iCloud Drive

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iCloud Drive safely stores any kind of file so it can be accessed in iCloud-enabled apps on iPhone, iPad, Mac, or PC.

Posts under iCloud Drive tag

53 Posts
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app name in iCloud "Manage Storage" list is wrong
Hello: We have a problem and we don't know how to solve it. We have developed the following two App: app1 and app2 Both App have the function of using iCloud.The iCloud container id of app1 and app2 is the same.We use the document storage function of iCloud. We originally planned to share iCloud data in two app, so we used the same iCloud container, and we released app1 and then app2. Due to the slow progress of app2 development, the related functions of iCloud have not been added to the code yet. But we found a problem. In the storage management of "setup", iCloud, the display name of app1 is app2's name, not app1's name. This causes many of our users to delete the iCloud data of the application by mistake, resulting in losses. Now our question is: What caused the name in app1's iCloud storage management list to be displayed as the name of app2? How should it be solved?
Feb ’24
Iphone 13 Pro Max unknown Display
Hello, I'm currently locked out of an old iphone 13 pro max purchased at Apple Store, i've forgotten the icloud account on the device so i can not locate the serial or imei number of the device and i've lost my proof of purchase, the store employee can not access the proof of purchase, the iphone 13 Pro Max is in great condition's. as i turn on the phone it's an Unknown Display. how could i bypass the unknown display or recycle the phone also the phone is running a ios almost 2 year's ago i've payed full price for the device.
Jan ’24
SwiftData, DocumentGroup and iCloud Drive sync
I'm trying to get a document style app, backed by SwiftData going using DocumentGroup. I notice that the sample code allows me to move files to iCloud Drive when selecting a file location for my Document. However, no automatic syncing occurs between two instances of the application, running on the same iCloud account and looking at the same file. One instance of the application will make changes; while the other instance does not see these changes (unless the other changes closes the document and re-open it). I've worked with CoreData+CloudKit sync in the past and this solution required to listen to a silent push notification to receive updates from CloudKit but I cannot find any documentation that explains what needs to be setup for a SwiftData Document-based app to receive such notifications from iCloud Drive. Are there any examples of this working or any documentation that I could refer to in order to get started with this solution?
Jan ’24
Data Loss During iCloud Drive Sync- Do not trust it
In an effort to ensure the safety of my data, I decided to make a backup on iCloud Drive, assuming that this would provide a secure storage solution and an additional copy on my local MacBook Pro. Regrettably, I was not aware that this process would result in the complete loss of all data from my Documents folder on my local machine. Upon reaching out to the iCloud support team, their attempts to assist were unfortunately unsuccessful. I was informed that while there is a slim chance of recovering data by purchasing a larger iCloud Drive, no guarantees could be provided. This revelation left me questioning the reliability and effectiveness of iCloud Drive as a secure data management tool. Furthermore, the explanation provided by the support team regarding the iCloud Drive synchronization process added to my dismay. It appears that iCloud Drive deletes the local Documents folder and replicates it in the cloud, only to recreate a new copy on the local machine afterward. The inherent risks associated with such a mechanism, especially when dealing with large files, are alarming and raise serious concerns about data integrity. I strongly advise against relying on iCloud Drive for substantial data storage. Instead, I recommend using an external hard drive with Time Machine activation for a more reliable backup solution. It is disheartening to realize that Apple's touted iCloud Drive, marketed as a secure tool to prevent data loss, may fall short of its promises, potentially leading users into situations like mine. I urge the iCloud engineering team to reconsider and improve the synchronization process to mitigate the risk of data loss for users. The current system, as I have experienced firsthand, poses significant challenges and lacks the necessary safeguards to protect users from unforeseen circumstances.
Jan ’24
Unable to login to iCloud on Simulator (to test SwiftData sync)
Xcode 15.2. Brand new simulator set up, running 17.2. Brand new AppleID, and have logged in and accepted terms. Totally unable to login to iCloud on the Simulator to test iCloud syncing. There are numerous threads dating back 6 years plus of people having issues logging in to iCloud on the Simulator. Seems like it's still an issue. I have tried every solution. Existing AppleID. New AppleID. Logged into iCloud on Safari on Desktop and Simulator to check for unaccepted terms. Still get the commonly reported Sign-in page sitting spinning endlessly. Checked Console for errors and only things that seem possibly related are: com.apple.shortcuts CloudKitSync info 13:41:04.506714+0000 siriactionsd -[VCCKShortcutSyncCoordinator updateAccountStatusAndUserRecordID]_block_invoke Not fetching current user record ID because iCloud account is not available Is it really still the case that logging in to iCloud on a Simulator, to test sign on or iCloud sync is still horribly broken, and has been for over 6 years?
Jun ’24
iCloud Drive
/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9DBD5CCD-36A9-4496-93FB-B8EBD679E934/Documents/godai_2024-01-16_09-34-11-445/photo_2024-01-16_09-34-11-452.json..in this debug console folder name "godai_2024-01-16_09-34-11-445" is shown but in iCloud Drive folder name change into example ..how can to fix this issue ??
Jan ’24
Access file from File app works inside my application, but doesn't work if I launch my app from the File app
Hi! I've got an application that can handle json (export/import). To achieve that I created a new Document Type in the info.plist, filed the imported and exported Type Identifiers, and created a new UTType. At first I was trying on the simulator and everything worked fine. I was able to created files and store them in the File app, and then read them back. I also implemented the func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) to handle documents opened from outside the application. Now when I moved on onto a real device, I noticed that I had to test the access with guard url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else { throw ImportError.accessDenied } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } but I get a weird behavior : when opening a file from File app with my app launched, everything works fine. But if I try to launch my application (previously killed) from a file in the File app, startAccessingSecurityScopedResource always returns false I tried to add the NSFileCoordinator().coordinate(readingItemAt: url, error: &error) { (url) in but I get the same behavior. I guess my files and UTType are correctly declared as I only see them from inside the `UIDocumentPickerViewController`` and from the File app, I see my application in the share sheet What am I missing here ? Thanks
Jan ’24
UIDocumentPickerViewController with type .folder won't give access to files inside selected folder
Hi, I followed the instructions here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/view_controllers/providing_access_to_directories but when trying to get access to each file inside the selected folder (tried iCloud and iPhone) it always fails. Instead, if I specify a type of file on the Controller (say .audio) I can read the file fine... Did anything change which is not documented in that page? Do I have to set any other permission or capability? (I have iCloud Documents) Thanks!!
Dec ’23
Download and upload
Hi I'm confused. Today my icloud drive folder started downloading files to my macbook. These files were stored in the cloud. There was a cloud icon with a down arrow next to them. Now over 11 gigabytes of files have now downloaded from the cloud. The icon is gone. Consequently, they have been uploaded to the macbook. How do I get them back into the cloud ? I'm confused about the actions and icons.
Nov ’23
GameKit - iCloud Sign In Error
Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement matchmaking in visionOS using GameKit and GameCenter. I'm following the example project that been shared but I get an error. Error: The requested operation could not be completed because you are not signed in to iCloud.. I'm getting this error as a result of matchmaking. I'm already logged in to iCloud in Vision Pro Simulator. I've tried to switch off-on every related settings but didn't work. I'm using latest Xcode Dev Beta and visionOS Beta v6. Would you mind share me any workaround? Regards, Melih
Jan ’24
startAccessingSecurityScopedResource always returns false for files in iCloud Drive folder
Hello, I am trying to use the SwiftUI fileImporter to get the URL of a direcotry and access it for the files in it. If I follow the document( Access the directory’s content ) and use url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource for each file, it always returns false. but this seems to be different from the documentation. If the current behavior is correct, will the documentation be updated in the future? Related: Access all files in UIDocumentPick… | Apple Developer Forums I asked this question because I am concerned that if I remove the standardAccessingSecurityScopedResource to match the current situation, the standardAccessingSecurityScopedResource may become necessary due to future iOS updates. Also, is there any way to know if the status of the AccessingSecurityScopedResource? It would be helpful if we could callstartAcesingSecurityScopedResource only when needed. Thanks Here is a sample code @main struct SampleApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var isShowingImportFolder = false @State private var isShowingImportFile = false var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 48) { Button("Read Folder") { isShowingImportFolder = true } .fileImporter(isPresented: $isShowingImportFolder, allowedContentTypes: [.folder]) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): processDirectory(url) case .failure(let error): print("failed. error: \(error)") } } Button("Read File") { isShowingImportFile = true } .fileImporter(isPresented: $isShowingImportFile, allowedContentTypes: [.data]) { result in switch result { case .success(let url): readFile(url) case .failure(let error): print("failed. error: \(error)") } } } } private func processDirectory(_ directory: URL) { guard directory.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else { fatalError("failed. directory.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource") } defer { directory.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } var error: NSError? NSFileCoordinator().coordinate(readingItemAt: directory, error: &error) { url in let urls = try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey]) urls.lazy .filter { !$0.hasDirectoryPath } .forEach { readFile($0) } } } private func readFile(_ url: URL) { guard url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else { print("failed access. \(url.path)") return } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url) print("file.path: \(url.path()), size: \(data.count)") // read file... } }
Mar ’24
iCloud contact API "https://api.icloud.com/contacts/v1/me/contacts" is not working for accessing contacts information.
I'm able to get the access token by utilizing the "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token" API. However, when obtaining contact data from the iCloud API at "https://api.icloud.com/contacts/v1/me/contacts" using the same access token. I'm not getting any response. I'm not sure whether the API is operational and live. Or please suggest if there any other API for fetching iCloud contacts. Additionally, I consistently receive a "invalid_scope" error when utilizing scope contacts with the "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize" API.
Nov ’23
iCloud.com app access
Apple has consolidated users iCloud data into iCloud.com. our app uses iCloud to sync data between iOS devices - iPad and iPhone using Core Data and iCloud Documents. But, this data is not posted on iCloud.com. It would be very useful, especially when iCloud fails to sync. When Apple does an Upgrade, say going from iOs 16to 17 and no way to retrieve the data. Any other developers concur?
Sep ’23
Desktop files lost when I disconnected iCloud
My iCloud storage was full, and I noticed my MacBook was backing up to iCloud, which I didn't know - we just thought we were using iCloud backup for our iPhones. So to free up space, I disconnected iCloud from my MacBook - when I did, everything saved on my desktop disappeared. The issue is that iCloud was full, so these files weren't backed up - now they are just gone. They aren't in my deleted items folder and they aren't in iCloud. I don't understand why disconnecting iCloud from my MacBook would permanently remove files that were saved on my desktop. Does anyone know if there is a way to restore files from the desktop in a situation like this?
Sep ’23