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Explore the networking protocols and technologies used by the device to connect to Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth devices, and cellular data services.

Networking Documentation






Failed to enable the Network Extension
In my application, there is a Network Extension with the bundle ID com.*** There is a user upgraded their system to macOS Sequoia 15.3, they faced an issue where enabling this Network Extension failed. Even after uninstalling the application and the Network Extension, restarting the system, and reinstalling multiple times, the enabling process still failed. it alert: Failed to enable the Network Extension. When checking the status via "systemextension list", it always shows "activated waiting for user". This shows the normal enabling process log: This shows the log when the enabling fails upon clicking. Strangely enough, there is no activation operation log when it fails. What could be the problem?
Feb ’25
Issue with Multicast Response via NWConnectionGroup Behind a Firewall
Hello Everyone, I’m working on a project that involves multicast communication between processes running on different devices within the same network. For all my Apple devices (macOS, iOS, etc.), I am using NWConnectionGroup, which listens on a multicast address "XX.XX.XX.XX" and a specific multicast port. The issue occurs when a requestor (such as a non-Apple process) sends a multicast request, and the server, which is a process running on an Apple device using NWConnectionGroup (the responder), attempts to reply. The problem is that the response is sent from a different ephemeral port rather than the port on which the multicast request was received. If the client is behind a firewall that blocks unsolicited traffic, the firewall only allows incoming packets on the same multicast port used for the initial request. Since the multicast response is sent from a different ephemeral port, the firewall blocks this response, preventing the requestor from receiving it. Questions: Is there a recommended approach within the NWConnectionGroup or Network.framework to ensure that responses to multicast requests are sent from the same port used for the request? Are there any best practices for handling multicast responses in scenarios where the requestor is behind a restrictive firewall? Any insights or suggestions on how to account for this behavior and ensure reliable multicast communication in such environments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Harshal
Dec ’24
NEAppPushProvider Stop not being called after disconnecting from specified SSID
Hello, I have been implementing NEAppPushProvider class to establish my own protocol to directly communicate with our provider server without the need to rely on APNs for background push notifications. I am at a stage where I am able to establish a tcp communicator and receive messages back and forth but I noticed that when I disconnect from the WIFI I've set up by setting a given SSID, I am not getting hit on the Stop method. Below is briefly how I load and save preferences. NEAppPushManager appPushManager = new NEAppPushManager(); appPushManager.LoadFromPreferences((error) => { if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Error loading NEAppPushManager preferences: {error.LocalizedDescription}"); return; } if (!enable) { Console.WriteLine("Disabling Local Push Provider..."); appPushManager.Enabled = false; // ✅ Immediately update UserDefaults before saving preferences userDefaults.SetBool(false, Constants.IsLocalPushEnabled); userDefaults.Synchronize(); appPushManager.SaveToPreferences((saveError) => { if (saveError != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Error disabling Local Push: {saveError.LocalizedDescription}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Local Push successfully disabled."); } }); return; } // ✅ Now we can safely enable Local Push Console.WriteLine($"Enabling Local Push for SSID: {_currentSSID}"); appPushManager.MatchSsids = new string[] { _currentSSID }; appPushManager.LocalizedDescription = "LocalPushProvider"; appPushManager.ProviderBundleIdentifier = Constants.LocalPushExtensionBundleId; appPushManager.Enabled = true; appPushManager.SaveToPreferences((saveError) => { if (saveError != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Error saving Local Push settings: {saveError.LocalizedDescription}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("✅ Local Push successfully registered."); userDefaults.SetBool(true, Constants.IsLocalPushEnabled); userDefaults.Synchronize(); } }); }); I've read through documentation and was expecting the Stop method to be hit when I turn off Wifi. Am I missing anything? Please let me know if I should provide more info. Currently I just have a console writeline method inside the Stop method to see if it actually gets hit.
Feb ’25
Local network permission provided but App still has no access (Mac Catalyst)
Context: I work on Home Assistant App, a smart home platform which connects locally to their smart home server. The Apps essentially needs the local network permission and every single user gives the permission, but some in macOS 15.3 are reporting that even though the permission is given, the app still reports it is not, and logs also confirm that. Since there is no way to reset local network permission on macOS I am kind of on a dead end here. How can the user get out of this situation? I also read and the TN3179 but still no solutions for my case.
Feb ’25
How can implement iOS esim in-app activation
Esim activation. Assuming I already have card data, I use the universal link to install it. However, it always ends up in the system Settings app. The flow: 1. Click the link -> 2. Redirect to Settings -> 3. Show activation dialog. Is there anyway to make the activation flow stay within the app? I couldn't find any documentation for that. This is an example from Revolut app, where the whole flow above happens without leaving the app.
Feb ’25
URLSessionWebSocketTask. on/off wifi, reconnect but get error URLError.notConnectedToInternet. Reproduce on iOS 18
We use URLSessionWebSocketTask for web socket connection. When get error we reconnect - recreate new URLSessionWebSocketTask. Test case: off wifi on iOS device; get error(s) URLError.notConnectedToInternet. When on wifi correct create new task with connect. This working on iOS 12, 14, 15, 16, 17. But on iOS 18 we get error URLError.notConnectedToInternet without correct connection. class WebSocketManager { ... func openConnection() { webSocketTask?.cancel(with: .goingAway, reason: nil) webSocketTask = urlSession?.webSocketTask(with: urlRequest) webSocketTask?.resume() listen() } func closeConnection() { webSocketTask?.cancel(with: .goingAway, reason: nil) webSocketTask = nil } private func listen() { webSocketTask?.receive { [weak self] result in guard let self else { return } switch result { case .failure(let error): delegate?.webSocketManager(self, error: error) case .success(let message): switch message { case .string(let text): delegate?.webSocketManager(self, message: .text(text)) case .data(let data): delegate?.webSocketManager(self, message: .data(data)) @unknown default: fatalError() } listen() } } } } Delegate: func webSocketManager(_ webSocketManager: WebSocketManagerType, error: Error) { webSocketManager.openConnection() }
Feb ’25
URLSession downloadTask(with:) TimeOut Error NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2103
I have been battling this intermittent error for some time. It is generally random and has been difficult to reproduce until yesterday when I stumbled across a way to reproduce it each time. I can cause the code to throw this error: Task <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1> finished with error [-1001] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2103, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=BackgroundDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "BackgroundDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>", "LocalDownloadTask <70E3909F-8C30-4F34-A8B0-4AF3B41DD81B>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://redacted*, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://redacted*} *"redacted" is the backend URL, and it is the correct and same path for each immediately after restarting an actual device. I have been over the following threads with no results: What is kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4 (kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4) Request timed out with _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=60 How to better diagnose -1001 "The request timed out." URLSession errors Random timed out error on app start Because I was able to reproduce it, I have been able to get the following logs: Console Logs.txt Last bit of information is that I had Network Instruments running, and when this error occurred, I found that the Connection ID was "No Connection" and it appears the request was never actually sent, though it waited the full time out for a backend response. Any help would be appreciated. This data request is being used after sending a certain APNs to update necessary data in the background, and has been the source of many user complaints.
Dec ’24
Some confusion about VPN global routing
I am currently developing a custom-protocol VPN application for iOS using PacketTunnelProvider. I have also integrated an HTTP proxy service, which is launched via a dylib. The overall flow is as follows: App -> VPN TUN -> Local HTTP Proxy -> External Network I have a question: I am capturing all traffic, and normally, requests sent out by the HTTP proxy are also captured again by the VPN. However, when I send requests using createUdpSession in my code, they are not being captured by the virtual interface (TUN). What could be the reason for this? override func startTunnel(options: [String : NSObject]?, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { let tunnelNetworkSettings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: "") tunnelNetworkSettings.mtu=1400 let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: [""], subnetMasks: [""]) ipv4Settings.includedRoutes=[NEIPv4Route.default()] ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = [NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "", subnetMask: ""), NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "", subnetMask: ""), NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "", subnetMask: ""), NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress:"", subnetMask: ""), ] tunnelNetworkSettings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings // Configure proxy settings let proxySettings = NEProxySettings() proxySettings.httpEnabled = true proxySettings.httpServer = NEProxyServer(address: "", port: 7890) proxySettings.httpsEnabled = true proxySettings.httpsServer = NEProxyServer(address: "", port: 7890) proxySettings.excludeSimpleHostnames = true proxySettings.exceptionList=["localhost",""] tunnelNetworkSettings.proxySettings = proxySettings setTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelNetworkSettings) { [weak self] error in if error != nil { completionHandler(error) return } completionHandler(nil) let stack = TUNInterface(packetFlow: self!.packetFlow) RawScoketFactory.TunnelProvider=self stack.register(stack: UDPDirectStack()) stack.register(stack: TCPDirectStack()) stack.start() } } NWUdpSession.swift // // NWUDPSocket.swift // supervpn // // Created by TobbyQuinn on 2025/2/3. // import Foundation import NetworkExtension import CocoaLumberjack public protocol NWUDPSocketDelegate: AnyObject{ func didReceive(data:Data,from:NWUDPSocket) func didCancel(socket:NWUDPSocket) } public class NWUDPSocket:NSObject{ private let session:NWUDPSession private let timeout:Int private var pendingWriteData: [Data] = [] private var writing = false private let queue:DispatchQueue=QueueFactory.getQueue() public weak var delegate:NWUDPSocketDelegate? public init?(host:String,port:UInt16,timeout:Int=Opt.UDPSocketActiveTimeout){ guard let udpSession = RawScoketFactory.TunnelProvider?.createUDPSession(to: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: host, port: "\(port)"), from: nil) else{ return nil } session = udpSession self.timeout=timeout super.init() session.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.state),options: [.new], context: nil) session.setReadHandler({ dataArray, error in self.queueCall{ guard error == nil, let dataArray = dataArray else { print("Error when reading from remote server or connection reset") return } for data in dataArray{ self.delegate?.didReceive(data: data, from: self) } } }, maxDatagrams: 32) } /** Send data to remote. - parameter data: The data to send. */ public func write(data: Data) { pendingWriteData.append(data) checkWrite() } public func disconnect() { session.cancel() } public override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { guard keyPath == "state" else { return } switch session.state { case .cancelled: queueCall { self.delegate?.didCancel(socket: self) } case .ready: checkWrite() default: break } } private func checkWrite() { guard session.state == .ready else { return } guard !writing else { return } guard pendingWriteData.count > 0 else { return } writing = true session.writeMultipleDatagrams(self.pendingWriteData) {_ in self.queueCall { self.writing = false self.checkWrite() } } self.pendingWriteData.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true) } private func queueCall(block:@escaping ()->Void){ queue.async { block() } } deinit{ session.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(NWUDPSession.state)) } }
Feb ’25
[MacOS] regular disconnections in enterprise network
Hi, I am working on a case in our organisation where hundreds if not a thousand wireless network clients are affected by regular, usually 30 sometimes 60 minute sometime they are unnoticeable but often people having meetings notice that a lot. We excluded wireless network configuration issue since disconnections happens to clients both connected to Cisco and Ubiquiti Access Points. WLC logs mostly show EAP timeout errors - clients are getting disauthenticated and authenticated back - usually without any action needed - but the meeting is being interrupted. What I found in Macbook logs with sudo log show [options] is the main reason of network disconnection: 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219192+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateTimeSincePreviousTriggerForStudy:msgKey:dictKey:]::913:msgkey:WFAAWDWASDS_symptomsDnsTimeSincePreviousTriggerMinutes dictKey:dps_lastSymptomsDpsTrigger previous_TS:(null) current_TS:Tue Feb 4 14:16:31 2025 difference:0 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219704+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateScreenState]::198:DPS Fast Reset Recommendation Engine: (screenON & foreGrnd traffic) is DETECTED 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219713+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::966:PeerDiagnostics: Data not received from peerDiagnostics 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219714+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine checkForPriorityNetwork]::256:Priority Network Check Disabled: NO IsPriorityNetwork: YES 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219732+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine isResetAllowedForKey:forPrefSelector:]::330:key:symptomsDps_lastScreenOnRecoveryWD previousWD_TS:(null) currentWD_TS:Tue Feb 4 14:16:31 2025 recommendation:YES 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219735+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateSymptomsDPSRecoveryWDStatsForKey:]::210:Added key: symptomsDps_numRecommendedScreenOnRecoveryWD value:1 dict:(null) 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219737+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::1023:PeerDiagnostics: Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc Do you guys have any idea where can I see that DNS symptoms? I can also see some reading like: 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4235:DNS Symptoms pre-decision check:: Associated:YES Primary:YES isCaptive:NO isValidDnsConfig:YES 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4238:SDNS: WiFi Not Primary - setting suppressedReason kSymptomsDnsWiFiInterfaceNotPrimary WiFi Not Primary - how if this is my only interface? - I removed all other Killing and disabling wifianalyticsd does not help - the process is being spawned by launchd on airportd request: 2025-02-04 08:54:11.903825+0100 0xb85274 Default 0x0 627 0 airportd: (WiFiAnalytics) [] -[WAClient _establishDaemonConnection]_block_invoke::1057:XPC: establishing connection to daemon with token ending in: <private>... 2025-02-04 08:54:11.907779+0100 0xb8504a Default 0x0 627 0 airportd: (IO80211) [] Info: <airport[627]> -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke: 2025-02-04 08:54:11.907943+0100 0xb8504a Default 0x0 627 0 airportd: (IO80211) -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke: Error preparing DPSNotification for submission: Error Code=9014 "WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout}, or null WAMessageAWD 2025-02-04 08:54:11.908055+0100 0xb8504a Default 0x0 627 0 airportd: (IO80211) [] <airport[627]> -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke: Error preparing DPSNotification for submission: Error Code=9014 "WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout}, or null WAMessageAWD 2025-02-04 08:54:11.910453+0100 0xb85274 Default 0x0 627 0 airportd: (libxpc.dylib) [] [0x80fe64640] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false 2025-02-04 08:54:11.911105+0100 0xb85382 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [system/] internal event: WILL_SPAWN, code = 0 2025-02-04 08:54:11.911229+0100 0xb85382 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [system/] service state: spawn scheduled 2025-02-04 08:54:11.911233+0100 0xb85382 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [system/] service state: spawning 2025-02-04 08:54:11.911384+0100 0xb85382 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [system/] launching: ipc (mach) 2025-02-04 08:54:11.920272+0100 0xb85382 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [system/ [86459]:] xpcproxy spawned with pid 86459 Do you guys have any idea what is the cause of this behaviour? Or how to disable wifianalyticsd process for good?
Feb ’25
MacOS regular wireless network disconnections
Hi, I’m working on a case in our organisation where we encounter regular wireless network disconnections - 30 and 60 minutes. ~ 1800 sec session is widely seen across hundreds if not thousand Macbooks. We excluded internal wireless configuration issue and vendor specific problem as the disconnections happen on both Cisco and Ubiquiti Access Points. Wireless Controller debugging most often show EAP timeout error. Sniffer shows that the disassociation is initiated by Macbook. MacOS logs show wifianalyticsd performing some actions before the disconnection (generated with sudo log show --debug [time]): 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4238:SDNS: WiFi Not Primary - setting suppressedReason kSymptomsDnsWiFiInterfaceNotPrimary 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219192+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateTimeSincePreviousTriggerForStudy:msgKey:dictKey:]::913:msgkey:WFAAWDWASDS_symptomsDnsTimeSincePreviousTriggerMinutes dictKey:dps_lastSymptomsDpsTrigger previous_TS:(null) current_TS:Tue Feb 4 14:16:31 2025 difference:0 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219704+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateScreenState]::198:DPS Fast Reset Recommendation Engine: (screenON & foreGrnd traffic) is DETECTED 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219713+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::966:PeerDiagnostics: Data not received from peerDiagnostics 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219714+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine checkForPriorityNetwork]::256:Priority Network Check Disabled: NO IsPriorityNetwork: YES 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219732+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine isResetAllowedForKey:forPrefSelector:]::330:key:symptomsDps_lastScreenOnRecoveryWD previousWD_TS:(null) currentWD_TS:Tue Feb 4 14:16:31 2025 recommendation:YES 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219735+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateSymptomsDPSRecoveryWDStatsForKey:]::210:Added key: symptomsDps_numRecommendedScreenOnRecoveryWD value:1 dict:(null) 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219737+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::1023:PeerDiagnostics: Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219740+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4276:PeerDiagnostics: Triggering Reassoc for symptoms-dps 2025-02-04 14:16:31.219741+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: [] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4277:SDNS: Recommendation - kSymptomsdDPSReassoc, triggering reassoc wiith reason ReassociateOnDNSSymptoms 2025-02-04 14:16:31.220001+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: (IO80211) Apple80211SetWithIOCTL:11858 Processing APPLE80211_IOC_REASSOCIATE_WITH_CORECAPTURE 2025-02-04 14:16:31.387985+0100 0xc01342 Default 0x0 86459 0 wifianalyticsd: (IO80211) Apple80211SetWithIOCTL: Processed APPLE80211_IOC_REASSOCIATE_WITH_CORECAPTURE Ioctl error:0 WAEngine and DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine functionalities (?) play significant role in here recommending Reassociation We can see that reassociation is being triggered because of DNS symptoms - why and where can I find them?
Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc
Feb ’25
Hotspot helper issue
We recently notified from Apple that our Hotspot helper is delaying device to switch Wifi Networks. To handle this issue better, we need to refactor our code a bit handle the scenario gracefully and while reading this documentation Some questions came up while responding back to evaluate and filterscanlist command. Here are our questions What is the lifecycle of exclude_list? Does it get cleared every time Authentication State Machine goes into Inactive State? What happens if we send commandNotRecognized/unsupportedNetwork/temporaryFailure after evaluate command? Does our app get an evaluate command next time when device joins the same network? What is the actual time for the app to respond to network change evaluate command? Is 45 seconds the timeout limit for app to evaluate and respond? After responding to the evaluate command, how quickly is it terminated from running in the background?
Jan ’25
Completion handler blocks are not supported in background sessions
When I try to implement the new Background Task options in the same way as they show in the WWDC video (on watchOS) likes this: let config = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "SESSION_ID") config.sessionSendsLaunchEvents = true let session = URLSession(configuration: config) let response = await withTaskCancellationHandler {       try? await request) } onCancel: {       let task = session.downloadTask(with: request))       task.resume() } I'm receiving the following error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Completion handler blocks are not supported in background sessions. Use a delegate instead.' Did I forget something?
Mar ’23
NSURLSession upload progress is inaccurate and timeout behavior does not conform to documentation description
I recently encountered an issue with incorrect progress reporting and timeout behavior when using NSURLSession to upload small data buffers. Background In my app, I split a large video file into smaller 1MB chunk files for upload. This approach facilitates error retries and concurrent uploads. Additionally, I monitor the upload speed for each request, and if the speed is too slow, I switch CDNs to re-upload the chunk. Issue Description When using NSURLSessionUploadTask or NSURLSessionDataTask to upload a 1MB HTTP body, I noticed that the progress callbacks are not accurate. I rely on the following callback to track progress: - (void)URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend: Even when using Network Link Conditioner to restrict bandwidth to a very low level, this callback reports identical values for totalBytesSent and totalBytesExpectedToSend right at the start of the request, indicating 100% upload progress. However, through network traffic inspection, I observed that the upload continues slowly and is far from complete. Additionally, I noticed that even though the upload is still ongoing, the request times out after the duration specified in - NSURLSessionConfiguration.timeoutIntervalForRequest. According to the documentation: "The request timeout interval controls how long (in seconds) a task should wait for additional data to arrive before giving up. The timer associated with this value is reset whenever new data arrives." This behavior suggests that the timeout timer is not reset as the document says during slow uploads, likely because didSendBodyData is not updating as expected. Consequently, the timer expires prematurely, causing 1MB chunks to frequently timeout under slow network conditions. This also prevents me from accurately calculating the real-time upload speed, making it impossible to implement my CDN switching strategy. Some Investigation I have found discussions on this forum regarding similar issues. Apple engineers mentioned that upload progress is reported based on the size of data written to the local buffer rather than the actual amount of data transmitted over the network. This can indeed explain the behaviour mentioned above: Interestingly, I also noticed that progress reporting works correctly when uploading to some certain servers, which I suspect is related to the TCP receive window size configured on those servers. For example: Accurate progress: Inaccurate progress: Most servers, like I created a sample project to demostrate the progress & timeout issues and different behaviours when uploading to some servers: Questions Is there any way to resolve or workaround this issue? Like adjusting the size of the local send buffer? or configuring NSURLSession to report progress based on acknowledged TCP packets instead of buffer writes? Or are there any alternative solutions for implementing more accurate timeout mechanisms and monitoring real-time upload speed?
Feb ’25
URLSession Background task is not working in the background mode
The Download is not Working in the background mode even if i entitled all the necessary permission for the application it only works when the app is connected to xcode due to xcode keep the session alive but if try after removing the connection from the xcode the app not able to keep the download after 45 sec what may be the reason my code var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "GET" let bearerToken = SyncManager.accessToken request.setValue("Bearer \(bearerToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") let uniqueIdentifier = "\(self.vdmsId)_\(UUID().uuidString)" backgroundTaskID = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask { [weak self] in if let taskID = self?.backgroundTaskID { UIApplication.shared.endBackgroundTask(taskID) self?.backgroundTaskID = .invalid } } let CursessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: uniqueIdentifier) CursessionConfig.isDiscretionary = false CursessionConfig.sessionSendsLaunchEvents = true CursessionConfig.shouldUseExtendedBackgroundIdleMode = true // Set timeout intervals CursessionConfig.timeoutIntervalForResource = 24 * 60 * 60 // 24 hours CursessionConfig.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 60 * 60 // 1 hour let Cursession = URLSession(configuration: CursessionConfig, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil) self.CurInstanceSession = Cursession self.session = Cursession if SyncManager.activeSessions == nil { SyncManager.activeSessions = [URLSession]() } SyncManager.activeSessions?.append(Cursession) self.downloadCompletionHandler = completion let CurdownloadTask = Cursession.downloadTask(with: request) CurdownloadTask.resume() is there any solutions and i have entitled all the neccessary permisssions like background fetch, process and i also tries with the UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask but after 45 sec it gets terminated all of the suden what may be the issue
Jan ’25
Wi-Fi Signal Strength Data
Hi, I am working on a use case where I want to read the wifi signal strength data in the terms of RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) values (or) any other way of representation. when my iPhone is connected to the wifi and Move around the house. Is this use case possible ? If yes, what are all the entitlements that I have to obtain?
Feb ’25
Characteristics of a service are lost after successful discovery
My code makes an iPhone use the CBCentralManager to talk to devices peripherals over core bluetooth. After attempting a connect to a peripheral device, I get a didConnect callback on CBCentralManagerDelegate. After this I initiate discovery of services using: peripheral.discoverServices([CBUUID(nsuuid: serviceUUID)]) Since I am only interested in discovering my service of interest and not the others to speed up time to the actual sending of data. This also gives me the didDiscoverServices callback without error prints in which I do the following: guard let services =, !services.isEmpty else { print("Empty services") centralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral) return } And for next steps if let serviceOfInterest = services.first(where: {$0.uuid == CBUUID(nsuuid: serviceUUID)}) { //double check for service we want initiateDiscoverCharacteristics(peripheral: peripheral, service: serviceOfInterest) } Below is what initiateDiscoverCharacteristics() does. I basically only tries to discover certain characteristics of the selected service: peripheral.discoverCharacteristics( [CBUUID(nsuuid: readUUID), CBUUID(nsuuid: writeUUID)], for: serviceOfInterest) For this also we get the didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor callback without error prints. Here in this callback however we were not doing the serviceOfInterest check to see that we are getting the callback for the service we expect, since our understanding was that we will get didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor callback for the characteristics on the serviceOfInterest because that is what peripheral.discoverCharacteristics() was initiated for. When we go ahead to write some data/subscribe for notify/read data we have 2 guard statements for services and characteristics of a particular service. The first guard below passes: if( == nil) { print("services yet to be discovered \(peripheral.identifier.uuidString)") return } However the second guard below fails: let serviceOfInterest = {$0.uuid == CBUUID(nsuuid: serviceUUID}) if((serviceOfInterest?.characteristics == nil) || (serviceOfInterest?.characteristics == [])) { print("characteristics yet to be discovered \(peripheral.identifier.uuidString)") return } First of all, does the iPhone go ahead and discover other characteristics and services separately even when we explicitly mention the service and the characteristics it should discover? Now if you say yes and that it maybe the reason of our bug because we didn't do a check for serviceOfInterest in didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor callback, then I have another question. Why don't we get a second/third print in didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor callback signifying that more characteristics were discovered? The peripheral device just disconnects after a set timeout (peripheral device used in our testing does this if we are not communicating with it for a certain amount of time). This issue is extremely rare. We have seen it only twice in our customer base. Both the instances were on the same iPhone 15 Pro. Once a few months back and once recently. Currently, this iPhone is having iOS version 18.1.1 running on it.
Feb ’25
UDP Broadcast on iOS 15 works, but not on iOS 18 — Is there a restriction on using broadcast IP?
Hi, We are working on an app that communicates over a UDP connection on the local network. In our testing, we have a Python UDP client running on the same network, which responds when we send a message to a broadcast IP ( This setup works as expected on an iOS 15 device. However, when we test the same scenario on an iOS 18 device, the UDP communication doesn't seem to reach the Python UDP client. We've verified that the UDP client and the iOS device are on the same network, and the Python client is responding correctly. Has Apple introduced any restrictions or changes regarding UDP broadcast behavior in iOS 18? Is broadcasting to still supported, or has this functionality been limited in recent iOS versions?
Jan ’25