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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






13 pro max display issue (green screen)
My new 13 pro max was working just fine but suddenly it’s display turn all green to death! It was on ios version 15.5 1. I did restart the phone and all yet no help! Phone's touch and others are working just fine but unfortunately the screen is still all green, I found out many others are facing the same problem on ios 15.5 only in 13 pro max! I still have the international warranty left for 2023! The phone is USA variant. Please help me up I took a good care of my phone always yet I'm suffering from this problem! linkText
Jun ’22
airpods pro 2 and ipod nano 7th generation
The airpods pro 2 connect to the ipod nano 7th generation but there is no sound. I can start and stop playback by clicking the stems so the airpods are talking to the nano. I don’t expect all the features I would get on ios 16 but the ipod is a bluetooth device so the new airpods should be supported. they sound gteat on my iphone and ipad so they are not defective. airpods pro 1 work fine with the nano. hoping for a swift software fix.
Sep ’22
Corespotlightd constant CPU drain in macOS Monterey 12.6 (21G115)
Issue I am experiencing corespotlightd constant 100% CPU drain in macOS Monterey 12.6 (21G115) Since updating Command Line Tools Fixes attempted Quit corespotlightd resolves the issue only for a couple of minutes Restarting computer Search Results enabled only for Applications and System Preferences Re-indexing spotlight does nothing to solve Machine information System Version: macOS Monterey 12.6 (21G115) Kernel Version: Darwin 21.6.0 MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) Processor 1,4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 Memory 8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 Graphics Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 1536 MB
Sep ’22
iOS 16 Ruins HDMI functionality
If you use your iPhone to stream to your tv through a lightning adapter Do NOT upgrade to iOS 16. I live in a rural area and don’t have Wi-Fi so we stream tv on my iPhone with a lightning adapter. This has worked great for many years and many iPhones. Ever since I updated to iOS 16 there is not one streaming app that will work through the adapter. I have tried multiple hdmi cords, lightning adapters and tvs and the result is the same. No audio at all and either no video or a video that lags every few seconds. Apple needs to fix their mistake or resign an old iOS so we can revert back.
Oct ’22
Unlocking Level Lock with apple Watch or Phone
Hello everyone, I purchased a level lock touch earlier this year. It’s a lock I have on my front door and side door. One of the ways it can be unlocked is with an NFC card. You can tap the card and the lock opens. Since the apple devices have NFC, and so does the level lock touch, I figured there must be a way to just unlock the door by tapping my devices. I asked apple about this and they said they couldn’t help me. I reached out to Level and they said apple will be selling a new level lock + which on October 21st which does exactly what I’m wanting to do….for $329! my question is, if both devices have NFC- couldn’t there just be some type of software update to allow this feature to happen. Instead- someone has to purchase a whole new lock!? I know it’s all about money but it just doesn’t make sense to me. does anyone maybe know of a third party app that can read the level lock nfc card and allow me to open the lock by tapping my device? In the mean time I’ll keep looking for another way besides shelling out another 329 for a lock. Smh
Oct ’22
IPhone 14 Pro stuttering in most games when using touch controls
I noticed this strange issue with the iPhone 14 pro and pro max. In many games, when using the on-screen touch controls, there will be a huge amount of stutter and frame drops but connecting a controller and using that makes the game buttery smooth. Why is this happening? Is the display refresh rate confused by touch controls in the latest iOS 16.1? Games where this happens, "Warped Kart Racers, "Genshin Impact", "GTA vice city", "Madden NFL Mobile", "Max Payne".
Oct ’22
iOS 16.2 not working with adaptor
I have found that the adaptor to enable the use of Nreal glasses is not working. This is very frustrating as I have been looking forward to using the glasses with my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Having searched on various forums I find that this is a problem with the software and can't be resolved until a fix has been released. This is very disappointing at this time of the year when releases are so far apart. If anyone knows of a workaround please give me a pointer in the right direction.
Dec ’22
apple pencil won’t connect
hey! i have an ipad pro 11’ 2018, and everything was working fine until one day i wasn’t able to connect my apple pencil 2 to my ipad. the pencil itself gets detected it just won’t connect with my ipad. i already tried restarting, unpairing (even since i wasn’t able to pair it) and even restoring my ipad. does anyone have a solution for this?
Jan ’23
Virtualize framework Connection Invalid when starting VM
Hi. Sorry if this question has been answered in another post, if it has I can't find it. My device is MacBook Pro 16-inch, M1, 2021. So I tried to create a VM using this guide from Apple I followed the guide and used an image of debian. Everything worked fine until the machine appeared stuck at some point of the installation. I chose my languages then I had some other prompt asking me to install something but I can't remember precisely the step at which I thought it was freezed (I think it was the GNOME install) So because the machine was not responding for several minutes (I might have been too hurried) I quitted the process by simply clicking on the Quit button in the VM window. The problem is that from that point onward, I can't load any VM anymore. The build is successful in Xcode, the machine starts but immediately quits with this response from Xcode logs : Virtual machine successfully started. Guest did stop virtual machine. 2023-02-02 22:22:45.413600+0100 GUILinux[22984:380971] [client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid I just can't understand why, I tried to delete and download the guide again but it doesn't work. I will add that it's my first time using Xcode and I might have missed something obivous.
Feb ’23
CMMotionActivityManager reports inaccurate motion activity in iOS 16.4 Beta
Our App has a feature that needs to determine if the phone was stationary during the last 10 seconds. For the past several years, we have been using CMMotionActivityManager for this feature and it has worked very reliably. We query motion activity for the past 10 seconds (using queryActivityStarting(from:to:to:) method) and check for any events where the stationary property is false. However, the behavior of CMMotionActivityManager has changed in iOS 16.4 Beta: CMMotionActivityManager no longer reports motion as it did on iOS 16.3 and earlier versions. With iOS 16.4 Beta, CMMotionActivityManager will falsely return events where the stationary property is true (or return no events) even though the phone was in motion during the query interval. There are times when it does return motion events correctly, but that only happens if the phone is in constant motion for a sustained period of time. This behavior is drastically different from previous iOS versions where even the slightest bit of movement would generate motion events. i'm really hoping this is an issue in the beta and will be sorted out soon. Feedback Filed: FB12005598
Feb ’23
How to clear Bluetooth LE cache manually in iOS 16?
I have a BLE peripheral I have connected to before with an iPhone running iOS 16 (via my app). The peripheral has a utility to change its name. After the name change my app still displays the old name. I've run into this issue before, a year or so ago, under an older version of iOS. Performing a reboot of the phone would clear the cached name and allow the new name to appear. This remedy no longer works in iOS 16. I have verified with another iOS device and an Android app that the new name is being advertised. I monitor for a name change with peripheralDidUpdateName but that function never gets called. How do I clear the cache in iOS 16? I do not need to do this programmatically and I would rather not reset the iPhone, which WILL work.
Mar ’23
Get device height with centimeter precision
Is it possible to get the height (Z location) of an iOS device based on sensor data? I've continuously added the accelerometer data up to infer the location but it results in a cascading error, and the inferred location of the phone "drifts" when the phone is placed still. I want to build an app where users measure the height of something by first zeroing the phone on the floor and then raising the phone to the height of the object, like placing it on the table.
Mar ’23
SensorKit example / How to obtain data
Hi, We are a research team that is just beginning to use SensorKit to collect data for our research. Currently, We've gotten far enough through the process of setting up and using sensorKit to be able to start collecting data through the OS and we've created an SRFetchRequest, but we're just unsure of how to actually go about retrieving the data in a usable form and being able to write it to a file or upload it to a server. We're specifically lost when it comes to SRFetchResult and what to do with that. If anyone was able to provide an example from their own code/somewhere we can find an example, or anything that might help, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Mar ’23
I need VM to install kali linux and windows
HI, I have a small question please, I bought a MacBook Pro m2, and I am trying to Download vm to install Kali Linux and Windows for my university but all the VM in the market are too bad to lunch Kali or Windows, so please give me a solution to do Why did you guys remove the Bootcamp from the M CHIP without solving it with new technologies?
Apr ’23
Ventura 13.4 External Display Sleep Loop Bug
The Ventura 13.4 update introduced a display signal lost bug which when the monitor is put to sleep after power saving setting is reached or if manually using the shortcut keys to put sleep the display, it wakes up the monitor briefly then tries to go back to sleep for 15 seconds and then wakes up with the “no signal” warning in an infinite loop. It's starting to be reported by others, where this did not exist until after the update. Reddit: Ventura 13.4 Display Sleep Issue https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/13lyu2y/macos_ventura_134_display_sleep_issue/ I tried everything from turning off power saving settings, turned off screen saver, WoL, uninstalled color calibration software, reset monitor to factory settings, booted into safe mood, nothing had an effect. Should I submit a bug report?
May ’23
How to delete 'Disk not ejected properly'
My external drives keep connecting and disconnecting to my Macbook Pro. It does this automatically and unless I turn off the computer or disconnect the drives, it just keeps doing it. If I forget to turn OFF the computer, when I wake it up, I have HUNDREDS of these messages and I have to delete them one at a time. It takes about 10-15 mins to delete each. I've tried everything to stop this but nothing works. Is there at least an easy way to delete every one of these messages without having to do each, individually? I have just about lost all faith in Apple because of this. You'd think they could fix this in an update, but no...it just keeps doing it. I'm about to go back to (ugh!) Windows.
Jun ’23