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Create app extensions that lets users send text, stickers, media files, and interactive messages using Messages.

Posts under Messages tag

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Messages showing old Link Preview title and image, despite long updated meta/og tags
About 8 or 9 months ago now, we changed our open graph meta tags on, but since then, the Messages and Mail apps have been showing our old og:image and og:title values, which points to our old company name / brand. Any suggestions on what could be causing this? As far as I can tell, everything is setup correctly, best practices are being followed, etc, but Apple's bot scraper hasn't picked up these changes (for a long time). What is expected? Open The Link Preview shown in that tool is how it SHOULD look. What we've confirmed / debugged so far: These meta tags are served as static html from our server, no javascript is needed to generate them. We have followed the advice on Apple's Best Practices site, according to this doc, everything should work: We have confirmed correct behavior using facebooks debug tool Our meta tags <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" prefix="og:"> <head> <meta property="og:title" content="High-quality hearing aids with expert care." /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> </head>
Aug ’23
Cannot select sticker as a category for my app
Hi, I am unable to select Sticker as either a primary or secondary category for my app on the appstoreconnect. My app has a main app and an iMessage extension that revolves around the use of stickers (for iMessage). Looks like the person in the thread below was able to solve their issue by uploading their build first before selecting a category but that did not work for me. I assume their issue was fixed from the solution because they submitted an app that was just an iMessage sticker pack while my app has a main app and my iMessage sticker portion is not the templated iMessage sticker pack but an iMessage extension that sends stickers. Any help would be amazing, thanks!
Aug ’23
support and guidence
Subject: In Search of Swift Mentorship Hello Community, I'm Abdallah, a self-taught iOS developer with a solid understanding of the basics. However, I'm at a point in my learning where I need some real-world experience to truly refine my skills. I'm seeking an experienced Swift developer for personalized mentorship and guidance. I'm ready to invest my time, and I'm open to compensating for yours. I believe this will be a significant step for my growth as an IOS developer. If you're interested or can recommend someone, please let me know. I'm excited about this next phase of my journey and eager to contribute to actual projects. Best, Abdallah
Aug ’23
Send iMessage AND Text (SMS) from the Command Line
This code sends a text message from the command line on run {targetBuddyPhone, targetMessage}   tell application "Messages"     set targetService to 1st service whose service type = SMS      set targetBuddy to buddy targetBuddyPhone of targetService     send targetMessage to targetBuddy   end tell end run  And this code sends an iMessage from the command line on run {targetBuddyPhone, targetMessage}   tell application "Messages"     set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage     set targetBuddy to buddy targetBuddyPhone of targetService     send targetMessage to targetBuddy   end tell end run  I’m looking for a solution to combine this code into a single snippet that will try to send an iMessage if the recipient has iMessages, but if they do not, then the code will send a SMS message.
Jul ’23
Quick Reply payload giving error
When trying to trigger Quick reply payload, Apple is returning 400 response without any info what is missing. I have followed the documentation given so cannot find what attribute is missing. Can anyone help share a working payload for: Quick reply Payload 2.Agent-To-User Typing Payload I was using "sourceId": "{{source-id}}", "destinationId": "{{urn-id}}", "v": 1, "type": "interactive", "id": "49384592-0742-481b-b072-a8b66e4336a1", "interactiveData": { "bid": "", "data": { "mspVersion": "1.0", "requestIdentifier": "aae65b3f-9e5d-4ac8-a99a-4708d841524f", "quick-reply": { "summaryText": " What can I help you with?", "items": [ { "identifier": "1", "title": "Watch our video" }, { "identifier": "2", "title": "Watch video" } ] } }, "receivedMessage": { "style": "large", "subtitle": "Farm fresh to you", "title": "Select Produce", "imageIdentifier": "101" }, "replyMessage": { "style": "small", "title": "this is title", "subtitle": "Subtitle to be displayed under title", "imageIdentifier": "2" } } }
Jul ’23
Unable to register custom URL for MessagesExtension app
I'm trying to authenticate with a OAuth2.0 service when my MessagesExtension app loads. I see that one of the parameters the service requires is a redirect_uri, which will pass back an authorization code to my application through the redirect callback. However, I'm unable to provide a redirect_uri that will invoke my application since MessagesExtension applications do not have an appDelegate. Is it just not possible to authenticate with services requiring a redirect_uri with a MessagesExtension application?
Jul ’23