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General Documentation






Privacy manifests for app vs for third party SDKs
Can someone please confirm in this case whether I need a privacy manifest in BOTH my app, and the third party SDK. One of the Firebase SDKs we are using uses UserDefaults. As such we are now getting warning emails from Apple about using restricted APIs. Google have said that they will be releasing a privacy manifest that will get rid of this error. However, the app itself does, like most, use UserDefaults itself. With Firebase already declaring the usage of UserDefaults, is it necessary to then re-state it, in a privacy manifest for the app? Or is this simply the third party SDK provider's problem? Thank you
Mar ’24
China mainland - Processing to Available?
I know that in the past, there was a complicated process to make apps available in China. However now, I see the following for both China and South Korea: China mainland: Processing to Available Korea, Republic of: Processing to Available What does "Processing to Available" mean? Does this mean that Apple is working on making the app available for me? I want my app to be available in China when the Vision Pro launches there.
Mar ’24
Signing up process valid for Debit Card users in UK ?
UK based here and trying to sign up for a Connect account to upload my apps, but my payment keeps being declined. The options state that both Debit and Credit cards are accepted, so why am I unable to sign up ? My iPhone is still iOS 15 so I cannot download the developer app and still on Big Sur I cannot download the macOS version, ridiculous ! I don't know if signing up via Apple's Developer app would allow the payment to go through or not, but the web based version is not working for me. I have read on other threads that Debit Card users need to submit ID, I can't imagine why, but it's not clearly stated at the sign up process, so I cannot be sure.
Mar ’24
regarding app rejection due to Guideline 3.2.2(ix) and appeal count.
Recently, we introduced a webview redirection feature that directs users to a page related to loans. However, our app build was rejected by the App Store, citing Guideline 3.2.2(ix). We have a few questions regarding this matter: Given that the loans feature is implemented solely within the redirected webview and not directly within the app itself, are we eligible to appeal against the rejection? In an attempt to address the rejection, we removed the loans feature entirely and submitted an updated build. Unfortunately, the app was rejected once again. Is there any recourse available to us in this situation? Additionally, we are curious about the appeals process. How many appeals can we make, and what are the potential risks associated with our app being delisted? Any guidance or insights you can provide on these matters would be greatly appreciated.
Mar ’24
App crashes on M1 Macbook
Hello, I was using this iphone/ipad app con my M1 Mac for couple years now with now problem but all of a sudden today I got this error right when I try to open the app: Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x00000001984434dc Termination Reason: SIGNAL 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5 Terminating Process: exc handler [6785] Triggered by Thread: 17 Any idea how to fix this? I used other iphone/ipad apps and they are working perfectly but not this one. I want to clarify that I was using it with no problem before it was all of a sudden!
Mar ’24
Privacy manifests: how to identify which pod a category use is originating from?
I received an email from Apple saying the app is using: NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime I'm not directly calling (afaik) any API that might be involved in getting the disk space, file timestamp, nor system boot time, so presumably these are indirectly originating in a pod whose api I'm using. However I have about 100 pods in the app, how can I know which one these are originating from? (100 seems a lot, but its a React Native app and that alone pulls in dozens and dozens of pods implicitly in addition those specified explicitly in a pod file) I can try and update all the pods to the latest version, but if the offending pod(s) hasn't added a manifest file, then I have no way of knowing which one it is - therefore I can neither contact them to ask when they will release a new version, nor can I attempt to try and remove the pod, because I just don't know which one might be causing the manifest warning. So what are we supposed to do in this situation?
Mar ’24
Difficulty Adjusting Age Rating from +17 to 4+ in App Store Connect
I'm encountering an issue with the age rating of my app in App Store Connect and would greatly appreciate your insights. Initially, when setting the age rating for my finance management app, I misunderstood the requirements and selected an age rating of +17 under the assumption that I had to choose either "Made for Kids" or "+17." Realizing that the content of my app is suitable for a broader audience, I am attempting to adjust the age rating to 4+. However, despite not selecting the "Made for Kids" or "Restrict to 17+" options, and intending to proceed with a 4+ rating, the changes don't seem to be registering. Clicking "Done" after modifying the age rating doesn't appear to have any effect. Here's a snapshot of the page where I'm stuck (see attached image). Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Mar ’24
How to resolve audit rejection
Our app review was rejected saying that we contain gambling content, but there is no gambling in our app. How can we solve the problem? Guideline 2.3.6 - Performance - Accurate Metadata   The rating you have selected, 17+, is inconsistent with the content of the app. Since the app includes real money gambling, real money betting, or real money skill-based gaming, you must select "Yes" for Gambling in App Store Connect.  Apps must be rated accordingly for the highest level of content that the user is able to access in the app and apps with gambling services must be submitted by an organization, not by an individual.  Next Steps  To resolve this issue, please update your Age Rating selections in App Store Connect to select "Yes" when asked if the app contains instances of gambling. The Age Rating selections can be found on the App Information page after selecting the app in App Store Connect.  Resources  See how to set the app age rating in App Store Connect. Learn more about age rating requirements in guideline 2.3.6.
Mar ’24
Big changes to the App Store search algorithm?
Anyone else see pretty random swings in the search algorithm? We'd held a no. 1 spot for a keyword that is in our app's title that the app pays off pretty directly, and out of nowhere an app that hasn't been updated in years and a handful of smaller apps just jumped us. This happened exactly on March 12. This algorithm tracker marked that day as a massive anomaly. And it's fine for things to change. We'll gladly adapt, but the change seems random and almost like a bug. Simultaneously, I've been periodically seeing a "Search and Discovery" tab that's unclickable pop up in my App Store Connect. So I'm wondering if this is an error, or if there are new things to consider? Anyone else experiencing this?
Mar ’24
App crashing during App review for new install - EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL)
We have had several submissions in for the app but it has never crashed on a new installation. It crashed during the review of a new version and we cannot reproduce this. From the crash report its seems the watchdog killed the app because it took more than the allocated time to go to the first scene I am not great at interpreting the crash log. Can anyone please help me understand where exactly is the app waiting which results in the ultimate crashing because the watchdog is killing the app. I have attached the crashlog. appStoreCrash.crash
Mar ’24
Apps that provide information on gambling?
What is the official policy on Apps that give information on online gambling? Case App developed in Sweden, targeting an Swedish audience, provides information to Swedish customers about gambling companies with a Swedish gambling license. Such as games portfolio, products, etc. No gambling participation (i.e. posibility to wager on the app) can be done. Its strictly informational. Thanks,
Mar ’24
Guideline 2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
2.3.10 Make sure your app is focused on the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS experience, and don’t include names, icons, or imagery of other mobile platforms in your app or metadata, unless there is specific, approved interactive functionality. Make sure your app metadata is focused on the app itself and its experience. Don’t include irrelevant information. Issue Description The app or metadata includes information about third-party platforms that may not be relevant for App Store users, who are focused on experiences offered by the app itself. Remove instances of this information from the app and its metadata, including the app description, promotional text, What's New info, previews, and screenshots. Next Steps Revise the app's home page to remove Google Play references. Reply to App Review in App Store Connect with additional information if the app's functionality and how it interacts with third-party platforms has been misunderstood. Resources Learn how to edit App Store metadata on App Store Connect Help. I don't understand where the problem in my app
Mar ’24
How to stop promoting my IAP?
Hi. My app has a single IAP which I currently promote separately on the App Store, as well as allowing purchase in-app. My app currently implements the paymentQueue delegate method which makes the separate promotional listing possible. I want to stop separately promoting my IAP, leaving my app as the only way to purchase the IAP in future. How can I remove the separate listing for my IAP on the App Store? Can I simply delete the promotional artwork for the IAP in App Store Connect? Do I need to release a new binary which no longer supports the paymentQueue delegate? Can I simply unselect “This promotion will be shown to all app store users…” in App Store Visibility and not bother to implement the SKProductStorePromotionController update visibility delegate? Please advise! Thanks in advance.
Mar ’24
Apple reject Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to take the following steps: If you are authorized to provide this service in the app, please provide evidence of your relationship with the institutions or organizations associated with the app. If you do not have authorization, the app needs to be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the app name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, you may resubmit the app through their account, if they have one. You may also request an update to the company name on your account by having the Account Holder edit the account information. Resources Learn how to transfer apps between accounts. Request a fee waiver for nonprofit organizations, accredited educational institutions, or government entities. Support Reply to this message in your preferred language if you need assistance. If you need additional support, use the Contact Us module. Consult with fellow developers and Apple engineers on the Apple Developer Forums. If you think your submission follows the guidelines or feel the review was unfair, you can request an appeal with the App Review Board. Help improve the review process or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes.
Mar ’24
iOS Update Preorder Version in Appstore Connect
We have version 1.0 of our app which was published for a preorder. We recently pushed some updates, created a version 2.0, and it went through review and was accepted. Now we'd like to retire the version 1.0 and use the 2.0 for the preorder. Is it possible to keep the people who have already pre-ordered the app or do we have to throw version 1.0 and re-publish a new pre-order?
Mar ’24
How to programatically fetch the unique ID of user who installed/paid the app
Hello, Which API can be used to programatically fetch the ID of user who installed/paid the app? This is useful if an app has to create a path hierarchy for different users who have installed/paid the app, for instance, /AppName//user_files, how to get the uniqueUserID, and also, to get the information about which user these files belong to based on this uniqueUserID. App is using Swift, SwiftUI. Thanks.
Mar ’24
What is the proper time to deploy CloudKit Schema to Production?
The Statement I have a SwiftUI app that uses CoreData and iCloud with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer prepared for beta testing via TestFlight. The app utilizes iCloud solely as a private database for user data across different devices. The app doesn't use any public or shared database. According to Apple's guidelines, deploying the development schema to production is necessary before submitting to the App Store: Before you publish your app, you must deploy the development schema to the production environment to copy over its record types, fields, and indexes. I am aware that once deployed to production, it's impossible to delete or modify any types or fields: To prevent conflicts, you can’t delete record types or fields that are already in production. Every time you deploy the development schema, its additive changes merge into the production schema. The Questions: When is the appropriate time to deploy the schema to production? Should it be done before beta testing via TestFlight, or is it sufficient to deploy it just before releasing the app on the App Store after beta testing? If the schema needs to be deployed before beta testing, does that mean I won't be able to reset the schema if testers discover critical bugs related to the data model, and I'll be compelled to delete or modify any types or fields? Thank you in advance for any responses!
Mar ’24