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Xcode 15 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named StopwatchSupport.ActivityIndicatorVisualStyle
Hello I'm encountering a strange error, probably linked to a bug in Xcode 15 beta 2. When running my app from xcod 15 Beta 2 (either on device running iOS16.5.1 or any simulator running iOS17) for some views I receive the following fatal error: 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named StopwatchSupport.ActivityIndicatorVisualStyle because no class named StopwatchSupport.ActivityIndicatorVisualStyle was found; the class needs to be defined in source code or linked in from a library (ensure the class is part of the correct target)' From the stack trace, the error seems to be appearing just afterthos calls: #3 0x00000001b3faef54 in UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue () #4 0x00000001b3faf1ec in UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue () Thanks for any help guidance provided.
Jul ’23
When using electron-build to package mac in the past two days, an error was reported suddenly, and sign took a long time
this is the wrong message Command failed: codesign --sign DA6E1ACF518D53DE204E5E59A09F9AC57475C153 --force --timestamp --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options runtime --options Apikit.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/deasync/bin/win32-x64-node-6/deasync.node Hope to get a reply, thanks
Jul ’23
User login flow with nodeJS
Hi everyone. I am creating a ReactNative application which requires user's data from his/her apple music account. In order to retrieve user's apple music data, I understand that I need both a developer token and a user's access token with the appropriate scope for Apple Music. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/user_authentication_for_musickit I had created developer token and tested it, suggested by documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/generating_developer_tokens For user's login, I am creating login URL with the npm package apple-auth and configuration object is export const con: any = { client_id: clientId, team_id: teamId, key_id: keyId, redirect_uri: "https://api.borrow4less.ca/api/v1/welcome", scope: "email", }; I registered a service identifier for domain/subdomain and returnURL. when I go the login url it shows login url is :https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize?response_type=code%20id_token&client_id=com.QueueMusic&redirect_uri=https://api.borrow4less.ca/api/v1/welcome&state=489612589c&scope=email&response_mode=form_post Invalid client id or web redirect url. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights from the community regarding the correct configuration object to use with "apple-auth" or any alternative. Regards
Jul ’23
Metrickit opt in rate and actual crash numbers dont match
The crash data opt in rate is 36% for my app. I have another crash reporting framework PLC in the app. The total number of crashes reported by MetricKit health report was 43% of the total crash count from PLC in May. This almost matched the 36% opt in rate. In the month of June we fixed a series of crashes. Now the total number of crashes reported by MetricKit health report is 80% of the total crash count from PLC. The crash data opt in rate has stayed at 36% for the past 90 days and I am not able to understand how the ratio flipped from 43% to 80%. Looking for guidance here.
Jul ’23
IB potentially insecure
When porting an old Mac project to Silicon (universal) I got an issue with IB to open MainMenu.xib: Trust opening older file format? “MainMenu.xib” uses an older format that is potentially insecure when decoded. If you trust the content of this file, open and save it to upgrade to the modern format. The "open and Upgrade" button make the MainMenu.xib not editable: it seem that every submenus has disappeared. How can I fix it ? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate.
Jul ’23
Unable to properly attach to executable with lldb running under Rosetta
I'm trying to attach with lldb to a x64 process running under Rosetta, attachment itself succeeded but lldb is unable to load target neither it's modules. And getting this output: (lldb) process attach --pid 20586 Process 20586 stopped * thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ff813a1d1ee -> 0x7ff813a1d1ee: jae 0x7ff813a1d1f8 0x7ff813a1d1f0: movq %rax, %rdi 0x7ff813a1d1f3: jmp 0x7ff813a18cdb 0x7ff813a1d1f8: retq Target 0: (No executable module.) stopped. Architecture set to: x86_64-apple-macosx-. (lldb) target modules list error: the target has no associated executable images A few weeks ago I had the same problem, but some combination of actions like rebuilding deleting and redownloading binaries and some other unknown magic fixed this behaviour. And today I stumbled upon this problem again, and same actions does not make any effect. Attaching to process works in general (event to processes running under Rosetta), but this specific process I want to debug is causing troubles. This is what successful attachment looks like: (lldb) process attach --pid 20576 warning: libobjc.A.dylib is being read from process memory. This indicates that LLDB could not read from the host's in-memory shared cache. This will likely reduce debugging performance. Process 20576 stopped * thread #1, name = 'CrRendererMain', queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ff813a185b2 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg2_trap + 10 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg2_trap: -> 0x7ff813a185b2 <+10>: retq 0x7ff813a185b3 <+11>: nop libsystem_kernel.dylib`macx_swapon: 0x7ff813a185b4 <+0>: movq %rcx, %r10 0x7ff813a185b7 <+3>: movl $0x1000030, %eax ; imm = 0x1000030 Target 0: (Electron Helper (Renderer)) stopped. Executable module set to "/Users/mb/work/positron/node_modules/electron/dist/Electron.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Electron Helper (Renderer)". Architecture set to: x86_64-apple-macosx-. To give a bit more context my MacOS version is 13.14.1 on MacBook Pro with M2 chip.
Jul ’23
Federated authentication of google workspace with apple business manager
Hi Team, I am testing federated authentication of Google Workspace with Apple Business Manager (ABM). After successfully configuring the Google Workspace domain in the ABM admin account and syncing it, we attempted to enroll a device using automated device enrollment and login with the Google Workspace account as the managed Apple ID. However, during enrollment, the system asked to create a new user, even though the username was replicated from the Google account, and prompted to enter a new password. Could someone please explain why this is happening? and aiming to enable a seamless login without user creation or password generation.
Jul ’23
Unable to Verify App in iOS 17 beta
It is likely a system issue, as the device's identity data necessary to verify the app has been lost. To resolve this problem, resetting the iPhone should be done. You can do this by going to 「Settings - General - Transfer or Reset iPhone」 and clicking on 「Erase All Content and Settings」. I hope that Apple will fix this issue in their next update. 02:51:20.843662-0700 online-auth-agent Returning cached certificates: <cert(0x606b1a140) s: b95570ba47af014e052e3748f48b7ff267315bcb9cd436cd56d0741be057507a i: Basic Attestation User Sub CA1> Not Valid Before: Tue Mar 14 08:59:53 2023 Not Valid After: Tue Jul 18 00:11:53 2023 <cert(0x606b19cb0) s: Basic Attestation User Sub CA1 i: Basic Attestation User Root CA> Not Valid Before: Thu Apr 20 08:42:00 2017 Not Valid After: Mon Mar 22 08:00:00 2032 Server Timestamp: Wed Mar 15 08:59:53 2023 02:51:20.843772-0700 online-auth-agent Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-1 "Failed to copy UCRT." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to copy UCRT., NSUnderlyingError=0x606e0c540 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-4 "UCRT is unavailable." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=UCRT is unavailable.}}} 02:51:20.843821-0700 online-auth-agent Couldn't get device identity Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=, NSUnderlyingError=0x606e0c540 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-4 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}}}
Jul ’23
Complaint about the attitude and handling results of after-sales service in Apple's official website in China.
In December 2021, I ordered an iPhone 13 Pro Max on the official website of Apple and purchased AppleCare+ service. Within a year and a half, the phone had serious hardware malfunctions, automatically shutting down and restarting every minute in a continuous loop, making it impossible to use normally. Therefore, I looked for Apple's direct store, Apple West Lake, in Hangzhou, China, for paid repairs. This repair took me a month's time, and due to the malfunction, all of my important data couldn't be backed up. After the repair, the phone's malfunction became even worse, and it couldn't even turn on. I am dissatisfied with the processing speed and results of the Chinese official website. My demand is a full refund or a replacement for a new machine, and I hope that Apple headquarters can intervene and solve the problem.
Jul ’23
Broken Link in VisionOS Documentation
On this page in the VisionOS Documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos/adding-3d-content-to-your-app there is the following broken link: For more information about when to use volumes, see Human Interface Guidelines &gt; Windows. https://developer.apple.com/design/Human-Interface-Guidelines/windows#visionOS Leading to "The page you’re looking for can’t be found." Hope that helps.
Jul ’23
Macbook Air M2 Keybord and trackpad
Im using MacBook Air M2 2023 I bought it about 2 weeks ago. 2 days ago after night I opened Mac and inbuild keyboard and trackpad were not responding to any actions, only power off button was working, So after several restarts it is working. If I use it with small intervals its ok, but if I close it for more a night In the morning it happens again, need to do restart Im using Sonoma beta version for all period of using this Mac Yerstaday I upadate it to latest version but still problem is here
Jul ’23
Need Help with Apple ID Sign-Out Issue on iPhone 6s
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm seeking assistance with my iPhone 6s, as I'm facing an issue with signing out of my Apple ID. I accidentally added an (E-mail Address) that isn't associated with my Apple ID. Despite trying various troubleshooting steps, I'm unable to sign out of my current Apple ID on the device. I've already attempted turning off "Find My iPhone" and signing out from the "iTunes & App Store" settings, but the problem persists. I kindly request your help in resolving this matter. Any guidance or instructions to successfully sign out of my current Apple ID and remove the incorrect email address from my iPhone 6s would be greatly appreciated. Here are the relevant details of my device: iPhone Model: iPhone 6s iOS Version: 15.7.7 Thank you for your attention, and I'm looking forward to your prompt assistance in resolving this issue.
Jul ’23