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Best practices for live-streaming MV-HEVC content?
I was wondering of anyone had guidance on how to “livestream“ MV-HEVC content. More specifically, I have a left and right eye view for stereoscopic content (perhaps, for example, the views were taken from a stereoscopic video being passed through an AVPlayer). I know, based on sample code, that I can convert the stereoscopic video into a MV-HEVC file using AVAssetWriter. However, how would I take the stereoscopic video and encode it, in realtime, to a stream that could then leverage HLS Tools to deliver to clients? Is AVFoundation capable of this directly? Or is there an API within VideoToolbox that can help with this?
Jun ’24
[WebXR] Support for AR module in VisionOS 2.x
Thank you again for pushing the web forward in VisionOS 2, super exciting! The latest WWDC24 video touched on VR experiences for VisionOS2.0 using WebXR, however there was no mention of passthrough AR experiences. Samples such as this one are not supported: https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-samples/immersive-ar-session.html In Settings > Safari, there is a feature flag for the AR WebXR module, but enabling it did not seem to change anything. Is this the expected behavior at this time? Any developer preview(s) we could try?
Jun ’24
Multi-scene/window shareplay on visionOS
Hi all, been working with visionOS for a bit so far and am trying to develop a feature that allows users to shareplay and interact with a 3D model pulled from the cloud (icloud in this case, but may use a regular backend service in the future). Ideally, I would want to be able to click a custom button on a regular window that starts the group activity/shareplay with another person in the facetime call and opens the volumetric window with the model and can switch to an immersive space freely. TLDR/questions at the very end for reference point. I was able to get this working when only working with a single window group (i.e. a volumetric window group scene and an immersive space scene). However I am running into trouble getting shareplay to correctly grab the desired scene (or any scene at all) when I have multiple window group scenes defined. I have been referencing the following documentation in my attempts to implement this: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/sceneassociationbehavior https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/adding-spatial-persona-support-to-an-activity https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/defining-your-apps-shareplay-activities https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/joining-and-managing-a-shared-activity No luck so far however. Additionally, here is a quick breakdown of what I've done so far to attempt implementation: Define group activity that contains static var activityIdentifier: String and var metadata: GroupActivityMetadata as well as conforms to GroupActivity. Provide methods to start shareplay via a startShareplay() method that instantiates the above group activity and switch awaits on activity.prepareForActivation() to activate the activity if case .activationPreferred. I have also provided a separate group activity registration method to start shareplay via airdrop as mentioned in the Building spatial SharePlay experiences developer video (timestamped), which does expose a group activity to the share context menu/ornament but does not indicate being shared afterwards. On app start, trigger a method to configure group sessions and provide listeners for sessions (including subscribers for active participants, session state, messages of the corresponding state type - in my case it's ModelState.self, journal attachments for potentially providing models that the other user may not have as we are getting models from cloud/backend, local participant states, etc). At the very end, call groupSession.join(). Add external activation handlers to the corresponding scenes in the scene declaration (as per this documentation on SceneAssociationBehavior using the handlesExternalEvents(matching:) scene modifier to open the scene when shareplay starts). I have also attempted using the view modifier handlesExternalEvents(preferring:allowing:) on views but also no luck. Both are being used with the corresponding activityIdentifier from the group activity and I've also tried passing a specific identifier while using the .content(_) sceneAssociationBehavior as well but no luck there either. I have noted that in this answer regarding shareplay in visionOS, the VP engineer notes that when the app receives the session, it should setup any necessary UI then join the session, but I would expect even if the UI isn't being set up via the other person's session that the person who started shareplay should still see the sharing ornament turn green on the corresponding window which doesn't seem to occur. In fact, none of the windows that are open even get the green sharing ornament (just keeps showing "Not shared"). TLDR: Added external events handling and standard group activity stuff to multi-window app. When using shareplay, no windows are indicated as being shared. My questions thus are: Am I incorrect in my usage of the scene/view modifiers for handlesExternalEvents to open and associate a specific windowgroup/scene with the group activity? In regards to opening a specific window when the group activity is activated, how do we pass any values if the window group requires it? i.e. if it's something like WindowGroup(id: ..., for: URL.self) { url in ... } Do I still need to provide UI setup in the session listener (for await session in MyActivity.sessions())? Is this just a simple openWindow? Past the initializing shareplay stuff above, what are the best practices for sharing 3d models that not all users in the session might have? Is it adding it as an attachment to GroupSessionJournal? Or should I pass the remote URL to everyone to download the model locally instead? Thanks for any help and apologies for the long post. Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide to help resolve this.
Jun ’24
TextureResource.DrawableQueue broken in VisionOS 2?
I have an input texture in a ShaderGraphMaterial. I use .replace(withDrawables:) to replace the texture with a drawable queue. When I present drawables to this queue, nothing happens in VisionOS 2. The drawables are not presented, I can't get any more via nextDrawable() because the unpresented ones are holding things up. This is with both bgra8Unorm_srgb and rgba16float formats. I have confirmed the material applied to my object has the modified texture resources on them. It was working in VisionOS 1.2. What changed in VisionOS 2 to cause this?
Jun ’24
Restoring visionOS windows to spatial location upon returning from immersive scene
If I have windows that occupy the shared space and are located in various spatial locations for the user, say various rooms in a home, how do I have those windows reappear/open in the same spatial location when the user returns to the shared space after being in a full immersive space? I assume it has to do with somehow setting the state of the windows before heading into the immersive view, but I’m not sure how to begin thinking about this or the type of code I would need for that. Any help for this question would be appreciated.
Jun ’24
Non-convex collision?
Hi! I think this should be a pretty normal usage of ARKit / RealityKit I have a static mesh for my environment, that I want to have static collision properties. My options for making this interact with dynamic bodies are: ShapeResource.generateConvex(...) -- which overshoots my shape dramatically. Entity.generateCollisionShapes(...) which also overshoots. I notice additional APIs around ShapeResource -- ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(positions:faceIndices) seems to be exactly what I need. So far, I haven't been able to invoke this successfully to set my collision box. Questions: Is this not, a completely normal thing for developers to want to do? Why is there no support for this out-of-the-box in RealityKit/ARKit? To support this in my app, everywhere I've read has said I need to parse the .obj of my terrain manually, and find triangulated faces and pipe them into this function. That feels like a very standardized process -- and given that RealityKit is already forcing me to use .usdz, why should this not be a part of the SDK? Regardless- I triangulated my terrain mesh, and have been working on parsing code to get the positions and faceIndices for this set up (as an extension on Entity). Is this the right approach? Am I missing something more obvious? Thanks, Justin
Mar ’24
Fully immersive content using Metal is not getting the correct gesture locations
We followed this documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/compositorservices/drawing_fully_immersive_content_using_metal to display a fully immersive map using our metal rendering engine, which worked great. But this part of the article: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/compositorservices/drawing_fully_immersive_content_using_metal#4193614 mentions how to use the onSpatialEvent callback to receive gesture events. We are receiving the gesture events but the location property of the event (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/spatialeventcollection/event/location) is always coming back as (x: 0, y:0) which is not helpful. We are unable to get a single valid location of any gesture, therefore, we are unable to hook up these gestures. We tried this on a simulator and a Vision Pro device.
May ’24
Object tracking on Vision Pro using Vision
I'm wondering if it's possible to implement object tracking on Vision Pro using the Vision framework of Apple? I see that the Vision documentation offers a variety of classes for computer vision which have a tag "visionOS", but all the example codes in the documentation are only for iOS, iPadOS or macOS. So can those classes also be used for developing Vision Pro apps? If so, how do they get data feed from the camera of Vision Pro?
May ’24
Not able to view custom stereo/spatial images in VisionOS 2
Hello, I've been creating my own stereoscopic images on my laptop and airdropping them to the Vision Pro to view them in 3D. My custom images have a left_eye.png and right_eye.png and have been combined into one HEIF image (as it is done natively with the headset) In VisionOS 1.xx Photos app, I was able to see my custom images in 3D, but in VisionOS 2, the device no longer recognizes that my image(s) should also be shown stereoscopically and instead, it shows it in 2D. I see that it gives me the option to use the AI tool to convert 2D into 3D, but the original file that I airdropped to myself (Mac --> AVP Photos Album) already has a left and right image pair. Is this something that can be fixed?
Jun ’24
Avatars for spatial
Hello friends! I am looking into a use case where I want to add an animated avatars into a RealityView. I am looking to use a third party package but have not found any that have good iOS or visionOS support. Has anyone come across a package for this that I could look into?
Jun ’24