I am building a unit test. The target of this unit test is my framework. My framework linked with couple of static libraries. When the test is running in simulator with host app it works fine. But when I try to test without host app I get following error from linker. PS: My test's xcconfig is similar to the host app's, and I can build the host app successfully.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"__mh_execute_header", referenced from:
So what is __mh_execute_header and what framework/library it is defined in?
Thanks for any help!
RSS for tagDive into the vast array of tools and services available to developers.
I am working on an sdk project and hope to find interface change information by comparing two doccarchive
Hi everyone,
Our app runs on iOS deployment target 15.0.
As per the WWDC 2022 session, page-in linking should be enabled for apps where chained-fixups is enabled.
Since chained fixups are enabled from iOS deployment target 13.4+ which is true for our app, will page-in linking be applied to it?
Is there some flag which we can use to confirm if it is applied for our app or not?
We have tried using dyld_info tool but could not find a command which can provide this information.
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff017a8bf60): x86 CPU CATERR detected
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0xff
OS release type: User
OS version: 21P3049
macOS version: 23D60
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 23.3.0: Wed Dec 20 22:31:16 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.81.5~10/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
KernelCache UUID: 5055C553638BB2B9A72F9B074650402D
Kernel UUID: 98C51133-18A2-37CC-8054-0C2A5A0CC992
Boot session UUID: 10AF6C85-ABD5-4EFC-B894-FCA5526A15B3
iBoot version: iBoot-10151.81.1
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
x86 EFI Boot State: 0xd
x86 System State: 0x0
x86 Power State: 0x0
x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x5
x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x10001000100
PCIeUp link state: 0x89473614
macOS kernel slide: 0xa400000
Paniclog version: 14
Kernel slide: 0x0000000011820000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff018824000
mach_absolute_time: 0x11dabe93a329
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x65fa28af 0x00067d4f
Sleep : 0x660be300 0x0005f658
Wake : 0x660be3c7 0x000e9358
Calendar: 0x660e9064 0x000acc96
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffffddcf6fc000 - 0xffffffe3cf6fc000
. VM : 0xffffffddcf6fc000 - 0xffffffdeb5d60000
. RO : 0xffffffdeb5d60000 - 0xffffffdf02a2c000
. GEN0 : 0xffffffdf02a2c000 - 0xffffffdfe9090000
. GEN1 : 0xffffffdfe9090000 - 0xffffffe0cf6f4000
. GEN2 : 0xffffffe0cf6f4000 - 0xffffffe1b5d5c000
. GEN3 : 0xffffffe1b5d5c000 - 0xffffffe29c3c4000
. DATA : 0xffffffe29c3c4000 - 0xffffffe3cf6fc000
Metadata: 0xffffffe3d570c000 - 0xffffffe3d6f0c000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffe3d6f0c000 - 0xffffffe3d702c000
Extra : 0 - 0
TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xffffffdfe92a24e0 0: 0x0000000000000001 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 }
CORE 0: PC=0xfffffff018a4f008, LR=0xfffffff018a4f008, FP=0xffffffeff4337ef0
CORE 1 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
Compressor Info: 3% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 1% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xffffffe29c34b8c0: 0 pages, 227 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffdfe92a24e0, backtrace: 0xffffffeff437f6a0, tid: 406893
lr: 0xfffffff018a1ea90 fp: 0xffffffeff437f710
lr: 0xfffffff018b4d6f4 fp: 0xffffffeff437f780
lr: 0xfffffff018b4c728 fp: 0xffffffeff437f8a0
lr: 0xfffffff0189e1630 fp: 0xffffffeff437f8b0
lr: 0xfffffff018a1e4cc fp: 0xffffffeff437fc60
lr: 0xfffffff01909d030 fp: 0xffffffeff437fc80
lr: 0xfffffff017a8bf60 fp: 0xffffffeff437fcb0
lr: 0xfffffff017a72f40 fp: 0xffffffeff437fd10
lr: 0xfffffff017a79908 fp: 0xffffffeff437fd60
lr: 0xfffffff017a73978 fp: 0xffffffeff437fe00
lr: 0xfffffff017a727d0 fp: 0xffffffeff437fe30
lr: 0xfffffff018a74034 fp: 0xffffffeff437ff20
lr: 0xfffffff0189ec6c4 fp: 0x0000000000000000
Hello everyone, My iPhone has still not working for 3 months because of Error 1110. I hope the Apple software team can see this message and support us in fixing this issue soon, we lost our data and in this way, most people will not trust iPhones again if they can't find any fix even if this fix is by charge. Thank you.
#1110 #error1110
Please bring back the a list of devices for devs to select from. This should not be hard to provide for your own products. Also, please allow users to set their own custom width/height dimensions. This is a really simple (arguably should be a mandatory for responsive design) feature.
Xcode 15.2 linker error (Assertion failed: (rebasePtr->target == low56), function writeChainEntry, file ChainedFixups.cpp, line 1218)
The same project builds fine on Xcode 14.3.1. It also builds fine when building a debug build to device.
Any ideas on what we might be doing wrong?
Hello Everyone,
Please if you can assist me with the query I have regarding on how I can distribute my custom app to more than 100 iPads.
I have a custom developed IOS App supplied by a vendor where I sign the app with my Apple Enterprise Certificate and Provisioning Profile and distribute to a group of iPads within my organization through a MDM.
With the plan I am on with Apple Enterprise Program - it only allows me to register a maximum of 100 iPads. However I now need to distribute this app to around 200 iPads.
Please assist with information on how I can increase my device count to more than 100.
At the end of each release note there is a number, eg 121566625). What are these numbers?
My apple Account having Two active 'iOS Distribution' now Both are expected to Expire in next ~20 day's. Below are my queries looking for the details.
a) can we create the new (third) iOS Distribution certificate for the build distribution ?
b) how can we identified the current Active application provisioning profiles are boing with which iOS Distribution certificate (as under the Profile details showing two certificate having the same date) , so not able ti identified which certificate currently is in use?
The devs really hate this things, but as a project manager I need to know the time estimates. So in development favour I really want to know the time estimate to setup and XCode project, considering project as an average case (includes complexity).
So I can really know hpow much time do they actually take or they are just giving over estimates.
In statistical objects In MXMetricPayload histogrammedTimeToFirstDrawKey start times not equal applicationExitMetrics exit:
"applicationExitMetrics": {
"backgroundExitData": {
"cumulativeNormalAppExitCount": 3,
"cumulativeMemoryPressureExitCount": 4
"foregroundExitData": {
"cumulativeMemoryResourceLimitExitCount": 3
"applicationLaunchMetrics": {
"histogrammedTimeToFirstDrawKey": {
"histogramNumBuckets": 14,
"histogramValue": {
"10": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1740 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1749 ms"
"2": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1440 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1449 ms"
"3": {
"bucketCount": 2,
"bucketStart": "1490 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1499 ms"
"11": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1780 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1789 ms"
"4": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1500 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1509 ms"
"5": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1580 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1589 ms"
"12": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1860 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1869 ms"
"6": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1620 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1629 ms"
"13": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1990 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1999 ms"
"7": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1650 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1659 ms"
"0": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1400 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1409 ms"
"8": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1660 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1669 ms"
"1": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1430 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1439 ms"
"9": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1730 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1739 ms"
In this Case the app cold started 15 times, but quit only 10 times, why??
"applicationExitMetrics": {
"backgroundExitData": {
"cumulativeMemoryPressureExitCount": 1
"foregroundExitData": {
"cumulativeMemoryResourceLimitExitCount": 3,
"cumulativeNormalAppExitCount": 1
"applicationLaunchMetrics": {
"histogrammedTimeToFirstDrawKey": {
"histogramNumBuckets": 3,
"histogramValue": {
"0": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1490 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1499 ms"
"1": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1680 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1689 ms"
"2": {
"bucketCount": 1,
"bucketStart": "1880 ms",
"bucketEnd": "1889 ms"
The app cold started 3 times, but quit unexpectedly reached 5 times, why???
Hello Apple Developer Community,
I am writing to request urgent support to re-enable our developer account which seems to have been disabled as a result of a credit card issue.
We have attempted to reach out via email since phone support is not available in my region but received no response for the past 8 days.
This issue is hampering our ability to deploy new updates to appstore for critical updates.
Thank you for your attention.
Looking forward to your support.
For some time now XCode Cloud build keep failing with:
The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes.
This happens specifically on Asset catalogs processing. In my case the app has like 8K images, with most of them tagged via Apple's ODR system so only the assets user needs are loaded, but the associated build step still takes a lot of time, usually 90+ minutes.
It was fine before the timeout got implemented. Is there any whay to raise the timeout for a specific project? As it stands now the XCode Cloud is useless for this project as it can't do what it was intended for.
I'm doing the python dynamic module loading dance.
As you likely know, this is not the typical shared library scenario described on all the docs, where an executable is linked against an existing shared lib. Instead cythonized python modules need to call back to the interpreter that loaded them for various functions. Thus, when creating the interpreter, some manner of symbol export must happen, which can then later be linked into a module's dynamic lib to resolve interpreter symbols.
With GNU/GCC this is all magic with the -shared flag (perhaps GNU's weak symbol feature, unsupported on macOS, helps out?). With a MingW GCC variant on Windows -Wl,--output-def python.def is required, followed by dlltool -d python.def -l python.dll.a, which creates some object thingy that can be linked into the subsequent module .so files. I played with lipo python -create -output libpython.dylib on macOS, but saw that no one else uses this and abandoned it.
The python3 on Darwin uses clang -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup, but when I roll my own custom interpreter, building a module by hand with the above gives: ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups ... whatever that means.
Link args of -bundle -bundle_loader ../python result in NO errors or warnings, but my interpreter cannot load these module .so files either, probably due to some error I have not yet unmasked.
I am hoping to find a solution that works for both Xcode and Homebrew, and that will last for a decade or so, but for now would be happy getting something to work today.
I have requested for enrollment like month ago but still have not received any answer, I have wrote 2 email to support, but there is not any response too. Does anybody faced this kind of issue?
Can I enroll in the developer program if I had deleted my previous apple account that I applied with
I had tried to enroll 7 years ago with an account that has been deleted meanwhile. I used my id and and went through all the procedures. The fact that after 1 week of trying to pay for the program didn't go through I just deleted the account.
Now I really need to have a developer account associated with my company. What can I do to get make it?
Shouldn't deleting my account result also in deleting my information about the government issued id?
Never mention BETA, because when you revert to shipping, it's a disaster and the docs aren't correct. The carrier, T-Mobile is not technically astute. So, how do I get heard and acknowledged by a REAL person?
Hello, I've been trying to get my org approved but Apple keeps asking me for documents. I have uploaded certificates of incorporations and that still doesn't work. I wish they were more clear on what type of documentation I need to provide.
[Edited by Moderator]
Hi Team,
If we release our app for Phase release after 2 days we have pause the app. What will happen if we not resume the app for more than 30 days?