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Develop drivers for devices that users interact with using HIDDriverKit.

Posts under HIDDriverKit tag

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BLE HID Gamepad on nRF52805: Not Recognized on iOS
I am working on a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) project using the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK), which has been reconfigured to simulate an nRF52805 chip. The firmware is based on Nordic Semiconductor's ble_app_hids_keyboard example, with modifications to implement a BLE HID Gamepad. I am using the S113 SoftDevice and have successfully tested the functionality with Android devices. The gamepad is recognized as a HID device, and it works as expected on Android, verified using the hardwareTester website. However, when I connect the gamepad to an iPhone via BLE, the same hardwareTester website does not respond as it does on Android, indicating that the iPhone does not recognize the device as a gamepad. The BLE connection is established successfully, but it seems iOS does not interpret the HID report descriptor or the BLE HID service correctly. I suspect there might be compatibility issues with the HID descriptor or the GATT attributes for iOS-specific BLE HID requirements. I would like to have some help.
Dec ’24
Neither macOS 14.7 "Standard" 'AppleUserHIDEventDriver' Matching Driver Nor Custom HIDDriverKit Driver 'IOUserHIDEventService::dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent' API Work for a HID-standard Digitizer Touch Pad Device
I have been working on a multi-platform multi-touch HID-standard digitizer clickpad device. The device uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as its connectivity transport and advertises HID over GATT. To date, I have the device working successfully on Windows 11 as a multi-touch, gesture-capable click pad with no custom driver or app on Windows. However, I have been having difficulty getting macOS to recognize and react to it as a HID-standard multi-touch click pad digitizer with either the standard Apple HID driver (AppleUserHIDEventDriver) or with a custom-coded driver extension (DEXT) modeled, based on the DTS stylus example and looking at the IOHIDFamily open source driver(s). The trackpad works with full-gesture support on Windows 11 and the descriptors seem to be compliant with the R23 Accessory Guidelines document, §15. With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID mouse descriptors, the device works fine on macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" as a relative pointer device with scroll wheel capability (two finger swipe generates a HID scroll report) and a single button. With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID digitizer click/touch pad descriptors (those same descriptors used successfully on Windows 11), the device does nothing. No button, no cursor, no gestures, nothing. Looking at ioreg -filtb, all of the key/value pairs for the driver match look correct. Because, even with the Apple open source IOHIDFamily drivers noted above, we could get little visibility into what might be going wrong, I wrote a custom DriverKit/HIDDriverKit driver extension (DEXT) (as noted above, based on the DTS HID stylus example and the open source IOHIDEventDriver. With that custom driver, I can get a single button click from the click pad to work by dispatching button events to dispatchRelativePointerEvent; however, when parsing, processing, and dispatching HID digitizer touch finger (that is, transducer) events via IOUserHIDEventService::dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent, nothing happens. If I log with: % sudo log stream --info --debug --predicate '(subsystem == "com.apple.iohid")' either using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, we can see that our input events are tickling the IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter HID event filter, so we know HID events are getting from the device into the macOS HID stack. This was further confirmed with the DTS Bluetooth PacketLogger app. Based on these events flowing in and hitting IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter, using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, clicks or click pad activity will either wake the display or system from sleep and activity will keep the display or system from going to sleep. In short, whether with the stock driver or our custom driver, HID input reports come in over Bluetooth and get processed successfully; however, nothing happens—no pointer movement or gesture recognition. STEPS TO REPRODUCE For the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver: Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu. Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu. Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface. Nothing happens. For the our custom driver: Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu. Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu. Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface. Clicks are correctly registered. With transducer movement, regardless of the number of fingers, nothing happens.
Nov ’24
CoreHID and customHID reports
I'm try to use CoreHID to communicate with a usb hid device that sends custom reports. I have been able to create a client, but when I try to access the elements I get this: IOServiceOpen failed: 0xe00002e2 also in: client.monitorNotifications(reportIDsToMonitor: [HIDReportID.allReports], elementsToMonitor: []) {... What do I put into "elementsToMonitor: []" array?
Jul ’24
How to send x,y data from HIDStylusDriver to StylusApp to Pen/Draw
Here is project I am researching: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/hiddriverkit/handling_stylus_input_from_a_human_interface_device I have a Touch screen and I want: can control this screen, I can enable extension and control Touch screen successfully. can pen on this screen. To do this, I need to send X,Y to StylusApp(AppKit) But I Can not send X, Y to Swift StylusApp Eventhough I can log X,Y it by default code: But I don't know how to send it to AppKit to Pen. I have research about communicate Driver and Client: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/driverkit/communicating_between_a_driverkit_extension_and_a_client_app#4324306 but seem HID driver don't support inheritance from IOUserClient:
Jul ’24
iPadOS not registering mouse position or move events to move pointer
For accessibility dev purposes, I am trying to move the iPadOS (17.4) pointer via virtual mouse and keyboard events generated via pynput. All keyboard keys, mouse click events, and scroll events are registered when relayed to the iPad and works as expected, except for mouse position and move events. Is this something iPadOS blocks specifically or is there a work around? Thanks in advance
May ’24
Tracking bluetooth connection from macOS to non-Apple smartphones
Hi! I am trying to figure out whether there are any ways to get notifications when a macOS user connects to another device via Bluetooth (specifically when a smartphone is paired with a MacBook). I know about IOBluetooth, but it seems like you have to send periodic queries for devices when using this framework, and there is no general way to receive such notifications. I know that IOHIDManager may help to track connection with human interface devices such as keyboards, trackpads, joysticks, etc. But is there any API in IOKit/DriverKit that could help get notifications when a macOS user connects to a smartphone? Maybe I am missing an important part of IOBluetooth, so I would appreciate any help.
Apr ’24
USB HID Specifics for Mac OS?
I am currently developing an USB HID Device, specifically a type of Joystick. However it seems that any attempt of getting a joystick to work on Mac do not work. My prototype works perfectly on Windows, being recognised as such and receiving all data. On MacOS, the Joystick is not recognised as a Joystick though, and the OS does not seem to receiver any Input from it whatsoever. I have translated my code to use both Mouse and Keyboard, both work perfectly. I have also tried to have the Joystick identify as a Gamepad, but again, it works on Windows and is not recognised on Mac (is not recognised as a Gamepad). Are there any specific restrictions to HID devices on MacOS? Apple developer only seems to describe specifics from a software standpoint, not from the standpoint of someone developing hardware. And even then it only seems to describe very specific HID devices, such as mouse, keyboard or a stylus. Please also keep in mind that I don't have much experience developing MacOS applications.
Mar ’24