App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






How often is acceptable to display Interstitial ads?
I received this message from the App Store Review team. Stating that I need to take action against the negative user reviews, otherwise it might lead to the removal of the app. See message in bottom quote. Now while I do display a lot of ads in the free version of the game, it's not abnormally high amounts of ads compared to other free games in the App Store. I counted reviews from the last 3 months. 65 reviews in total, and these are only the reviews with comments (not including those that only rated): 53 were 5-star reviews. 4 were 4-star reviews. 1 were 3-star reviews. 3 were 2-star review. 4 were 1-star reviews. So the question is, what is an acceptable amount of Interstitial ads? What's the minimum time needed between two Interstitial ad displays. Hello, We’ve noticed a trend of negative users reviews on your app, and are writing to remind you of your responsibility to investigate and take action on customer feedback. These reviews describe a poor user experience, including excessive ads. The App Store is committed to providing a safe and secure platform for App Store users. We take customer satisfaction and trust seriously and expect all developers to do the same. In order to ensure that negative reviews are addressed in a timely and effective manner, please take the following actions: Identify the specific issues described in negative reviews. If you reply to the reviews, be specific and offer solutions to demonstrate you understand your users’ concerns and are taking action to resolve them. Make any required changes to fix the issues and ensure they do not recur. Reply to this message and describe the specific actions you’ve taken to improve your users’ experience with your products and services. We appreciate your efforts to resolve these issues and have not made any changes to your app’s availability at this time. However, be advised that failure to address these issue may lead to future rejections, and continued customer complaints may result in additional actions, such as the removal of your app from the App Store. See App Store Review Guideline 5.6.4 - App Quality to learn more about app quality requirements. Best regards, App Store Review
Oct ’23
3.1.4 Content Codes
I am trying to understand the restriction in 3.1.4 I just got rejected for the following reason. "Your app enables additional features or functionality when used with augmented reality markers or QR codes. However, those features are not available in the app to users without the necessary markers." Taken literally, this effectively means that location based Augmented Reality is not allowed on IPhones. Here is my situation. I create Augmented Reality apps at historic sites. So for example, you are in NYC in a park where something historic happened. Scan a target with your phone and George Washington Appears and tells his story on the spot. The app cost nothing, George Washington is not selling you anything, but if you are not in NYC in that park you can not access the content in the App. So, does that mean that I have violated 3.1.4 If so, I really don't understand how this undermines Apple or it's customers. It makes no sense. Any insight on Apples Policies on location-based AR, the dos and donts would be very much appreciated.
Oct ’23
App rejected due to insufficent description of Photo access request.
I have provided the description why my app need to assess photo library. On my device, it shows the modified version of the description. However, the app reviewer still see the old default description "This app requires access to the photo library" which I don't see on my device. Is it possible that they are still looking at an old cached version. Should I build a new binary with a different version number? This is my description for accessing photo library. I noticed that I have request to access cammera library. Is is possible that message that they saw is from cammera library request. <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires read access to the cammera library.</string> <key>NSAppleMusicUsageDescription</key> <string>Play music while creating video</string> <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires to access microphone to record music to be used as background music for the video to be created by users </string> <key>NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires read and write access to the photo library to load image for the video to be created by users and save the video in the library</string> <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires access to the photo library to upload an image to be used as background for the video to be created by users.</string>
Oct ’23
App Rejection Issue: EULA
Hi All, I have been bouncing back and forth with Appstore connect reviewers all week and have jumped through all of their hoops to get the app I am publishing up to the standards required by Apple. The latest problem I get is this: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA) Next Steps To resolve this issue, please add this missing information. If the above information is present, please reply to this message in App Store Connect to provide details on where to locate it. If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), you will need to include a link to the Terms of Use in your App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect. This relates directly to the end-user license agreement whereby we (and I'm sure lots do) use the default Apple EULA. I sent the above attachment only about 15 minutes after receiving hte rejection notice and have waited nearly 8 hours for the app to be reviewed. I have asked for a call-back but nothing. I also advised them there is a link to the relevant privacy policy and terms of use within the app and the privacy policy URL has been provided in App Details, in App Store Connect. I appreciate Cupertino is 15 hours behind where I am, but I am just trying to get my head around how the process is meant to work. Another app I had in review at the same time, had a screenshot that displayed a test ad banner. Fair enough that was rejected, but rectified within 5 minutes of the rejection notice and we are waiting for the review process. Sorry for venting here, but after several days of the to and fro, my patience has worn thin. I am trying to understand the review process and need to know if I have done something wrong, and how best to fix it. Michal C.
Oct ’23
How can I change the app salable location?
This is the message that apple provided Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to completing the review of your app, but we need more information to continue. Next Steps Please provide detailed answers to the following questions in your reply to this message in App Store Connect: We still see your app’s salable are Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Peru, World even though your reply confirmed that 1. App availability Canada, Brazil, Argentina Columbia, Peru. I've already set app availability to the 5 countries but apple says my app salable contains more than the 5 countries. How can I change the app salable location? Thanks in advance!
Oct ’23
App review waiting
Hi, I submitted an application for the first time over two weeks ago and it passed the review after two revisions. However, the finalization of the process was pending because they had to investigate my account, and it was ultimately rejected for unspecified reasons ('others'). One week later, I resubmitted a different build because I didnt receive a follow up, and now it's been a long wait for review. What should I do? Thanks,
Oct ’23
AR view has an issue with Glass material is a Casting Harsh Shadows
While experimenting with AR view for different Product We came across an issue with Apples AR viewer where for glass (PBR Opacity) its casting a really harsh shadow on Wall. This Issue is presentient with all phones above 11, The glass material looks totally looks fine in iPhone 10,7,8 etc... Please fixe this issue for Apple's AR views. We thought that maybe there is something wrong with the file format but This issue is only present is iPhone 12 and above. We Tried to find work around but after doing multiple test but with all our experiments we came to the conclusion that Apple AR viewer is not able recognize the glass material and adjest the ground shadow as required.
Nov ’23
App Review Employees are not experienced enough.
Hello, We have an MMORPG on App Store. Currently, our users playing our game all over the world. When we are updating our game client it works like this: Example: GAME VERSION 1.0.0 SERVER VERSION 1.0.0 When we want to update our game to 1.0.1 we are sending our game to App Store review. Reviewers try to play our game and get errors "VERSION ERROR!" That's right, because SERVER VERSION 1.0.0 but we are sending 1.0.1 version so you cannot connect live official server with newer version before we update the server version. But we give them alternative way to join our game and connect our TEST SERVERS which are 1.0.1 version. They are able to join but then they find another issue (they find it just for rejecting the app for other reason) We show them no you are not correct, this is normal and they say "Okay, we will approve this build but please find a solution for that reason." We say okay, no problem than: APP REJECTION: Hello, We try to join game but it says VERSION ERROR. Everything getting reset after few communication so please tell me how can we manage updates about MMORPGs? We successfully send 10+ updates in a row without a problem but then one random employee comes up with rejections. Please App Store you need more experienced App Review customers or teach them about every situation. Thanks.
Nov ’23
App Store Rejected My App Due to AdMob
I'm in need of some guidance regarding an issue I'm facing with the App Store review process. My app was recently rejected in the Kids Category due to the following error: Guideline 1.3 - Safety - Kids Category "We still noticed that you have not provided any publicly documented practices and policies for third-party contextual advertising in your Kids Category app." I'm somewhat perplexed by this rejection because a previous version of my app, which also included ads, was accepted without any problems. I'm using AdMob and have configured it to serve only child-appropriate ads while blocking any content that may not be suitable for children . The issue is that I'm not entirely sure what specific documentation or policies Apple is looking for in this regard. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice from the community on what I need to provide to address this concern and resubmit my app for review successfully. Has anyone experienced a similar situation, or can anyone offer insights into what might be required for compliance with this guideline? Your assistance and insights would be immensely helpful, and I'm committed to making the necessary adjustments to ensure my app meets the guidelines for the Kids Category. Thank you in advance for your support and suggestions.
Nov ’23
App review team IPs range
Hi All, for security reason our Mobile Banking App is restricted to UAE region only. Anytime Apple review Team reject the app because they are unable to login in the app and review it . Is it possible to have the list of the possible IPs range from where the App Review Team is performing the review? This will allow our security team to whitelist them.
Nov ’23
App stuck in review for 2.5 weeks and unable to get a clear answer from Apple
Our app (App ID: 1582937571) has been stuck "in review" for 2.5 weeks now, and we have been unable to get a clear answer from Apple. This submission process started on October 24, 2023. Actions I've taken so far include: Contact Apple Developer Support via phone and follow up on the case ID multiple times. Submitting an expedited review request. Filing an appeal request. Resubmitting the app with a changed version name. What next steps should I take? Is there a possibility that a bug is causing the delay, leaving our app mysteriously stuck in the review system? As iOS developers, we deserve a more efficient and transparent review process. Any assistance or guidance from this community would be invaluable.
Nov ’23
Need a Phone Call With Apple for Closed Account Developer
Hi everyone, after 9 years apple closed my account for violating guidelines. I'm trying in every way to talk to a manager but I can't do it in any way, I've sent an email, I've sent a request to be reinserted into the Apple program but no one is replying to me. How can I do it, do you have any suggestions on this. I have to prove my total innocence of what Apple said but I have no way to talk to the team. Thanks for your help
Nov ’23
Weird Rejection Message
Hello! I submitted my app, and then it got rejected for a metadata problem and a permissions request I forgot to add, I fixed both and re-submitted. A few hours later, I got rejected again for "Other", with this message: Hello, Thank you for submitting your app for review. We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. While there may be a delay due to high submission volumes, we are working to complete our review as soon as possible. If we notice any issues that require your attention, we will let you know via App Store Connect. If we find no issues with your submission or account, the submission will be approved. We will notify you as soon as there is new information to share. Other review inquiries may be filed via the Apple Developer Contact Us page. Best regards, App Store Review When I look it up, all results are over 6 months to a year old, and most of the time people don't reply with what has happened after they got this message. Any guidance, please? Thanks!
Nov ’23
AppStore reviewer reject our application update(iOS) and MacOS without check our changes.
Hello, I'm almost mad with the AppStore review. Our application was first published on AppStore(iOS) last month, version 2.2.5 is our first online version. After we noticed some bugs and fixed them, we submitted new version to AppStore, tried to fix the bugs of our application. But the reviewer always give us rejection, the reason is 4.3 - Design, said our application is spam. I can't understand, because our new version is the same with the online version 2.2.5. We just fixed some bugs. The rejection keeps 3 times, can you tell me what I can do to against this unreasonable condition? And another thing is the MacOS application. The reviewer said our application requires user to right-click the menu bar to quit our application. So we made change and made users can quit the application by clicking the red button on the application window like all other applications. We also uploaded a picture and noted this change in the submission. But the reviewer rejected it again, gave us the same reason. I can feel he must never see our notes and pictures. These two rejections are very annoying and unreasonable. Can anyone tell me what can we do to deal with this problem?
Nov ’23
AI-generated content
I am using an LLM in an app. Got this in the Appstore review: Your app includes AI-generated content but does not appear to include content filtering at this time. Since your app may produce content not appropriate for all audiences, it would be appropriate to revise your app's age rating to 17+ in App Store Connect or implement content filtering. There are two ways to resolve this issue: You may update your Age Ratings selections to 17+ in App Store Connect. Or you may implement content filtering so that all generated content is appropriate for your app's current age rating. I want to get the age rating lower than 17. I can see lots of posts about how to do this for user-generated content. But how do I implement AI-generated content filtering?
Nov ’23
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage, app developed on behalf of a client
Hi, I am developing an application for an event that a client of mine is having. I received this comment from Apple: "Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage : - The app must be published under a seller and company name that is associated with the organization or company providing the services. In this case, your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the X client name." After sending the respective documentation that my client authorized me to publish the app I developed to my personal account, because they do not have an organizational account, since my client does not develop applications. What else do I need to prove that I am not in violation of this compliance.
Nov ’23