App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






Where do I see the results of a TSI
I submitted a TSI, I see it in the "Submitted incidents" section of the dev account page, it shows a ref ID, date, and status as "Used". A few days after submitting the TSI I only got an email of "How was your support experience?" but I never got an actual response to the TSI itself. I searched all emails, spam, and went through the dev site - nothing there. Questions: In what way of communications are TSIs responses are sent? Is this supposed to be an email, should it show up in the dev page? How can I find out if this specific TSI has been already taken care of and for some reasons I didn't get the response, or is it still pending to get handleD? For context, this TSI is extremely important to us. We got our app rejected, but the reviewer couldn't give any technical details why, just repeat the same review rejection code. When asking for details the reviewer directed us to file a TSI to get more specific pointers on what is triggering the rejection. Not sure if that is a common practice, seemed a but weird that there is enough information to get rejected but it cannot be shared.
Nov ’23
A problem I'm going through
Our 13 engineers spent 197 days developing a live broadcast application, and we were very happy on August 23 because it was completed. Then came the indifferent bad news. The first time we submitted the app it was rejected. We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps previously submitted by a terminated Apple Developer Program account. Submitting similar or repackaged apps is a form of spam that creates clutter and makes it difficult for users to discover new apps. Next Steps Since we do not accept spam apps on the App Store, we encourage you to review your app concept and submit a unique app with distinct content and functionality. Resources Some factors that contribute to a spam rejection may include: Submitting an app with the same source code or assets as other apps already submitted to the App Store Creating and submitting multiple similar apps using a repackaged app template Purchasing an app template with problematic code from a third party Submitting several similar apps across multiple accounts Learn more about our requirements to prevent spam in App Store Review Guideline 4.3. We accepted some suggestions, modified some codes, and made a second submission, and then unfortunately, we were told that 4.3 appeared. I am here to ask for help. Is there any other method that can help me prove that this code was developed by us and was not purchased or used by others. For example, if we apply for a "USPTO", will it be helpful for the review? We have modified it. There is a lot of code, and if we modify it again, there will be many bugs, which we cannot accept.
Nov ’23
Apple Denying my App for a Weird Reason
My mobile app shows users nutrition plans and food recipes, with detailed macros (protein, carbs, fat, calories). These recipes were created by a nutritionist uniquely for us. Now the problem - Apple denied our newest version is requesting "citations" for these recipes. They said it is against the App Store Review Guideline 1.4 - Physical Harm, but they will not elaborate what the problem is. How can I provide citations for a boiled chicken recipe? Has anyone ever a problem like this? The recipes include grocery list and how-to-make instructions. What citation they might need? There are at least hundreds of apps that list recipes like this. Here's the message they sent: During our review, we found that your app provides diet recommendations in the nutrition section, therefore it would be appropriate to include citations in the app of the sources for such diet recommendations with functional links to those sources.
Dec ’23
textEdit Tab issue
we can create multiple files in a single instance of TextEdit using tab feature. But we can't open multiple files in a single instance. (for example I want to open 4 files together, It open but with 4 different TextEdit window "Image-2") so switching from one file to another file is difficult. Issue: Unable to open multiple files together in TextEdit. Suggestion/Request: we should be able to open multiple files together in TextEdit. Please see the attached screenshot (image-1) from "Sublime text" file where we can open multiple files together. and (image-2) when we try to open multiple file with "TextEdit". Image-1 Image-2
Dec ’23
What is UIReferenceLibraryViewController and why my app is rejected because of it even though there is no reference to it in my code?
I got a strange App Store review rejection saying I am using this not in compliance with the developer program license agreement. "Your app is accessing and using the content of Apple Dictionary in a manner that is not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. It would be appropriate to include your own dictionary content rather than using the data obtained from UIReferenceLibraryViewController." But there is no where in our app uses Apple Dictionary and we have not add anything remotely near any UI code since the last release. We did move to use Xcode 15 for build and submission, how do I find out why Apple flag this as the rejection reason?
Dec ’23
App Rejection for Design 4.3 – Need Help!
Hey community, Spent a good two years crafting a multi-protocols VPN app for iOS and Android. Exciting news – the Android version's live on Google Play. However, hit a roadblock with the iOS version; it got the rejection stamp, and we've been trying to sort it out for two weeks now. Sent over four inquiries and even asked for a phone call with the Reviewer, but no luck so far. The rejection reason is Design 4.3, and they're talking about a similar binary, metadata, and concept. We're all ears for suggestions on resolving this and keen on getting our app on the App Store. Any insights or help would be awesome! Cheers, Mo
Jan ’24
App review process
Hi Guys, I've submitted my first app to the app store. Submitted it halfway November 2023. It went into review but needed "additional review". And then it went silent..... I contacted app review and they told me to "be patient and they would contact me if there were any issues". Then it became silent again. I've finally rejected the review myself as I have build the next version of the app with more features and uploaded it for review. It now stays in the state "waiting for review", both the TestFlight version and the "official" version stay in this state. Am I doing something wrong or is this "normal"? Because it's becoming quite a frustrating experience. The same app is published in the Google Play store (it's build using flutter, so cross platform). That submission only took a day and updates to it take a few hours. Patrick
Jan ’24
Blocking App Because of "Missing Mechanism: user block another user"
Hello, Happy new year! I have submitted an app on app store for review (it has a user generated content which allows users to post content and other users to contact them according to this content) ...and it got rejected because there must be a mechanism in place that enables users to block other users meaning if user A blocks user B then user B cannot contact user A and do not see their content. Knowing that I have reporting mechanism place from different screens: one reporting button is from the post view and one from the 1:1 messaging thread and a process in place that ensures reports will be reviewed in less than 24 hours and necessary actions to be taken e.g. delete users' accounts with their content. My question is: is there a way around "implementing users blocking other users" as this is very challenging to implement during the MVP phase? Many thanks and I really appreciate any help on this topic
Jan ’24
App store Review
How can i know what apple will test during an app review ? What happen if i point my database to production instead of staging ? My staging requires VPN to access which only the organization have access to. Can I include notes or instructions in the "Notes" section when submitting my app for review about not submitting forms that might affect real-life data ?
Jan ’24
Keep getting rejecting under Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam, even though our concept is unique
Im currently developing a new party game app, but App Store have been rejecting the app because they say they say the following: "We found in our review that your app is primarily a drinking game app. Since there are many drinking game apps already on the App Store, your app duplicates their content and functionality. This is considered a form of spam. Your app may include features or characteristics that distinguish it, but it prominently features functionality that facilitate games that encourage users to drink. Therefore, it is classified as a drinking game app and we simply have enough of these types of apps on the App Store." I have tried to add more to the app, than just drinking games, to a point it has unique characteristic (I cant say the specifics uniquness due to strategic reasons). To my understanding, they say they dont take in new drinking game app, but this app doesnt just have drinking games, but other things that no other app has. Does that mean that they also dont take in new party game apps in general, because they mean the category party games, are saturated? My question is: Since they dont want new app that are in that category to App Store, could i contact/partner up with another developer that already has a party game app on app store, where we rebrand their existing app, so it is exactly like our concept and build? They already have their app on App Store, but can App Store reject the upgrade/rebranding of an existing party game app, due the guideline 4.3? I appreciate feedback and further advice!
Jan ’24
App Review Rejection - App Completeness
Hello guys, I am currently in the process of getting my app onto the app store, and App review has been doing a disgraceful and terrible job in reviewing my app. They have ignored all of my replies in the message chain on how to play the game. The game is literally tapping a left or right on the cells that appear for navigation. They are saying that it's unresponsive the moment they enter the dungeon. The problem is, I have tested this game on a brand new device, And no, i never got the unresponsive issue. This is a painful and long process to get a simple game onto the app store. Am I the only one having issues with App review? If anyone is curious, would you want to try out the app to see if you can produce the same issue?
Jan ’24