Xcode Previews

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Create an app UI and configure almost everything your users see using Xcode Previews.

Posts under Xcode Previews tag

155 Posts
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Previews doesn't work in package target's subdirectory
I'm trying to preview a view from a swift package which is located in one of the target's directory subdirectories: . ├── Package.swift ├── README.md └── Sources 		└── SatelitUI 				└── Views 						└── MenuBar.swift When I'm previewing a view from the MenuBar.swift file I'm getting following error: NoBuildableEntriesError: active scheme does not build this file Select a scheme that builds a target which contains the current file, or add this file to a target that is built by the current scheme. Which is unexpected because the file should be a part of the SatelitUI target. The thing is it works just fine if I move it into the root target's directory (SatelitUI).
Xcode Previews doesn't work when used in a package that imports other packages.
I keep getting a Xcode Previews error in Xcode 12 from a package that imports other packages. As soon as I remove the dependency I'm able to see the SwiftUI preview. I'm only able to use previews in packages that have no dependencies The error I get is: "LoadingError: failed to load library at path...Library not loaded " then it point to the dependency that it could not load in the current package. How can I access Xcode Previews from a package that depends on other packages?
Sep ’23
LinkDylibError when previewing SwiftUI view from a package.
I have two (local) Swift packages (both with a single library product): RemoteImage, which defines setImage(from:) function on UIImageView and SatelitUI package which directly depends on the first one and defines some views. But when I'm trying to preview views from the second package I'm getting the following error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) LinkDylibError: Failed to build TrailerView.swift Linking failed: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks-iphonesimulator' Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:   "(extension in RemoteImage):__C.UIImageView.setImage(from: Foundation.URL?) -> ()", referenced from:       (extension in SatelitUI_PreviewReplacement_TrailerView_2):SatelitUI.TrailerView.(previewupdate in _8C3731B0EF007627509BEEB93277D681)(with: SatelitUI.Trailer?) -> () in TrailerView.2.preview-thunk.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Apparently, Xcode fails to link the library from the first package because it's dynamic. Static linking works as expected. It's a bug I believe?
SwiftUI Preview Sheet w/o Running Live Preview?
(Cross post from: Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64096402/swiftui-preview-sheet-w-o-running-live-preview) Is it possible to create a SwiftUI preview of a presented sheet without running the Live Preview? For example: struct Sheet_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Text("Background").sheet(isPresented: .constant(true)) { Text("Sheet") } } } The above results in the following preview: (See image 1 on Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64096402/swiftui-preview-sheet-w-o-running-live-preview) In order for the sheet content to be presented in the preview, you must run the Live Preview: (See image 2 on Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64096402/swiftui-preview-sheet-w-o-running-live-preview)
Jul ’23
Widget SwiftUI previews failure when adding a dependency
Repro steps: Create new project Create WidgetKit extension (verify that previews work) Create dummy framework (verify that previews still work) Link dummy framework to the widget extension At that point, preview stops working with the following error: "RemoteHumanReadableError ProcessError: Failed to launch widget extension: The operation couldn’t be completed. (CHSErrorDomain error 1050.)" What can I do to make this work?
Sep ’23
Landmarks Tutorial. Preview doesn't work
Hi everyone, I'm trying to follow the Landmarks project tutorial and got stuck in the second part, in the second section (Create the Row View), step 6 where it says "Modify the text view to use the landmark property’s name." This must be done in the LandmarkRow.swift file. https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/building-lists-and-navigation The tutorial shows that after doing this, the preview will display the name of the landmark (Turtle Rock) instead of the usual "Hello world" greeting. But my replacement is not happening. Moreover, from this point on, the preview stops working. There are no error messages in the code, except for the message that the preview could not be performed. I checked and rewrote the code several times, replaced the data source files, but nothing helped. At the same time, the preview works well in other view files. I can't figure out what's wrong with my code? Any ideas as to what the reason will be is appreciated. Below is the code of two files, the LandmarkRow.swift, where view does not work, the second is ModelData.swift and it is related to the previous one. LandmarkRow.swift import SwiftUI struct LandmarkRow: View {     var landmark: Landmark     var body: some View {         HStack {             landmark.image                 .resizable()                 .frame(width: 50, height: 50)             Text(landmark.name)             Spacer()         }     } } struct LandmarkRow_Previews: PreviewProvider {     static var previews: some View {         LandmarkRow(landmark: landmarks[0])     } } ModelData.swift import Foundation var landmarks: [Landmark] = load("landmarkData.json") func loadT: Decodable(_ filename: String) - T {     let data: Data     guard let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil)     else {         fatalError("Couldn't find \(filename) in main bundle")     }     do {         data = try Data(contentsOf: file)     } catch {         fatalError("Couldn't load \(filename) from main bundle:\n\(error)")     }     do {         let decoder = JSONDecoder()         return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)     } catch {         fatalError("Couldn't parse \(filename) as \(T.self):\n\(error)")     } }
Sep ’23
SwiftUI preview failing with failedToGenerateThunkInfo
I have an iOS app by using a swift package to hold most of the logic. However, the previews of SwiftUI views often fail with following error: HumanReadableSwiftError BuildError: failedToGenerateThunkInfo(Error Domain=com.apple.xcbuild Code=19 "could not generate preview info: noTargetBuildGraph" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=could not generate preview info: noTargetBuildGraph}) To reproduce this, please clone https://github.com/pointfreeco/isowords and check for preview of ChangelogView.
Apr ’24
mocOS crashes and reboots while using Simulator
Every time I work with Xcode Simulator or SwiftUI's Xcode Previews my Mac freezes and reboots. I get below report after restart: panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7fae0e7505): "Submission on work queue 33 failed due to insufficient space!\n" @IGGuC.cpp:2899 Panicked task 0xffffff95219449c0: 4 threads: pid 1358: SimMetalHost Backtrace (CPU 1), panicked thread: 0xffffff9520c88540, Frame : Return Address 0xffffffe5a9882de0 : 0xffffff8015a81c8d 0xffffffe5a9882e30 : 0xffffff8015be1596 0xffffffe5a9882e70 : 0xffffff8015bd0963 0xffffffe5a9882ec0 : 0xffffff8015a21a70 0xffffffe5a9882ee0 : 0xffffff8015a8205d 0xffffffe5a9883000 : 0xffffff8015a81816 0xffffffe5a9883060 : 0xffffff8016315163 0xffffffe5a9883150 : 0xffffff7fae0e7505 0xffffffe5a9883160 : 0xffffff7fae05ecf7 0xffffffe5a9883250 : 0xffffff7fae084844 0xffffffe5a9883280 : 0xffffff7fae08f6e5 0xffffffe5a98832f0 : 0xffffff7fae9d75b7 0xffffffe5a9883330 : 0xffffff7fae06c73d 0xffffffe5a9883350 : 0xffffff7fae06cb5d 0xffffffe5a98833c0 : 0xffffff7fae09b89e 0xffffffe5a98835e0 : 0xffffff7fae070ed4 0xffffffe5a9883620 : 0xffffff7fae9ed118 0xffffffe5a9883650 : 0xffffff7fae070b00 0xffffffe5a9883690 : 0xffffff7fae9ed2a7 0xffffffe5a98836d0 : 0xffffff7fae9ed996 0xffffffe5a9883970 : 0xffffff7fae0714f4 0xffffffe5a98839a0 : 0xffffff7fae9ee8f1 0xffffffe5a9883a30 : 0xffffff7fae9ec94b 0xffffffe5a9883a90 : 0xffffff7fae9ec741 0xffffffe5a9883ae0 : 0xffffff7fae9eb81d 0xffffffe5a9883b20 : 0xffffff7fae071137 0xffffffe5a9883b60 : 0xffffff8016283a8c 0xffffffe5a9883cc0 : 0xffffff8015b872e6 0xffffffe5a9883dd0 : 0xffffff8015a5c9ab 0xffffffe5a9883e60 : 0xffffff8015a731f9 0xffffffe5a9883ef0 : 0xffffff8015bb35aa 0xffffffe5a9883fa0 : 0xffffff8015a22256 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2(462.8)[F0D1B5AF-356A-3F86-8829-8F00218602CB]@0xffffff7fae9a6000->0xffffff7faea10fff dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity(1.0.5)[2B96E04B-E2A5-3296-AF14-6A766880A652]@0xffffff80171a1000->0xffffff80171c2fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597)[BBEE13AB-2291-37D9-AAE4-9E565E8950A5]@0xffffff7faeb3f000->0xffffff7faeb6dfff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[654ABF9D-EB24-3B64-AB1C-EC2AC8357192]@0xffffff8018624000->0xffffff801864ffff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOReportFamily(47)[5578189C-7C1D-3158-B357-F8D6A216DCE1]@0xffffff8018661000->0xffffff8018663fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSurface(302.14)[F0BF8EFA-AA35-37B5-B3AB-A8BCF5E62024]@0xffffff8018794000->0xffffff80187b0fff com.apple.driver.AppleIntelKBLGraphics(18.0.7)[1A72DE92-F799-3EFF-8AD4-B662C53C36AD]@0xffffff7fae059000->0xffffff7fae117fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2(462.8)[F0D1B5AF-356A-3F86-8829-8F00218602CB]@0xffffff7fae9a6000->0xffffff7faea10fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(597)[BBEE13AB-2291-37D9-AAE4-9E565E8950A5]@0xffffff7faeb3f000->0xffffff7faeb6dfff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[654ABF9D-EB24-3B64-AB1C-EC2AC8357192]@0xffffff8018624000->0xffffff801864ffff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSurface(302.14)[F0BF8EFA-AA35-37B5-B3AB-A8BCF5E62024]@0xffffff8018794000->0xffffff80187b0fff Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff9520c88540): SimMetalHost (iPhone 12: default Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Mac OS version: 21F79 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:22 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 3C587984-4004-3C76-8ADF-997822977184 KernelCache slide: 0x0000000015800000 KernelCache base: 0xffffff8015a00000 Kernel slide: 0x0000000015810000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8015a10000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8015900000 System model name: Macmini8,1 (Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C) System shutdown begun: NO Hibernation exit count: 0 System uptime in nanoseconds: 2335401059040 Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano Uptime : 0x0000021fc0c0295e Sleep : 0x000000c429fd13d9 0x00000000bae420b6 0x000000a6581a552b Wake : 0x000000c435bb1b42 0x00000000bae11627 0x000000c4332c18c2 Compressor Info: 24% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 12% of segments limit (OK) with 5 swapfiles and OK swap space Zone info: Zone map: 0xffffff805595c000 - 0xffffffa05595c000 . PGZ : 0xffffff805595c000 - 0xffffff805695d000 . VM : 0xffffff805695d000 - 0xffffff85233c3000 . RO : 0xffffff85233c3000 - 0xffffff86bcc8f000 . GEN0 : 0xffffff86bcc8f000 - 0xffffff8b896f5000 . GEN1 : 0xffffff8b896f5000 - 0xffffff905615b000 . GEN2 : 0xffffff905615b000 - 0xffffff9522bc1000 . GEN3 : 0xffffff9522bc1000 - 0xffffff99ef628000 . DATA : 0xffffff99ef628000 - 0xffffffa05595c000 Metadata: 0xffffffa079aee000 - 0xffffffa099aee000 Bitmaps : 0xffffffa099aee000 - 0xffffffa09caee000 last started kext at 1655076280961: >usb.cdc.acm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7fae81d000, size 12288) last stopped kext at 1766102575761: >usb.serial 6.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7fae893000, size 20480) loaded kexts: AGPM 129 !APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0 X86PlatformShim 1.0.0 @filesystems.autofs 3.0 !AGFXHDA 140.3 !AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.9 !AMCCSControl 1.16 !ABridgeAudio!C 240.6 !AGraphicsDevicePolicy 6.5.7 BridgeAudioCommunication 240.6 !AAVEBridge 6.1 !A!IKBLGraphics 18.0.7 @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 6.5.7 pmtelemetry 1 !A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 18.0.7 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 usb.!UUserHCI 1 !A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1 !AHV 1 !ADiskImages2 126.100.13 !A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0 !AThunderboltIP 4.0.3 BCMWLANFirmware4387.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4378.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1 BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1 !AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1 @filesystems.tmpfs 1 @filesystems.lifs 1 @filesystems.hfs.kext 583.100.10 @BootCache 40 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 @filesystems.apfs 1934.121.2 !ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIeMac 1 !ASDXC 3.2.1 |!ABCM5701Ethernet 11.0.0 @private.KextAudit 1.0 !AACPIButtons 6.1 !ASMBIOS 2.1 !AACPIEC 6.1 !AAPIC 1.7 @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0 @nke.applicationfirewall 402 |IOKitRegistryCompatibility 1 |EndpointSecurity 1 @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0 @kec.!AEncryptedArchive 1 !UMergeNub 900.4.2 IO!BHIDDriver 9.0.0 driverkit.serial 6.0.0 @kext.triggers 1.0 !ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 !AAudioClockLibs 140.1 !A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60 !A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60 !AOnboardSerial 1.0 usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 |IOAudio!F 340.2 @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 !AGraphicsControl 6.5.7 |IONDRVSupport 597 X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 .............. Below is my system configuration: Model Name: Mac mini Model Identifier: Macmini8,1 Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 3 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 6 Memory: 8 GB System Version: macOS 12.4 (21F79) Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Jul ’23
Is it possible to save a screenshot of a preview in Xcode 14?
The the enhancements to Xcode Previews in Xcode 14 are very helpful. I just had a situation where I wanted to take a screen capture of a preview of a view. Is there a built-in way to do that from Xcode, similar to taking a screen capture of the simulator screen? I realize I can just use a system-level screen capture, but then I have to adjust the size of what I capture to the area of the view in the preview. It would be great to just be able to have a button or shortcut and have the correct area captured.
Sep ’23
Fatal Error in ModelData at line 43
Failed to decode landmarksData.json from bundle because it appears to be invalid JSON. Full disclosure - Im extremely new to this and am playing around with the swift tutorials to see what it can do and see if I could build an app. Any advice is appreciated. I added a few locations to the SwiftUI Tutorial for Lanmarks and this is what happened. I have checked that JSON file and all commas are in the correct place everything is correct but im getting this error. Not sure what im doing incorrectly. Can anyone give me assistance on how to fix this. I can only preview favorite button, circle image and map. Everything else appears as Fatal Error in ModelData.
Sep ’23
Xcode 14 try to build all SPM when building swiftUI preview
HI, I have an issue displaying SwiftUI previews with Xcode 14. My project has iOS and an watchOS Target. It also includes a lot of SPM, most of them only used by the PhoneApp. The project build successfully for both iOS and watchOS. I can see that when building the watch target, only SPM that are included in this target are build for for watchOS The issue is when I try to build a swiftUI preview of the watch target. In this case I can see on the build for Preview log that Xcode try to build ALL spm defined in the Xcode project, including the one that are not used by the watch Target, As a lot if spm are for iOS only, and doesn't build for watchOS, the build for preview fails, and I'm unable to preview my swiftUI views on the AppeWatch. Note that my project is working fine on Xcode 13. This issue is easy to reproduce in any Xcode projects containing a iOS and watchOS target by adding a SPM that is only for iOS. Any workaround to fix this issue ?
Jan ’24
SwiftUI preview issue (have 'x86_64', need 'arm6) on Xcode 14
Hi, we recently starting moving toSwiftUI and unable to preview. we are getting a below crash. App is running using Rosetta on M1 Mac Xcode 14 iOS 16 All we did is to enable swift previews in build settings. Crash report for SwiftUI preview: PotentialCrashError: Update failed XCPreviewAgent may have crashed. Check ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports for any crash logs from your application. ================================== |  RemoteHumanReadableError |   |  LoadingError: failed to load library at path "/Users/vamsianguluru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BapineMobile-fiuoxganfwfeexgxiewzascqsimr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/BapineApp/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin": Optional(dlopen(/Users/vamsianguluru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BapineMobile-fiuoxganfwfeexgxiewzascqsimr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/BapineApp/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin, 0x0000): tried: '/Users/vamsianguluru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BapineMobile-fiuoxganfwfeexgxiewzascqsimr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/BapineApp/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64')), '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/Users/vamsianguluru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BapineMobile-fiuoxganfwfeexgxiewzascqsimr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/BapineApp/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin' (errno=2), '/Users/vamsianguluru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BapineMobile-fiuoxganfwfeexgxiewzascqsimr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/BapineApp/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64')), '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/BiometricLogin.framework/BiometricLogin' (errno=2)) |   |  ================================== |   |  |  MessageSendFailure: Message send failure for <ServiceMessage 17: update>
Nov ’23
Keyboard on Xcode Previews
Hey guys, anybody knows how to fix issues with the keyboard on Xcode in preview mode? it used to work well for me but has now stopped working, see details. Problem statement: Cannot use the keyboard in previews. For example, typing in a textfield does nothing. Everything works well in simulator. Environment: macOS Monterey 12.6 Xcode 14.1 Thanks in advance for your input.
Dec ’23
Swift UI Preview for Multiple Entity
Hello, I've created multiple Entity in CoreData, that has a relationship to one another. However, I'm unable to create @discardableResult to use in SwiftUI preview. /// Entity data for use with canvas previews. static var preview: Entity1 {         let entities1 = Entity1.makePreviews(count: 1)         return entities1[0] } @discardableResult static func makePreviews(count: Int) -> [Entity1] {         var contents = [Entity1]()         let viewContext = PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext         let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared         for index in 0..<count {             let entities1 = Entity1(context: viewContext)             entities1.id = UUID()             entities1.title = "Amazing day!"             let photo = Photo(context: viewContext)             let imageData = UIImage(named: "Golden Temple")?.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1) ?? Data()             photo.linkedToJournal = journal             let thumbnail = Thumbnail(context: viewContext)             let thumbnailData = persistenceController.thumbnail(with: imageData)?.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1)             thumbnail.data = thumbnailData             thumbnail.photo = photo             let photoDataObject = PhotoData(context: viewContext)             photoDataObject.data = imageData             photoDataObject.photo = photo             contents.append(entities1)         }         return contents } You may also try to use the sample code from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coredata/sharing_core_data_objects_between_icloud_users to build a SwiftUI Preview. Appreciate if you could suggest how to build a SwiftUI preview as it saves a lot of development effort and time. Thank you very much!
Nov ’23
Failed to get parent identifier for BUNDLEIDENTIFIER.
Recently have been working on this project just fine... had an app throw a warning for some malware called InstallCore. Removed the malware and now I am getting this on every preview, regardless of the device preview type. I've tried clearing derived data, cache, etc. No dice. Could not install the preview host "AppName.app" on iPhone 14 Pro Max: Failed to get parent identifier for BUNDLEIDENTIFIER.
Aug ’23
Using @Namespace in #Preview Xcode 15 gives an error message
Greetings... I am trying to use @Namespace for my matchedGeometryEffect use case. prior to Xcode 15 beta the following code worked just fine: struct ChapterItem_Previews: PreviewProvider { @Namespace static var namespace static var previews: some View { ChapterItem(namespace: namespace, show: .constant(true)) } } However trying to do the same within the new Xcode 15 beta #Preview Macro #Preview { @Namespace var namespace ChapterItem(namespace: namespace, show: .constant(true)) } produces the following error message: Ambiguous use of 'Preview(_:traits:body:)' May I kindly get assistance on the proper way I can get this to work in Xcode 15 beta? Please be as detail as you can since I'm still new to swiftUI as well Thank You.
Aug ’23