Delve into the world of built-in app and system services available to developers. Discuss leveraging these services to enhance your app's functionality and user experience.






I recently installed IOS 17.6 on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. The OS is very glitchy now. The keyboard doesn’t respond properly. What is the best way to resolve this issue? Thank you!
Share arbitrary struct from HostApp to Extension and get arbitrary result back
I want to share a Transferable (JSON-encoded) data struct from some HostApp with an Extension of my ContainingApp, and get a different Transferable (also JSON-encoded) data struct back on success. Since I want to present my ContainingApp's AppIcon in the sharing sheet to make it easy for the user to find it, I started building a Sharing Extension and not an Action Extension. AFAIK the difference is only in the presentation (Sharing Extension: Icon+name of the ContainingApp vs Action Extension: simple b/w system icon plus a string describing the action (e.g. "Copy", "Save to Files")), and the data flow is identical. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I added the Sharing Extension to my ContainingApp (which are both in the same app group so they can use a shared container to exchange data). The (real) HostApp is from a different company we are collaborating with, and thus is not in our app group. Once everything runs I will add a tailored NSExtensionActivationRule to make sure our Sharing Extension is only shown to our partner's HostApp. Currently I am still using TRUEPREDICATE. The goal is that after the user tapped the "Continue with ContainingApp" (Share-)button in the HostApp, iOS will only show my ContainingApp icon and nothing else, since that's the only useful choice for the user. Side Question 1: The best user experience would be if the HostApp could directly present our extension when the user tapped the "Continue with ContainingApp"-button, without the user needing to choose it manually in the Share-sheet, but I guess this is not possible for privacy/security reasons, right? In the debugger of the HostApp I see this error: Type "com.myapp.shareInput" was expected to be exported in the Info.plist of, but it was imported instead. Library: UniformTypeIdentifiers | Subsystem: | Category: Type Declaration Issues but I definitely want to define and export both ShareInput and ShareResult as UTExportedTypeDeclarations in my extension, and all 3rd-party apps (like this demo HostApp) using my extension need to import them. Side Question 2: Can I just ignore this error? And tell the 3rd-party app developers they also can ignore it? After the user tapped on the ContainingApp icon in the sharing dialog, my Sharing Extension will show its dialog, presenting the shared item it got from the HostApp, and let the user edit the text. When the user taps the "Save"-button in my extension, it creates a ShareResult struct to send back to the HostApp, and dismisses the sheet. This (kinda) works when I share plain text with the 􀈂Text button in my HostApp. My ContainingApp icon is shown together with Mail, Messages, and other apps that can process plain text; with shortcuts to persons and devices (AirDrop targets) in the line above, and with actions (Copy, New Quick Note, Save to Files, Save to Citator, Certificat, Airdrop) below. When I choose my ContainingApp, the extension runs and shows the text it got. ("Kinda" because I am still struggling to send data back. See below...) So the principal operation works... Side Question 3: In the HostApp, can I use ShareLink() to present the Share-sheet and receive the result struct or do I always need to activityViewController!.completionWithItemsHandler = completionHandler windowScene.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(activityViewController!, animated: true, completion: nil) and process the result in the completionHandler? If returning (any) data from the extension is possible with ShareLink() also, then how? I didn't find any sample showing this... I implemented the ShareLink() anyway (and ignore the result part for the moment). When I try to share a ShareInput struct with the 􀈂ShareLink button, the same persons are sorted differently, there are less app icons (9 instead of 13), and less actions (only 3: New Quick Note, Save to Files, AirDrop): Note that while the preview correctly shows the preview text provided ("shareInput"), the preview image left of it is blank (instead of arrowshape.right.fill): let preview = SharePreview("shareInput", image: Image(systemName: "arrowshape.right.fill")) When I choose my ContainingApp, the extension runs ... On iOS17, I see that indeed my ShareInput data arrived in my extension: ❗️itemProvider=<NSItemProvider: 0x301b1c460> {types = ( "com.myapp.shareInput" )} Library: ShareExtension | Subsystem: com.myapp.containingdemo.ShareExtensionDemo | Category: ShareSheet However, on iOS 16 it doesn't work: Host[8615:634470] [Type Declaration Issues] Type "com.myapp.shareInput" was expected to be exported in the Info.plist of, but it was imported instead. Host[8615:634462] [ShareSheet] Couldn't load file URL for Collaboration Item Provider:<NSItemProvider: 0x280f49180> {types = ( "com.myapp.shareInput" )} : (null) That error is shown before I choose the ContainingApp to share with. When I do that, I get: ShareExtension[8774:636786] [ShareSheet] ❗️itemProvider=<NSItemProvider: 0x28243a300> {types = ( "dyn.age8u", "public.file-url" )} which clearly shows the ShareInput struct was not transferred to the extension. But since I don't know how to transfer the ShareResult back to the HostApp when using a ShareLink, I cannot continue this approach anyway. When I try to share a ShareInput struct with the 􀈂JSON button (using present(activityViewController)), I see (both on iOS 16 and iOS 17): My extension (rather, the ContainingApp's icon) is not shown as Sharing target (even though it still has TRUEPREDICATE), which means that my code didn't manage to pack the ShareInput struct for the activityViewController - and thus it doesn't know what to share. I did the same as with the plainText item before: let shareInput = ShareInput(inputStr: "ShareInput as JSON") let preview = SharePreview("shareInput", image: Image(systemName: "arrowshape.right.fill")) VStack(spacing: 25.0) { Text("HostApp!") ShareButton(title: "Text", shareItems: [ItemSource(dataToShare: "sharing some text")]) ShareButton(title: "JSON", shareItems: [ItemSource(dataToShare: shareInput)]) ShareLink("ShareLink", item: shareInput, preview: preview) } (I will continue in the next posting)
I can't update macOS Sequoia Beta installed on SSD to the latest release
I installed macOS Sequoia Beta 1 on external SSD and I boot it on my MacBook Pro. I changed my startup disk in Settings to point SSD and I install update via "Software Update". The file is downloaded then my computer restarts and it takes around ~20 seconds to install everything, but once the macOS is started, I see that I've got still Beta 1. I tried also to download the full installer and repeat the process but with the same result. It looks like everything is installed correctly, but once the system is launched, it's still the old macOS version. Any idea how to update the system on my SSD?
XSLT 2.0 transformation with Swift or WKWebView
I am re-writing with Xcode and Swift two applications (DDB Access, SmartHanzi) initially written with Xamarin and C#. Both apps are with separate macOS and iOS versions (storyboard). In the original version, XSLT 2.0 transformations were applied with C#. With Swift and WKWebView, after carefully reviewing the documentation, I just found: XSLT 1.0 transformation for macOS (Swift). Nothing at all for iOS. Some years ago, there seemed to be a possibility with an external C library, but it was also mentioned that at a moment it was no more accepted by the App Store. Did I miss something in the documentation and how can I apply these XSLT 2.0 transformations (preferrably from an XML string but temporary files would be acceptable)?
IOS 18 beta family
When trying to open the family settings the app freezes and cannot click on anything to look at the kids screen time. Closing the app and reopening does not fix the issue. anyone else experience this issue?
Bugs in call video settings
When I'm on a FaceTime call, if I open up the control centre and click on the mic and camera icon in the top, I can only access the mic settings like voice isolation, wide spectrum etc. The video settings are not clickable and disconnected to the bottom of the UI.
Autoconfigure in macOS and iOS Mail
I recall years ago that autoconfigure for email accounts worked in iOS Mail/macOS when MacOS X Server was a thing. The protocol is supported by Outlook and Thunderbird and some other apps as well. Using WireShark, I can see there's some network activity from when trying to get to the second step of adding a new email account. The most documentation I've been able to find online is making a mobileconfig file which works but is cumbersome in comparison to how it works with Outlook and Thunderbird. If there's any kind of documentation on autoconfigure for macOS/iOS, I'd like to see it so I can help with Virtualmin development team fix their implementation of autoconfigure/autodiscover to properly work with iOS/macOS. Help anyone?
Photos Picker Selection
Hi! I am having a bit of trouble with the Photos Picker. In my app, users are able to select photos to appear in a grid, right in the app. I am using the new Photos Picker with SwiftUI. I want to be able to have my users select the images after they have been added to the View. So I want there to be a select button in the top toolbar on the leading side, and then once the user hits the select button, they can select the photos they want to remove on the grid, just like in the photos app, and then where the button to add photos originally is, there will be a trash icon to remove the selected photos from the grid. How would I do this? I have attached my code below for my view, as well as my PhotoPicker: import PhotosUI struct LifestyleImagePicker: View { @StateObject var imagePicker = ImagePicker() @State private var showingDetail = false @State private var selectedIndex = 0 @State private var isSelecting = false @State private var isAddingPhoto = false let columns = [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 100))] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { VStack { if !imagePicker.images.isEmpty { ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 3) { ForEach(imagePicker.images.indices, id: \.self) { index in imagePicker.images[index] .resizable() .scaledToFit() .onTapGesture { selectedIndex = index showingDetail = true } } } } } else { Text("Tap the plus icon to add photos to your own Inspo Board.") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) } } .padding() .navigationTitle("Lifestyle") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { PhotosPicker(selection: $imagePicker.imageSelections, maxSelectionCount: 10, matching: .images, photoLibrary: .shared()) { Image(systemName: "") .imageScale(.large) } } } } detail: { Text("Pick your lifestyle") } .sheet(isPresented: $showingDetail) { DetailImageView(images: $imagePicker.images, selectedIndex: selectedIndex) } } } #Preview { LifestyleImagePicker() } import PhotosUI import Combine import Foundation @MainActor class ImagePicker: ObservableObject { @Published var image: Image? @Published var images: [Image] = [] @Published var imageSelection: PhotosPickerItem? { didSet { if let imageSelection { Task { try await loadTransferable(from: imageSelection) } } } } @Published var imageSelections: [PhotosPickerItem] = [] { didSet { Task { if !imageSelections.isEmpty { try await loadTransferable(from: imageSelections) imageSelections = [] } } } } func loadTransferable(from imageSelections: [PhotosPickerItem]) async throws { do { for imageSelection in imageSelections { if let data = try await imageSelection.loadTransferable(type: Data.self) { if let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { self.images.append(Image(uiImage: uiImage)) } } } } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) } } func loadTransferable(from imageSelection: PhotosPickerItem?) async throws { do { if let data = try await imageSelection?.loadTransferable(type: Data.self) { if let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { self.image = Image(uiImage: uiImage) } } } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) image = nil } } }
imageData property of CNContact
After setting the imageData property of CNContact through the API, I can see in the address book that the contact's avatar has been set to the imageData image, But when my phone version is iOS 17.1.0, when this contact calls in and locks the screen, I can see that this image is displayed in full screen, But when my phone version is iOS 17.5.1, when this contact calls in, the screen is locked and the image can only be displayed on the avatar, with a blurred image in the background, After iOS 17, contacts can set their avatars and posters separately in their contact list. How can I set these two images through code, just like setting the imageData property of CNContact through API. I see that there is a parameter in the CNContact property called _fullscreenImageData, but there is no value inside, and I am unable to obtain data for this parameter. I don't know how to manipulate this data in order to achieve the effect of setting up posters in the iOS 17.5.1 system.
AppTrackingTransparency and Google consent management platform
Hello, I show Google AdMob ads in my app so I needed to add Google consent management platform prompt provided by Google (documentation can be found here But at the same time, Apple wants me to use their prompt using the AppTrackingTransparency framework and remove the "custom" one (one from Google). Does anyone know how I could resolve that? Is the only way to resolve that to show a prompt using the AppTrackingTransparency framework first and once a user accepts that, show the one from Google CMP? Apple rejected my app update because of this, giving the following reason: "The app does not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before collecting data used to track them. Instead, the app displays a custom prompt that requests the user to allow tracking. Apps need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them. Requesting permission with a custom prompt is not appropriate.".
Unable to invoke the host App in ShareExtension
I developed a Share Extension for my App. Using the following code in the extension, I am unable to invoke the main App; however, I noticed that the Bing App can be invoked normally. Therefore, I have two questions; Is there a bug in the invocation code? I used the extensionContext?.open method to invoke, and the callback flag always returns false; the scheme can be invoked normally in Safari How does the Bing App do it? this my code: extensionContext?.open(URL(string: “myappscheme://”)!, completionHandler: { succ in // print(“open (succ)”) // }) Environment: Mac OS: 15.0 Beta (24A5279h) iPad OS : 18 Beta 1 "
Screen Time Crash Bug & Downtime Features Taken Away
I have recently noticed that ever since I downloaded iOS 18 Public Beta 1, I have been unable to get to the screen time settings, after clicking the tab, the app just freezes. Although after a while I did get to the Screen Time tab, but all of the previous changes to my screen time were voided. App limits, Downtime, you name it, all gone. While my app limits do not work, I noticed that downtime still functioned, but when my parent changed the downtime settings on their phone (running iOS 17 no betas), it did nothing on my end. I am currently submitting feedback to apple and am trying to find workarounds. On an unrelated note to this issue, I noticed that “One More Minute” and “Request More Time” aren‘t there anymore, does anybody have any ideas or workarounds on any of these?
iOS18 beta API
When the usesGroupingSeparator is set to yes on iOS18, the groupingSize value becomes 3. groupingSize is different from 0 in earlier iOS18 versions. Is it a bug or will the subsequent official version also make relevant adjustments? We need to adapt the app in advance。 let formatter = NumberFormatter() let temp = NSNumber(floatLiteral: value) formatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true; print(formatter.string(from: temp) ?? "","--",formatter.groupingSize) Print results below: iOS18 2222222 -- 0 earlier iOS18 2,222,222 -- 3
iOS18 usesGroupingSeparator设置为yes后,groupingSize值变成了3.与iOS18以下groupingSize值为0不一样。是bug还是后续正式版本也做相关调整?需要提前适配
iOS18 beta版本,usesGroupingSeparator设置为yes后,groupingSize值变成了3.与iOS18以下groupingSize值为0不一样。是bug还是后续正式版本也做相关调整? let formatter = NumberFormatter() let temp = NSNumber(floatLiteral: value) formatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true; print(formatter.string(from: temp) ?? "","分割位数",formatter.groupingSize) //iOS18以下打印结果:2222222 分割位数 0;iOS18打印结果:2,222,222 分割位数 3
iOS 18 beta 版本API
iOS18 beta版本,usesGroupingSeparator设置为yes后,groupingSize值变成了3.与iOS18以下groupingSize值为0不一样。是bug还是后续正式版本也做相关调整? let formatter = NumberFormatter() let temp = NSNumber(floatLiteral: value) formatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true; print(formatter.string(from: temp) ?? "","分割位数",formatter.groupingSize) //iOS18以下打印结果:2222222 分割位数 0;iOS18打印结果:2,222,222 分割位数 3
Issue with UserDefaults Data Loss after App Transfer and TestFlight Installation
Hello, I recently encountered an issue following the transfer of my app between Apple Developer accounts and would appreciate any insights or solutions. Here's a summary of the situation: App Transfer: I transferred an app from one Apple Developer account to another. The app's bundle ID remained unchanged during this process. App Update: After the transfer, I integrated a new feature into the app and pushed the updated version to TestFlight under the new account. Installation Issue: When I installed the TestFlight version of the app from the new account on my device, which already had the app installed from the old account, the app logged out the user. It appears that the UserDefaults data was not retained, resulting in the loss of stored user data. My hypothesis is that the transfer between accounts caused the user defaults to reset, leading to the data loss. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, are there any recommended solutions or best practices to prevent UserDefaults from resetting during such transfers? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
iOS 17.4.1 Safari extension issues
Since updating to iOS v17.4.1 our safari extension no longer functions as it used to We are experiencing issues where our content script is not getting initialized, On devices running iOS 17.4.1, the content script included in our extension does not appear to run. There are no logs from the content script in the console, whereas on other versions and devices, it operates as expected. Our Extension relies con communication between the background and content scripts in order for us to render various popups to our users, based on our logs as of iOS 17.4.1 this communication is not successful, we can see messages being sent from the background script but as mentioned above nothing on the content script side. This behavior happens majority of the time and on random sites, sometimes opening the same site in a new tab would work but not always. There are also times where we would only receive our popups after opening the safari menu and interacting with our extension via this menu. Please assist with a way forward
Apr ’24
Received termination request from [osservice<>:76] on <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessHandlePredicateImpl| app<com.myapp.bundleid() with context <RBSTerminateContext| explanation:BG Kill Demo
App getting terminated as the app enters background state. No crash logs are generated. I have collected this log from Console(Mac app)by connecting iPhone and sending my app to background. There is no meaningful reason or code I can get from the logs. Can you please help me with what does 'explanation:BG Kill Demo ' means ? My app is a VoIP app. App depends on voip apns notifications to receive information about new Voip calls from server. I am posting the logs collected from console app here. default 14:29:55.265590-0400 audiomxd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: Sending stop command to com.myapp.bundleid with pid '2933' because client is background suspended and there is no AirPlay video session for it default 14:29:55.265753-0400 dasd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.265908-0400 locationd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.265994-0400 locationd {"msg":"invoking applicationStateChange handler", "StateChangeData":"{\n BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0;\n BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;\n SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.myapp.bundleid";\n SBApplicationStateKey = 2;\n SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2933;\n SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 2;\n}"} default 14:29:55.266083-0400 locationd {"msg":"Post Application State Change Notification", "notification":"BackgroundTaskSuspended", "pid":2933, "bundleId":"com.myapp.bundleid"} default 14:29:55.267019-0400 locationd {"msg":"#CLIUA AppMonitor notification", "notification":"BackgroundTaskSuspended", "pid":2933, "bundleId":"com.myapp.bundleid", "ClientKey":"icom.myapp.bundleid:"} default 14:29:55.267061-0400 locationd {"msg":"skip erasing #CLIUA for RunningBoard Process State. Does not exists", "bundleId":"com.myapp.bundleid"} default 14:29:55.267678-0400 watchdogd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.267765-0400 useractivityd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.267934-0400 symptomsd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.267982-0400 wifid Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.268228-0400 UserEventAgent Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.268275-0400 callservicesd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.268338-0400 WirelessRadioManagerd Received state update for 2933 (app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>, running-suspended-NotVisible default 14:29:55.269217-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] from originator [osservice<>:76] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "DAS: Application is docked." ID:33-76-44901 target:2933 attributes:[ <RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"DockApp" sourceEnvironment:"(null)"> ]> default 14:29:55.269572-0400 runningboardd Assertion 33-76-44901 (target:[app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933]) will be created as active default 14:29:55.270431-0400 runningboardd [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] Set jetsam priority to 30 [0] flag[1] default 14:29:55.270658-0400 runningboardd Calculated state for app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>: running-suspended (role: None) (endowments: (null)) default 14:29:55.273005-0400 runningboardd Received termination request from [osservice<>:76] on <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessHandlePredicateImpl| app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933>> with context <RBSTerminateContext| explanation:BG Kill Demo reportType:None maxTerminationResistance:Interactive> default 14:29:55.274715-0400 runningboardd Executing termination request for: <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessHandlePredicateImpl| app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933>> default 14:29:55.275034-0400 runningboardd [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] Terminating with context: <RBSTerminateContext| explanation:BG Kill Demo reportType:None maxTerminationResistance:Interactive> default 14:29:55.275122-0400 runningboardd [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] terminate_with_reason() success default 14:29:55.275768-0400 SpringBoard [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] Workspace connection invalidated. default 14:29:55.275790-0400 SpringBoard [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24FF-321B-48U6-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] Now flagged as pending exit for reason: workspace client connection invalidated default 14:29:55.275815-0400 backboardd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:C2525EA6-A052-480B-B83D-4BD62C29C6EC pid:2933 process:MyApp type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: + 280 attributes:{ HighFrequency = 1; bundleID = "com.myapp.bundleid"; pid = 2933; } state:0x1 events:9 mask:0x800 dropped:0 dropStatus:0 droppedMask:0x0 lastDroppedTime:NONE default 14:29:55.275988-0400 backboardd Removing client connection <BKHIDClientConnection: 0xd43cd1f40; IOHIDEventSystemConnectionRef: 0xd415d5800; vpid: 2933(v1C3E); taskPort: 0x84D8B; bundleID: com.myapp.bundleid> for client: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:C2525EA6-A052-480B-B83D-4BD62C29C6EC pid:2933 process:MyApp type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: + 280 attributes:{ HighFrequency = 1; bundleID = "com.myapp.bundleid"; pid = 2933; } state:0x1 events:9 mask:0x800 dropped:0 dropStatus:0 droppedMask:0x0 lastDroppedTime:NONE source:HID default 14:29:55.288098-0400 runningboardd [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24F321B-48U6C7-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] termination reported by launchd (15, 0, 9) default 14:29:55.289192-0400 runningboardd Removing process: [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24F321B-48U6C7-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] default 14:29:55.289331-0400 runningboardd Removing launch job for: [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24F321B-48U6C7-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] default 14:29:55.289582-0400 runningboardd Removed job for [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24F321B-48U6C7-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933] default 14:29:55.289706-0400 runningboardd Removing assertions for terminated process: [app<com.myapp.bundleid(AD9F24F321B-48U6C7-895F-723CDA943372)>:2933]