App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






Developer account terminated under Section 3.2(f) WITHOUT WARNING NOR EXPLANATION ! Did this happened to you too ?
Did you got a similar letter ? " This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement ...Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement.." Fast forward, we are a corporation that spend over 1M on development for our app at apple store. Out of the blue we got this letter and our app was removed within the same day. No warning email prior, No appeal option afterwards. We were banned for a year. We tried to get at least a reply what we did wrong? So far no explanation. We suspect this is either: A campaign from our competitors, trashing our app with tons of neg/positive reviews. (If so, Why is so easy, for bad actors to manipulate Apple Algorithms and to destroy legit apps and why Apple allows it) ? Either someone else complained about our name or logo. (If so, Apple should ask for document, because we hold trademarks of our logos and names). Section 3.2(f) is very murky without clear language. Up to this day we don't know why our business was destroyed in 1 day ! As consequence of our ban, We are loosing legit advertisers like banks, and brands. We are looking forward for our day in court ! Discovery process will solve the mystery of our ban. The most scariest part of our situation, that might be your situation tomorrow, is the uncertainly in the future, that some bot might flag your app for removal and all your time and investment is gone within a day, without any explanation, and without the possibility to speak to a human. Millions of developers are paying $100 per year. This kind of money should be enough to pay at least, for human customer service, to serve the developers community properly. Did this happen to you too ?
Aug ’23
Problem with submitting an application for review.
Can you tell me if anyone has experienced the same problem? We can't solve it since last Wednesday, and it's really slowing down the release process. We uploaded 6.7", 6.5", 5.5", 12.9" (twice) screenshots in 18 languages to App Store Connect, as well as videos for each type of device. Added text metadata. Added assembly. Clicked the "Add for validation" button. The "The following objects are required to run the application. Still loading screenshots." And this problem is not fixed till now. (we also tried removing all added languages, leaving only English - to no avail; another attempt was to leave only English-language screenshots and compress their size - also no success) We have written to Apple support, but I understand that this will be the longest possible process. Maybe someone knows faster ways to solve the problem?
Aug ’23
Reviewer cannot connect to server that app's using
Hello, Recently, I try to submit a new update version of my app and it keeps being rejected by Apple's reviewer. The reviewers got error message of Error: cannot connect to server. We hold a server for data and my app connects to the server to get required data. My testers didn't run into errors when testing our app with Testflight. I doubt there is network issue from Apple reviewers to my server but I can't how to resolve it. I have a test RESTful API but Apple reviewers refused to do a connection test that is out of app. I also sent an appeal but still being said rejection was valid. I've been rejected over 10 times. However, I passed a review of a version just before this one two days before. I didn't modify any codes about connections. It's weird. I wonder if anyone has same experience and the way to resolve it. Thank you.
Aug ’23
App Store Guidelines - Adult content
Hello! As far as I know, the App Store does not allow the display of adult content in apps. I have a question about whether it's possible for me to highlight in the app that "This user content has been filtered for the protection of minors and due to App Store policies." Additionally, I want to draw attention to the fact that "To view all content, please log in through a web browser." And on the website, I would provide an option to view adult content (of course, after age verification). Is this a feasible solution and does it comply with the App Store guidelines? (Imagine it as if the Facebook app doesn't display adult content, but if someone opens from a web browser, then adult content would be accessible.) Essentially, I'm completely filtering out adult content within the app. However, I'm also indicating where it can be accessed. Is this acceptable? I definitely don't want to encounter any issues during the app's release. Thanks, Adrian
Aug ’23
Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
The primary purpose of your app is continue to encourage users to perform marketing-oriented tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Next Steps We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines --- My App --- Users play and do tasks to receive coins. Specifically: kill some bosses, play 10 times, 20 times... Users need to buy a character to open the boss fight and ranking function. In ranking mode, the winner will receive a bonus. Users buy weapons with coins, upgrade..... I submitted it many times but still got rejected for the same unclear reason. Please help me, Thank you
Sep ’23
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We are a development team that has developed an application for an **** and maxillofacial surgery clinic. The developer account from which the application is published is registered to a consulting firm that works with this clinic. We were denied publication due to the fact that the developer's account and its name did not reflect the essence of the application. We opened an individual entrepreneur with the same name as the name of the application, but as a legal entity we are not allowed to register, since it is an individual entrepreneur. Support responds to this question by asking us to register the developer's account as an individual entrepreneur and try to send it for verification, and only then will they give an answer based on the verification results. If we register as a regular individual entrepreneur, will the application be allowed for publication? Has anyone encountered this?
Sep ’23
Seeking Advice on Unjust Review Rejection Due to Existing Identical App
I find myself in a predicament that requires help and advice from you. I have developed an app for the App Store, which has been successfully available for several years and generates revenue through subscriptions. In the past, multiple updates for my app were accepted and released, leading to a positive experience with Apple. However, I recently received a review rejection that presents a significant challenge. The rejection is based on the premise that an identical app already exists in the App Store. Theoretically, this is correct. However, the other app is also from me! The pre-existing identical app was unlawfully published by another developer using my code. This matter has already been legally resolved, and Apple officially confirmed it with Apple ref# APP152466. The other app has been deactivated by Apple and is no longer available in the App Store. Despite this clarification, I received only a cryptic response "We are unable to continue our review of your App Store submission because your app is identical to a previously submitted app, [...], which was involved in an App Store Notices dispute (reference number: APP152466)" to my inquiry regarding the review rejection, without a clear acknowledgment or an explanation that the situation was understood. Subsequently, I attempted to initiate a dispute through the appropriate Apple channel, but after several days, I have yet to receive a response. My primary issue is that I am incurring financial losses due to this ongoing rejection of Apple, even though my app is entirely legitimate and does not violate Apple's guidelines. My expectation is that Apple will recognize the situation, and proceed with the review in the normal way. _But I feel stuck and don't know how to proceed. It looks to me like I am at the mercy of the given system without anyone at Apple seriously looking into my case. _ Hence, I am turning to the developer community for guidance: Does anyone have an idea of what my next logical step should be? Or whom I can contact to professionally resolve this situation with Apple? Any advice or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way in helping me navigate this difficult situation. Thanks in advance,
Sep ’23
App Tracking Transparency permission request issue in IOS 17
I am correctly implementing the App tracking Transparency issue but am still getting app rejection from AppleConnect see the message below When I tested in IOS 16.6.1 it worked perfectly on a physical device. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed On iPad, iOS 17.0.3 we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed My App is build with native iOS . Can anybody help me in this regard.
Oct ’23