I am developing a macOS app that requires the Associated Domains entitlement. The app will be distributed as a custom app.
The app needs to be signed using Team A’s Developer ID Application certificate and packaged under Team A’s Team ID.
Team A has a secure signing and packaging setup, but they do not provide access to their Developer ID Application Identity (cert) or their provisioning profile.
I am part of Team B and have access to Team B’s Developer ID Application identity and provisioning profiles.
I am thinking of doing the following:
I create a provisioning profile under Team B that authorizes the Associated Domains entitlement.
I sign the app using Team B’s Developer ID Application identity, ensuring the required entitlements are included.
Then, I re-sign the app using Team A’s Developer ID Application identity, since Team A has also set up the same bundle ID with the Associated Domains entitlement and corresponding provisioning profile.
Is this approach correct & does it have any drawback?
Will the double signing process work without issues, given that Team A has the required provisioning profile for the same bundle ID?
Are there better ways to handle this situation where signing must be done under Team A but access is limited?
How can i add Authorization header to a wkwebview. I checked https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsurlrequest#1776617 which says Authorization header is a reserved http header and shouldn’t be set. I want to set it when requesting a url to the server which will be used for verification. How can i do that?
I want to implement webauthn using WKWebView for my mac application. I want to host the asaa file in the rpid. Below are my site configuration -
Main domain - example.com
Subdomain which has the sign-in view and where webauthn kicks in - signin.example.com
RPID - example.com
Where shall i host the asaa file at domain(example.com) or subdomain(signin.example.com)?
I am developing a authorization plugin for mac. i am using SFAuthorizationPluginView as i need a webView(WKWebKit) which will perform webAuthn. But the webview is not rendering the requested webpage( i have stable internet connectio). Is it an expected behaviour for a webview in an authorization plugin?
I'm developing an ACME server to issue identity certificates to macOS/iOS devices for MDM attestation, following RFC 8555. Per RFC, the client creates an order, performs authorization, verifies the challenge, and finalizes the order by submitting a CSR to the CA.
In my setup, the CA sometimes takes longer to issue the certificate (around 50 seconds). According to RFC 8555, if certificate issuance isn’t complete after the /finalize call, the server should respond with an "order" object with a "processing" status. The client should then send a POST-as-GET request to the order resource (e.g., /order/<order_id>) to check the current state. If the CA still hasn’t issued the certificate, the server should return the order object with the same "processing" status and include a "Retry-After" header, indicating when the client should retry. The client is expected to poll the order resource at this specified interval with POST-as-GET requests.
However, it seems the Apple ACME client ignores the "Retry-After" header and instead returns the error: "Profile failed - Order status is processing, not yet valid" immediately upon the first poll response with "processing." Apple ACME client deviating from the RFC documentation.
Has anyone found a reliable solution to this issue? Or does Apple supports asynchronous order finalization?
Ref -https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8555#:~:text=A%20request%20to%20finalize%20an%20order%20will%20result%20in%20error,to%20the%20%22certificate%22%20field%20of%20the%20order.%20%20Download%20the%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20certificate.
To work around this, I’m holding the /finalize call until the CA issues the certificate. This works when issuance is quick (under 20 seconds), but if it takes more than that , the client times out. Interestingly, the Apple ACME client’s timeout appears shorter than the usual 60-second URLSession default.
I'm developing an ACME server to issue identity certificates to macOS/iOS devices for MDM attestation, following RFC 8555. Per RFC, the client creates an order, performs authorization, verifies the challenge, and finalizes the order by submitting a CSR to the CA.
In my setup, the CA sometimes takes longer to issue the certificate (around 50 seconds). According to RFC 8555, if certificate issuance isn’t complete after the /finalize call, the server should respond with an "order" object with a "processing" status. The client should then send a POST-as-GET request to the order resource (e.g., /order/<order_id>) to check the current state. If the CA still hasn’t issued the certificate, the server should return the order object with the same "processing" status and include a "Retry-After" header, indicating when the client should retry. The client is expected to poll the order resource at this specified interval with POST-as-GET requests.
However, it seems the Apple ACME client ignores the "Retry-After" header and instead returns the error: "Profile failed - Order status is processing, not yet valid" immediately upon the first poll response with "processing."
Apple ACME client deviating from the RFC documentation.
Has anyone found a reliable solution to this issue?
Ref -https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8555#:~:text=A%20request%20to%20finalize%20an%20order%20will%20result%20in%20error,to%20the%20%22certificate%22%20field%20of%20the%20order.%20%20Download%20the%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20certificate.
To work around this, I’m holding the /finalize call until the CA issues the certificate. This works when issuance is quick (under 20 seconds), but if it takes more than that , the client times out. Interestingly, the Apple ACME client’s timeout appears shorter than the usual 60-second URLSession default.
I have been reading about DTO (Data transfer object ) since few days. I understood concept that drives it. The concept is to make the domain object decoupled from external APIs or storage objects, by having datasource model. Certainly this will ensure a good separation of concern and make the program somewhat secure from the future change in the data model. But is that the only reason for using it? I see it adds a lot of extra code for something which may happen in future. Has anyone ever used DTOs in there iOS project and have it benefited them? Thanks in advance
I am woking on an application which has a built in browser type of feature. The user can browse any url on that webview. We know that iOS mandates to add different privacy usage description for accessing different user sensitive informations such as NSCameraUsageDescription, NSMicrophoneUsageDescription etc. As I am not sure which website an user will browse & what user sensitive datas those websites will ask, how can I anticipate and add that usage description key/value in the plist? Is there any better way to handle this situation? Thanks in advance