Build maps and location awareness capabilities into your apps.

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pointOfInterestCategory missing on mapkit js placeLookup
const lookup = new mapkit.PlaceLookup() lookup.getPlace(input?.id, (error, place) => { console.log("place", place) ... gives me for example { "id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6", "alternateIds": [ "IB86C41DA005E0D9B" ], "muid": "7324342225941186006", "_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1", "name": "The Museum of Modern Art", "region": { "center": { "latitude": 40.7612829, "longitude": -73.9768677 }, "span": { "latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861, "longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286 } }, "coordinate": { "latitude": 40.7617238, "longitude": -73.9777654 }, "formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States", "countryCode": "US", "telephone": "+12127089400", "urls": [ "" ], "country": "United States", "administrativeArea": "New York", "administrativeAreaCode": "NY", "locality": "New York", "postCode": "10019", "subLocality": "Manhattan", "thoroughfare": "W 53rd St", "subThoroughfare": "11", "fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St", "areasOfInterest": [ "Manhattan" ], "dependentLocalities": [ "Midtown Center", "Midtown East", "Midtown Manhattan", "Midtown", "North Hudson" ], "timezone": "America/New_York", "timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400 } Note there is no pointOfInterestCategory. but const place_search = new mapkit.Search() input, (error, result) => { console.log("result_places_0", result?.places?.[0]) ... i get { "id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6", "alternateIds": [ "IB86C41DA005E0D9B" ], "muid": "7324342225941186006", "_wpURL": ",%20New%20York,%20NY%20%2010019,%20United%20States&ll=40.7617238,-73.9777654", "_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1", "pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum", "name": "The Museum of Modern Art", "region": { "center": { "latitude": 40.7612829, "longitude": -73.9768677 }, "span": { "latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861, "longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286 } }, "coordinate": { "latitude": 40.7617238, "longitude": -73.9777654 }, "formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States", "countryCode": "US", "telephone": "+12127089400", "urls": [ "" ], "country": "United States", "administrativeArea": "New York", "administrativeAreaCode": "NY", "locality": "New York", "postCode": "10019", "subLocality": "Manhattan", "thoroughfare": "W 53rd St", "subThoroughfare": "11", "fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St", "areasOfInterest": [ "Manhattan" ], "dependentLocalities": [ "Midtown Center", "Midtown East", "Midtown Manhattan", "Midtown", "North Hudson" ], "timezone": "America/New_York", "timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400 } which gives me "pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum" I think pointOfInterestCategory should also be returned in the placeLookup and might be a mapkit error that its not it would also be cool if search autocomplete gave me the poi so i could tag the search result previews (mapbox does this). Unrelated from this topic but coming from mapbox where everything had a mapbox_id i feel like some things like localities like "columbus, Ohio" should still have a place id but maybe the muid serves that purpose idk and just something i should account for. Lastly on my mind is how to manage rate limiting since im just giving the same mapbox js token to all the clients. Of course for server api I can manage my own system for rate limiting logged in users a bit easier but not sure about mapkit js though I can only dream my project is big enough i need to even worry about that lol.
Location not visible in video recorded in third party app
I recently bought an insta360 flow gimbal. when recording video with the instaflow app, I cannot see the location in apple photos app and all other apple apps. However I can see the location in windows photos app once I downloaded the videos into my windows PC. The location is also visible in android app once I share it through google account. With an exif app, I can see the location meta data in exif table as well, but again not shown as location. exiftool in my pc can also see the meta data including location as in attached screenshot. Compared to video shot with built-in camera app, I cannot find any difference in terms of location meta data. What could be wrong? I contacted insta360 app support, they do not seem to understand what's going on, just asking for very simple questions again and again like do you enable GPS location access, are you shooting video? I also contacted apple support, they are just saying it's thirdparty issue and refusing to help further. If it's really thirdparty issue how come the location data is actually embeded as meta data, and windows pc and android device can see the location? BTW, I air drop this video to all my apple devices like iPhone 15 ultra and ipad air, and very old iPhone, all of them cannot see the location.
CLLocationUpdate with the automotiveNavigation configuration spams any location changes
I am working with an app for tracking driving activity. Currently, I have code that combines CLLocationManager location updates with motion data from CMMotionActivityManager. My codebase is not straightforward and requires manual starts/stops, etc. After watching the WWDC session about CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates ( with the specific LiveConfiguration.automotiveNavigation, I thought it was exactly what I needed. Moreover, the presenter mentioned that it could simplify code and remove the dependency on CMMotionActivityManager. I downloaded the demo project from here, adapted it for iOS 17, and changed CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() to CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates(.automotiveNavigation). However, the result was not what I expected. I received location updates after waking from a stationary state by lightly touching the device, which is not "automotive." Additionally, the changes to LiveConfiguration do not seem to affect the behavior. What did I do wrong? Or what is the point of LiveConfiguration that I missed? Thanks,
Location Purpose String Not Updating
Hello - I am trying to add a more descriptive Location Purpose String for submitting my app to the store. I previously had a placeholder, generic string for testing. I have updated my info.plist file, but the old string is still appearing. I have 1) deleted the app from simulator device and rebuilt 2) tried pushing the version to TestFlight 3) Deleted and replaced the values in the info.plist, none of which have resolved this issue. What am I missing here?
tccutil: Failed to reset
I want to reset the permission state of location services to "notDetermined" (CLAuthorizationStatus) while developing. But using the command below gives me this error: $ tccutil reset CoreLocation tccutil: Failed to reset CoreLocation same goes for $ tccutil reset [my bundleId] tccutil: Failed to reset CoreLocation approval status for [my bunldeId Anyone know the reason for this?
Location Permission Popup Not Appearing in SwiftUI App
Hello everyone, I'm working on a SwiftUI app that requires location services, and I've implemented a LocationManager class to handle location updates and permissions. However, I'm facing an issue where the location permission popup does not appear when the app is launched. Here is my current implementation: LocationManager.swift: import CoreLocation import SwiftUI class LocationManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { private let locationManager = CLLocationManager() @Published var userLocation: CLLocation? @Published var isAuthorized = false @Published var authorizationStatus: CLAuthorizationStatus = .notDetermined override init() { super.init() locationManager.delegate = self checkAuthorizationStatus() } func startLocationUpdates() { locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() } func stopLocationUpdates() { locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() } func requestLocationAuthorization() { print("Requesting location authorization") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } } private func checkAuthorizationStatus() { print("Checking authorization status") authorizationStatus = locationManager.authorizationStatus print("Initial authorization status: \(authorizationStatus.rawValue)") handleAuthorizationStatus(authorizationStatus) } func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { print("Authorization status changed") authorizationStatus = manager.authorizationStatus print("New authorization status: \(authorizationStatus.rawValue)") handleAuthorizationStatus(authorizationStatus) } private func handleAuthorizationStatus(_ status: CLAuthorizationStatus) { switch status { case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse: DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isAuthorized = true self.startLocationUpdates() } case .notDetermined: requestLocationAuthorization() case .denied, .restricted: DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isAuthorized = false self.stopLocationUpdates() print("Location access denied or restricted") } @unknown default: DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isAuthorized = false self.stopLocationUpdates() } } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.userLocation = locations.last } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { print("Location manager error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } MapzinApp.swift: @main struct MapzinApp: App { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var delegate @StateObject private var locationManager = LocationManager() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { Group { if locationManager.authorizationStatus == .notDetermined { Text("Determining location authorization status...") } else if locationManager.isAuthorized { CoordinatorView() .environmentObject(locationManager) } else { Text("Location access is required to use this app. Please enable it in Settings.") } } } } } Log input: Checking authorization status Initial authorization status: 0 Requesting location authorization Authorization status changed New authorization status: 0 Requesting location authorization Despite calling requestWhenInUseAuthorization() when the authorization status is .notDetermined, the permission popup never appears. Here are the specific steps I have taken: Checked the Info.plist to ensure the necessary keys for location usage are present: NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription Verified that the app's target settings include location services capabilities. Tested on a real device to ensure it's not a simulator issue. I'm not sure what I might be missing. Any advice or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
mapItemDetailSheet Behavior Question
I'm on MacOS 15 Beta and Xcode 16 Beta. Running iOS 18 Beta on a 15 Pro Max. I'm leveraging the .mapItemDetailSheet(item: input) option to pull up a sheet that displays the Place Card for a selection made from a List of places. What I'm seeing is that the first tap fails to pull up the sheet and it auto closes pretty much immediately. But then loads correctly on the second tap. Other times it will not auto close, but simply fail to load the item details in the sheet. Again, though, if I close the sheet and tap a second time it loads without issue. I'm posting to get some feedback as to whether this is most likely caused by bad code (I'm very new to this) or if it is known behavior and due to the Beta software. Any insight from the community would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Jun ’24
Multi Polygons MapKit
Is MultiPolygon overlay support going to be integrated with SwiftUI? I have made a post on here previously without a reply :( Any suggestions on how to display multi-polygons within MapKit for SwiftUI( At the moment it is not supported and only supported by MapKit for UIKit(
Jun ’24
No pop up to ask a user’s location within the app in MacOS
I have a map tool app in MacOS which needs request Location permission to show MapUserLocationButton. During development, the request for permission can pop up for the first run in my mac, but when it comes to the Apple review(Submission ID: 11f52f82-1d54-481a-9eed-880521fda2b3), they never see that. My mac is Macbook air M2 2022, 14.5 (23F79). Of course, enable App Sandbox - Location and fill up the Privacy - Location When in Use Usage Description Code: // // LocationManager.swift // import MapKit @Observable class LocationManager: NSObject { static let shared = LocationManager() private let manager = CLLocationManager() var isReady: Bool = false var showingAlert = false // var location: CLLocationCoordinate2D? var isAuthorized: Bool { #if os(macOS) .authorized == manager.authorizationStatus #else .authorizedWhenInUse == manager.authorizationStatus #endif } private override init() { super.init() manager.delegate = self manager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest setup() } private func setup() { isReady = isAuthorized #if os(macOS) if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() { checkStatus() } else { showingAlert = true } #else checkStatus() #endif } private func checkStatus() { switch manager.authorizationStatus { case .notDetermined: manager.startUpdatingLocation() #if os(macOS) #else manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() #endif #if os(macOS) case .restricted, .denied: showingAlert = true case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse: manager.startUpdatingLocation() #else // case .authorizedWhenInUse: // manager.requestLocation() #endif default: break } } } extension LocationManager: CLLocationManagerDelegate { func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { isReady = isAuthorized guard isReady else { return } // manager.requestLocation() } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { // location = locations.last?.coordinate } }
Jun ’24
Periodic background location polling for infrequently used app
My team and I would like to develop a mechanism that collects the user’s location a few times per day, to detect when the user travels to a different country, for the user’s convenience. The app is very likely going to be opened very rarely. The user would of course be made aware of why collecting the location a few times a day is desired - namely, saving them the effort of having to remember to open the app every time they travel. My question is the following: given that the app would rarely be interacted with, what is the best strategy for collecting the location? The goal is to handle scenarios where the OS might avoid sending location events or notifications to the app. I imagine that the backend might need to intervene and send the occasional push notification to remind the user to open the app from time to time. There are 3 strategies that I’m aware of: LocationManager’s startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges Scheduling BGAppRefreshTasks Using silent push notifications scheduled by the server. Ideally, using a location push service extension Keeping in mind the “Background execution demystified” WWDC session, documentation, and other threads, I concluded the following: The first idea is probably the least suitable, since it probably requires the app to be opened often, and the location updates would not be sent by OS if the app has been terminated from the app switcher. The second approach would also suffer from infrequent use and termination. The third approach seems not to be affected as much by infrequent usage. I understand that the 3rd strategy might also lead to the OS omitting to wake up the app when it has been terminated by the user. How would you implement this mechanism?
Jun ’24
Apple Maps cannot route to Latitude & Longitude
I've started getting reports of this today and I am able to replicate it on my end but looking to see if anyone else can verify or if it's possibly regional to me (Canada). In Apple Maps (iOS or macOS), if you search a latitude and longitude -- for example: "49.110,-112.110" and search, it centers on the location as it always has and shows the "Directions" button. When you tap the directions button, I get "A route can't be shown because of a problem connecting to the server.". Alternatively, if you pass the coordinate in via Apple Maps URL (,-112.110) it will route but the route is no longer to those specific coordinates, Apple Maps alters them to some nearest known entity (in this case, the RM of Warner County). If you compare the suggested route end destination with the search results for specifically entering the coordinates, you will see they are different locations and mapping routes are not actually taking you to the coordinates anymore. In the last photo attached, the arrow points to where "49.110,-112.110" is actually located which tapping the "Directions" button cannot figure out a route because of a server issue. If you pass it in via URL, it changes the destination coordinates and begins a route quite a ways away from the intended coordinate. The problem started happening either this morning or last night. Can anyone else confirm this happens to them? Thanks, Mike
May ’24
SwiftUI iOS 17, Xcode 15.3 MapContentBuilder
I consistently get an error that the Map initailizer I'm using is deprecated and I should use a MapContent builder instead. Various errors such as "'MapAnnotation' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use Annotation along with Map initializers that take a MapContentBuilder instead." or "'init(coordinateRegion:interactionModes:showsUserLocation:userTrackingMode:annotationItems:annotationContent:)' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use Map initializers that take a MapContentBuilder instead." The problem in my code seems to be located here: import SwiftUI import MapKit struct ContentView: View { @State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion( center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 34.0522, longitude: -118.2437), span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.5, longitudeDelta: 0.5) ) @State private var restaurants: [Restaurant] = [] var body: some View { Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: restaurants) { restaurant in // This uses the updated Annotation API MapAnnotation(coordinate: restaurant.coordinate) { VStack { Text(restaurant.restaurantName) .bold() .foregroundColor(.white) .padding(5) .background( .cornerRadius(10) .fixedSize() Image(systemName: "") .foregroundColor(.red) .font(.title) } } The errors persistently occur in the lines immediately below var body: some View { I've been stuck on this for two days now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
May ’24
iBeacon Notification Delayed Many Hours
We have an app that has been using iBeacons and Geofences for 10+ years. While I cannot state when it started, we're seeing sporadic delays of hours to receive iBeacon "didExitRegion" event. I can prove this out on my iPhone running iOS 17.4.1 by setting up both a Geofence and an iBeacon in the same physical location. Yesterday, I have a several hour gap with no iBeacon events, but successfully see Geofence events. Then, an hour+ after leaving the Geofence, I get multiple didExitRegions from the same iBeacon (all without touching the app). Then this morning, everything again is working great. It "feels" like the phone stops delivering entry and exit events for the Bluetooth iBeacon for some period of time. Then, it resumes monitoring by first providing old event that were not delivered to us in real time. It's not atypical for me to see a didExitRegions event that should happen around 5pm that instead happens in the middle of the night. So far, I have not noticed this behavior for our app running on iOS 16.4.1. We're currently testing other versions of iOS to see if we can pinpoint when it started. I have a full battery so we've ruled out power saving mode. Bluetooth is on with all permissions of course. We are still receiving Geofence updates so we must have available background time. Is there any known issue in iOS 17+ that would explain this behavior? Or, is there any Feedback/Radar to explain it? Known issue?
May ’24
Apple map consultings price
Good afternoon, I'd like to get detailed information about the price usage of the Apple Map in my app in IOS (Swiftui for Iphone and Ipad). I'd like to establish a future price for the app subscription and to do that I need to obtain the precise prices for opening the map, consulting Map items, creating routes, the price of each consulting, and any other price that is related to the map usage process. I have been searching for this information and it has not been easy to find answers. I appreciate it if I could get the information. Best regards, Marcello Lima
May ’24
Spatial music-based navigation.
Hey, I've developed a new audio-based navigation technology for my Master's project at Imperial College London. The main aim of it is to take away the need for an annoying voice based prompt to interrupt your music ("Turn left in 300 yards"). Instead I've created a more natural interaction where the listener's music is binaurally spatialised to provide less annoying directional information. I've tested the product with many users and the feedback has been really positive! I just wondered whether anyone knew someone at Apple that I could have a chat with about this technology? I think it would work great if it was linked to Apple Maps, especially now with the integration of head-tracking into the Airpod Pro's.
May ’24
Battery Consumption
We are developed app based on driver behaviour using location and sensor data. It's working in both background and foreground using region monitoring. Its consume more battery comparing other apps like. Its reduce 5% for every 5 to 10 mins of duration. We are using for our app functionality Location (Always) - every 1sec Sensor - Accelerometer - every 20data for 1sec Background - Region monitoring Time Action - 1sec for 20time Any possible way to reduce battery consuming? If any please suggest your points. Thanks in advance for your comments.
May ’24
MapKit warnings and map Errors -Mismatching number of indices
Hi there, I am trying to develop a country guessing game using MapKit and GeoJSON data. I have verified that my data creates the outline of the country properly using other methods, but I run into an error where the map clips and does not show portions of the countries or islands when zooming at certain levels of the map. I receive the warnings in the terminal "Mismatching number of indices, indexCount: 30, triangulatedIndexCount: 27" and "Triangulator failed to fully triangulate polygon: (0.1296, 0.303328), (0.108053, 0.296605), (0.0671644, 0.289883), (0.0586311, 0.281121), (0.0397156, 0.27289), (0.0323911, 0.262393), (0.0610489, 0.260732), (0.102507, 0.284671), (0.140053, 0.292602), (0.133511, 0.291167), (0.137707, 0.293659), (0.138489, 0.29872)" I am not sure what these tuple values are, or how to fix the errors, as I have adjusted my data (removing duplicate coordinates, refreshing the map, etc). How am I able to counteract these warnings, or at least get a sense of what they are asking?
Apr ’24