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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






Identify Apple Watch with non-Apple BLE
We would like to be able to distinguish between iPhones and Apple Watches when scanning for devices using a Laird BLE module. We know that we can identify an Apple device from the manufacturer data returned in the scan report. 0x004C is the registered identifier for Apple. In the remaining data returned is it possible identify the device type? We note that empirically, 4C001005 seems to correlate to an Apple Watch. How reliable is this? It is useful for us, because it means we do not need to connect to this device to see if it is advertising a service that we own. Connecting over BLE is of course an expensive operation. Here is a simple snippet of a Swift App doing a similar thing, to illustrate the question: func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) { guard let manufData: Data = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey] as? Data else { return } let hexEncodedManufData: String = manufData.map { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined() print("Manufacturer Data: \(hexEncodedManufData): ") // Manufacturer Data: 4c001007351ff9f9036238: Apple device // Manufacturer Data: 4c001006331ec0640f88: Apple device // Manufacturer Data: 4c0010052b18804eb1: Apple watch? // Manufacturer Data: 4c0010052b18804eb1: Apple watch? }
Jan ’25
Disk Utility errors with internal SSD under Sequoia
I have a 2019 iMac 5K with an Apple 2TB internal, which I've been using since June 2019. DriveDx says the drive is working correctly and has 94% of lifetime remaining. When I switched from Sonoma to Sequoia, I backed everything up several ways, reformatted the internal, installed 15.0 from a USB drive, copied all of my data back and then installed each app one by one. For years I generally ran Disk Utility every couple of weeks and never had any problems. Because I've had lots of software problems running Sequoia, I've tried just about every version of the OS--release, public beta and developer beta. Right now I'm running 15.3 beta 2. When I installed this version, I reformatted the internal drive, installed 15.3 beta 2 and restored my programs and data from Time Machine. After that I ran Disk Utility. At the top level, Apple SSD SM2048L..., showed no errors and neither did any of the drives below the top. But after a few days if I run Disk Utility, Container disk3 shows errors, as does the bottom Macintosh HD. See bellow. And this happens after every fresh install. Good and clean for a couple of days, then the errors in Disk Utility start showing up. These errors have apparently caused no problems, but I'd like to get them fixed. How do I do it as Disk Utility is not fixing them? And because I'm having these errors in DU is my internal going bad? I know Disk Utility shows it's performing repairs and the disk is OK afterward, but it's apparently not as I get the same result every time I run Disk Utility. Thank you for your help. /Users/imac4/Desktop/Disk Utility/Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 8.42.58 AM.jpg
Jan ’25
MatterSupport MatterExtension RequestHandler never triggered
Hi everyone, I try to understand Matter Support and how to get the onboardingPayload from the commissionDevice func. I followed the docs from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mattersupport/adding-matter-support-to-your-ecosystem I also added the Matter Extension, added the NSBonjourServices, included the Matter Extension and did .perform(). The UI shows up correctly and I can scan the QR-Code, which shows pair it to your ecosystem. I launched the extension via Xcode in my application, but the RequestHandler isn't triggering. Did I miss something? Can someone point me into the right direction please?
Jan ’25
AccessorySetupKit Remove paired accessory from app
Current if we use the removeAccessory(_:completionHandler:) method in ASAccessorySession, it removes the accessory from the system and all apps that have previously paired also lose access. Is there a way to remove the paired accessory only from the app from where the removeAccessory() call is being made? This would be useful in cases where one or more accessories are shared across apps and we need to manage them.
Jan ’25
Bluetooth device name unknown, but it shows up in the iOS settings fine.
why is it that this code doesn't show the bluetooth device name but in the iOS settings it is displayed correctly. Thank you. import UIKit import CoreBluetooth import CoreLocation class BluetoothViewController: UIViewController, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate { var centralManager: CBCentralManager! var locationManager: CLLocationManager! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Initialize central manager centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil) // Initialize location manager to request location access locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationManager.delegate = self } // CBCentralManagerDelegate Methods func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) { switch central.state { case .poweredOn: // Bluetooth is powered on, request location permission if needed if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() { locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } startScanning() case .poweredOff: print("Bluetooth is powered off.") case .resetting: print("Bluetooth is resetting.") case .unauthorized: print("Bluetooth is unauthorized.") case .unknown: print("Bluetooth state is unknown.") case .unsupported: print("Bluetooth is unsupported on this device.") @unknown default: fatalError("Unknown Bluetooth state.") } } func startScanning() { // Start scanning for devices (you can add service UUIDs to filter specific devices) centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil, options: [CBScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: true]) print("Scanning for Bluetooth devices...") } func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi: NSNumber) { // This method is called when a peripheral is discovered let deviceName = peripheral.name ?? "Unknown" let deviceAddress = peripheral.identifier.uuidString print("Found device: \(deviceName), \(deviceAddress)") // Optionally, you can stop scanning after discovering a device // centralManager.stopScan() } func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) { print("Connected to peripheral: \(peripheral.name ?? "Unknown")") } // CLLocationManagerDelegate Methods (for location services) func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) { if status == .authorizedWhenInUse { // Permission granted, now start scanning startScanning() } else { print("Location permission is required for Bluetooth scanning.") } } // Optionally handle when scanning stops or any errors occur func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) { print("Failed to connect to peripheral: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")") } func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) { print("Disconnected from peripheral: \(peripheral.name ?? "Unknown")") } }
Jan ’25
iOS sdcard plug-in/unplug event and read problems
Currently, we use UIDocumentPickerViewController to read the user's connected sdcard. However, this requires the user to select manually, and the event cannot be monitored. But recently I found that ImageCaptureCore's ICDeviceBrowserDelegate can monitor the plug-in and unplug events in the didAddDevice callback, but cannot obtain the path of the storage card. I wonder if there is a way to combine the advantages of both, so that with the user's consent, the card reader events can be monitored and the content can be read directly without the user manually selecting the folder
Jan ’25
Regarding the use of external storage USB-C within the application, after inserting the USB-C storage device into IOS, the app program can directly read and write files
Hello! We currently require the development of an iOS system for encrypting and authorizing photos, videos, voice memos, or other files stored on our devices to a connected USB-C storage. The encrypted files can be accessed through authorization. We have already encrypted and authorized the files to be stored on the app's mobile storage, and cannot directly store them to USB-C (this requirement is based on the Apple camera RroRes, which uses external storage for direct storage). We are seeking technical support from Apple.
Jan ’25
The impact of MicrophoneMode on my Mac application.
I have a 4-input, 4-output hardware device and an 8-input, 8-output virtual device, which I combine into an aggregate device. I am using the SimplyCoreAudio library to get the channel count. The code is as follows: aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .input) =>> 12 aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .output) =>> 12 When the program's MicrophoneMode is set to standard, the channel count is correct. However, when I set the MicrophoneMode to voiceIsolation, the channel count is incorrect: aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .input) =>> 4 aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .output) =>> 12 Below is the code for creating the aggregate device: func createAggregateDevice(mainDevice: AudioDevice, secondDevice: AudioDevice?, named name: String, uid: String) -> AudioDevice? { guard let mainDeviceUID = mainDevice.uid else { return nil } var deviceList: [[String: Any]] = [ [ kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey: mainDeviceUID, kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationKey:1 ] ] // make sure same device isn't added twice if let secondDeviceUID = secondDevice?.uid, secondDeviceUID != mainDeviceUID { deviceList.append([ kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey: secondDeviceUID, kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationKey:1, kAudioSubDeviceInputChannelsKey:8 ]) } let desc: [String: Any] = [ kAudioAggregateDeviceNameKey: name, kAudioAggregateDeviceUIDKey: uid, kAudioAggregateDeviceSubDeviceListKey: deviceList, kAudioAggregateDeviceMainSubDeviceKey: mainDeviceUID, kAudioAggregateDeviceIsPrivateKey:false, ] var deviceID: AudioDeviceID = 0 let error = AudioHardwareCreateAggregateDevice(desc as CFDictionary, &deviceID) guard error == noErr else { return nil } return AudioDevice.lookup(by: deviceID) } I hope someone can tell me the reason Thank you!
Dec ’24
IPad connected to DSLR captures incomplete image
At present, I am using the avfoundation external device API to connect my iPad to a DSLR camera for data collection. On my end, I am using AVCapture Video Data Output to obtain raw data for processing and rendering. However, the pixelbuf returned from the system layer is incomplete, with only a portion cropped in the middle. But using the Mac API is normal. I would like to ask how to obtain the complete pixelbuf of the image on iPad
Dec ’24
QuickLook Crash at iOS 18.x
Hello! In our App we found out the сrash at QuickLook after users updated their iPhones up to iOS 18. Crash report: SIGABRT 0x0000000000000000 Crashed: Thread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib __abort_with_payload + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 104 2 libsystem_kernel.dylib abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 0 3 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_fatalv(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, char const*, char*) + 116 4 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_fatalv(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, char const*, char*) + 0 5 libobjc.A.dylib weak_register_no_lock + 396 6 libobjc.A.dylib objc_initWeak + 440 7 UIKitCore -[UIViewController viewDidMoveToWindow:shouldAppearOrDisappear:] + 1412 8 UIKitCore -[_UIRemoteViewController viewDidMoveToWindow:shouldAppearOrDisappear:] + 396 9 UIKitCore -[UIView(Internal) _didMoveFromWindow:toWindow:] + 1180 10 UIKitCore -[_UISizeTrackingView _didMoveFromWindow:toWindow:] + 112 11 UIKitCore -[UIView(Internal) _didMoveFromWindow:toWindow:] + 712 12 UIKitCore __45-[UIView(Hierarchy) _postMovedFromSuperview:]_block_invoke + 128 13 CoreAutoLayout -[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 84 14 UIKitCore -[UIView _postMovedFromSuperview:] + 512 15 UIKitCore __UIViewWasRemovedFromSuperview + 136 16 UIKitCore -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] + 248 17 QuickLook -[QLToolbarController setAccessoryView:animated:] + 576 18 QuickLook __55-[QLPreviewController _presentLoadedPreviewCollection:]_block_invoke + 120 19 QuickLookUICore QLRunInMainThread + 60 20 QuickLook -[QLPreviewController _presentLoadedPreviewCollection:] + 116 21 QuickLook __48-[QLPreviewController _presentPreviewCollection]_block_invoke_2 + 68 22 QuickLook (Missing) 23 libswift_Concurrency.dylib swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 252 After research, we found out that a crash occurs in QuickLook when a user tries to open a file with unknown mimeType - application/octet-stream. QuickLook convert that files to known type (for an example - application/pdf), but crashes for the first opening the file. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Dec ’24
Serial port speed limited to 3 Mbps
Six months ago I wrote FB14122473, detailing how the built-in CDC (or FTDI) VCP serial port driver is limited to 3 Mbps or less. Thing is, there are some FTDI devices that can do 12 Mbps (maybe more), and I have devices I need to communicate with at 4 Mbps. I had to use the FTDI SDK to be able to communicate with these. I was hoping this post might help draw attention to that bug report.
Dec ’24
Missing calls to L2CAP Stream Delegate
I have a C++/Objective-C command line application, running on MacOs (15.1.1 (24B91)), that communicates with a Bluetooth LE peripheral. The application is build with Apple clang 16.0.0 and CMake as build system using Boost.Asio. I'm able to establish a L2CAP channel and after the channel is established, the peripheral sends a first (quite small) SDU on that channel to the application. The PSM is 0x80 and was chosen by the peripherals BLE stack. The application receives the PSM via GATT notification. I can see the SDU being send in a single LL PDU with Wireshark. I can also see the SDU being received in Apples PacketLogger. But I miss the corresponding call to a stream event handler. For all other GATT related events, the corresponding delegates / callbacks are called. The code that creates a dispatch queue and passes it to the CBCentralManager looks like this: dispatch_queue = dispatch_queue_create("de.torrox.ble_event_queue", NULL); manager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:dispatch_queue options:nil]; When the L2CAP channel is established, the didOpenL2CAPChannel callback gets called from a thread within the dispatch_queue (has been verified with lldb): - (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didOpenL2CAPChannel:(CBL2CAPChannel *)channel error:(NSError *)error { [channel inputStream].delegate = self; [channel outputStream].delegate = self; [[channel inputStream] scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [[channel outputStream] scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [[channel inputStream] open]; [[channel outputStream] open]; ... // a reference to the channel is stored in the outside channel object [channel retain]; ... } Yet, not a single stream event is generated: - (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)event_code { Log( @"stream:handleEvent %@, %lu", stream, event_code ); ... } When I add a functionality, to poll the input stream, the stream will report the expected L2CAP input. But no event is generated. The main thread of execution is usually blocking on a boost::asio::io_context::run() call. The design is, to have the stream callback stream:handleEvent to post call back invocations on that io_context, and thus to wake up the main thread and get that callbacks being invoked on the main thread. All asynchronous GATT delegate calls are working as expected. The only missing events, are the events from the L2CAP streams. The same code worked in an older project on an older version of MacOs and an older version of Boost. How can I find out, why the stream delegates are not called?
Dec ’24
what's wrong
i never imagined that an apple product could do such. a thing . i 've updated to the latest version , 15.3 what should i do next time? i've had to restart it three times, the last one finally helped here is the link https://youtu.be/-aqjzVKMZGA
Dec ’24
BLE HID Gamepad on nRF52805: Not Recognized on iOS
I am working on a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) project using the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK), which has been reconfigured to simulate an nRF52805 chip. The firmware is based on Nordic Semiconductor's ble_app_hids_keyboard example, with modifications to implement a BLE HID Gamepad. I am using the S113 SoftDevice and have successfully tested the functionality with Android devices. The gamepad is recognized as a HID device, and it works as expected on Android, verified using the hardwareTester website. However, when I connect the gamepad to an iPhone via BLE, the same hardwareTester website does not respond as it does on Android, indicating that the iPhone does not recognize the device as a gamepad. The BLE connection is established successfully, but it seems iOS does not interpret the HID report descriptor or the BLE HID service correctly. I suspect there might be compatibility issues with the HID descriptor or the GATT attributes for iOS-specific BLE HID requirements. I would like to have some help.
Dec ’24
BLE HID Gamepad on nRF52805: Not Recognized on iOS
I am working on a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) project using the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK), which has been reconfigured to simulate an nRF52805 chip. The firmware is based on Nordic Semiconductor's ble_app_hids_keyboard example, with modifications to implement a BLE HID Gamepad. I am using the S113 SoftDevice and have successfully tested the functionality with Android devices. The gamepad is recognized as a HID device, and it works as expected on Android, verified using the hardwareTester website. However, when I connect the gamepad to an iPhone via BLE, the same hardwareTester website does not respond as it does on Android, indicating that the iPhone does not recognize the device as a gamepad. The BLE connection is established successfully, but it seems iOS does not interpret the HID report descriptor or the BLE HID service correctly. I suspect there might be compatibility issues with the HID descriptor or the GATT attributes for iOS-specific BLE HID requirements. I would like to have some help.
Dec ’24