Reality Converter

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Convert, view, and customize USDZ 3D objects on Mac using Reality Converter.

Posts under Reality Converter tag

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Workflow Suggestions from Blender to Reality Composer
Are there any good tutorials or suggestions on creating models in Blender and exporting with the associated materials and nodes? Specifically I'm looking to see if there is an ability to export translucency associated with an object (i.e. glass bottle). I have created a simple cube with a Principled BSDF shader, but the transmission and IOR settings are not porting over. Any tips or suggestions would be helpful.
Oct ’23
Reality Converter, problem converting usdz file with multiple animation
Hello, I created in Blender a simple cube with 2 animations, one animation move up and down the cube and second one rotating cube on his position. I exported this file in glb format and I tried to converted using Reality Converter, unfortunately I can only see 1 animation. Is there any limitation of Reality Converter? Can I include more than 1 animation? The original file glb has the 2 animation inside, as you can see from the screenshot I checked the file using a online viewer for glb and there are no problem, both animations are in. The converter unfortunately see only the last one created. Any reason or explanation? I believe is a limitation on Reality Converter Regards
Sep ’23
Exported .usdz scenes are not compatible with common tools
If you have a scene with a simple custom .usda material applied to a primitive like a cube, the exported (.usdz) material definition is unknown for tools like Reality Converter Version 1.0 (53) or Blender Version 3.6.1. Reality Converter shows up some warnings "Missing references in USD file", "Invalid USD shader node in USD file". Even Reality Composer Pro is unable to recreate the material correct with it's own exported .usdz files. Feedback: FB12699421
Aug ’23
Reality Converter "unexpected error, please fix any other errors"
I'm trying to convert GLB file to USDZ using Reality Converter. According to Khronos gltf validator, it is valid without warnings. The file contains single animation. It is possible to get any more information about error that happened than this? The file I'm trying to convert is (I cannot attach it here because limit is 244.140625Kb...) The workaround to get this conversion working is to remove the animation, or change order or objects. Removing animation is not an option, and changing order of objects is bit of a magic solution that cannot really be automated without understanding what is happening I've downloaded Reality Converter from here today, so I assume that is latest version
Sep ’23
Is the usdzconvert(usdpython) of Apple open source?
I can only download usdpython from following website: And where could I get the various versions of the usdpython? Is the usdzconvert(usdpython) of Apple open source? Because I wanna learn how Apple achieves the conversion from GLTF to USDZ because I'm currently using version 0.66, and I feel that the conversion of GLTF features is not quite sufficient.
Oct ’23
USD particles not supported in RealityKit with iOS (*not VisionOS*)
RealityKit doesn't appear to support particles. After exporting particles from Blender 4.0.1, in standard .usdz format, the particle system renders correctly in Finder and Reality Converter, but when loaded into and anchored in RealityKit...nothing happens. This appears to be a bug in RealityKit. I tried one or more particle instances and nothing renders.
Nov ’23
Exporting models from Maya to SceneKit with animation
I am trying to use my animated model in XCode with SceneKit. I exported my model from Maya with Animation Data in .usd format, then converted it to .usdz with Reality Converter. When I open it in XCode viewer it is animated and everything is fine. However when I try to use it in my app it doesn't animate. On the other hand, when I try with the robot_walk_idle model from Apple's example models, it is animated. Maybe I am missing a option in export settings. Thanks for any help. import SwiftUI import SceneKit struct ModelView: View { var body: some View{ VStack{ SceneView(scene: SCNScene(named: "robot_walk_idle.usdz")) } } }
Dec ’23
Multiple root level objects Error [USDZ/Reality Composer Pro]
Hey everyone, I'm running into this issue of my USDZ model not showing up in Reality Composer Pro, exported from Blender as a USD and converted in Reality Converter. See Attached image: It's strange, because the USDz model appears fine in Previews. But once it is brought inside RCP, I receive this pop up, and does not appear. Not sure how to resolve this multiple root level issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction or any feedback, all is much appreciated! Thank you!
Dec ’23
USDZ file not working
I'm working on a project wherein RealityKit for iOS will be used to display 3D files (USDZ) in a real-world environment. The model will also need to animate differently depending on which button is pressed. When using models that are downloaded from various websites or via Apple QuickLook, the code functions well. I can hold the animation in place and click a button to play it. Unfortunately, although the model (through blender) my team provided is animating in SceneKit, it does not play at all when left in the real world, not even when a button is pressed. I checked RealityKit USDZ tool, and found usdz file is not valid, they are not figure out whats wrong. Could you please help me figure out what's wrong with my USDZ file? Working USDZ: My file:
Feb ’24
Converting a Unity model / prefab to UDZ
We are porting a iOS Unity AR app to native visionOS. Ideally, we want to re-use our AR models in both applications. These AR models are rather simple. But still, converting them manually would be time-consuming, especially when it gets to the shaders. Is anyone aware of any attempts to write conversion tools for this? Maybe in other ecosystems like Godot or Unreal, where folks also want to convert the proprietary Unity format to something else? I've seen there's an FBX converter, but this would not care for shaders or particles. I am basically looking for something like the Polyspatial-internal conversion tools, but without the heavy weight of all the rest of Unity. Alternatively, is there a way to export a Unity project to visionOS and then just take the models out of the Xcode project?
Mar ’24
USDZ + ShaderGraphMaterial not working?
I'm trying to make a simple demo of using ShaderGraphMaterial in a USDZ file that I can preview on Mac and VisionOS but I'm having trouble. In Reality Composer, I make a sphere, then assign a ShaderGraphMaterial to the material, with a simple diffuse color (green) input. When I save the file as .usda, it displays as a gray sphere on mac rather than the green sphere shown in reality composer. If I then convert to usdz using Reality Converter, I get a warning on import: "Shader nodes must have “id” as the implementationSource, with id values that begin with “Usd”. Also, shader inputs with connections must each have a single, valid connection source." And the exported .usdz also shows as a gray sphere. Is there a simple demo of a .usda file using ShaderGraphMaterial that displays on Mac, iOS, and VisionOS that I can look at to see how it looks internally? My actual problem is creating usdz / usda files on visionOS for viewing on iOS / Mac / VisionOS.. but the first step is showing it's possible to even use ShaderGraphMaterial across all platforms. Thanks
Mar ’24
Adding 2D PNG to Reality Composer Pro
I've got a couple 2D PNG assets that I want to add to a scene made of a couple other udsz files in RCP (picture adding a couple 2D videogame characters to a simple 3D diorama). When I try to drag the PNGs to the workspace or the file tree…nothing happens. I found a walkthrough on Medium (called "Importing and Exporting Personalized Objects for Augmented Reality: Reality Composer and SwiftUI" for those curious as I can't link to Medium posts here) that makes it look like users could do this with simple drag-and-drop. The Medium post is from June 2023, and in the screenshots RCP visually looks a lot more like Reality Composer on iPad, so I'm assuming it's changed a lot since then? Is there still a way to do this? I've tried adding the 2D elements to a scene with Blenders "import images as planes," but I'm getting weird halos around them and was hoping RCP could make the process a bit easier/cleaner.
Mar ’24
Convert .reality into USDZ
Hey Everyone, this is like my first post here in the apple forum. I need your help to understand better Reality Kit and file exports, but let me explain. I'm trying to create a little 3D Object editor, and it looks like to work pretty well using RealityViews and managing materials on the Entity. I'm currently working with all the Beta Apis and I would like to export my entity into an .usdz or a .obj file. I've found a method that allows me to create a .Reality File let path = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0].appendingPathComponent("model.reality") try await self.appState.parentEntity.write(to: path) but I now I don't know how to convert it into a .usdz or a .obj file, or otherwise any standard 3d format. Do you have any idea on how could I do? Thankyou so much! Have a nice day ^^