missing package product

42,978 results found






CloudKit Stopped Syncing after adding new Entities
Can someone please shed some light? I have an app that uses Core Data and CloudKit, up until the last version, I was able to sync data between devices but now after I added two new Entities for some reason it stopped syncing between devices. Here is how I did the change: Created a new Core Data container. Added the new Entities and their Attributes Tested the new Entities locally to be able to send the new schema to CloudKit. Went to CloudKit and made sure that the new Entities and Attributes were reflected on the Developent database. Deploy Schema Cahnges. Went to the Production database to make sure the new schema was deployed; and it was, both databases look the same. Testing: Tested in the simulator and with a real device and everything syncs, even the new Entities. If I download the app from the App Store on two different devices they do NOT sync. Based on the procedure I'm describing above, is there any important step I may have missed when doing the migration? I'm not sure if this is
May ’23
Need to get the frames of an animation for streaming in 3rd party video format (macOS)
I have a macos app that creates a sports scoreboard and streams this out in a third party streaming format. I need to use a library for this, which expects a CVPixelBuffer e.g. every 0.04 secs (25 fps). The scoreboard is a view with some subviews (scores, timers, etc) in an offscreen window. When a timer triggers to create a new frame, my code does: • create a bitmap-representation for the view • make a view.cacheDisplay(...) • create a CIImage from the bitmap-representation • create a CVPixelBuffer using CVPixelBufferCreate (kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA format) • render the CIImage into the CVPixelBuffer using ciContext.render(ciImage, to: pixelBufferOut) • and finally hand over the CVPixelBuffer to the video library. Works, the app is in production. Now I come to the point where I need someone to tell me in which direction I have to think. The next feature requested is to do some animation for the scoreboard graphics , e.g. a simple fade in and fade out. Later I would like to do more complex things, b
Jun ’24
Bricked com.apple.homekit.config CloudKit container
How did the issue (probably) occur? The issue appeared in January 2024 after setting up a new Apple TV 4K (tvOS 16.X and updated to latest tvOS after setup) or a new Apple Watch Ultra 2 (watchOS 10.X and updated after setup). Both devices were set up using my personal iCloud and both were set up to use HomeKit. I suspect the issue is related to the creation of a new Home that was subsequently shared to a family member (see below). How did I notice the issue? From the week that followed, I noticed that my iPhone 15 Pro Max tends to get really hot in standby and that the battery drops significantly in the space of a couple standby hours. (Worst case I’ve experienced is about ~80% drop in 4 hours standby) Apple Watch also has huge drops in battery life. Again, to give some perspective: I wear my AW for sleep tracking, sometimes AW will drop ~5% throughout the night, sometimes ~60% (and turn off if it was charged below 60%, making me lose my sleep tracking). My iPad Pro occasionally loses ~30-50
Jun ’24
Background Health Store Access for Lock Screen Widgets
It's fairly well know and stated that the Apple Health / HealthKit data store is unavailable when iPhone is locked. Since Lock Screen Widgets were introduced there's been a feature parity mismatch with Apple's own Fitness app which is able to display updating Activity Rings on the Lock Screen. Third party apps cannot do this and have to rely unlocking their device to then trigger an update. This means they often display stale and wrong Health data. With the release of iOS 18 beta, I see no changes to this... Is there anything I've missed? Currently for requesting the Timeline Updates on my Widget I have to just keep requesting updates as often as possible and hope that each time the iPhone might be unlocked.... This is inefficient and a waste of device resources. Even a Widget timeline reload API that let the developer say Only call update if iPhone unlocked would be useful.
Jun ’24
CloudKit subscriptions, sharing, and remote notifications
I am hoping you can tell me what's possibly different here. Devices A and B are shared participants in a shopping list. I've confirmed: • both are on the Production environment • both have database subscriptions to private and shared What I'm seeing: • A (share owner) sees items added by B. • B (invitee) does not see items added by A. If B syncs then it sees the items, but it receives no related remote notifications at all, despite the subscriptions (yet A does receive them) Seems like these two devices should be the same, but what might be causing B to not get the remote notifications? Thanks for any pointers.
Jan ’22
Reply to Unable to import local XCFramework module
I was able to do this by adding a module.modulemap file to the Headers. This is all within my library Package project: // swift-tools-version: 6.0 import PackageDescription /** This package wraps FTDI’s D2XX library for macOS. In order to simp xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library /Users/rmann/Downloads/lib3mf_sdk_v2.3.1/Bin/lib3mf.dylib -headers /Users/rmann/Downloads/lib3mf_sdk_v2.3.1/Bindings/C -output lib3mf.xcframework */ let package = Package( name: SwiftD2XX, platforms: [.macOS(.v13)], products: [ .library( name: SwiftD2XX, targets: [SwiftD2XX] ), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://github.com/apple/swift-testing.git, branch: main), ], targets: [ .target( name: SwiftD2XX, dependencies: [ ftd2xx ] ), .binaryTarget( name: ftd2xx, path: ../ftd2xx.xcframework ), .testTarget( name: SwiftD2XXTests, dependencies: [ SwiftD2XX, .product(name: Testing, package: swift-testing), ] ), ] ) When I build my xcframework, I use this: xcodebui
Jun ’24
Unable to import local XCFramework module
Our project is split up into multiple Pods with CocoaPods and I'm currently trying to convert all of our podspecs to SPM. One of our projects has XCFramework dependencies that I'm trying to include from a local source, but my project files are complaining that the modules couldn't be found when I try to import them. Is there something I'm missing here? My Package.swift file looks something like this: // swift-tools-version:5.3 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyPackage, defaultLocalization: en_us, platforms: [ .iOS(.v12), .watchOS(.v6), .macOS(.v10_15) ], products: [ .library( name: MyPackage, targets: [ MyPackage ]), ], dependencies: [ ], targets: [ .target( name: MyPackage, dependencies: [ .byName(name: LocalXCFramework) ], path: Sources/ ), .binaryTarget( name: LocalXCFramework, path: Frameworks/LocalXCFramework.xcframework ) ] ) In this example
Jun ’20
iMac stuck on checking null
On any update, regardless if it’s Mojave or high sierra or catalina many Apple iMac owners were having issues with this- “iMac is stuck on Checking null, it won’t go any further. How do I fix this?”. I spoke to 4 representatives and no Apple representative could help with my issue. So here is a 100% solution. back up your iMac if you don’t want to lose anything. hold the power button until your iMac turns off ouch the power button and let go immediately and push and hold “COMMAND” and “R” until your utilities pop up. Erase and reinstall a new versio of your current macOS update. Let this finish and DO NOT sign into your Apple ID now. Accept the terms and cond and follow all the steps. Once you are in the computer you can sign in. now you may update your iMac to whichever update.
Jun ’24
Reply to Color asset test not working due to color not being loaded when test conditions are evaluated
For those who have just stumbled upon this thread, my situation is that I am trying to run the code above in the first post to verify that the colors that I get from an asset catalog are being correctly converted into SwiftUI Color instances so that frequently used custom colors can be more easily managed. This conversion is done automatically using a Swift package plugin that generates the accessors automatically based on the asset catalogs. The persistent issue that I've been having for a longer period of time as I am writing this is that neither XCTest nor Swift Testing find the two instances equal because one is instantiated using the initializer that takes three Double instances (one red, one green, and one blue) and the other is instantiated using the initializer that specifies the color as it appears in an asset catalog. These tests have been consistently failing as a result and are marked as being known issues. My updated version of this project uses Swift Testing for these tests, though the
Jun ’24
Color asset test not working due to color not being loaded when test conditions are evaluated
I've written a Swift package plugin to add the colours provided in the asset bundles in an extension of the SwiftUI Color type but I'm having difficulties testing this since the bundle and/or colour that is in the asset catalogs are not yet loaded when XCTest goes to evaluate the test conditions. Here is my test code: (colours are just random colours, some derive from macOS colour picker; also, the new static method is functionality that I added and is not present in the existing Color APIs) final class TestCase: XCTestCase { func testBanana() { XCTAssertEqual(Color.banana, Color.new(from: FEFC78)!) } func testAlexsColor() { XCTAssertEqual(Color.alexsColor, Color.new(from: 0432FF)!) } func testMaximumPowerColor() { XCTAssertEqual(Color.maximumPower, Color.new(from: FF2600)!) } func testLongNameColor() { XCTAssertEqual(Color.reallyLongNameThatJustKeepsGoingOnAndOnAndOnAndOn, Color.new(from: AAA000)) } } Here is an example error message that I get when I run the test: testBanana(): XCTAssertEqual faile
May ’23
How to programmatically use SFTP in a SwiftUI macOS app?
Is there an easy way to programmatically use SFTP in my SwiftUI macOS app? In my macOS app I need to do things like: upload local files to a remote server create a directory on a remote server download files from a remote server delete files on a remote server I have been researching this subject for awhile and people are recommending things like SwiftNIO and libssh. But those seem pretty low level and kind of a headache to use. Another option is to use the sftp CLI command via the foundation Process object. I like this option and am considering experimenting with this, but it seems like a hack. Will this work on all macOS computers? Is there an easy way to import and use a C/C++ SFTP library in my SwiftUI macOS app? At this point in my research of this subject I feel like I have to go deep down some rabbit hole in order to pull of some SFTP functionality. But I'm wondering, is there some easy way to do this that I'm missing?
Jun ’24
Reply to How to programmatically use SFTP in a SwiftUI macOS app?
Another option is to use the sftp CLI command via the foundation Process object. I like this option and am considering experimenting with this, but it seems like a hack. How much of a hack this turns into really depends on how you end up needing to interact with the tool If you can structure your interactions with the tool such that you're simply sending the command and getting a result, then it can actually work reasonably well. Indeed, there are a number of command line tools that effectively operate as API and have even been designed to facilitate that functionality (notably, hdiutil and disk image mounting). ssh is another example of this- many applications intentionally use the ssh command line tool instead of integrating with a library because using the command line allows them to rely more on the users existing security configuration instead of having to duplicate that functionality. However, if you'll end up need to drive the tool interactively, that can be pretty painful. Similarly, things like progr
Jun ’24