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Use TestFlight in App Store Connect to invite and manage beta testers for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Discuss questions here and share app builds publicly via TestFlight under the Community topic.

TestFlight Documentation






Error when using archive distribution
I am using the archive build manager in Xcode to distribute the app. However, when I select distribute, it gets hung up "Selecting account..." on and throws the error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDEFoundation.DistributionCredentialedProviderLocatorError error 1.) and also Credentialed provider request failed with error: "The request timed out" I have restarted Xcode and also removed and re-added my account. Anyone have any ideas on what may be causing this?
Nov ’23
App's Name and Icon is Not Updated in App Store Connect
Hi, I have updated the new app's icon/logo and renamed the app's name in the last few months. However, when I publish the package, the new app's icon and name are not reflected. It still displays the previous icon and name. I noticed when I built the package in AppGyver, the package file was smaller than the previous same IPA file. Also, it does not appear anything in the App Store Connect when I have published (refer to image - Version 11.0.2). Does anyone have experienced the same issue with me? Your kind assistance is really appreciated.
Oct ’23
New developer account can't log in - Apple outage?
When we send an account invite to a new developer using TestFlight, they are bounced back to the login screen after entering their password and verification code. Resetting the password doesn't help. We have never seen this before this morning, and now it happens on all new account requests. Any ideas? Is Apple experiencing an outage with their TestFlight or developer accounts? Thanks, Gustav
Oct ’23
TestFlight no longer auto updating apps since iOS 17
I have noticed that TestFlight no longer auto updates apps since iOS 17 on my iPhone. This behavior still persists in the most recent iOS 17.1 and TestFlight updates. Background TestFlight app auto updates on iPad however still seem to be fine since iPadOS 17. Manual installs/updates work flawless so it’s just the background app updates that seem to not be functional. It actually doesn’t seem to be running in the background at all as with its notifications enabled it doesn’t even alert you to available updates (or about any issues updating). I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling TestFlight. Anyone else notice this?
Oct ’23
Discontinue Testflight Track
Hi! We have introduced a new major feature in our app and before bringing it to all our users, we used a designated beta testflight track, to have some specific ones test this particular feature. Now we have rolled it out to the general public, so we do not need this specific testflight track any longer. Is there anything I need to do? Or will they get the new version directly from the appstore once the version number is higher than the builds currently in this testflight track. Thank you for your support!
Oct ’23
Couldn't redeem TestFlight invitation code
I cannot add myself as a TestFlight user to my own app. When I open the invite link on my device, or manually enter the redeem code on device (obtained from opening the invite link on macOS), I get "This invitation has been revoked or is invalid". I've tried going to App Store Connect and removing myself from both the testing group and the list of 'All testers', both to no avail. Apple folks: this is not user error and you must have thousands of bug reports on this by now. Why don't you prioritize a fix for this incredibly annoying issue?
Oct ’23
All apps are not able to install on the TestFlight
I am using Flutter to build the App. After the release of the iOS 17, all old builds on the TestFlight were expired at the same time, and all new builds are not availble to be installed any more. Even if I create a new Hello World App, it still not able to be installed. The error message: Could not install Flutter Test The requestted app is not available or doesn't exist
Oct ’23
Access privately distributed access to issue reproducing
Hi, We have an app, published privately to our customers Apple Business Manager, now the customer reporting an issue, the build they has expired in testFlight, is there a way to access the published build? I tried adding the tester Apple Id under the App Distribution Methods, set the type to Apple Id but we still see no app, I assume this option is only for legacy Volume Purchase Program So, is there a way to access the app without having to push a new build? thanks
Oct ’23
Confusing TestFlight stats
I'm confused by the stats on the TestFlight "builds" screen. See below. There are more crashes than sessions. So the definition of "session" can't quite be what I thought. Does a session have to last more than a certain amount of time to be included? Do sessions that end in a crash not count as sessions? Do multiple invocations within a short period of time count as a single session? The number of sessions falls over time. I.e. once I have released a new version, the reported "Sessions" numbers for older versions slowly fall. Maybe as soon as a user has used version N+1, all their sessions for version N are removed from the stats? The "invites" column is clearly the same for every version, while it should have been slowly increasing. Is there any value in these numbers?
Oct ’23
TestFlight invite invalid or expired
I'm getting the Couldn't Load App. This invitation has been revoked or is invalid... message. I have removed my tester from the All Testers section many times with same results. Strangely, when I add my work account to an internal testing group, the app shows up in TestFlight on my personal phone. I might have previously used a redeem code from my work account in TestFlight on my personal phone/account. My theory is that using the redeem code on a different account is causing me to not being able to see the app in TestFlight on my work account. I have removed my personal account from all external testing groups and both accounts from the All Testers section but I'm still getting the same error in TestFlight on my work account (and the app keeps appearing in TestFlight on my personal account). Is there a way to unlink my personal account from the redeem code?
Oct ’23
TestFlight: Moving internal tester to new group removes them from test program
I am changing a group of internal testers from automatic to manual distribution of an iOS app. I need to do this seamlessly to avoid disrupting ongoing testing. A group's distribution method (automatic vs. manual) can only be set when creating a group, so I created a new group set to manual distribution and moved users to the new group like this but it doesn't work as expected: At start: Internal testers are in an existing group set to automatic build distribution. Create new group set to manual build distribution. Add new group to same builds as existing group. Add tester to new group. Delete tester from existing group. I expected the tester to be able to continue testing as a member of the new group. Instead, the user's TestFlight says "Tester Removed" and "The developer removed you from the test program". But the TestFlight admin web page shows a green checkmark and "Installed" next to the user in the new group. Status in the tester's TestFlight app doesn't match the TestFlight admin page. Is this a bug in TestFlight, or did I miss a step? Waiting 30 minutes for TestFlight changes to propagate doesn't help. Having the user uninstall and reinstall TestFlight doesn't help. TestFlight still says "Tester Removed". The only solution seems to be completely removing the tester from the app and adding them back in the new group (swap steps 3 & 4). Thanks, Gustav
Oct ’23
Testflight AppleID/email update?
I recently changed my AppleID email (I no longer have access to the old email) but Testflight still lists my old email in the admin and on the app and I'm no longer able to receive new app testing invite emails (they go into the abyss of the old email I assume?) Any ideas how I can force update the AppleID email associated with Testflight or whether it syncs after a certain period of time?
Oct ’23
TestFlight Review Due To AWS Cognito Advanced Security Blocking
Our TestFlight request has been rejected bucause a reviewer could not signin with Cognito HostedUI. We have activated AWS Cognito Advanced Security, and the reviewer's signin trial was detected as a high-risk activity. The Cognito user account which the reviewer used had valid email and password. So I guess the reviewer tries some common bad signin evaluations. How can we pass the review? The reviewer could not provide us IP information, so we cannot exclude their IP. In addition, the Advanced Security should be active due to security requirements. I believe Cognito and its Advanced Security is common and others used them like us.
Sep ’23
Error submitting an app on TestFlight: 422 (Unprocessable Content)
Hi, I am trying to submit a current update of my app on testflight, and I am getting this error over and over, tried a couple of times, tried on a different network, and waited for some time to submit again, no success so far. {appName: 'testflight', payload: Array(1), eventKit: 'logger', env: 'PROD'} appName: "testflight" env: "PROD" eventKit: "logger" payload : Array(1)0: componentStack: undefined errorCode: undefined logLevel: "ERROR" message: "API Response Error: TF_BETA_APP_REVIEW_RESPONSE" stackTrace: "status code: 422 --- api correlation key: 3N5M7T2HNK7WVQMTWTEPXCY7LI" url: "https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/apps/6450311301/testflight/ios/c9f36bd5-c268-4266-b69e-fe7d8897740f"
Sep ’23