce back and forth between the two, checking code into source control in between. After doing a bunch of work on one of them over an extended period, I've returned to my older one and checked out the code... only to be unable to build because Xcode balks at every use of #Preview. I didn't change any project settings in the meantime, so I have no idea why this is suddenly a problem... Edit: It turns out that this is because previous versions of the SDK did not use this macro. Because I created a couple of new SwiftUI files on the newer OS and Xcode/SDK, it plopped #Preview into the new files instead of the previous implementation, PreviewProvider. I'll leave this post up for anyone who searches on this problem, since I found zero other references in a general Web search.
Dec ’23
Not able to preview on iPhone device
Hi, I just learn swiftUI and trying to preview it on my device (iPhone 15 Pro Max), however the app is failed to launch on my device. I haven't change anything on the code yet. Here's the error message from diagnostic == PREVIEW UPDATE ERROR: FailedToLaunchAppError: Failed to launch swplayground.MQ ================================== | MessageError: Connection interrupted | | ================================== | | | MessageSendFailure: Message send failure for &lt;ServiceMessage 28: relaunch&gt;
Dec ’23