App Store Receipts

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Validate app and in-app purchase receipts with the App Store using App Store Receipts.

Posts under App Store Receipts tag

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App rejected for 1.4.0 Safety: Physical Harm
Hi, I developped an app which is an alcohol level calculator (cf image for few screens). I did lots of modification to the app is accepted, but none works. I also asked to the verification team, but they can't help me more. However similar app already exists like or I even copy the description of the first app. So, could you help me about what I can change in order to the app is validated, or do the new rules make my app "out of the Apple laws". Thank you
Apr ’24
Re-enabling cancelled subscription before the expiry date
My app has a single subscription group called Premium that contains two products with different billing periods - monthly and yearly. All tests are made in Apples's Sandbox environment with sandbox user. I am currently testing a scenario, where the user is subscribed to the monthly product, subsequently cancels the subscription from the App Store subscriptions page, and before the subscription expires, he wants to re-enable it (same monthly product). If the subscription is re-enabled from the App Store subscriptions page, my server gets a notification about the changed subscription renewal status and everything works well. This scenario is documented at the bottom of the page here: I however also want to support the scenario where the user can re-enable the subscription before it expires from the app itself. To do so, if the subscription is cancelled, but not yet expired, I show the user a button Re-activate. When this button is clicked, I initiate a purchase of the same monthly product, the IAP correctly shows the payment sheet and once I click Subscribe in the In App Purchase payment sheet, it goes through without any issues. However, my app subsequently receives a callback that the purchase failed: <SKPaymentQueue: 0x280f1fa10>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "Unhandled exception" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x2803a4720 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred, NSLocalizedDescription=Unhandled exception} This seems like the purchase failed with invalid status, but strangely enough, my server receives a notification that the subscription renewal status was changed to AUTO_RENEW_ENABLED and if I check the App Store subscriptions, I can see that its not cancelled anymore. The subscription also gets renewed at the end of the billing period, where it would have otherwise been cancelled. So in other words, everything seems to work except the purchase error above. My question is, what could be the reason for this? Perhaps Apple does not support re-enabling subscription directly from the App, but only from the App Store subscription page? Or perhaps its just a limitation of Apple's sandbox environment and I would not receive this payment error in production environment?
May ’24
401 error when validating IAP receipt using App Store Server API before App first release
Hi, I'm using the App Store Server API for in-app purchase receipt validation. However I received 401 error status code. My app is ready for submit in App Store Connect, but not yet published the first version. The receipt is generated using StoreKit test configuration and follow the Sandbox testing instruction. It is generated on a real device using Sandbox Apple account registered in the App Sandbox tester section. If I go back to use the deprecated verifyReceipt API sandbox endpoint, I get {'status': 21002} error instead. Is it expected for an App that has not yet published in App Store? If not, is there any way to test the in-app purchase server-side validation before the App is release?
May ’24
Receipt Problem
We have some questions regarding the receipt fields: Our receipt validation refers to this document: Validating Receipts on the Device( We would like to know if preorder receipts can also be validated using the methods outlined in the above document. If so, may I ask which ASN.1 Field Type corresponds to the preorder_date_ms? Additionally, we found other receipt fields in this document: Receipt Fields( If possible, it would be appreciated if someone could supplement the definitions of each ASN.1 Field Type.
Jun ’24
Server Side validation for In-App Purchase
Hi, Our application offers 3 non-renewing subscriptions. I have integrated the necessary code, and our App Store Account Paid Agreement status is Active. Transactions are successfully completed in the sandbox environment. However, I am facing difficulties with server-side validation. The /verifyReceipt API is deprecated, and I need an alternative method for server-side validation. The Apple documentation is quite confusing, and I couldn't find any articles related to the new approach for server-side validation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide a detailed guide on how to perform server-side validation with the new method. Thank you in advance.