Safari is the web browser developed by Apple and built into all Apple devices.

Posts under Safari tag

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Toolbar Button Icons are Blue
All of my third party extensions have blue icons now, in Safari 14.0. It looks pretty awful. Is there a way to keep the monochrome colors or a way for us, as developers, to provide a different kind of icon to sustain the monochrome colors for our extensions? I am assuming the blue color denotes something, like the extension being "active". I wasn't able to find documentation on this change nor any related api doc.
Sep ’23
MediaRecorder stop event is not trigger on safari iOS
I'm trying to record my screen (canvas) on iPad safari with the new experiential media recorder support. I got the mediaRecorder object and it triggers the start event but the issue is whenever mediaRecored record blob it will not trigger the stop event. It is working fine of MAC Safari but on iPad Safari I'm getting this issue. Is there any ways to get the stop event so mediaRecorder fire ondataavailable method after stop on iPad Safari?
Aug ’23
iOS 14 Universal Links broken on default browser other than Safari
On iOS 14 you can pick another default browser than Safari. If you use another browser, that browser will ask the user to change their default browser.  I have installed quite a few browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Brave...) and have set each of them as my default one. Problem comes when I try to open a Universal Link (which was working just fine when Safari was the default browser), which seems to just not work. With Safari as default browser, the Universal Link would work, and the corresponding native app was getting opened. However, with any other browser different from Safari set as default, the feature is broken and the Universal Link doesn't open the native app. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Why might this happen and how might this be solved? Any help is very much welcomed
Jul ’23
Safari extension distributed in a notarized app with Developer ID rejected by the browser
Hi folks, We're building a Safari web extension and experiencing an issue to see it among extensions in Safari after installing the container app to /Applications and launching it. The app and extension is notarized and signed with Developer ID After an extensive investigation, we found the following log records in the Console app (the extension ID is redacted): Computing the code signing dictionary failed for extension with identifier com.youcompany.safariext Blocking extension with identifier: com.youcompany.safariext To debug the issue, we've created a HelloWorld-like extension generated by Xcode 12.2 beta 4 (http s:// contains a signed app bundle) It also is under the same code signing issue. According to, we've run a few checks to verify: code signature ➜	Desktop codesign -vvv --deep --strict ./					 ...-prepared:/Users/nikolay/Desktop/ Extension.appex ...-validated:/Users/nikolay/Desktop/ Extension.appex ... ./ valid on disk ./ satisfies its Designated Requirement signing certificate ➜	Desktop spctl -vvv --assess --type exec ./		 ./ accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID secure timestamp ... Timestamp=25 Nov 2020 at 22:23:54 ... We seemed to have all checks good, the extension can be installed only if Safari is allowed to run unsigned extensions. Could anyone assist to debug/resolve this issue? Thanks
Jan ’24
web application background sync
My understanding is that the iOS service worker does not support background sync or a periodic sync. ( if this is not true please point me to the documentation that describes the support of these features... ) High level use case. My users of my app will be filling out forms during the day while off line ( out of cell phone coverage )... then at the end of the day they will travel back into coverage at which point the WEB app would automatically send those POSTS without User interaction. How would you accomplish this on an iOS device... ( key is without having to relaunch the app ) thank you
Oct ’23
Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome)
When using the command open in the terminal, there seems to be this weird issue/behavior where if run to open a specific application (in this case Safari) where my current default browser is Chrome, the following command would open up in both Safari and my default browser. open -a /Application/ Opening up a different browser, such as Firefox does not have this issue. In that case, only the specified application does run as expected. open -a /Application/ open -a Firefox Is this a bug or a desired effect? (Tested macOS 11.4)
Oct ’23
Sharing the original URL in iOS Safari via the browser's share button
Currently in iOS Safari and Chrome, when you share a link via the share button, the link that gets copied is the canonical URL. The site that I am working on has a different website listed as the canonical URL (it's a requirement that can't be changed). Is it possible to force iOS Safari and Chrome so copy my website's original URL, instead of the canonical URL? My canonical urls are included in my site via the following tag: <link rel="canonical" href="">
Aug ’23
Azure DevOps (TFS) in Safari keeps asking password
After upgrading to macOS Monterey, Safari keeps showing authentication prompts for the on-premises Azure DevOps instance. Interesting that I can keep pressing the cancel button on the login form, and it works. In other browsers (Microsoft Edge, Chrome), all works fine -- I enter login/password one time and it never asks me again. In the browser tab, I see that the /connect request got stuck, but I don't know how to troubleshoot it further. Any suggestions? Environment information: macOS version: 12.0.1 Safari version: 15.1 Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.1
Sep ’23
MediaRecorder onstop callback doesn't get called in iOS15
Hi, I'm using MediaRecorder for screen recording of canvas , along with audio. simplified code to implement screen recorder //intialise stream const canvas = document.querySelector('.main-canvas'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); for (let track of canvas.captureStream().getTracks()) { stream.addTrack(track); } recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); chunks = []; recorder.ondataavailable = ({ data }) => { if (data) chunks.push(data); }; recorder.start(); recorder.onstop = () => { const videoBlob = new Blob(chunks, { type: 'video/mp4' }); chunks = [] //stop mic access after use try{ for (let track of stream.getTracks()) { track?.stop(); } }catch(e){} return videoBlob; } so when i call recorder.stop() , the recorder.onstop method is not getting called sometimes randomly. And also in case when recorder.onstop is not called , recorder.ondataavailable is not called even a single time,So it returns empty Blob output. This only occurs in iOS 15 device's , it occurs randomly 40% of the times. Is there any workaround for this, or what is cause of this issue? Thanks in advance
Oct ’23
Audio playlist autoplaying queue.
Greetings to all fellow front-end coders. I have quite a headache because of Apple's autoplay policy. As you've probably experienced, you can't autoplay a video / audio element with sound without user interaction. (I'm referring to this) I'm currently trying to create my own music web application that will support playlists. I work with the Next.js framework and use react-player as player. Since it does not natively support playlists, I created a two-player pendulum system, where one plays the current sound file and the other loads the next. Then their roles change. Everything works great in all browsers, except those on iOS, because this player uses autoplay to start playing. I've been worried about this for several days. I've already thought about letting an Apple product users press play button every time a song changes as a punishment, but of course it's not a good solution. I think a lot of you have encountered this and you have certainly found a solution. Please help me :(
Sep ’23
Browser.permissions.request not working as expected
Hi there - I am trying to port over Chrome extension over to Safari Web extension. Looks like Safari has a very aggressive permissions flow which isn't a great user experience but I get the privacy benefits. I am trying to move some of my permissions like <all_urls> or tabs as optional permissions and build a flow where I can request the user for them in hopes that i can educate them as to why I need them similar to how Chrome/FF have it. However when i use browser.permissions.request - i always end up getting true without invoking the prompt. The prompt seems to come up regardless when i start visiting a website. Can someone help with this? Sounds more like a defect in Safari.
May ’24 slow/unresponsive after a few minutes from logging in
Whenever I'm on this site on Safari and I log in, after a little while pages will load very very slow or not at all and reeplies to posts will fail over and over. In general this website becomes unusable under safari and upon restarting (i can't just log out because that won't work either) Safari, everything works again. This affects the documentation pages too, not just the forums. So I'll quit, log in, try to put in my post as fast as possible before I can't anymore. I usually copy and paste my post before hitting submit incase my time has ran out.
Oct ’23
[Safari Extension Dev] Return from browser.scripting.executeScript is always null?
I'm using manifest v3 and working on a Safari extension. When I try to run a function within activeTab. I can not get the proper return from the the function. For example: browser.scripting.executeScript({ target:{}, func:()=>'test', }).then(result=>{ console.log('result',result) }) Here the result is always null. Is it a bug? Nothing wrong with permission settings because if I use files instead of func, the return value works properly. Safari: Version 16.1 (18614. macOS 13.0 Beta Xcode: Version 14.0 beta 5 Thanks
Oct ’23
Standalone PWA slow performance on iOS 16
I'm currently developing a React (non Native) PWA. It runs perfectly fine on Safari but if I add it to the home screen to run it on standalone mode the performance is much worse. I've had this issue on the iOS 16 betas and now on the official release too. If I go into Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data the performance improves but only for a while. Any ideas what could be causing this?
Aug ’23
SameSite cookie in Safari web extension
I'm porting a Chrome extension to Safari. All works well besides the auth flow, which uses SameSite=Strict cookies. On Chrome, such cookies are easily set and work as expected, but not on Safari. Now, as I understand, technically, requests from chrome-extension:// and safari-web-extension:// origins are cross-site in relation to the server, which makes me think that on Chrome, the SameSite=Strict attribute is simply ignored as an exception for extensions. With that said, the backend team wants to keep the attribute for security reasons and so removing it or replacing it with SameSite=None isn't an option. Is this an intended behavior of Safari or a bug? Is there a way to get around this without changing the attribute?
Jul ’23
Safari returns 0 for --safe-area-inset-bottom when the toolbar is hidden
Safari is returning 0 for --safe-area-inset-bottom when I use getComptutedStyle method on Iphones running on ios +15 both on portrait and landscape mode when the toolbar is hidden. I can guess that it's desired when the address bar is on the bottom and is hidden, however, is it supposed to return 0 when the address bar is set to be on the top (like on the ios versions -15) and the toolbar is hidden? Is it intended or an overlook from Safari? Comparison between versions: Safari ios14 hidden top toolbar portrait --safe-area-inset-bottom : 34, Safari ios14 hidden top toolbar landscape --safe-area-inset-bottom: 21 Safari ios 15+ hidden top toolbar portrait --safe-area-inset-bottom : 0, Safari ios 15+ hidden top toolbar landscape --safe-area-inset-bottom: 0
Aug ’23
Unable to set image in media sessions metadata
Open Open browser console Paste this code: navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ title: "11111111111", artist: "222222222", album: "3333333333", artwork: [ { src: "" } ]}); Open Now playing widget. Title, artist, album is set correctly. Cover not set. macOS 13.0.1 (22A400) Safari 16.1 (18614. Note! In macOS 12.6.1 Safari 15.6.1 (17613. all works as expected.
Nov ’23