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General Documentation






Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) / Private Relay Question
Hello, we have noticed a change in the last few weeks in how Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) is operating. Specifically, MPP pre-caches images within email newsletters that are protected via Private Relay. The end result of the pre-cacheing is that every image in the newsletter is retrieved from our servers even if the user does not open the newsletter. This has been in place since '21. What we've noticed in the last month or so, is that the amount of pre-cacheing has dropped significantly, on the order of 20-25%. We can compare this with newsletters opened in non-MPP environments to know that email sends are consistent, it is only that pre-cached events seem to have changed. Does anyone know of any changes to the logic of Private Relay / MPP that would impact how it is pre-caching data from email newsletters? Thank you.
Apr ’24
Question about publishing vpn app in app store
Hello, we are developing an open source vpn program that is developed with Flutter and native parts with Swift, and we plan to publish it on the App Store soon, but the project programmers say that you must have an account to publish this app on the App Store. On the other hand, my other friends say that this is not the case, and to publish a vpn app, only one Apple Developer account is enough, and there is no need for a business account!
Apr ’24
Is Apple Sign In Required if we use FB, Google, Amazon sign in?
I know apple updated their policy related to sign in (see, "More flexibility for sign in options in apps" section), but the wording of the guidelines ( is a bit difficult to understand: Apps that use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer as an equivalent option another login service with the following features: the login service limits data collection to the user’s name and email address; the login service allows users to keep their email address private as part of setting up their account; and the login service does not collect interactions with your app for advertising purposes without consent. As far as I can tell, FB, Google, Amazon, etc. do not offer these protections. Would Apple Sign In still be required in this case?
Apr ’24
image tracking in apple vision pro
ISSUE: In our code we are using the ImageTrackingProvider and ARKit similarly with the code provided from Apple documentation: However, when the application runs and we move the image in real space, the Image Tracking Provider send updates with a very low rate (about one frame per sec!) on the real Vision Pro device (please see the attached video). According to WWDC2023 ( the image anchors are updated as soon as they are available automatically by the system and they are not depended from camera frame rates. Therefore, why this is happening? We tried also to create an ImageAnchor by using the Reality Composer Pro in order to build a scene with it and check if we could have better tracking speed and updates. However, we found that Reality Composer Pro does not support image anchors like its predecessor Reality Composer! We also created the ImageAnchor on a Reality Composer Project and we tried to import the reality project / scene to out visionOS app. However, when the app builds we take an incompatibility message: “RealityKitContent - Tool terminated by signal 'Bus error: 10’ ” Other Reality Composer Projects that do not have image anchors are imported without any problems! We also tried to find if there is a frame rate setting on the real Vision Pro device (for reasons of battery saver), but we couldn’t find any. Finally, we tried to change asynchronous Tasks to synchronous in our code, but this couldn’t solve the problem. As the image detection and tracking in our code runs perfectly on iOS devices, and we want to build our apps to pure immersive space visionOS projects, what else can we do to have the same efficiency and performance like iOS?
Apr ’24
CopyCat Rejection - what documents are required to verify that the app is mine?
Hello. I've tried a dozen times to upload my app, each time getting a response that the app was rejected due to 4.1 copycats. The most recent response: Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats. This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform. On my requests to clarify what exactly was identified as copycats, no specifics were given to me. Because of this I conclude that it is not about some stock images or sound assets, but that it is specifically about my application (name and icon). I am the solo developer of the app and it has been available for 5 years on Google Play. No other platforms have my app on them, only Google Play. Since Apple has not provided me with specifics about what they need as proof of rights to the app, I have screen recorded my personal Google Play Developer Console account, which proves that I have all the necessary rights to manage my app on Google Play. To this I received the following response: Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform. Apps should be unique and should not attempt to deceive users into thinking they are downloading something they are not. We did not receive sufficient documentation. Please help me understand what documentation they are talking about if I am a solo developer with every right to my own app. Do they want me to register a company and register the naming rights to my app?
Apr ’24
Extracting Transaction IDs from App Receipts
Hello everyone, I'm currently in the process of updating my code to remove the deprecated verifyReceipt method in line with the latest documentation and guidelines. I have a question regarding the Receipt Usage example provided in the documentation here: ReceiptUtility receiptUtil = new ReceiptUtility(); String transactionId = receiptUtil.extractTransactionIdFromAppReceipt(appReceipt); My question is: Why does this method only return one transactionId? I had assumed that it might return a list of different transaction IDs present in the encoded receipt. Thank you in advance for any assistance! Best regards, Maria
Apr ’24
Status of submission in appstore and testflight
In our product, we are submitting app into appstore and testflight using Appstore connect api. We need information about status of the app submission both in appstore and testflight. I was hoping that any notification might be sent through webhook, but couldnt find any way. My requirement is keeping the app status of an app up-to-date (in our product). There are two ways to do that, 1- Regularly check status of the app using rest service (for example every 10 minutes) and update it. 2- Subscribe a service or create a webhook that can be used to notified about status changes. Is there any suggestion, or any guidence how can second way work? Is there any such options?
Apr ’24
Safari Web Extension update asks to restart Safari.
We have an app with a web extension for Safari. We developed this app for a couple of years. Recently when we pushed an update to TestFlight or the Mac App Store, the user that updated the app, there's the dialog from macOS that asks to : Close Safari to continue the update. Click on continue to quit "safari" … It seems a recent change. Is there a way to prevent quitting Safari when we push to update to TestFlight and Mac App Store?
Apr ’24
using the api to get App Store Discovery and Engagement report
Hi , Im trying to understand how to get the App Store Discovery and Engagement report from the API as mentioned here: this documentation shows i can get data on users engagement in my app but i cant find the documentation on how the api request needs to look like .. did someone managed to get this data ?
Apr ’24
Seeking Advice: Distributing Python Applications with Premium Content on the Mac App Store
Our company that has a desktop application currently available for free on the Mac App Store. We are planning to introduce a premium feature within the app and are considering the best method to implement this, in line with Mac App Store policies. Our application is developed in Python, uses Flask for the backend, and is not a typical Xcode project. Given this setup, we are evaluating two potential payment methods: Implementing a non-renewing subscription model via In-App Purchase as detailed here: [] Using Apple Pay through our web portal as detailed here: [] We understand that the first option could be complex due to our app’s technical framework. We prefer the second option as it seems technically easier to integrate with our existing infrastructure. Anyone with the prior knowledget can clarify if using Apple Pay on our web portal would comply with Mac App Store policies, or must we implement the payment feature strictly through In-App Purchase to adhere to the guidelines?
Apr ’24
I fell into hell called 'Asset validation failed ..(ID:**)(10)'
When I try to upload to apple store connect from XCODE, I get the following error. "Asset validation failed The app contains one or more corrupted binaries. Rebuild the app and resubmit. (ID: 6e5d5fe8-9050-4574-8ad0-b46c64fda42d) (10)" This error started appearing suddenly today. It had never appeared before. I get the same error when I try to re-upload other app builds that I was able to upload before. "Asset validation failed (10)" error code does not show up at all when I search google. I have tried restarting the MAC, clean build of XCODE, etc., but to no avail. Can someone please help me? plz (My environment is XCODE14.3.1)
Apr ’24
Unlisted App Submission Time
We've recently submitted an App to be Unlisted. The email suggests it takes up to 3 business days to process. We received and are reviewing your request for unlisted app distribution. Please note that we respond to requests in the order we receive them and will respond to your request within three business days. We haven't seen any progress on the Unlisted submission and have not seen an email notifications after the 3 business days has elapsed. Occasionally, the App will get a store page URL around the time of a completed Unlisted app submission, this has yet to happen. Previous Apps of ours that are unlisted got an email with a ticket number, the most recent submissions do not have a ticket number, only an acknowledgement of the form submission. Would it be possible to know if there is an additional wait time? Are others experiencing a similar delay?
Apr ’24
How to verify receipt with AppStoreServerAPI
Hello everyone. I'm try to get out of verifyReceipt endpoint by following this link at the end of video so after using ReceiptUtility extract receipt data to get transationId then using getTransactionHistory to do what? it doesn't clear in the video. Where I can get document on how to verify receipt with AppStoreServerAPI.
Apr ’24