missing package product

42,964 results found






Reply to My macOS app+helper is not in the System Preferences/Login Item/ "Allow Background" list
I archive my app, I notarize it for direct distribution then I save it to the /Applications folder. Then I delete my Debug app from …/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dal…xu/Build/Products/Debug so I am sure I have one only copy of my app on the disk. First off, a general warning around LaunchServices and development machines. Basically, very typical developer workflows often create situations which are WILDLY outside normal customer usage patterns. The same app is being created, version rev'd, deleted, created... over and over again with a volume that is WILDLY beyond what any normal user would ever do. A developer could easily do this 30-100 times a day while a normal app user might not have the app update more than a few times per year. This can be particularly problematic if you're also using your app (as a user would), not just testing, as now you have multiple versions of the app that are live and which the system can't always differentiate very well. SO, a few broad suggestions on all this: Don't assum
Reply to About cpu_resource_fatal
What is the general approach to analyzing cpu_resource_fatal.ips? In terms of how the log is structured and how it can be interpreted, my response to this thread on wakeups is a good summary of what's actually in the data. The cause is obviously different, but the collection method and data format are exactly the same. Is there a standard way to analyze it? Yes and no. Going through the process above can tell you want the stack shows, but how useful/helpful it will be is hard to predict. The reality is that the kernel is sampling a tiny portion of your overall runtime and there isn't anyway to know exactly what's missing. One point to make on the termination reason itself: 9 seconds cpu time over 9 seconds (100% cpu average), exceeding limit of 60% cpu over 15 second Any responsible background app needs to keep in mind that it's operating in a shared in environment and that it needs to contrains it's activities to account for that, particularly high priority categories like voip. The limits the syste
SwiftUI onDrop not working with DropDelegate on iOS18
I am new to SwiftUI, and I wrote a ReorderableForEach struct with onDrag and onDrop, which is working well on iOS17. However it's not wokring on iOS18 beta1 or beta2 on my iPhone or simulator. When I long press the item, nothing happens. When I remove onDrop, I can perform a Drag animation, so I think something wrong with my onDrop code. the whole code: import UIKit import SwiftUI public typealias Reorderable = Identifiable & Equatable struct GridData: Identifiable, Equatable { let id: Int } public struct ReorderableForEach: View { @Binding private var active: Item? @State private var hasChangedLocation = false private let items: [Item] private let content: (Item) -> Content private let preview: ((Item) -> Preview)? private let moveAction: (IndexSet, Int) -> Void private var onDropAction: ((Item) -> Void)? private var allowReorder: Bool public init( _ items: [Item], active: Binding, allowReorder: Bool, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Item) -> Content, @ViewBuilder preview: @escaping (Item)
Jun ’24
Reply to iOS18 beta2: NavigationStack, Views Being Popped Automatically
This is similar to FB14125143 in concept. Regardless of ObservableObject or @Observed, this is an unsupported construction of the Navigation APIs. See the answer on this post for the explanation. Regarding the get/set boolean mapping, (and I realize there is unfortunately an availability cliff between iOS 16, and iOS 17) please wherever you can afford it, don't using navigationDestination(isPresented:destination) with a get/set binding that maps to an item under the hood. Instead, use the navigationDestination(item:destination) modifier. For iOS 16, you may need to fall back to that construction, but it may result in lost frames or animations when the binding has to effectively update twice in one frame. In iOS 16, unless it's critical for deep-linking, try using view-destination links instead or represent that functionality by appending an item to the navigation path instead of setting a selection.
Reply to iOS18 beta2 NavigationStack: Tapping Back from a lower-level View returns to the Root View / No transition animation
This example shows undefined behavior. A NavigationStack's path is comprised of: 0 or more value-destination links followed by 0 or more view-destination links. A value-destination link is one that pushes a value onto either the navigation path, or into a List's selection. e.g. NavigationLink(Foo, value: 42). A view-destination link is one that pushes a view onto the navigation path, e.g. NavigationLink(Bar) { MyDestinationView() }. Because view-destination links have a weaker notion of identity than value destination links, they can't precede them on the path. The way this example uses a get-set binding is prone to animation issues as well, since it may take multiple graph updates for that binding to toggle to true, animations can be lost. You can rewrite this like so: struct Selection: Hashable, Identifiable { var num: Int var id: Int { num } } enum Kind: Hashable { case a case b } struct RootView2: View { @State var kind: Kind = .a @State var vals: [Selection] = (1...5).map(Selection.init(num:)) @
Reply to How do I disable wireless debugging in Xcode 15?
same here. I never noticed that it was stuck on wireless debugging and wondered why it'd take a minute to start the damned thing, or 3 or 4 seconds per step in the debugger. My solution was to simply restart the iPhone while connected. I have to do that from time to time but I gladly spend 1 minute every couple of hours instead of losing the 15 minutes or more per hour just waiting....and w a i t i n g.......
How to configure App Clip Only XCode project
I have an App, and I want to publish an App Clip in addition to that app. Due to size restrictions I cannot share any of my assets or code, so I made a new XCode project (for background, the original project is a build from Unity, so it would be inconvenient to link them into one XCode project). I have set up an XCode project with an App Clip, then deleted the main App from it, and now I want to distribute the App Clip to XCode. I could not push to the App Store in the organizer (only 'custom' available under 'method for distribution', then I can only select 'Built Products' or 'Archive', no upload to App Store, see screenshot) until I found that my App Clip target (the only target in my project) had Build Settings -> Deployment -> Skip Install set to Yes. When I turn that to No, in the Organizer when pushing to App Store Connect, it now tries to create a new App instead of connecting it to the already existing app (see next screenshot, actual bunlde id removed but it matches) The already exist
May ’24
Reply to How to configure App Clip Only XCode project
I could not push to the App Store in the organizer (only 'custom' available under 'method for distribution', then I can only select 'Built Products' or 'Archive', no upload to App Store, see screenshot) This issue occurs when you have a generic archive. For more information, see TN3110: Resolving generic Xcode archive issue. Is what I am trying even possible, or do the main app and app clip need to be published in the same XCode project? When you submit an App Clip for distribution to testers with TestFlight or for publishing in the App Store, you don’t submit the App Clip on its own; you export and submit the app bundle of the full app that includes the App Clip. For more information, see Distributing your App Clip.
Location Purpose String Not Updating
Hello - I am trying to add a more descriptive Location Purpose String for submitting my app to the store. I previously had a placeholder, generic string for testing. I have updated my info.plist file, but the old string is still appearing. I have 1) deleted the app from simulator device and rebuilt 2) tried pushing the version to TestFlight 3) Deleted and replaced the values in the info.plist, none of which have resolved this issue. What am I missing here?
Jun ’24
How often should getTimeline be called in widgetkit?
Hi, I am implementing a widget where I make some network calls. I have set the timelineprovider to update on end, and I have about an hour of widgetkit entries going for each timeline. I notice that the getTimeline function is called an arbitrary amount of times, usually between 2-5 when my widget fetches new entries for the widget. I was under the impression that it should only call the getTimeline function once, and use the entires for all of my widgets (I 3 widgets in total, two for the lock screen and one for home screen). Am I missing something when it comes to understanding the basic lifecycle? Anyone else having these issues? I am using XCode 15.3 and developing for iOS 17.
Jun ’24
Reply to "No current extension context; trying most recent context" errors in Safari App Extensions
Hello, thanks for you reply! As I've said, the crashes above have been received on our crash reporter from our Safari App Extension which is running in production on our users' machines. I haven't been able to reproduce any crash locally on my machine. Also, I just suspect that the crashes and the No context logs are the same issue, but I don't know this for certain. With that in mind, I sent a bug submission through Feedback Assistant about this. The submission includes 30 user crashes (from the crash reporter service) that may be relevant, but no crashes from my machine. I've also added a few screenshots. The feedback submission number is FB14156523.
Reply to App attest api returns "DCErrorInvalidKey 3" invalidKey error for some of the users
Hi! I know this post is more that 6 months old, but I'm facing the same issue and wondering if there has there been any development on this? After rolling out some security features using attestation on our app into production, we have been observing the same strange occurrences that @mahashis described and from our logs we could extract some metrics that place the total percentage of affected users in the 5% to 6% of all users using the app, amounting to above ten thousand installations. Even though it is expected some failures to happen like it is mentioned in the docs and in the comment above from @endecotp (for users migrating devices) and actual unsecured (example: jailbroken?) devices, it's hard to credit that is the case for so such a high percentage of users. Even more so because it happens when attesting a freshly generated key which typically (and per documentation advice) only happens on fresh installations of the app or when a key is reported as invalid from the DCAppAttest service api. T
VisionOS NavigationStack background cannot be removed?
I have a simple example to demonstrate... struct MyView: View { var body: some View { Text(WOW) } } struct MyOtherView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { Text(WOW) } } } On VisionOS, MyOtherView has a glass background effect that cannot be disabled. glassBackgroundEffect(displayMode: .never) .background(.clear), .foregroundColor(.clear), none of them work. I then resorted to the SwiftUIIntrospect package to try set .clear on various child objects of the NavigationStack but nothing is working. I am in control of my own glass containers. I have a couple with space between them, but with the NavigationStack it sets a background behind both of them ruining the effect. This is what MyOtherView renders as: I'm looking for it to be completely transparent except the text. Like the below layout. For now I will have to roll my own navigation.
Apr ’24
App Intents in frameworks
In previous years it seems there were limitations about where AppIntent types could live in your code base for them to be surfaced up to the Shortcuts app. Specifically, they needed to be in the top level app or extension target. However, WWDC24's What's new in App Intents talks about Framework Improvements and has a slide that implies that AppEntity, AppEnum, AND AppIntent types can live in a framework. Is this actually the case? I can see the Metadata.appintents in the build products of my framework, and my intent is included in the JSON, but these intents never make it into the Shortcuts app when I install an app that consumes the framework. I'm testing this with Xcode 16b1 in a iOS 18 simulator.
Jun ’24