Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Xcode Cloud Documentation






How do I add private Pods to Xcode Cloud's list of Additional Repositories
Hi folks! I'm looking to see if anyone has had any luck adding their own private Cocoapods as Additional Repositories with granted access in Xcode Cloud? My understanding was that Xcode Cloud would be able to pick up on these additional requirements, and to an extent it has been able to capture the top level private Cocoapod repository specified has a source in my Podfile. However when it comes to the private Cococapods specified as dependencies, no dice. I have ensured that the private Cocoapods are in the same repo ecosystem as detailed by the documentation. Any insight anyone might have on the subject would be greatly appreciated!
Jul ’21
Xcode cloud and unlinking SCM
Today, playing with Xcode cloud I came across a really nasty, undesirable effect of executing steps in an undocumented order. I had a project with a brand new workflow, I had it linked to my SCM (gitlab self-hosted) and it worked. Today, it didn't work so I thought, OK, this thing is beta and something must not be working that well, let's reset everything and start over. I deleted the workflow, then cleared the Xcode cloud data (this removes everything from your Xcode cloud tabs on your product and, unfortunately, from your profile as well). Then proceed to navigate to your profile to unlink the SCM connection and it appears to be empty. Because of this, I removed my application in gitlab (which is the token provider for oath) to start again, thinking I did something wrong and I want to follow the steps brand new again. I went to Xcode, tried to create a new workflow and link my source control provider and... I get a "continue to authorise your repository" button, which is now broken because that application doesn't exist. The question is, does anybody know of a way to unlink my SCM from my account? The Xcode cloud tab under my profile tells me I need to create a workflow to access anything from there, but I am completely unable to complete that creation as the workflow requires it to be connected to a self hosted instance. This was extremely easy to get wrong.
Nov ’21
Watch app version issue in Xcode Cloud
I've been building our app to make a release in App Store with Xcode Cloud Currently the builds are failing with the following error: The value of CFBundleShortVersionString in your WatchKit app's Info.plist (3.9.0) does not match the value in your companion app's Info.plist (4.7.0). These values are required to match. This is strange, as in our ci_pre_xcodebuild script we have an invocation of the code echo "Version: ${versionNumber}" echo "Setting version string in plists" echo "iOS Version:" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/MainApp/Resources/Plists/Info.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/MainApp/Resources/Plists/Info.plist echo "Watch Version:" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/WatchApp/Info.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/WatchApp/Info.plist echo "Watch Extension Version:" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/WatchAppExtension/Resources/Info.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString $versionNumber" $CI_WORKSPACE/WatchAppExtension/Resources/Info.plist On which the command executes correctly and shows the right output. Then I don't understand what's going on. This workflow was working a couple weeks ago and we haven't done a change to it since then. Any ideas of what could it be?
Feb ’22
Xcode Cloud: All builds get stuck in Archive action - all tasks are green, but the action stays running for 10+ hours or until killed
All of my builds get stuck on Archive action - it keeps running forever (10+ hours where it took 30 minutes before for a clean build), and never finishes despite having all subtasks finished (green check). This started to happen on a workflow that has worked reliably for months, right after WWDC22 start - is there a problem with a new version of Xcode Cloud?
Jun ’22
Problem connecting Xcode Cloud with GitLab Self-Managed
I've done the first step for connecting the Xcode cloud with GitLab, I've followed the instructions available on this link https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/connecting-xcode-cloud-to-a-self-managed-gitlab-instance But I accidentally deleted the app created on GitLab ( step 8 on link above), then I can't restart the process in Xcode Cloud. Let me show the problem better... Every time that I clink on button "Grant Access" in Xcode tool, I'm redirect to this site: When I click on blue button, it happens on GitLab settings: Because I deleted the settings. Then, I need to go back to step 1 of 2 and set up again. How can I restart the process ?
Jun ’22
Scheme is not currently configured for the build action.
In the "Resolve package dependencies" step I see this error occur: Scheme <scheme-name> is not currently configured for the build action. I cannot reproduce locally. When I run the command: xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies it finishes fine. I'm on Xcode 13.4.1 and MacOS 12.4.1 Other things I've tried: Verified scheme is in the workspace (not the project) Deleted all schemes and auto created schemes again Recreating the build action in the scheme Enabled all actions in the scheme
Sep ’22
How to export an IPA with Xcode Cloud
Hello. I'm using XCode Cloud to replace an existing fastlane workflow where the end result is to post an IPA to in internal Slack channel. I've written a ci_post_xcbuildscipt.sh and it runs: xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${CI_ARCHIVE_PATH} -exportPath ${EXPORT_PATH} -exportOptionsPlist ${EXPORT_OPTIONS} -authenticationKeyIssuerID ${AUTH_KEY_ISSUER_ID} -authenticationKeyID ${AUTH_KEY_ID} -authenticationKeyPath ${AUTH_KEY_PATH} -allowProvisioningUpdates My problem is resigning the IPA with the environment variables set as secrets. The autenticationKeyPath expects to be a file, but I'm only able to pass strings as environment variables. I tried passing the key as a string and in my script writing it to a file, but the result is always an empty file. I've tested locally and this idea works, so I think it's a consequence of how the environment variables are protected when marked as a secret. Any suggestions on how I could successfully export my archive but keep the key a secret?
Sep ’22
Cannot remove SCM
On our projects we have separate targets for staging and production (and also separate accounts). I was able to connect xcode cloud to staging account and builds were working ok, but when I made workflow for production (with same app on gitlab) I could not get access. I never got an option to make new app in gitlab so I went and delete all xcode cloud data and gitlab app. Now when It wants to connect to gitlab I get no option to authorize app or create a new one. I also cannot delete SCM
Oct ’22
Xcode Cloud build gets stuck after completion?
Recently, I have trouble with my Xcode Cloud builds, where they seemingly complete, but the very final step does not happen. I am building from the same codebase for both macOS and iOS (I have two “Archive” steps in my workflow, one for iOS and one for macOS). The iOS one usually completes fast without problems. The macOS log ending looks like this, and remains stuck forever, with the macOS build in the “spinning progress” state and never completing. Is there something I can do on my end to make this work better? I would not want to go back to manual builds, Xcode Cloud is convenient and was working well for a while, but this is really annoying lately.
Nov ’22
XCode Clouds Build Fails: Un-abled to load contents of Pods xcfilelist
When Building with XCode Cloud I receive errors reading Cocoapods xcfilelist files. The errors are as follows: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-<Project Name>/Pods-Anytune-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Anytune/Pods-<Project Name>-resources-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' When building through Xcode (Product > Build) everything works, however this is not the case with Xcode Cloud. I have verified that the xcfilelist paths exist on my machine, however with Xcode Cloud they are unable to load. I have also tried cleaning, updating and rebuilding my Cocoapods to no avail. This issue exists on stackoverflow. Link is found here. The solutions here did not work for me. Any help would be appreciated.
Nov ’22
Xcode Cloud Compute Hours Monitoring
Hi I'm piloting using Xcode Cloud for my builds. Recently, I inadvertently burned up all my compute hours for the month. I know I could move to a higher-level plan, but I really want to understand how I can avoid doing this in the future. I know I can view my usage in App Store Connect but I'm looking for ways to be alerted if my remaining compute hours go below a threshold that gives me time to react. Questions: I don't think I got any emails from Apple warning me that my compute hours were near to being used up - should I have received something? I don't see an options for this in the Settings or Usage pages. I have been using the App Store Connect API and have been going through the API docs trying to find an endpoint that returns the compute hours balance for my account but haven't found one - does one exist? Thanks, Dave
Nov ’22
Xcode Cloud "The bundle version must be higher than the previously uploaded version."
I am getting an error on Xcode Build The bundle version must be higher than the previously uploaded version. I am at a loss. My bundle version is set at 20. The latest version uploaded has bundle version 18. The project is clearly higher than the most recently uploaded version. What am I doing wrong? I tried setting the Bundle version in both the General tab for the target, in the Build Settings and in the Info.plist. Which takes precedence? Fastlane reports the current build version as 18 on TestFlight. Confusingly, throughout Xcode, Bundle Version is variously referred to as both 'Bundle Version' and 'Current Project Version', and is 'Build' on App Store Connect. App Store Version is variously referred to as 'Version', 'Bundle version string (Short)', and 'Marketing Version'.
Jan ’23